I can't figure this out....these need to go somewhere.......but where?

My head seems like a logical place.........let's see if this works!

Here we go....my new, fashion forward look....a hairband for a necklace, and underpants as a hat!!!! Look out fashion designers everywhere.....a new trend is about to take America by storm!

This is what happened when I tried to fix her clothes........we call this the "scary face".....when she gets mad or frustrated, she makes fists, holds her breath, and shakes.....not her best look! We also experienced our first temper tantrum.....she actually threw herself on the ground while making the face and kicking her feet.......

After a couple of minutes, I was able to diffuse the situation.......got the underpants where they belong, and even got pony tails in her hair.....with bows....the bows don't even make it in her hair on good days, she hates them and rips them out........I would say we made a very miraculous recovery!
I think after this mornings events......it is safe to say we are entering......THE TERRIBLE TWO'S........
Wish us luck :)
Sarah is sooo cute! I love her independence too.
We are well on our way to the Terrible Two's, however, we haven't experienced a "throw yourself on the ground" tantrum quite yet!
Oh...too cute! I love it when "they" try to do things themselves when they are so not ready to lol!
We never really went through the terrible two, but we did see "a change" when she hit three...and it seems to come and go every couple of month...but as time goes by...it isn't as "bad" and it doesn't last as long....
I am so feeling for you if she is..."going through those terrible twos" but really, it isn't that bad....
Well...yeah....and so it begins. Welcome to my daily life. Thw two's were tough...but three is kicking my butt!! Lia is even MORE determined and frankly, stubborn in her clothing choices.
I think Sarah looked fabulous!! And even though she had a little meltdown...it is so nice to see them become more independent.
Fun post! You can bribe her one day with the bloomers on the head picture!
Hmmm, bloomers on the head. I think I may try that one on Bri! :)
Too funny!
Ahhhh yes the terrible two's! They are fun! Lotus wants to do more herself too.....and the high pitched shrieks when it doesn't go well are a joy! Great pics! Sarah is a cutie.
She made a really good effort, didn't she!! Cute outfit even the way she put it on!
My first son held his breath and passed out during temper tantrums! Yikes -- luckily he only did that a few times! Good luck and remember, sometimes 3-year olds are harder to take than 2-year olds -- more fun for you!
She is adorable!
Sarah is too cute! I love the last picture of her with her pretty dress and pig tails.
Good for her that she wanted to dress herself, gotta love the independence!
I remember the terrible two's and the three's, somehow I made it through and you will too. : )
The terrible two's-LOL! You have to let me know if there is a difference between boys and girls terrible two's. We had the terrible 18 months old.
Sarah's "new" look is cute - what a fashion statement! I'm too old for it, unfortunately :-)
Best wishes,
The terrible twos start way before two I'm afraid, both of my girls started around 18 months.
Maddie is getting pretty tough now with choosing her pj's and shoes!
Caitlin, well all I can say is thank god for the upcoming school uniform!
Oh honey I don't know how to tell you this (perhaps you have forgot since Nick?) but the three's are even harder~ But really she is so darn cute no matter what she is wearing!
Have a great day!!!
I just love her independence, underwear on her head, too darn cute, LOL.
I never found the 2's too rough but 3's, they are wearing me ragged, LOL.The tantrums are pretty unbearable, Sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you silly, LOL.
I think she could start a whole new 2yo fashion trend! Did she choose the hairband herself? Amazing colour matching.
Welcome to 2. Hold on, I've heard it's quite a ride! :o)
Kelsey is just now starting the phase where she wants to pick out her clothes! Yesterday she picked out a shirt and jean shorts, which was fine. But the scary part came with the socks and shoes! Somewhere she found some Dora socks and then wanted to wear tennis shoes! Mr. Fashion (Geoff) was having a fit! He buys almost all her clothes and gets her dressed every chance he has!!
She is just precious!!! What a great photo shoot you got!! I love, love love the twos!!!
If that's the two's count your blessing because it's pretty darn cute!
The two's aren't nearly as bad as the three's.
I call it the terrible two's and TRASHING three's.
Remember the laptop...which by the way has every key on it now, but the B.
Bwah Ha Ha! ANOTHER Tongginator! Watch out world, here she comes! I barely remember that time -- it began when the Tongginator was 20 months old and lasted until... oh... about three-and-a-half. I have no advice for you, except that survival is key.
Oh my is Sarah a cutie pie. So fun that when they want to do it by themselves- but then it can be a big struggle too.
Love her little grin- I can't imagine her too too terrible!
What a Great job at dressing herself...
Have a Great Evening...
Ahhh....the need to be independent has begun. Isn't it fun! Just hopefully not TOO early in the morning.
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