.....At The Crayola Factory!
We are conveniently located about 30 minutes from The Crayola Factory and decided to take Sarah for a day of play with arts and crafts!!

My friend and her two daughters came along, the girls are like babysitters in training and just love spending time with Sarah.....and Sarah adores them...she has been asking for them ever since we left them on Saturday!
If you ever come to PA, The CF is a must see for the little ones.....especially good on a cold or rainy day!
They had a painting room, a craft area with every art supply you could think of, a sidewalk chalk room, a model magic room, a peak at how crayons are made, and lots of take home projects for the kids!!
The list goes on and on, and they do change things up with special workshops and events!
We are conveniently located about 30 minutes from The Crayola Factory and decided to take Sarah for a day of play with arts and crafts!!

My friend and her two daughters came along, the girls are like babysitters in training and just love spending time with Sarah.....and Sarah adores them...she has been asking for them ever since we left them on Saturday!
If you ever come to PA, The CF is a must see for the little ones.....especially good on a cold or rainy day!
They had a painting room, a craft area with every art supply you could think of, a sidewalk chalk room, a model magic room, a peak at how crayons are made, and lots of take home projects for the kids!!
The list goes on and on, and they do change things up with special workshops and events!
And of course....a giant gift shop on the way out with all of their products.....we walked away with a couple of THESE.....perfect for little ones who don't know how to stay on the paper.....and off of the furniture!

Sarah busy with her model magic clay!

As we left the gift shop, Sarah hopped up for a picture with the life sized crayon.....don't you just love those sneaks!!
Have A Happy Labor Day!!
Tomorrow is Nick's first day of school! He has been on vacation with his Dad this last week of summer...the lucky boy got one more week of beach fun...he comes back today....we have missed him so much and can't wait to see him!
Enjoy the last official day of summer...boo hoo:(

Sarah busy with her model magic clay!

As we left the gift shop, Sarah hopped up for a picture with the life sized crayon.....don't you just love those sneaks!!
Have A Happy Labor Day!!
Tomorrow is Nick's first day of school! He has been on vacation with his Dad this last week of summer...the lucky boy got one more week of beach fun...he comes back today....we have missed him so much and can't wait to see him!
Enjoy the last official day of summer...boo hoo:(
What a fun outing you guys had! Ever since I saw this place on 'John & Kate Plus 8' I've wanted to go! If we're ever on that side of the US you betcha we're going! I bet you had just as much fun seeing all the neat products~ I would!!! Happy Labor day to you too hun! ~ Les
Wow, that looks like so much fun! I remember seeing it on an episode of Jon and Kate + 8. It's too far for us unfourtunately!
Wow -- that looks like loads of fun! Maddy always loved those Color Wonder books too. We always took them on airplane flights as they really kept her busy on the plane and while waiting for planes.
Good luck Nick on your first day back at school. Summer went way too fast!
Looks like fun! We keep saying we have to get there...maybe this winter! I was going to say how Isaw it on Jon and Kate....but I guess that's already been covered!! :-)
Enjoy these last hours......
How fun! I saw the episode of Jon & Kate plus 8 too! It looked like a lot of fun. Wow, who knew how many people watch that show!?
Good luck to Nick tomorrow, I'm sure he'll do great. Wow, it really is starting to feel like summer is almost over.
It looks like you had a great time at the Crayola Factory. We love those wonder books too!
Can't wait to hear all about Nick's first day of school! I bet he looks so cute in his uniform!
We should plan a trip with all our girls! It would be fun!
Briana would go crazy in that place! How fun!
Love all the adorable Sarah pics!
We love Color Wonder. They are perfect for church when the kids are dressed up and you don't want them to destroy their clothes or anything that isn't yours:)
That place looks AMAZING!
What great fun and next time you go...count us in! (I think we are only about 1.5 hours away from it and oh what fun we would have...)
We are finally home from our weekend away...I'll email you tomorrow with all the details and I am hoping to have some photos posted by the afternoon....
Boo Hoo is right!!!!!!!! :( We squeezed in one more barbecue today and I am not eating another hot dog or hamburger till next summer!!!!!!! Sarah is just too cute for words, I love those sneakers she is wearing, how cute!!!!!!
LOVE the CF - been there a few times - my dad does a lot of training there, so they are more than generous to him and send him home with oodles of product...so blesses our children:))
My favorite picture of Emily ever was taken there. Hannah has not been yet - perhaps this fall.
Looks like you had so much fun.
Hope Nick has a great first day back to school - we go back on Wednesday. We HUNG onto the summer - retruned home from OC today - wahhhhhhhhhh.
Looks like a fun day with the girls! I think I would like to go there with Lucy! Hope Nick enjoys his first day back to school! Sorry summer is over - makes me sad too! Hope you enjoyed a great weekend!
As much time as kids spend with cryaons, its very cool to get to show them what they are made of!! I love your photos! How do you do that edge around them? And that kind of collage too??
How neat that your son gets to have his dad to himself to end the summer with a big bunch of priceless memories!!!
Hugs to you!!!!!
what a fun day!!!! Love her shoes LOL Happy labor day hope your enjoying your family day today. Stop by my blog when you have a moment I nominated you for an award : )
Oh, my girls would love this!! I think I saw the CF on Jon & Kate + 8 and it looked like so much fun.
I just clicked over here through Sharon's blog. You have a beautiful family! I am so surprised to read your post about the crayola factory! Shoot me an e-mail and I will let you know why!! : )
So much fun! I want to go! Also, just wanted to say that I am giving you a little award on my blog on Tuesday. :) Have a good day!
oh my word! That looks like so much fun! What beautiful pics!!!
We'll definitely have to stop by there if our paths ever cross that way.
Dropped by through a comment on classy chaos, your name hooked me ;-)
That looks like a great place, and I do hope to get Jane to PA one day!
Loved the tennies!
Looks like a fun day. We'll have to get a Bucks group together to go during the winter.
ps. Hope you make out good today with Nick. Can't wait to see 1st Day of school pics.
Boy oh boy, have I missed you!!! It looks like your family had a fun week as well.
It is going to be fun catching up with you and going through all of your post.
Hope the first day of school went well for you all.
What fun, what fun!
Hope the 1st day of school goes really well!
Hi again Lisa! I agree...I think we would be fast friends! Doesn't it kind of bum you out that there are these people out there in the world...but you can't just go over to their house and have coffee? :)
What fun!!
Hope Nick had a wonderful first day at school!
Little sad to see summer ending too. ;(
What a fun day. Sarah looks like she loved it. Wish we had something like this. Grace loves craft days.
Hope your little guy had a great first day.
Looks like you guys had a lot of fun! What a neat place to have so close by!!
WOW! Looks like a fun day! Hope Nick has a great school year--and a good teacher!
oh what a fun day!!!!
i wish we had such fun activity
around here.
I love your photos:)
Looks like fun... I saw the episode of Jon and Kate plus eight too! Love the high top sneakers on Sarah.
What a fun place! Just look how Sarah is concentrating with her crayola's.
I'd love to go there and play, too.
I'm just getting back into the swing today (I took yesterday off).
Best wishes,
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