I was online last night shopping for an Irish T-Shirt.....I hit the search button and look what popped up on my computer screen!
Why was I looking for an Irish shirt, when I am the Italian half of this marriage made in heaven??? Keep reading and you'll find out!
We are getting ready to head to Cape Cod, Mass for our annual family vacation.....we are all so excited.....we have a wonderful time visiting with the "Gaelic" side of the family and we rent a house with my Aunt Betty, Uncle Kevin, and Eddie....so don't worry, there will be a little "Garlic" mixed in there too!
We have such a great time just hanging out on the beach and letting the kids run around. It is a very footloose and fancy free vacation.
The highlight of our trip each and every year, is the Saw Doctors concert....they are a rock band from Dublin, Ireland and they are fantastic!
This will be our 4th year going to this concert, however my SIL(sister in law) and friends have been going for many years. The concert is held at The Melody Tent in Hyannis, Mass.....it is an outdoor theatre....and man does it get hot!
Each year my SIL and her friends recruit more people to attend the concert.......we start the night off at my SIL's for a pre party bash....our contribution for the past two years......red and green vodka jello shots....she arranged a bus to transport us to and from the concert.....the jello shots made there way on the bus last year and I became known as the "The Jello Shot Girl".........I walked the bus aisle carring the tray of jello shots back and forth handing them out to all party goers....of course popping a couple along the way myself......wouldn't want to miss out on the fun!
The crowd under the tent is just wild.........there are lots of Irish flags flown in the air as well as anything else that symbolizes Ireland or the Irish.....so we thought this year we might get in on the fun and wear some festive clothes....I found THIS website last night, and Pat and I are both ordering shirts....you all know I will be wearing the one at the top of the page, Pat is still making his final decision.
This year I have been told that we will have the biggest crowd ever......my SIL bought 75 tickets back in March when they were released for sale and I believe they are all accounted for......I think I better start stocking up on jello and vodka!!
Since we are on the subject of Cape Cod and clothes shopping.........I have to share some of my recent finds for Sarah......nothing like getting into vacation mode by shopping for some new clothes! I don't know about you, but when I look at these outfits, they remind me of New England.....very preppy!
I am loving the navy and green........it seems to be everywhere right now!
Not like she needs another bathing suit, but I saw this one on a sale rack as I was passing by and just couldn't pass it up! I know.....I need some serious help......can you say SHOP-O-HOLIC!

Last but not least, I cannot wait to put my feet in the sand on the dunes of the cape.....hey, isn't that a line from a song.....
There is nothing like the beaches of Cape Cod and an entire of week of just hanging out with family and friends sounds like heaven to me!
Other than some major R&R, I am sure we will do a little shopping, the guys are planning to hit the golf course a couple of times, and we would like to take the kids on a Whale Watch....especially if we get a rainy day....they say you always see more whales when it is rainy!
The count down is officially on.........we leave in exactly one week....WHOO HOOO!!!
What an adorable t-shirt : ) Love Sarah's outfits. Looks like Gap. They have a lot of green and navy right now and I love it!!! You are going to have a great time!!
You are going to have a blast! I bet you are the perfect jello shot girl too!
Love the t-shirt and clothes you picked out for Sarah! Can't wait to see the family pictures!
OK...I have so much to comment on...
First off, Love the clothes for Sarah! I too can go a little over-board when it comes to buying for Francesca.
Second, I hope you guys have a great time on your vacation to the Cape...and that the weather is just perfect!!!
Third, Love the Shirt! I too love Cafe Press. There is another site that I love that can do the some-what of the same thing...www.personalizationmall.com. They have some really great stuff (I got the girls matching "Love" ladybug shirts made up with their names on each on for when we are in China).
Fourth, Jello-Shots! We too enjoy the jello shots here in the Leonard household! Our neighobrs...the ones with the pool..are always making them and we so have a good time whenever those little things make an appearance...
OK...I think that is about it! Love the post and your count down officially begins for "your leave for vacation..." Have a great weekend!!!!
Fun t-shirt...what a find!! The clothes for Sarah...sweet. I call Lia Sassy Lu sometimes...so I especially liked the little Sassy shirt!!
Vacation is always fun...and the anticipation is part of it, I think!!
Concert sounds like a hoot!!! I can see why you look forward to it!!
That T-shirt is perfect! Love it! And I LOVE the adorable outfits you found for Sarah!
Have a great trip!
I LOVE that second outfit. Where did you find that one? I think I need to tag along on one of your shopping trips. I am not super fond of shopping but I do enjoy shopping for my kids.
Cool shirt -- how perfect!! Looks like some great finds for Sarah -- a girl can never have too many cute outfits! Have a great weekend!
Love the shirt.
Love Cafe Express.
Love the vacation.
Love the deals.
Love it all!
Have a great trip!
Keep smilin!
Thanks for letting me know the outfit is from Gap. I might have to get the dress! I love it!
Wow, that t-shirt is perfect!!! It's totally you!! You are going to have so much fun...make sure you take lot's of picture's so we can feel like we were on vacation with you! ; )
I love all of Sarah's outfits! Have a great trip! The picture of the beach looks awesome!!
What fun it sounds like you are going to have! Love the cute clothes for Sarah! And that shirt for you is perfect. :)
A t-shirt made just for you!!!
Love Sarah's outfits, gorgeous, love the shoes too!!
Have a great time at the Cape, can't wait for pictures. ;)
This post is just FULL of fantastic Stuff~
The shirt is PERFECT!! What a great find!
The clothes you got for Sarah are adorable!
Cape Cod ~ Jello shots ~ concert~ beach~ family. Girlfriend there is no need for me to wish well. BUT because I like you so I will any way~ Have a Fantastic trip.
Take many many photos!!!!! CI can hardly wait to read all about it!
Have a wonderful weekend,
Sounds like you are ready for vacation!! What fun!! The clothes you got Sarah are ADORABLE!! Have a great weekend!
great tshirt, I can't believe you found that! I wish I was going, looks and sounds awesome! Very jealous!
Just look at those precious outfits! I just know you and I would have so much fun shopping together!!! Your vaca sounds fabulous....cannot wait to see pictures of the entire week!
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