Our lives have been made more rich with this little one fluttering around....we can't imagine a day without her......
These last few years have been an incredible whirlwind for our family......with each day that passes, we thank God for this little blessing he has sent our way!
We will be hitting our 30th month of waiting for our China Baby and I do not know how we would be dealing with the wait if we did not have Nicolas and Sarah in our lives.
I know there are so many families out there still waiting.....some longer than us, some for their first child....whatever the case may be, it breaks my heart to see and hear the pain that some are going through while holding onto a glimmer of hope that someday they will have their child.
There are days I feel extreme guilt that we have been given such a gift......but I know our little "Blessing In Disguise" was a match made in heaven especailly for us.....for that, we are eternally grateful.
An Irish Blessing
May the wings of the butterfly kiss the sun.
And find your shoulder to light on.
To bring you luck, happiness and riches.
Today, tomorrow and beyond.

Based on the trial run....I don't think the hat will be worn tomorrow night.....

Sarah loves to play with this little bank.......the picture on it was taken the day she was baptized.

Making sure Rudy doesn't try to bite her wings....

All dressed and ready to go....Bring on the sweets!
I am feeling a little bummed out...Nick will not be Trick or Treating with us this year....he is going with his Dad. Since we divorced, we have always alternated these type of events and holidays....It is the only fair way to do it, but it still makes me sad that the kids will not be together. Nick and his Dad promised me pictures, so I hope to be able to post them. I am told it is something scary this year.....can't wait to see what the two of them have come up with for a costume!
Hope you all enjoy your Halloween......don't eat too much candy!
She is a sweet little blessing for you, isn't she!!
Love her butterfly costume! Have a great Halloween!
Hope I'm the first commenter!! :)
WHat a sweet post. I agree with you, I can't even imagine this wait if I didn't have my boys. I feel so bad for those waiting for their first child.
She looks adorable in her costume. Have a great time, even though your little man won't be with you.
Oh my word...she is so cute...I just love her butterfly costume.....love it!
-sandy toes
Sarah is the cutest butterfly I have ever seen!! What fun it will be tonight.
If you don't mind me being blunt for a moment ~ I don't think you should feel guilty at all for your blessings. Do I wish this wait weren't so very long - YES! But never for one second do I begrugde anyone for the treasures that they have. I went through a period where I couldn't look at any 'family' blogs during this wait, I even shut down my old blog because it was so difficult. Thankfully that is behind me now and I throughly enjoy seeing all the little moments that I'll get one day, such as dressing up our polar cub as a butterfly for Halloween. ;0)
I hope that makes sense. It's just my humble opinion, but I wanted to share.
She is the cutest butterfly around! Love the pics. So sorry that you'll be missing your son...but Sarah will have a special night all to herself and it will all be good. Just like your trip with him. They all need to be "the only kid" sometimes! Have a great time with your butterfly!
I think she is the most beautiful butterfly! Your post was so sweet...
I'm sure it won't be the same without your boy; he is so blessed to have a mama and a daddy who want to pour themselves into him.
Have a great time with your Fluttery-Winged-Beauty!
What a beautiful blessing in disguise she is! She looks so cute in her costume.
Sorry to here that Nick won't be with you. I'm sure he will have fun with his dad and I'm so glad that they promised you pictures. This Halloween can be special time with Sarah and who knows next year you will hopefully have all THREE!!!! : )
I just hate the fact that you have had to wait 30 months! That's just rotton! I'm so sorry...but like I always believe...just like your beautiful blessing in disguise found you...so will your precious son or daughter in China. God know's who he has chosen for you and it will all make sense at the end.
Hang in there sister! : ) Have a wonderful Halloween!!!
What a sweet post, and what a precious butterfly.:)
Have fun trick or treating!:)
what a beautiful little butterfly you have! What a sweet post too! we waited 15 months for Elise and it was so hard! I had a small distraction by the name of Edward.. He arrived just 5 months before we brought her home. be safe trick or treating!
I love Sarah's costume. She is a blessing all the way around.
I love and appreciate how compassionate you are to others who are in this wait with you. I completely understand the ache and mourning that takes place during this process. We're not alone on this journey and I think some of us (if not all of us) naturally hurt for all those who are waiting ahead of us and those behind us. Each one of us has a different circumstance--some childless, some not, but all longing for a child who seems almost further out of reach with each passing month. Sarah was an unexpected blessing and what a beautiful one, at that; however, it doesn't mean you don't hurt either for your next child...
Thank you for sharing your blessings with us and allowing us to accompany you on this journey. May there be continued unexpected blessings (maybe not as monumental as Sarah but you know what I mean...).
Love and peace,
Sweet lady, I didn't know you were that deep into the wait for your next little one. Bless your heart. I cannot even imagine. What a positive person you are to think of others and to count your blessings as you wait. I just love ya to death, my friend!
Sarah is the sweetest little butterfly EVER! What a darling costume. I know she makes your heart flutter (pun intended: )
I also hope that Nick has a great time with his dad. I know you will miss him, though.
Happy Halloween to you!
What a sweet, heartfelt post.
Sarah is an absolute doll! I LOVE the costume! I think she is going to get double candy just cause she is so darn cute!
I just had to say, please don't feel guilty about your 2 children. I have those feelings many times too because there are so many families that wait. 30 months is a long time, but when your daughter is placed in your arms...the wait is all forgotten.
Happy Halloween with your beautiful, sweet butterfly!
Take care,
Definite blessings! I love the little butterfly and can't wait to see a picture of Nick. We are solo this year too as J is not with us. Ugg. Next year will be different I'm sure. :)
Sarah's costume is absolutely beautiful...and so is she. I can just hear all the "ahhhhs" as she goes door to door tomorrow night. I'm sorry that Nick won't be with you. It must be hard having to share him.
You know my feelings on this long wait you families have to endure right now. It is most definitely heartbreaking. The guilt I feel is that our wait was so short and we wanted our daughter just as much as you want yours. It's just not fair.
We are such mothers with all this guilt we carry!!!
And, I didn't get to make the marinara again tonight....grrr....
So sweet, yes there is no doubt that God picks out these little blessings especially for us!!
So sorry Nick won't be with you tomorrow night. I know you will miss him. Just make everything extra special before he goes.
Sarah is tooo cute..
Love the pictures...
Have a Great Halloween..
Those of us who have children already are very blessed.. But it still hurts..
She totallly is the sweetest blessing and the wait would be horrible without her, I know, our poor Doris is suffering in the interim. I couldn't imagine having to go through it.
I can't believe how absolutely adorable that costume is! It is really sweet and she looks gorgeous, just like a true butterfly! Caitie will be sporting some wings too and Maddie has been crawling around meowing so it's not hard to guess what she is, and it's looks adorable too!
Can't wait to see what Nick is
Lisa~ Bummed that Nick can't go along with you guys in person, but he'll sure be there in spirit as he loves his baby sis so much and will be thinking about how she is doing and what kind of loot she's collecting that she might share with him!!! ;) The costume is darling. And the hat part? I had to laugh b/c Caroline wouldn't keep her hat on during the church trunk or treat. Heck, she wouldn't even keep the booties on and insisted on shoes instead. Have tons of fun. I can't wait to hear about it hun! Hugs, Les
What a beautiful post. All things happen for a reason. Sarah was meant to be your daughter. She looks like a sweet butterfly. Enjoy tomorrow night with her.
Hi Lisa!
That is one cute butterfly!! Hope you guys have lots of fun tomorrow...glad the bad weather was earlier in the week...tomorrow is looking good! : )
Sorry Nick won't be able to join you...hopefully they will get lots of good pictures for you to enjoy!!
Sarah's costume is adorable and I'm sure she will get lots of candy.
I will be praying for you as you wait. I know it's hard but God has a special child chosen for you, and you will be united soon.
Oh Sarah's little wings are too too cute. I hope you're blessed with good weather tomorrow night.
I'm sorry Nick won't be with you, but if he's really scary that may be a good thing...you could have spent the night with a butterfly clinging to you:)
Sarah definitely fluttered into your lives at the perfect time! She is truly a blessing in disguise.
Sorry to hear Nick won't be with you tomorrow night. I hope you all have a safe and happy Halloween!
A wonderful post! She really is your "gift" from above...... I am so sorry that your wait for China is taking so long...
Sarah is an adorable butterfly! I hope you enjoy your Halloween even though Nick will not be there ;(
I cannot imagine how hard that must be...
I am looking forward to all of your beautiful pictures!
She is so sweet! Yes, the long IA wait is so very hard. You have a beautiful family! Always love your professional photos.
Happy Halloween!!
I've tagged you... check out our blog.
Alyzabeth's Mommy!
LID 01/27/06
Have a wonderful day......
Darling....just darling...and I am sure you can't imagine life without sweet Sarah!!!
I hope she finds Halloween very exciting!!!
Can't wait to see pictures!!
Oh Lisa she is so beautiful and truly a blessing!!!!! What a touching post. Have a wonderful Halloween!!!!!!
sweet lisa
what a blessed little girl out there for you, one day. i'm so glad that i 'found you' & be a part of the prayers for your family.
sweet sweet little sarah.
i know you will have a great time with her & good dad to promise pics, right?:)
Lisa, Sarah looks adorable! I love her costume! I understand about not having Nick around. My parents divorced when I was 12, so my sister and I have spent plenty of holidays wishing for one or the other parent. The good news is that I am sure he knows how much you both love him, and so you probably have the harder job than he does right now. Can't wait to see photos of both of them! Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween!
Have fun trick or treating!
I think when the night is over, I'll need a stiff drink!
She looks so sweet! My little girl was a butterfly last year too :) Beautiful.
Love the costume : ) Happy Halloween.
Sarah is an amazing blessing to your family : ) I can't wait to follow along with you on your China journey. It won't be long now : )
Oh Lisa, my heart breaks for all of the families that are currently waiting and for the children holding tight for their foverever parents. This long wait is so tramatic. Hugs sweet friend.
Sarah is adorable! Lots of luck from that butterfly. Hope you had a wonderful time.
Thank you for a sweet post and for acknowledging those of us with empty arms. It is very much appreciated. I have had first time waiting moms tell me how hard it is when moms who already have kids at home complain about the wait. We know it is hard regardless of how many are already at home, but when the house is quiet and there is no one to tuck in at night it is definitely hard. You were blessed and you absolutely should feel NO guilt!! Enjoy your blessings and remember to thank the Lord for them. Blessings, my cyber friend xoxo
She is a precious blessing! I love her costume!!
What a blessing indeed. And adorable also. Hope you guys had a fabulous Halloween. Have a great weekend.
She is precious and her story is beautiful. God is so amazing to answer prayers and give us unexpected blessings!
I understand how you are feeling from the beginning of your post to the end. We got Max early because of his SN, my close friend that we shared the same LID is still waiting, my heart breaks for her.
I am sitting here with my eyes filled with tears because I understand how much your heart is hurting, wanting to be with Nick. It is hard to have to share holidays with their other parent. You are a GREAT mama, and you have such a precious heart. I feel truly blessed to know you even through bloggy land!
Sarah looks adorable in her costume...
absolutely A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E!!!
Such a heartfelt and beautiful post. Your little butterfly landed in exactly the right place and I am sure she makes this wait a little easier for you (along with Nick).
I know it must be hard to share Nicholas with his Dad on these special days but what a gift you are giving him that you are BOTH involved in his life and that he sees you two working it all out. As a specialist in that field I cannot tell you how vital that is! Of course, I don't know all of the details but it seems like he gets time with both of you.
I look forward to seeing photos of them both on the big night!
What a beautiful butterfly. Hope you had fun last night. You are such a blessed mommy and you will have your China blessing someday too!! Hope Nick had fun!!
What a blessing...I love your story. And Sarah looks darling in that costume!!
By far the most beautiful butterfly blessing I have ever seen.
Loved your post.
God bless!
WHat a beautiful butterfly your little blessing is!
I am so happy for you that you have these 2 precious children in your life!
Just a question and I hate to pry... but why China??? Is it really that hard to adopt within your present country???
What a beautiful little blessing. I just can't imagine how you and others are dealing with such a long wait. Your post is so sweet and thoughtful.
I am sorry to hear that Nick won't be with you on this particular night. I hope he gets all excited in re-telling the details to you. I look forward to seeing your handsome little guy in costume.
Have a great week!
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