We both will be thrilled to relax by the pool by day and have some incredible dinners and entertainment by night. I am not a gambler at all...Pat will play around at the Black Jack and Roulette Tables....you can bet I will be shopping or visiting the spa while he is in the casino! I have stayed at this hotel once before and it was pretty incredible. Pictured below are the rooms and one of the pool areas. Did I mention that this trip is on my boss......I have worked for him for 5 years and we have a great respect for one another. He is the owner of the company and values his hardworking and loyal employees. We have had a pretty good run in the sales department this last year and this was something he wanted to do for Pat and I.....we are so appreciative!

We also have a family trip planned to Cape Cod, Mass in August. This is a trip we make every year.....well actually a couple times a year. Pat's family lives on The Cape so we try to get up there when we can. This summer we are renting a home in walking distance to the beach and we are renting it with my Aunt Betty and Uncle Kevin and their son Eddie who is 11. We vacation with them a lot and it is a blast. We all enjoy good food, fun, and gotta have our wine! Nick and Eddie will be joined at the hip for the entire week...they have such fun together. I can't wait to see Sarah enjoy the sand ,and of course that cold ocean water.
It is a great week because not only are we on vacation with my family, we are with Pat's entire family. It is a big reunion week, all of the extended family rents the same week in August so we can all be together. Let's just say that we take up some major space on the beach!
The highlight of the week is the annual Saw Doctors concert at the Melody Tent in Hyannis. Pat's sister Ann is a huge fan of this Irish Rock Band and invited us to go along a couple of years ago. I know what you are all thinking....An Irish Concert? Believe it or not, this is one of the best concerts I have attended in a long time! There is not an empty seat in the house and no one is sitting in them! This event has gotten so large with our family and circle of friends that they buy close to 80 tickets the day the go on sale, which is St. Pat's Day, by the way..... and every last one is already accounted for. Last year we had a preconcert party at my SIL's and they rented a school bus so no one had to drink and drive. ...granted the the concert is only 10 mins from her house, but it is not worth taking any chances. We made trays of jello shots and I walked the aisle of the school bus making sure that everyone had their fare share before entering the concert. Each and every year it gets better and better. They even started allowing us to dance in the aisles, which I quickly found out the first year was a no no. The aisle police sent me back to my seat the minute I had my big toe out there. ....I am such a rule breaker! We have recruited people each year to go to this concert and it only takes one and they are hooked and say....get me my ticket for next year....I am in!
So, now that I rambled on and on.....these are our summer plans and we are so looking forward to them!
Thanks for checking in!
Sounds great all around! We don't have family in the area, but both grandmas are coming next week to help with Lia while I finish school...and it just so happens we will be celebrating our anniversary...so we hope to slip away for one night even to a B & B. I haven't spent one night without Lia...I think I am ready! :-). Your plans sound so great!
Did you get an e-mail from Jen with the invite to our group?
I love Vegas! I have been three times. And the last time we went we stayed at the Wynn. It is BEAUTIFUL! You will have so much fun. Try to eat at Red 8 at the Wynn if you can - it is delish!
You have some fantastic plans!
Wow! What fun trips you have planned! We love Vegas too. In fact, we went there for our honeymoon in 2001 and stayed at Mandalay Bay. The trip with your entire family sounds like a hoot! My husband would be all about those jello shots on the bus!
Oh how I love Vegas... I could very easily go there again tomorrow... we go at least once a year... Mike has been going for 20 years... there is SO much to do there... not just the 'Strip'... I am not a fan of the 'Wynn' though... I went there but that place didn't do it for me... still, you are in Vegas... I am jealous... I am ready to go to MA again... only been there once... Mike is from Methuen... take care and have fun - oh... I am loving the camera... still learning it though
I LOVE Vegas and have been wanting to check out the Wynn resort. Please post a review when you return! Have FUN!!!
We love Vegas too and are not gamblers. To me, any vacation is wonderful and Vegas held a lot of special moment for us. The Venetian was beautiful; I would love to go back someday.
We may be going to Cape Cod the weekend after Labor Day weekend. Any suggestions as to where to stay? It is for a relatives big birthday celebration (you know the one that ends with a "0" and has a big number in front of it).
We have never been there....
Alyson LID 01/27/06
You are going to have a fabulous summer, got any room in those suitcases, LOL.
Wow -- sounds like you has some fabulous trips planned! I have never been to Vegas -- must get there someday. Have fun!
The name of your blog caught my interest (I saw your comment on Heather's Digging a hole to China blog)I'm Italian and my husband is Irish. What an adorable blog you have. Enjoy your trip to Vegas. I love Vegas : )
OMG, 80 tickets????? Oh, I want to go, too!!! Your family sounds like a blast, and hey - I'm originally from New England so why not? lol... ;)
Have a great time, and drink LOTS of red wine for me!!!! ;)
Being a former New Englander, I love Cape Cod. I hate to say it but I've seen everything from Snow White, Sha Na Na and even Cool and The Gang at the Melody Tent. You'll have a great vacation.
PS. Welcome to our group
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