It was very nice to live the life of luxury for a couple of days, but it feels great to be home.....and better yet, to have this little one jump into our arms and squeal with delight at the sight of her Mommy and Daddy!
We arrived at my Mom and Dad's around 10pm last night and Sarah was sleeping. My Mom brought her down from her crib as she was wiping the sleep out of her eyes and when she saw us.........she practically jumped out of my Mom's arms and into mine......talk about a great feeling!
A couple of new little items since we left.....the word "mine" has been used by Sarah quite frequently, never heard that one before! She has always referred to me as Momma and she has called me Mommy a couple times last night and this morning. And oh yeah, the most important.....grandparents totally spoil their grandchildren!
Unfortunately we don't get to see Nick until Monday morning, he is still visiting with his Dad, but I have talked to him every day.....I think he is more excited to get home to see the gifts that we brought him, rather than us.....but I think that is a typical response from a 10yr old boy!
I have a busy day ahead....we have no food in this house and tomorrow is Pat's BDay.....the big 43....he said we did enough in Vegas to celebrate, but I feel the need for a special dinner and of course a cake!

Is it me......or has she grown in the last five days? We surely missed this little face every day!

Evidence that Sarah has been spoiled at Grandma and Coachie's house.....her new Abby Caddaby doll......Oh she so loves this dolly!
Ok.....gotta run.....tomorrow I will do a recap of the week with any highlights that I missed during my 2am posts!
Have a great Saturday!
Isn't it nice to be home? Sarah looks so happy in those pictures...she is just too cute! Early Happy Birthday to your hubby...43 (my hubby will be 43 in November). I'm glad your home and look forward to seeing more pictures from your Las Vegas trip.
Welcome home! Your trip sounded just wonderful!
There is a little girl that looks HAPPY to see you!!!! Glad you are home safe!
Welcome home! Adorable pictures of Sarah!
Sarah is adorable! Great pictures!!
Alyson LID 01/27/06
Oh, I've been wanted to say something to you about your dogs name...Rudy!!! That is way too funny! You are the 2nd person I know who has a dog named Rudy. I really didn't have a choice...my son Rudy is the 4th Rudy on my hubby's side. I love the name so I didn't really mind either. Anyway, I have been meaning to chuckle with you about that! too funny!!
: )
Oh yes...that sweet smile would have brought me to my knees too!! Sarah is so sweet and looks so happy to have her Mama back! I bet those last few hours getting home were torture for you!
We will miss meeting you tomorrow...but I hope you have fun celebrating the big birthday...today is my mom's birthday and tomorrow is my grandma's birthday...funny!
Peace out!
How could you not be happy to be home when you have THAT SMILE waiting for you!
Awwww -- Sarah looks so sweet! I'm sure she was so happy to see you and Pat. Hey Pat -- have a happy b-day!
Oh look at that sweet little face. Sarah is so happy to see her Mommy and Daddy. Welcome home! Glad you had a good trip.
Sarah is a little cutie! Just look at her happy face!
The same thing happened to me: Our son (8)was more interested in the gifts I was bringing back from my business trip to Reno than seeing me again. I tried not to disappoint him, but Reno isn't Las Vegas and there really isn't a lot to buy for little boys in Reno :-)
Best wishes,
It took me two years to get "Mommy" from Madison! First I was "Mama" then it went to "Mimmie" then finally "Mommy". These days though, I'm hearing a lot of "Moooooommmmmmmyyyyyyy"!
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