
I can't believe my eyes!

What is wrong with this thing.....I am tired and frustrated...it has been a long week.

HOORAY....It is FRIDAY.....let the weekend festivities begin!!
I know I have worked hard for the money this week.....Friday could not have come fast enough!
I have been all over the tri-state area these past few days....I don't even want to think about how many hours were spent behind the wheel....you would never think that something as simple as driving could make you so tired!
Needless to say, we will be enjoying a very quiet and relaxing weekend....I need to be rejuvenated before Monday rolls around again!
We had plans to go to a local pumpkin patch and corn maze, but once again it looks like rain is in the forecast for the next two days.....we will be needing a Plan B.
Be back soon....enjoy your weekend!
Lisa, Sarah is too cute in the pictures with the computer her expressions are priceless!! hope you have a relaxing weekend with your family.. Thoes are the best!!
Happy weekend.....I, too, am looking forward to a relatively quiet weekend...our first in about a month.
Love the photos of Sarah!!!
Cute pictures! You definitely deserve a fun and relaxing weekend after your long week of commuting! I hope the rain stays away!
These are such fun pictures! Sarah is very cute! Have fun at the pumpkin patch ... if the weather co-operates. We hope to go to the apple orchard.
What adorable pictures!! I hope you have a great, relaxing weekend!!
Sarah looks so cute with her hair up and in her polka dots!! It has been a lonnnng week here too. We're going to a high school homecoming football game tonite -- we have way too much fun, don't we! Enjoy your weekend!
Hope you enjoy your quiet weekend! I don't think we will be doing much at all because there is no freakin' gas in the state of GA!!!
I am so glad to see that you are putting Sarah to work. I mean - she is almost two. No time like the present I always say. ;)
I love the great photos you take of your kiddos. Your son seems to have a heart as big as Texas. And your little princess...too cute for words. : )
Sarah is adorable and it sounds like you could all use a nice relaxing weekend! It's a bummer that the weather won't cooperate so you can have your fun fall activities, but maybe that's better so you are forced to relax and not do too much? That is usually my pitfall, and I was sick last weekend, which turned out to be very helpful in keeping me on the couch. I hope you have such a relaxing weekend, whatever you do! :)
Love the pictures...they are great! You said you were all over the tri-state...do you mean Cincinnati area?
-Sandy Toes
LOVE relaxing weekends...
My Friday doesn't start till tomorrow..
LOVE the pictures..
Sarah is toooo cute..
Have a great Weekend..
What a crack up. Sarah has the best expressions ever!
Rest up!
future blogger????
Have a wonderful and restful weekend!!
She is just too cute!
Have a good weekend.
I love "Corporate Sarah" : ) She is so expressive! I just love her smile...it lights up the screen.
I hope you get the rest and relaxation that you so deserve.
Have a lovely weekend!
Sarah is such a doll! I hope you have a wonderful relaxing weekend my friend!!!! You deserve one!
Oh, that is the same exact look that I often give to my computer when I am stuck trying to figure something out. lol!
Have a wonderful and quiet week-end!!
Love the babe behind the laptop pics - that's a girl after my very own heart!!
Hope PLAN B involves comfort food & family time - sounds good to me!
Darling pictures...enjoy your weekend sweet girl....hope you can realx! ;)
You have been TAGGED!
-Sandy Toes
Can't get enough of your little Sarah. She looks so determined to get her "work" done. She must get that from Mommy!
Hugs have a restful weekend.
Hope your Plan B was/is AWESOME! Family time is the best time, no matter the activity, right?!? Wishing some sunny skies to head your way hun~ Les
OH how cute she is! She looks so serious at your laptop! I just love it! When Chelsi was small...we had this mouse called an "Easy Ball" and it was BIG and yellow...and her little hand would barely go around it...it was supposed to promote ease of using the mouse...well..it worked for awhile..but when she figured out that Mommy and Daddy didn't use the easy ball...then she chose to use the regular mouse too! hee-hee! That's my girl...with a mind of her own!
I am sorry you've had such a busy week....I hope your weekend was relaxing and you are ready for Monday! Do you ever get all the way down to TN in your travels????
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