While we were away, Sarah really enjoyed her stay with Grandma and Coachie....that is what they call my Dad...he has never been a Grandpa or Poppy, he is "Coachie".
If you don't already know, my Dad is a wrestling coach and has been his entire life....when I was pregnant with Nick, we were trying to figure out what he would call my Dad......somehow Coachie was what we came up with and it stuck!
Anyhow, Sarah came away learning some new things after her visit last week.....she has mastered the "flip" Coachie used to do this with me and Krisit(my sister) when we were little. He would hold us up facing outward and then flip us down and we would land on our feet.....just like Sarah did up there in the picture!
She also learned a thing or two from grandma while we were gone........ Of course Mom had her out shopping each and every day, so I am sure she is on her way to becoming a shop-a-holic like the rest of the girls in this family....the obsession with shoes and handbags is just beginning...OK, I am exagerrating a little....the obsession is just with baby dolls at this point, but she learned something else......Mom, you are probably going to kill me for sharing this one, but I have to...it is funny!!!!
Sarah has been repeating absolutely everything that we say these days....I am thrilled, she is really developing her speaking skills and she is becoming a lot easier to understand....everything is coming out a lot clearer..........crystal clear! I am sure you might know where this is going.....My Mom was playing with Sarah, when she realized that she forgot something that was cooking in the kitchen and she said OH SH!T.....as soon as she said it, Sarah immediately started repeating her and continued to run around and say it!!!!
All I can say....I am glad she learned her new word from you and not from me!!!! We all better start watching everything we say in front of little Sarah!

Nick and Sarah's reunion....this picture was taken Monday morning just as Nick walked through the front door for the first time in over a week. Sarah was so excited to see him......she squeezed him so tight, the poor kid could barely breath! I am not sure who was happier, Nick or Sarah?
Looks like Sarah had a great time while you guys were away...and the reunion photos are so great! I only hope that Annabelle and Francesca will have a bond like that...
Loved the whole post! Sarah looks like a little gymnast to be....and well, once they start repeating words....yikes! So funny she got it from Grandma!
The picture of Nick and Sarah was darling! The flowers in the background....beautiful!
Think you have a little gymnast on your hands -- quick -- sign up for a tumbling class!
So sweet to see Nick and Sarah together. Have a great week!
What a great picture of your kiddo's!!! Isn't that true how they pick up all those "wonderful" words? Too funny!!! Sarah and her coachie looked like they were having a lot of fun!!
Love the reunion pic! So sweet!
I am just waiting for the day that Briana copies me by saying "Oh Sh@t"! It has popped out of my mouth on rare occasions around her. LOL!
She is a gymnast in training!
What a great name for granddad. We called my grandfather Guppie. The first grandchild could not say Granpy and it came out Guppie and the name stuck.
Keep smilin!
Isn't it funny how siblings are always squabling over something but when they're apart how they miss each other!
Caitlin went through a phase of using the F word each time we passed a truck!
How sweet...the reunion picture of brother and sister.
Ut oh...time to watch what everyone says. We've been fortunate thus far. Now if we could just get Jace to say TRUCK instead of the other word, lol!
My dad is a HS basketball coach, but the Tongginator calls him Grandfather. I like Coachie better.
Love that last picture! Too funny on the copy cat word! Yesterday in the market I heard a little boy saying "oh my God" over and over and over, the kid must of been about 2. The dad kept telling him to say gosh, but he wouldn't change his mantra. Too funny!
Very funny about her new word! Kelsey started doing that as well! She likes to say "what the . . ." but won't finish it as she knows it is something she should not say!
Go Sarah go!!! Seeing your daughter with your parent, isn't just the best?!?!?
The reunion photo is precious.
I have a funny story about Bella and the s~word. She unfortunately learned it from me but the first time she said it was in front of my mom. When she said it I blamed Vito!
Thank you for the excercise tip~ when I was preparing for my 15K I would do my walks in the morning but I just can not pull myself out of bed~ ugh ~ well to quote Ms. Scarlett "tomorrow is another day"
very sweet....staying with G & G can be the best...for everyone...lol.....love the reunion pic....Emmie has been at camp since Monday and I know she is dying to see Sophia and Daniel... ;)
Welcome Home, Nick!! So glad that he is home to tease his sister (isn't that what boys do?) Such beautiful kids!
Sorry I am so late checking in today!
I love the name "Coachie" for your Dad. That is so cute!
I can't believe how quick Sarah picked up that word! That is hilarious!
The picture of Nick and Sarah couldn't be any more adorable!
Amelia hasn't said that one yet, however my mom spelled it once and Amelia repeated S H _ _?
My mom about died!
Cool make-over!! I love the kit you chose! Very chic!
Wow Lisa -- love your blog makeover!! It's so beautiful!!
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