We were stuck inside today....waiting for the weather to clear.....waiting, waiting.....finally at 4pm the sun came out for an hour and then the black clouds came rolling in again.

As soon as the weather broke, I took the kids to the beach.........for a quick dip!

Sarah taking a try on her brother's skim board!

It was nice to get to the beach.......even if it was only for an hour.......no one was there and it was wide open.....Sarah enjoyed making footprints in the sand and chasing the seagulls while the boys went swimming!
If you look at Sarah's face you will notice a little red brush burn....so far this has not been a good trip for her.....while we were cooking dinner last night, she walked out the slider to come down to where we were grilling and fell down the three steps...it is not a huge staircase, but they are wide steps with no railing on one side.....needless to say the house is not babyproofed. Hopefully, this is the last of any accidents or illnesses for this trip.....we have had enough in just the first two days!
The weather is not looking good for this week, there is an awful lot of rain in the forecast......but we are trying to stay positive.....these storms need to clear out of here quickly!!
Praying for another good beach day tomorrow.....we'll see.....still working on the video!!
We are just back from China, and I am already mentally preparing for next summer's beach trip! Hope the weather improves fast, and hope your little one steers clear of any more accidents.
Thanks so very much for following our journey, and for all your kind comments. I am getting chills just thinking about your own journey... it will lead you to China before you know it!
Enjoy the beach!
Poor little Sarah~ I hope that today is a better day ALL THE WAY AROUND!!!!!
Sorry to hear about the rain. I hope the sun comes out soon! Looks like the boys are having fun anyway!
Poor little Sarah! This has been one rough trip to the beach for her! It's such a hard age!
P.S. Are you being a proactive consumer this week?
The weather here is just rainy too! But at least it is warmer where you guys are...I have worn sweats so far this week (and I am wearing them again today). Oh poor Sarah...this poor little girl isn't cathing a break this week. Hoping for sunny skies...because I already know you guys are having a ton of family fun!!!!
Sorry to hear about the rain -- that's a bummer to have rain at the beach. Hope the forecast clears out for you.
Poor Sarah -- it's hard when a house isn't baby-proofed. Even a little-banged up, she looks cute -- love the green/blue outfit!
Have a good day today.
Rain, rain , go away, come back another day...
I am sorry Sarah had an accident, poor little sweetie girl has had a rough go, time to enjoy the vacation now. ;)
Your cottage looks just wonderful,I'm sure today will be bright, warm and sunny so you can get to the beach.
Enjoy your vacation Lisa.
I am praying for clear skies for you!!! And no more accidents!
You still got some great pictures though!
Oh no to the rain...and to poor little Sarah's face...I feel so bad for the poor little soul...she won't want to go on vacation again!!! Despite the rain and the fall...the kids looks like they're having some fun...that's the great thing about vacation...time away is great, even if it is just time away!!!
Here's hoping for steady feet and sunny skies!!!
Poor little pumpkin. She still looks cute as ever! Love the outfit. I bought Taylor the coordinating dress. Can't wait for her to wear it. I hope the rain clears and you have some fun outdoors. If not, it might be time to break out the board games and drinks, lol!
Sorry the weather isn't cooperating with your activities. Hope it gets better for you.
Poor lil'Sarah :o(
The weather has been so bad this year for rain, I hope it clears up for you to enjoy some more of the beach.
Poor little Sarah, well she's gorgeous anyways! My Madison woke up this morning full of blochy spots all over her face, she was smearing chapstick on last night and I guess her face didn't like it!
I'm sorry to hear that the weather isn't cooperating! Ouch, poor Sarah, she has had enough owies on this trip. Poor thing! I hope you enjoy the rest of your trip!
Sorry about the weather-hoping for sun for you tomorrow. sarah looks adorable even with her little boo-boo- sorry it had to happen though. Enjoy the rest of your trip.
I remember those days...we lived in MA for 12 years. Please send some of the rain our way! It's sunny, hot and humid here. I'm not complaining, but we could use some rain. I hope it will be beach weather for you tomorrow! We have our open house at school tomorrow and school starts on Thursday - can't believe it!
Best wishes,
Rain stinks, but Sarah's outfit is adorable! At least you have that cuteness to look at when the rain is falling. Thank goodness Nick and Eddie have each other to stay entertained...hopefully the rest of the week is better weather.
Hey...I miss you! Jim is away...and here I am on the computer. I hope you are having a great time...but I miss e-mailing you! :-)
Hope the rain has gone away!
Oh- I so hope that the weather clears up and the sun stays! Poor Sarah is having a rough go. She does look so cute on the beach.
I love your slide show! The kids are having a great time despite the weather.
Hugs and enjoy.
Many people have complained about the rain this summer! Too bad it is an unusually bad year!
Beautiful kiddos, though. Brush burn and all~!
I can't believe that it's raining. It's pretty cool here too for August. Hopefully it will all clear up overnight for you. Hope you brought your sweatshirts..
I hope tomorrow is a better day for you. Hope it's nice a sunny : ) cute pictures!!!
Poor little Sarah...give her a big hug and kiss..
OH dear! Rain and another boo boo for sweet Sarah!!! Oh no!!
Well....if this rain continues...you may just have to go into "Shopping mode"! Works for me!!!
Hugs, sweet friend!!!
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