Sarah is getting ready to goggle up for some serious swimming!

Sarah snuggling with Coachie(My Dad) before a swim!

Eating a snack while drying off!

Back in the pool ......getting a ride from my big brother Nick!

Chillin out in the baby pool!
Just like everywhere else right now.........it is has been hotter than hot, so we decided that if we were going to enjoy the outdoors this weekend, the only way to stay cool was at the pool!
We met Coachie(My Dad) who just loves to sit out in the sun and go swimming......he has called a couple of times this summer to see if we wanted to bring the kids swimming and it just hasn't worked out, so this weekend we called him and said we wanted to go!
The couple of times we have been swimming this year it has been at a friends.....they have a beautiful pool, but it isn't really baby/toddler friendly.....
Sarah was just loving the fact that she could run and play in 12 inches of water without having to cling on to me for dear life. As a bonus, this pool had an area right next to the baby pool that was set up as a play area....they put an outdoor carpet down on the pavement and set up some kids tables and chairs. They also had about 6 different Little Tikes Playhouses and Kitchen sets. When Sarah laid eyes on these.....she lit up like a Christmas tree.
As much as she loved the play area, the pool itself was just as fascinating to her.
Nick being the great big brother that he is, gave up some of his time in the big pool to play with his little sis.....he would throw these little pool torpedos that we brought along with us, and Sarah and I would try to find them. As we picked them up one at a time....Sarah counted....1, 2, 3, 4.....then she would say....Again!
We did experience our first complete head dunk during this trip.....she did great.....not a tear was shed..........until she got her first mouthful of water! The poor little thing cried for a couple of minutes.....I think her throat was burning because she asked for her juice, but as soon as she got a drink, she was back in the water for more pool time fun!
It was a fun afternoon and by the time we got home, Sarah was exhausted and ready for a nice long nap! The kids had a great time with Coachie and we can't wait to do it again!
Cute pool pictures! I love Sarah's suit. I am not sure who had more fun -- Coachie or Nick and Sarah!
I feel cooler already seeing Sarah and Nick in the pool. Seems to be a bit of a pool theme going on this week. Hope it cools off a bit for you or head back to the pool. Have fun!
It was such a great weekend for the pool! And I love the photo of Nick and Sarah together!
(I have to get ours posted from this weekend...we have a kiddie pool in our backyard that Francesca just loves and Keith got some great photos of...hoping by the end of today I'll have them up...)
May Nick come down to my house and play with Briana in the pool? LOL!
Beautiful pics!
Looks like they had a great time. Don't you just love a good day at the pool? I love it because it wears them out and they sleep so good, plus it is such a great way to cool off. I love Sarah's suit!
P.S. Did you get my e-mail about the editing info?
It has been so hot! The pool is about the only place to stay cool! Cute pictures! Sounds like a very nice kid friendly pool!
So weird...I stopped by this morning and I really thought I left a comment! It must have been beofre my diet coke fix!!
Cute pictures!! Sarah rockes that little suit! And I can just tell from his picture, what a gentle and caring big brother Nick is! So nice Coachie could join the fun!!!
Hope you are having a good day my friend!!
Sweet little bathing beauty.
How nice of big bro to sacrifice some time to his lil sis. Very thoughtful of him.
When I drove to work at 7:30 AM it was already 81F - hot, hot, hot!What could be more fun than chillin' in the pool on a hot summer day! I can't wait to get home at the end of the day to take a dip.
Best wishes,
I am loving the pink bikini :)
yay, big hooooraaayyyy for a lil mermaid,
teach her to blow bubbles in the bath in preparation for her next pool time, and to spit the water out so she doesnt swallow it : )
Love the photo of Coachie and Sarah!!
A day at the pool is always so much fun!
Oh girl,
It was a perfect night ~ thank you for adding your special touch to it!!!
Looks like you had a pretty busy day. Your Sarah charms the camera each time she is in front of it! And Nick what a help he must be, you are blessed my friend!!! ~ did they both just fall out afterwards?
Hope you have a wonderful evening,
Oh so fun. Love those big smiles. WAY to go Sarah getting her head in and what a good big brother to spend time with his little sis.
How fun that Coachie got some fun time in with the kids at the pool! I bet they all had a blast! I love the picture of Sarah and Nick in the pool!
Love the pictures...looks like a fun time! I am very anxious to get our pool put in. I love laying by the pool and my girls love to swim.
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