A quick rundown of this weeks "Happenings" in the Gaelic and Garlic househould:
We have all had a pretty great week around here.......I took Sarah to a new park one morning and I am happy to report.........there were No Children Without Parents......you all remember THIS post! We had the best trip ever.....we were actually there for 2 hours and all the children were around the same age.....Sarah had the time of her life! When we got home, I cleaned her up, fed her lunch and she took a 4 and a half hour nap.....yes, you heard me 4.5 hours! Can I just tell you, we will be visiting the park daily....weather permitting of course:)
I got another email from Nick's teacher....I held my breath when I opened it, but she was sending great news! Since our last conversation they have been giving Nick his tests in a different format and it seems to be working........he took two tests yesterday and got 100's on both! I was thrilled to say the least! We might have had a rocky start, but it sounds as though we are heading down the right path.....
Sarah has been entertaining us with her new "skill".....somersaults!
My sister has named her "The Mad Tumbler"....she walked into her house the other day and just dropped and rolled, then got up and did it again....and repeated this over and over.....My Mom and my sister were in hysterics....we had never seen her do this before and apparently she thinks it is the best thing since sliced bread, because as soon as the child sees carpet, she assumes the position! With her new emerging "skill" we are considering signing her up for a gymnastic class! I'll keep you posted on this one.....I need to do some investigating.....the very thought of her in a leotard puts a big old smile on my face....too cute!
We have a busy weekend planned!
Tomorrow, I am off to visit Kate .......along with Kate, I will be meeting some other great ladies that I have been chatting with online.....they are not only great ladies, but they have all adopted children from China....very exciting!!! You all remember when Kate and I met for the first time this summer???? If you didn't follow back then, you have to read THIS post.....Kate was a little nervous to meet, but her Mom had other worries!!
And, if all goes well and we do not get rain....please, no more rain.....we will finally go to the pumpkin patch on Sunday!
Have a wonderful weekend!
You do have a wonderful weekend planned! And, I am on cloud nine for Nick that it is going so much better for him with school! What wonderful teachers he must have! And parents, too, of course!!! Can't wait to hear about the fun you'll have and I am doing my 'stay away rain' dance for you guys!!! Love and hugs, Les
She does look like a little hippie girl-- a really cute little hippie girl! What a great week you've had! I signed Maddy up for tumbling when she was about Sarah's age -- first thing she learned -- how to climb out of her crib! Yikes!!
Have fun with Kate and the others! Plan a road trip out here, will ya! Have a good weekend.
And I was just kidding -- I really like garlic!!
She does look very hippie chic!! She's sure working that mod-tabulous print if I do say so myself! LOVE IT!!
Doesn't seem like a lifetime ago that we met for lunch???
Looking forward to tomorrow!!
LOVE the hippie outfit.. it is darling..
Sounds like Nick is doing well...
And as for tomorrow..
Have a Blast...I know you will..
Hope you get to travel to the pumpkin patch..
I cannot wait to do that one day..
These kids are done with the pumpkin batches..
Have a Great Weekend..
I'm so happy for Nick. He must be so thankful that someone understands his needs.
I think I had pants just like Sarah's when I was 3!! They are cute and so is she....
Have fun tomorrow...
Yay Nick!!! Isn't it wonderful to get good emails from teachers??? I got one from Paige's the other day...opened it up...she wanted to know where I buy Paige's clothes : ) Scared me to death!
Yes, Miss Sarah looks like a little flower child and a CUTE one at that : )
You girls have a great time tomorrow. I wish I didn't live so far away...I want to go, too : )
I love that outfit...it is so cute!!! What a fun weekend you have planned....I love pumpkin patches. We are off to two soccer games tomorrow and a date night with hubby!
Great news about your son! Way to go!
Have a great weekend!
-Sandy Toes
Have a fabulous time tomorrow!
Your "Hippie Chic" could not be cuter!
I agree...the outfit does make her look like a little hippie girl...the cutest one I have ever seen! : )
I am so glad to hear that things are going well with Nick in school...I am sure that is a big relief for you!
Sounds like you will have a wonderful week-end...here's hoping with you for NO RAIN.
I have those same YOGA pants for Hannah. I love them and I love The Childrens Place for clothes, It's really my favorite.
Sarah looks adorable in her yoga pants! I love the colors in them too!
So glad to hear Nick is doing better in school. That is great news!
Can't wait to see pictures from the pumpkin patch. We are headed there in another week or so.
Have a great weekend!
Sarah face shines with pure joy! It made me smile seeing her this morning!
Your weekend sounds wonderful~
We are leaving for Vegas in a few hours, I am already missing Bella (a mother's heart beats loudly in me this morning). Have a beautiful week!
Sarah looks so cute in her hippie chic outfit. And I'm so glad to hear that you have heard great news from Nick's teacher!!
Have fun with Kate and the others! I can't wait to see pics!!
Sounds like a great week indeed!
And can I just share for a moment....that "hippie chic" outfit is adorable! Oh, how I wished I could pull that look off myself....but with these thighs.....those flowers would be stretched beyond recognition.
Have a fabulous weekend!
God Bless,
Have a wonderful weekend!
Your Hippie Chic is SUPER CUTE!!!
Her outfit is adorable! I think she has better fashion sense than I do :)
Sure ~ Just rub it in!!! I, of course, have no friends from the blogging world. (Actually, have fun!)
Your tumblin' hippie chick is adorable.... Have fun with all your bloggy friends! Really is the best medicine for this long wait.
Love the hippie chic outfit - so cute!
4.5 hour nap! Sounds like she plays as hard as Briana does! You should sign her up for gymnastics! She will have a blast!
Great hippy outfit, great email news, great blog and great photos.
Hope you have a fab visit with your friend.
Love Jules
Love the hippie chic outfit - the colors are great and she's such a cutie. Hope you have a fabulous weekend :)
What a cute hippie girl..love her outfit and she's so darn cute. Hope you have a wonderful weekend:)Ps. thanks for the comment awhile a week or so ago on my blog. Glad you stopped by for a visit:)
It was so great to meet you today in person. I felt like I already knew you. Enjoy the pumpkin patch tomorrow. Too funny about the tumbling. Lotus has been doing that like mad! And she has been doing splits! Width wise, so I guess a straddle? She is amazingly flexible.
She looks adorable in her hippie chic outfit. Wow, 4.5 hour nap...how wonderful!
I'm so happy to hear the Nick is doing better at school! Two 100's! That's fantastic!! Great job Nick!
Have fun at the pumpkin patch!
yep def hippy : )
takes one to know one : )
have a great week
Oh what a great day at the park! I am going to drop you a line later on (if not tonight, Sunday...than it will be tomorrow)! I hope you had a great weekend!!!!
I hope your weekend turned out wonderful!!
Glad Nick is doing better with school!!
Congrats Nick, that is just awesome news, keep up the good work. ;)
I LOVE the Hippie Chic outfit! And the headband! I am trying really hard to NOT become obsessed with hairbows, etc. for Ahna.
And I'm so glad to read that Nick is doing better in school. What a relief for the entire family.
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