Since Labor Day has come and gone and the summer is officially over, it is time to really get into the fall decorating and start bringing out the pumpkins and gourds!
Sarah was so excited when she walked in the house tonight and saw this basket of baby pumpkins and gourds on the table....she screamed "Pumpkins" and climbed up onto the table to get a closer look!

As you can see, Sarah had found many functions for pumkins and gourds....she used them to count....Tonight Sarah counted to 11 all by herself...Hooray!!! She also tried eating them....ah...not such a good idea. And yes, the one that she is clutching for dear life...she is saying "MINE" Remember my post the other day? Still living by the rules of the Toddler's Creed!
I was hoping to have some more pictures to accompany this post, but the decorating did not get finished.....so check back in a day or so....I am trying to finish the mantle over our stove in the kitchen, the one in the family room, and maybe even the front porch!
So now that we covered the gourds....on to the awards!
Over the past two weeks I have received a couple of blogger awards...and I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to all who were so gracious to pass these beauties my way!
I am going to pick an award or two each week to give out until I have completed my duties. First, I have to say that there are so many different blogs that I visit daily and I love each and every one of them.........that being said, I need to pick a couple that stand out to me, so I decided to award a few of the people in this community who have inspired me greatly over these past few weeks.
Tonights Award:
The Diamond Award!

You know what they say...."Diamonds Are A Girls Best Friend"
Kate at Livin La Vida Lia for her sweet and genuine nature. If you all remember, I had the pleasure of meeting this lovely lady and if you haven't checked out her blog, do so....she is an incredible photographer and has totally inspired me to get my picture taking to the next level!
Tonggu Momma at Our Little Tongginator becuase this woman makes me laugh like no other. I truly enjoy reading what goes on in the Tonggu house each day.....she surely has a way with words and a heart of gold. I thought she would like this award....Diamonds are the perfect accessory for someone who considers herself to be a Schlumpadinka.
Cindi at Of Paths and Errands, although I don't know her well, I am in awe of her abilitly to write and share all of her inner most feelings and thoughts as they traveled to China to meet their beautiful daughter, Ahna.....she has continued to share with us some of the most incredible details of their once in a lifetime trip....Thank You Cindi....it gives me hope that one day we will meet our daughter!
Jodee at Follow The Leaders, this girl is a one in a million, although we have not met, we have more than a couple of states separating us, we have had many conversations online and on the phone. She would give you the shirt off of her back if you needed it....we have become fast friends....not a day goes by that we don't talk, even if it is just to check in and see how things are going. She is surely a ray of sunshine to all who know her!
Ok....that is it for now, but I have 4 more awards to give out over the next couple of weeks!
Just a quick reminder.....This is my 97th post....I am doing a Q&A for my 100th post...if you have a question you want me to answer, leave it in comments. If you don't know what I am talking about, look HERE for the details!
The Diamond Award!

You know what they say...."Diamonds Are A Girls Best Friend"
Kate at Livin La Vida Lia for her sweet and genuine nature. If you all remember, I had the pleasure of meeting this lovely lady and if you haven't checked out her blog, do so....she is an incredible photographer and has totally inspired me to get my picture taking to the next level!
Tonggu Momma at Our Little Tongginator becuase this woman makes me laugh like no other. I truly enjoy reading what goes on in the Tonggu house each day.....she surely has a way with words and a heart of gold. I thought she would like this award....Diamonds are the perfect accessory for someone who considers herself to be a Schlumpadinka.
Cindi at Of Paths and Errands, although I don't know her well, I am in awe of her abilitly to write and share all of her inner most feelings and thoughts as they traveled to China to meet their beautiful daughter, Ahna.....she has continued to share with us some of the most incredible details of their once in a lifetime trip....Thank You Cindi....it gives me hope that one day we will meet our daughter!
Jodee at Follow The Leaders, this girl is a one in a million, although we have not met, we have more than a couple of states separating us, we have had many conversations online and on the phone. She would give you the shirt off of her back if you needed it....we have become fast friends....not a day goes by that we don't talk, even if it is just to check in and see how things are going. She is surely a ray of sunshine to all who know her!
Ok....that is it for now, but I have 4 more awards to give out over the next couple of weeks!
Just a quick reminder.....This is my 97th post....I am doing a Q&A for my 100th post...if you have a question you want me to answer, leave it in comments. If you don't know what I am talking about, look HERE for the details!
LOVE the pictures..
Who would think that gourds and pumpkins would be soo fun..
Through the eyes of kids...
Have a Great Week..
Yippee... It is time to decorate for Autumn! Love this time of the year and all the piles of pumpkins. Can't wait to see more pictures.
You're inspiring me to get out the fall stuff too. Love your gourds and pumpkins. When I was little, we planted and grew gourds in a our backyard --such fun! Have a good day!
Thank you so much for the diamonds! I am feeling so much bloggy love this week -- 2 awards in 1 week! I enjoy our friendship and I feel so blessed to have found you in the Land of Blog!
Love the pictures of Sarah! I could see Kamree doing the same exact thing!
I will be mailing Sarah's bows today!
Love the rhyme title! :)
Those gourds definitely make me feel like fall is coming! Except in GA it doesn't really come until mid October sometime! Boo!
Love all the pics!
Good job Sarah (counting the gourds)!
Summer is officially over - say it isn't so! You wouldn't know it around here. LOL! I admit, I'm ready for a little cooler weather now - I'll take mid-to high 80's with less humidity.
Congratulations on your blogger awards! You go girl!
Best wishes,
Love the pictures!
Kate truely deserved your award! I am inspired to check out the other blogs you awarded.
Sarah is so adorable~ each time I see her or read a post about this stage of her life I smile, remembering Bella at this age ~ it is as if you take me on daily walks down memory lane!!!
Congratulations on your much deserved awards. The people who gave them to you hit the mark perfectly!!!
Congrats on the award, and thanks for the recommend!
Sweet pictures, Lisa!! I do not like the end of summer...but do so enjoy the fall!
Some of the blogs you mentioned are new to me...I look forward to visiting them!!
Have a great day, today!
Cute pictures! I need to start getting my fall things out too! : ) I have real pumpkins growing in my backyard...does that count? ha! Happy Thursday my friend!!!
Oooh, almost to your 100th post! :) Early congratulations to you! Thanks for some great tips on new blogs to check out! Have a great day Lisa!
You are a sweetie... thanks so much! Those diamonds will look great with my yoga pants.
Lisa...you're sweet!! SOOO kind of you to mention me in this post. As you know...a girl can't have too many diamonds! You made my day!!
And on another note....the title of your post...inspired, I tell you...inspired!!! LOVED it...and the sweet gal hanging on to those gourds for dear life......best of luck with that!(and seriously...if you get the gourd thing under control...can' you help me get my child dressed in school appropriate clothing? I tried to convince myself I was okay with her get ups....but I'm really not!!!)
Peace and love sista!!!
Thanks again for the shout out!!!
I love how you're already decorating for autumn!! I need to get on the stick!!
The pics of Sarah are precious. :) She just sparkles!!
Your little cutie patootie looks excited about fall, too! All those neat colored gourds to count and play with!!! FUN! Congrats on your award hun. Diamonds~ oh my! Happy day wishes~ Hugs, Les
Girl, you have some great gourds! And I love the Tonggu Momma...she's very cool.
Oh no... I did not want to see those Gourds/Pumpkins etc... I work in a supermarket in the Produce Dept... that means we are going to get all those things in soon... arrrggghhhh... not as fun as they look - at least for me working with them...
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