I think they should start giving us frequent flyer miles...between Nick and Sarah, we have made 6 visits in the last 4 weeks!!
Sarah started with cold symptoms yesterday, weeping eyes and a runny nose. This morning I noticed a mild cough.
I put her down for a nap this afternoon and by the time she woke up, it was no longer a cough....it was a bark! A bark I quickly recognized as the Croup! Once you have heard that sound, you will never forget it....HORRIBLE!
We called the doctor and they told me to bring her in right away.
As we pulled up in the car, Sarah started pointing at the building.....

This building looks familiar....I can't place it...where are we?

NOW I remember.....Please Don't Make Me Go!!!
Sarah quickly remembered her last visit and how unpleasant it was, but she was happy that the only thing the doctor needed to do this time, was look in her ears and throat and listen to her chest. We escaped with very few tears...
Just as we thought, Sarah has the Croup!
Now that Sarah got her first dose of medicine down, I hope she will be able to sleep through the night....the poor thing, it sounds so horrible...I cringe each time I hear her cough!
We will be spending a quiet weekend at home....I am sure with a couple days of rest, Sarah will be back to herself in no time!
Poor little Sarah. I don't think I have ever heard a croup cough before but it sounds like it would be nasty.
Hopefully it's not long before she's feeling well again and you can stay away from the dr's office!
Poor baby girl. My girls have never had the Croup, and I hope it stays that way. I'm sure it is hard to hear little Sarah when she coughs. Praying for a restful weekend, and everyone will be healthy for the start of next week.
Poor munchkin! I hope she feels better soon!
Poor baby! Croup is a horrible sounding cough! Now did the doc tell you that parents can get croup? We had a rash of adults with croup in town last year and it lasts forever! My co-worker had it the ENTIRE winter.
Take care of yourself too!
I'm sorry to hear that Sarah has the croup-sounds like a seal barking, doesn't it? If it's any consolation, they grow out of it. Jarod had it, too-I'll never forget the late at night trips to the ER via ambulance (his lips turned blue...). I hope she feels better soon!
Poor Sarah. The relaxing weekend will do her wonders.
Yuck!! I have never heard the croup cough before but it sounds like it is memorable! I hope you guys have a nice relaxing weekend and that Sarah recovers!
I am sooo sorry girly..
It is awful when your babies are sick...
Hope the medicines works fast..
Hugs to you and thinking of you..
Maybe she would love to make up Isabella's Good Wish Note..lol..
Just kidding.. know you are busy..
love ya.
I hope she feels better soon. When I get "coughy" I'm the worst at being sick and yet I never slow down and force myself to go to work.
It happens about once every year and I'm knocked out for a week or better from being my normal self.
Oh no. Give Miss Sarah some extra hugs and high fives from me, o.k.? Hang in there Lisa. This too shall pass! Hey, to brighten your day....I have something for you to peek at in my post today!!! ;) Love and hugs, Les
Oh no!!! Poor Sarah! Poor you! I hope she feels better soon.
I am heading to bed myself now after the day from...well, you know. ;)
Ahh I'm sorry! Thank you so much for your sweet comments, you definitely made me laugh :) I hope the weekend is relaxing too!
Poor thing. I am sure it hurts you just as much as it hurts her when she coughs because you can't stand to see her in pain. I sure hope she recovers quickly and no more Dr.'s visits for you for a very long time. Please keep us posted.
Oh no! Poor little Sarah has been having a time of it lately...first getting stuck in the laundry basket and now this : (
Hugs to that sweet, sweet girl!!!
I hope you all get good rest tonight.
OH I am so sorry sweet little Sarah is sick yet again! Bless her heart..and your too! I am glad you recognized it quickly and got the meds she needs to be all better real soon!
I'll be praying for your sweet little girl!
Have a restful weekend!!!
Oh no! Poor Sarah- so hope she feels better soon. I know that her mama has some great indoor ideas planned- she always does.
Hugs to your sweet girl.
Oh my -- so sorry to hear that Sarah has croup! Maddy had that a few times one year -- it does sound awful. Hope she gets some rest and you do too. Have a good weekend!
Oh... that is awful... I had that when I was a kid and my mum sat in the bathroom with the steaming hot water running so the bathroom steamed up to help me breathe... the doctors offices aren't that much fun...
Poor baby :( I hope she is feeling better soon! I also hope the rest of your family stays well! Enjoy your "quiet" weekend together..
Oh my word!!! I am so sorry Sarah is sick!!! Listen....don't beat yourself up...I am sure it had nothing to do with you keeping her hostage in a laundry basket while you shot pictures..... :-)
Take care of that sweet girl!!! I hope she is feeling better soon!!!
Feel better, sweet girl!!!!!
I have never gone through the croup with my boys, but like you shared, I have always heard that if you did, you'd never forget it.
I pray that Sarah is feeling better soon and has a restful weekend. (And you too!)
God Bless,
Get well soon, sweet girl!!
Oh, I remember those days of trips back and forth to the pediatrician! This too shall pass... I hope she's feeling better soon.
So sorry to hear Sarah is sick again. That croup bark sounds awful! She and Kamree should get together for a "sick" play date!
Enjoy your relaxing weekend!
Hi Lisa,
I keep noticing that we visit a lot of the same blogs so I thought I would pay you a visit and say "hi"! I think I recall that Rebecca designed your blog about the same time she did ours; it looks great! You have a beautiful family. I hope your daughter feels better soon.
Tisha :)
Poor Baby, hang on tight, your Mommy has it all under control!!!!
Hugs fromus
Poor Sarah, how is she feeling today? Was she able to get a good nights sleep. The croup bark is the worst! I hope she is on the mend.
Oh yeah, I'm back!! : )
Get better sweetie girl..
I hope Sara is feeling better soon. Both of my kiddo's have been sick for 3 weeks now it comes and goes and I am tired of runny noses.. Hopefully Sara's will be gone in no time!
Lisa I am so sorry : ( Croup stinks! Poor little sarah....
I love the pictures...share how you made the backgrounds. Then again I'm not very savvy so I may not get it LOL
Oh no, poor little girl. My kids KNOW where the docs office is. I hope she is feeling better soon, she is sooo stinking cute!
So sorry to hear it! Croup is horrid. Poor little sarah, hope she feels better soon!
Oh Lisa...poor little Sarah (ugh my heart is so going out to her). We too have some type of germ floating around our household. Francesca has been wanting to sleep all day long and has very watery eyes (we are going to the doctor Monday). I am going to try and call you this afternoon (Sunday).
Tag! You're it! (Sorry.)
I know the sound of croup all too well. Croup was my son's best friend growing up. SO glad he out grew it! I hope she feels well soon!!!
How is Sarah today?
Hope she feels better soon!
sweet thing! i hate that for her (and you) but hope she gets to feeling better quickly!
Sarah is so, so cute, and so funny with her expressions! Hopefully by now she is feeling all better.
Our 10-yr. old is just getting over strep; the 15 yr. old is feeling yuck.... oh, well. Here, we go. :-)
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