Bye Bye Blonde

October 23, 2008

Remember a couple of weeks ago when I talked about trying to "break up" with my hair stylist?

I have bitten the bullet and shamefully, left the stylist that I have gone to for years. Our children attend the same school and we both pick them up daily. The minute I get out of my car.....he will know I have gone to someone else....and I do not do well in these types of situations. There is no easy way to tell someone that there "work" is not what it used to be. I stuck it out for a long time always giving the benefit of the doubt, but enough was enough.....I needed a CHANGE!!

My hair has been in an inbetween stage for months....letting a really short cut grow out and I just can't deal time is limited and I just do not have an extra 20 minutes to play around trying to get my hair to fall into place.

Short and sassy is calling my name and it was time to say bye bye to the blonde.....


And hello brunette...


I need to play around with the new do a little bit, it always looks better when you style it yourself..but overall I am thrilled with the new look and glad I finally made the move!

You all now me so well.....almost everyone guessed "hair" as my change!


Jodee said...

Holy cow! Your hair looks fabulous! I love the color and the highlights too! I am sure you will feel better about your break up soon!

Shell in your Pocket said...

It looks so wonderful!!!! I love it very much!!! Your skin color looks so nice!!! LOVE IT..the cut is so cute it makes me want to take this hair clip out and go for it!!!
-Sandy Toes

Sherri said...

Oh Lisa,
It's beautiful...and definitely a change! You look stunning...but you looked stunning before the cut!!
Good luck with the "old" stylist. I hope it all goes well.

Cindi said...

Oh my goodness!!

It's so great! I absolutely love it!

Before our trip to China I was a regular at my hair salon... now I haven't been since JUNE!! I have SOOOO got to get there! Thanks for the inspiration.

You look beautiful!

Kate said...

Darling...the color really faltters your skin tone!!! Oh...good luck with the stylist issue...that IS a hard one...I don't envy you!!

a Tonggu Momma said...

I love the new do... but I disagree that it ALWAYS looks better when you style it yourself. That may be true for SOME of us, but not ALL. Ahem. Yes, I refer to myself.

Jboo said...

Wow -- that looks great!! Sometimes you just have to leave a hairdresser and get someone new! Love the new "do"!!


Kam said...

Fab-u-lous! Don't you just love it!?! Change is good! I'm with is too short to be the same all the time!

Belinda said...

I love your new hair cut and color. the brown is so warm and perfect for fall and all the fall colors you will be wearing. You look wonderful.. I have a question with your LID or LED date when is yours and what date are they working on now?


Belinda said...


I just saw your LID date as May 12 2006.. but still wondering what date they are working on in China..

Amy said...

Oh, la, la....;) You look mahvelous darling.;)

You have the Triple "S" look...Short, Sassy, & Sexy!;)

Very nice!

God Bless,

P.S. I got "more" lowlights put in my hair today too. I'm loving it; mostly because my hubby does.;)

Kerry said...

Lisa- it looks great- really pretty and just in time for fall.

Sorry that you had to break up with your stylist! I get so nervous about that kind of stuff too. Always hoping that the old one doesn't see me!

Our Complete Family said...

Super smokin' sexy hot stuff of a Momma! I am LOVIN' it! Mine is getting very close to being long enough to donate so I feel my short sassy do' coming!!! You look beautiful Lisa! xo, Les

Heather said...

LOVE IT!!! Just went brunette myself (my natural color) and I LOVE it! Have fun with your new do! Thanks for sharing with us:)

Have a terrific weekend!

Leslie said...

You are one sassy and sexy momma now. It's so beautiful Lisa. I just love it, and it fits you so well. I loved both the looks, but this one is more me.

What's your DH think?...and kids????

Love it.

Robin said...

Looks Great!!


Shell in your Pocket said...

I have something for you! I don't know if I gave this to you before...but if so you get two b/c I love your blog!!

Buzzings of a Queen Bee! said...

Oh my gosh! That is SO flattering! I just love it! You must feel so fun and sassy and energized. A new haircut can be so exciting! Now maybe I should get mine done too...hmmm...

Kim said...

But I am a short hair girl..
Love the color..

Naturally Caffeinated Family said...

It looks great! Oh no, I'm laughing a little at seeing the old hair dresser at school and him saying...are you seeing someone else, ha! If it's closer to your house that would be a good excuse :) You look beautiful!

CC said...

Looking good!

Monogramchick said...

oh my goodness, it looks wonderful! however, the other was not bad, you are so beautiful! I love the color it is so rich and has such depth, the cut is fun and sassy too! what fun :)

Jennifer said...

I love it! You look great! I have been wanting to do the same thing, but I am a big chicken! I am cutting mine short next week, can't wait! Hope you have a beautiful fall weekend...

Football and Fried Rice said...

love it love it love it!!!!

Shari said...

LOVE that color!!!
It really warms your skin:) You look more gorgeous than ever!

Good move. The old stylist will "get it" when he sees you. That's ALL it will take.
I had to break up with a stylist because he wouldn't cut my hair short. After I switched and he saw it, he knew I'd done the right thing.


Michelle said...

OOooooooooo..........LOVE it! Beautiful color! I have been wanting to go darker for awhile now but am too scared. Maybe I should bite the bullet too! Yours is fantastic!

Denise C said...

Holy cow is right!!! I absolutely LOVE it girl!!! It is so gorgeous! The cut is so sassy....and just fits your face perfectly!!! I love it!!!
I tried earlier to leave a comment on the previous post...but blogger was NOT cooperating!!! anyway....I was guessing hair as well...and honestly, I am ready for a change too....just not sure what to do!
Now....tell me...what does your itinerary look like?!?!? Are you coming anywhere near me???
Keeping my fingers crossed!

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness, you are so brave!!! I am addicted to my blonde but have been feeling like a change

I can't believe how fantastic it looks, so nice with your skin colour and the cut is gorgeous, one good stylist you found there, it's good to change but I know what you mean about being with the same one especially if you see them regularly


fleur de lis cottage said...

I absolutely love it!! It looks sooo good. You may have given me the itch to change mine.

Sherri said...

You look AMAZING! I LOVE the color! It really looks good with your skin tone.

Congrats on the new look!


Anonymous said...

I could not have thought it possible, but you truly are more beautiful as a brunet!!!

Stunning my friend!!!

Anonymous said...

LOVE it. Perfect for this time of year!

Briana's Mom said...

WOW!!! It is fantastic! I LOVE it!

jenbusymom said...

Hi Lisa,

I knew it was the hair! It's looks amazing and sooooo you. I'm dealing with the exact same problem right now...I've made an appt w/my bosses hairdresser this afternoon to touch me up since we're going away in two weeks and the roots aren't doing it for me and my guy keeps fudging up my hair, wish me luck! How did Pat feel sleeping next to another woman!

Laura said...

it looks great!!!!!


jennifer said...

Lisa - it looks great!!! I LOVE the color!! What a fun change for the fall!

Lisa said...

I love it!!! You're making me think I should do it to my hair! It really looks great, I'm so happy for you!!! : )

Anonymous said...

You look FABULOUS!!

Lori said...

LOVE IT!!! You look fabulous, I love the cute, so cute!!! Wow, and what gorgeous color!!

Kayce said...

Wow! You look fab!!

Operationtigerlily said...

Cute 'do. I just had my hair cut short too. I was feeling the pull for a change as well.

4D said...

Umm...I came here to see my really cool blogger buddy but I found ONE HOT MAMA too!

Keep smilin!

kerri said...

Hot, hot and very hot!!!
Love it!!

Marla said...

GORGEOUS!! I'm a short hair fan, too. Very sassy and sexy!!

Special K said...

Love love love the dark. Perfect for the season, too.

Denise said...

I LOVE IT! I may have to ditch my blonde hair now too!

Steffie B. said...

Stunning are HOT!!!! lol

Rebecca Lily said...

You are adorable, Lisa!! I am going "short & sassy" too... and I want highlights just like that!!! You look fab, girl. :)

Jennifer said...

LOVE, LOVE your new do! The color is great!

Can't wait to see you next week. We will have to get a picture of us together with our new do's...LOL!


3 Peanuts said...


I love your new "do". The brunette looks great on you!

I hope things go smoothly when you run into the old hair dresser. I am sure it will be okay but I am like stomach would be in knots.

Keisha said...

Love the new Do!
The color looks really Good!