Ever since that faithful weekend that my kids decided mopping was FUN, Sarah has taken an interest in all things domestic....like cooking, cleaning, and laundry!
Well, I am not sure if it is the actual laundry or the laundry baskets that peek her interest....

Hey, look at me....I can fit in the basket

Oh NO....I am STUCK...

Somebody help me, I can't get out!!!
The look on Sarah's face was priceless, she squirmed around for a bit and then realized, no matter how much she manuvered she wasn't getting out on her own!
Finally, I came to the rescue, but not before capturing the moment on film!
I don't think she will try this again.....Do you?
Just guessing, but I think my domestic diva has probably done her last load of laundry....
Well, I am not sure if it is the actual laundry or the laundry baskets that peek her interest....

Hey, look at me....I can fit in the basket

Oh NO....I am STUCK...

Somebody help me, I can't get out!!!
The look on Sarah's face was priceless, she squirmed around for a bit and then realized, no matter how much she manuvered she wasn't getting out on her own!
Finally, I came to the rescue, but not before capturing the moment on film!
I don't think she will try this again.....Do you?
Just guessing, but I think my domestic diva has probably done her last load of laundry....
Update: I just realized I used the word "film"....how many years has it been since I used film in a camera?.......Freudian slip!!
It may be the last time she climbs in THAT laundry basket, but come on Mom, get her a bigger one!
Amelia still climbs in ALL sorts of things, laundry baskets, rubbermaid totes, whatever. If she gets stuck she tips it over and flips herself out; it won't be long before Sarah learns that trick:)
I feel bad for laughing, I really do, but I am glad you caught it on camera.
Oh... and I feel the need to say this for some reason... help her overcome her aversion to laundry. Really. (Now why is that on my mind at the moment? Hmm...)
Awww, the look on her face in the last picture is so heartbreaking! She is still cute as a button though!
(I am sure she appreciated you grabbing the camera to take a picture before saving her from impending doom - LOL!!!!!!!! I would have totally done that too. :D)
Yeah...I laughed too...but fully realizing this is EXACTLY the kind of thing she may well be working out during group therapy in about 20 years....
Too funny!!!
So cute and way to go for catching the moment on "film"!
I love your photos, you are so very talented! Are you a photoshop junkie?
Oh Lisa...that is way too funny (I so needed to smile tonight)...how did I know that if I visited your blog...I would!
Thanks my friend! You so know how to brighten my day!!! :)
Oh.poor little Sarah..
But bet you are right..
But you know what.. kids love to see if it will happen again..
Have a Great Evening..
Too funny! poor little thing. she needs a bigger basket ;).
Awweee, Poor baby girl. She is so cute, even when she is in distress.
That made me laugh out loud...she is so funny. My daughter would just sit there till someone "saved" her!
How fun! Love your pictures!
Thanks for getting back to me about the clothes shopping! I looked at Target for that sweater today but couldn't find it!
Have a great day!
-Sandy Toes
And like a true blogging mother, the picture came before the save!!! The things we do for a good post!! lol!!!
Get it in camera first!!!
So funny!!!
That is exactly how I look when I have to do laundry!! LOL!
So funny! My little ones are always in the baskets too- what is it with that. She looked pretty happy until!!!
Too cute
Oh Sarah!! You are such a funny girl!
I often feel trapped by my laundry basket as well...
Too cute!! I think you need a bigger laundry basket. Hope you don't lose your household helper!
Have a fun Friday.
What torture... It definitely made for a priceless set of pictures.
Awww but she is so cute you can't help but giggle in spite of her obvious hard time!
At least she cries pretty...I wish my crying looked pretty!
Aww...she looks so ...well stuck in there. Love the vivid green basket.
Bless her heart! I see bigger baskets in your future.... :)
That is soooo hilarious, Lisa!! I am dying! And I love it that you took pics! :) Look at the little finger peaking out in the last pic!
That is hilarious, Lisa... I can't help but laugh!!! Her face in the last photo cracks me up. :) What fun pictures, even if they ARE at poor Sarah's expense!!!
Oooh poor Sarah!!! She's stuck and she. can't. get. up. !!! I would have grabbed my camera, too :)
What a little doll pie you have. I know you are in love with her.
Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog...I was just having one of those days. You are a dear, precious friend. Mmmmwaaahhh
Has she tried to fold the laundry yet. That is my obstacle now. First comes playing in the basket then folding the clothes. Just last night Emma was sitting in the basket with her babies and said she was driving the car. What an imagination.
I think your girl will stay away from cleaning for a while to come. Poor girl...
LOL!:) If you want her to help with laundry in the future, maybe you need to invest in the much roomier rectangle shaped laundry baskets.;)
And film? That is funny..Much like when I recently told my boys I wanted to get the new Bryan Adams "record."
I'm a dinosaur.;)
God Bless,
Hilarious! She probably learned her lesson, I agree! Nina is always getting into baskets or climbing onto things and then can't get down...I guess its just the age, huh? Makes for some cute moments on camera though! I hope you have a wonderful weekend Lisa! :)
What a riot! Sarah standing on her bouncy zebra, stuck in the hamper...she is a hoot and entertaining!!! Happy weekend ahead hun~ Les
Sorry for laughing, this is too darn cute.
Shame on you Mom(LOL) for grabbing the camera before helping her out, LOL, I would have done the same thing, how could you miss a photo op like that!!
Love it!!
Sooo funny! We are bad aren't we... grabbing the camera first!
Thanks for stopping by my site, I used photoshop for my scrapping. I am going to check out that scrapblog you mentioned though!
Found you through Krista's blog. So glad I stopped by. Very cute!
Amy-Li loves playing in wash baskets too. She is so agile though that the shoes would come off and she would roll into a little ball and skwirm out.
Poor girl, put off laundry for life!!
Love Jules
My kids can entertain themselves for hours with our laundry baskets. They love it when my husband twirls them all around the carpet as they sit in the basket.
So, who knows, maybe she may like it later!
Have a great weekend my friend. I'll probably start blogging again on Monday. It's been nice to have a break, but I've missed you all!
Cute pictures! My kids love to play in laundry baskets too.
I am so glad you came to the rescue but not before taking some pictures!
I hope she continues to love laundry! HA HA!
Fun times...until your little cutie gets stuck. Poor sweetie!
When I was little I used to like to sleep in mom's laundry basket. What's up with that?
Here's hoping she finds a new chore to help you out with. :o)
She is so precious - and growing up fast!! Cute!
Celebrating 24 days as Alyzabeth's Mommy!
Travel to China 09/11/08
Referral Day 08/12/08
I just left something for you on my blog...go check it out! : )
Lucy loves the laundry and the laundry baskets. She could spend all day being pulled around in a basket - I often wonder why I buy toys:)
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