Patrick(Nick's friend) Nick, and Eddie at the swimming pool today!
Things have been a little crazy in this house for the past couple of days.......I kind of explained to the boys that this week while Eddie is visiting may not be as action packed as last time....I am trying to juggle my work schedule along with some fun things for the boys to do, and get everything ready for this trip....oh yeah and deal with an almost 2 year old that wants to be a 10 year old!
Yesterday, while I worked and met the "Livin La Vida Ladies" my Mom watched the kids...she always takes them on Mondays because it is my office day. They had a great time....shopping, lunch, and a trip to the new candy store....just in time for Nick's check up at the dentist tomorrow!!!
Tuesdays and Thursdays Sarah goes to a sitter, who happens to be a friend of mine.....I used to be able to work from home while she was here, but not anymore....so this works out great! I also agreed to watch Patrick today because his Mom was in a jam....whats one more child!!! Anyway, I decided since Sarah was at the sitter, maybe I could try to do something special with the boys.....like swimming later in the day! The boys kept themselves busy until I was done with my work. We had a terrific afternoon at the pool.....and I have to say, it was nice to lay there and relax for a couple of hours while they enjoyed their time in the water!
Nick and Eddie have been really good about laying low this week....they are just happy to be together, and they know that there will be lots of fun and excitement next week....I do remind them of that on occasion!!
Our family room has been officially declared a disaster zone........the boys have been waiting all weekend to rip the couch apart and bring down a dozen blankets to make their secret hideout! I made them hold off until last night.....with everything else going on, we had to show our house......the builder, who is my brother in law, had a potential client that wanted to see our floor plan, so he asked if he could bring them through....of course I said SURE! I lectured the boys this weekend and told them they needed to help me out and keep it clean and presentable....no fort until after they leave.....the door had not even closed and Nick ran up the steps only to return with a closet full of bedding.....they were so excited to build their fort..........and so was someone else!

Sarah wants to be with the boys 24/7....... she is their little shadow and she wants to be part of everything that they are doing........tonights big dilemma.....the Wii! She insisted she was going to play.....she has no clue what she is doing....she just wanted the controller......the boys were able to quickly save their game and gave Sarah a chance to play for a couple of minutes.
The past couple of weeks we are seeing a lot of new things with our little Sarah....it is like she wants to skip right over the next couple of years of her life......she thinks she can do everything that the boys do. She just gets so frustrated when she can't do something or if we insist on helping her......we are all seeing her famous scary face a little too much lately! Sometimes it is cute and funny and other times it is just not!! We are embarking on that time when your child can turn into "the bratty kid" and I certainly do not want that....we kept Nick from becoming that child and I hope that we are on the right path with Sarah. We get put to the test each and every day!
Don't get me wrong....Sarah brings us so much joy and most of the time she is a cute and delightful little girl, but as you all know, there are good days and there are bad days.......Right now I am starting to feel a little tired and worn out.....our vacation cannot come soon enough......you better believe I am counting the hours!
We are a bit like the mamarazzi, aren't we?! My kids feel the same way!
I can also relate to the Terrible Two's! Kamree is so independent and wants to keep up with her big brother too!
I hope Eddie is keeping Nick entertained so you can get packed up! Just a few more days!
Yikes...I got a little tired just reading your post!!!
Keep taking deep breaths...and putting skimpy little beach clothing in the suitcase...your day is coming quickly!!!
Have a good Wednesday!!
I'm with the Kate who posted above me, I'm tired just reading your post too!!!!
Looks like your having a busy summer. I remember my son was okay at 2 but he went through the terrible 3's, that was a rough age (but cute!)
Have a great day!!!!
Ok...serious...I need to know how you do it all! OMG!!!! I agree with Kate...I need a nap after reading your post (and it's not even 9AM yet lol).
I so hope the rest of this week flies by for you...because after a week like the one you are having...you are so going to NEED that vacation!!! (or at least I would lol)
I actually read your post this morning around 7AM and I was thinking...you know, we here at the Leonard household have been pretty much "meltdown" free for some time now, but I guess I spoke too soon because when Francesc got up, she was in a BAD mood (but the good thing is I kept my cool and within 20 mins, she was back to her sunny self...but oh those 20 mins!)
She is off her schedule a bit too with company so don't be too hard on her. She just loves her brother and cousin and wants to be 'just like them'. Funny how kids want to grow up way too fast these days.
Wow -- you will be ready for vacation!! Keep counting the days -- it's not far off now. Have a good day.
Um, did you say Sarah or Briana? LOL! Good gravy - they sound exactly alike!
Have a wonderful vacation! I wish I was going on one!
Mama said there'd be days like this!
I know it can be exhausting! At least you have your vacation to look forward to :-)
You are one busy momma!!!! No wonder you're feeling a little worn out! I would be feeling the same way. I'm so glad you have your vacation to look forward to. : )
It has be tough on Sarah being younger and 'felt behind'~ twos are just have so MANY changes!
I hope your vacation is wondeful and relaxing!!! From reading this it is coming at a perfect time!
Hang in there mom.....you still have the tween and teen years to look forward to....(trust me on that one!!)....hee-hee..you know you can always count on me to give you a bright spot to look forward to....hee-hee!
She's just trying our her prerogative of being a "GIRL"! :)
She's such a little cutie!!! I love it that she is so very independent...a huge sign of intelligence!!!
What a great mom you are...not only working from home...but also making sure all the boys have tons of fun in the process....you are one amazing gal!!!
So...the count down is on for your fabulous trip to Cape Cod....I am so excited for you!
Our family is having a wedding up there this fall...(we are not attending..but my uncles' family is originally from Mass. and the wedding will be up there in Oct.
Enjoy your Wednesday!!
Hugs to you!!
You so deserve that vacation. ;)
I just love how you embrace life, your such a wonderful role model!
WOW! That's an action packed couple of days. You do need to take a couple of deep breaths before vacation so you can really sit back and enjoy it:)
I feel the same way everyday! This is why, we too need a vacations! You're not alone!
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