I better apologize now for the abundance of photos.....I looked like the "Pumpkin Patch Paparazzi" out there....I took over 100 pictures....OK, I admit, I went a little overboard, but it was so pretty I couldn't help myself! Take a look.....

Mackenzie, Sarah, and Delaney eating fresh picked apples!

Instead of looking at the camera...Sarah was scoping out her next victim...I mean pumpkin!

Look at those mums....aren't they just beautiful!
Sarah ate an apple with skin for the first time....look at her face...she was not so sure at first, but she did eat it!

This is the aerial shot of the corn maze that we went through....They had 12 questions along the way...every question had two answers to pick from, one right answer and one wrong....if you picked the wrong answer, you moved in the wrong direction and eventually hit a dead end! Let's just say, we didn't get all the answers correct....the maze took as much longer than anticipated....
Our house is less than a mile from this cornmaze and nursery....we are just a little to the right of this corn field..

More pumpkin picking!

Sarah's prized posession....a gourd!

A baby pumpkin for my baby girl!

I think I can hold this myself....maybe not!

The long road home.....someone didn't want to leave...she was catching one last glimpse as she was pulled away....
I was totally inspired by some of the fall foliage today....I found myself taking pictures of things other than children.....everything around us is changing so I started clicking away....I got some beautiful shots...I will be posting those another day.....I think I already pushed my luck with the amount of photos I included already!
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!
Your blog is cute and fun to read! Looks like you had a fun day!
LOVE The pictures..
Looks like a wonderful time..
Can not wait to pull Isabella through the pumpkin patch...
Hugs girly.
Have a Great Week...
You will have to post for me.. not posting for a week is going to make me crazy...lol..
Such a beautiufl day for a fun outing!!! YOur pumpkin patch looks fabulous!!! The mums are to die for...the colors I love!!!
I love the look on Sarah's face when she is trying the apple...hilarious!!!
Glad you had such a fun day!! Can't wait to see more!!
Lisa the pictures are beautiful!!! I love them all but my favorite is the last one. I have to ask you if you have been using photo shop? If so is it a really hard program?
I love all the photos. I really like how you did black and white with a colored pumpkin...so cute!!
What a fun day at the pumpkin patch!Your daughter's outfit is so sweet!
Have a great week!
-Sandy Toes
WOW, how lucky to be so close. I'd be over there every nice day shooting pictures of your adorable kids. What a beautiful back-drop.
I love Sarah's little outfit. She's always stylin'
I also love how you do the color on black and white. What program are you using for that?
Love the expression on Sarah's face when she is holding her prize pumpkin! Such a cutie. You got some beautiful shots- that farm is lovely and I am so glad that you had a nice fall weather day to attend. Looks like you so enjoyed your day.
Forget our dinky little pumpkin patch here... with a few wisps of hay around the pumpkins... I am coming up to your place.. between the two of us we can fill a few memory sticks... hehe
Looks like you guys had a great time! Love Sarah's outfit, isn't so much fun dressing them, till they get old enough to tell you no to what you have picked out.
Looks like an absolutely perfect day!! Great photos!
Have a fun week!
Love the black-and-whites. I'm glad y'all had a good time.
Sarah is soooooooo adorable!!! What a cutie pie!!!
My stomach has been fine the last few days, which lulls me into that false sense of security, then wham!! it comes back when I least expect it. I'm waiting for the tests results from tuesday and hopefully all is fine!!!!
Pushing your luck with too many pictures...HELLO, do you know us bloggers? : ) We live for your photos...especially when they involve your two cutie pies!!!
The farm you visited is just beautiful. I love mums! Sarah looked so cute eating her apple and I love her gourd! What is it with young ones and gourds?
I'm glad you had such a great day with your family. Can't wait to see your other photos.
GREAT PHOTOS!!! Sarah looks so pretty in the pictures with her pumkins. I love fall photos. The Mum picture is beautiful!
It was a gorgeous day. I hope I am not sorry that I am waiting until next weekend to go pumpkin and apple picking.
Looking forward to seeing the rest of your photos.
That pumpkin patch is so beautiful! The pictures are fantastic! Love the fall.
No apologies needed~! Love all the fall picts!
Beautiful photos! I love the pumpkin patch. Can't wait to have a little one to take with us.
I am so glad the weather finally cooperated and you made it to the pumpkin patch. It looks like you had a fabulous time! Sarah looks adorable in her pink and chocolate outfit! I can't wait to see more pictures!
I love, love, love your collages!
Hi Lisa!
I am soooo glad we finally had a nice week-end...and glad you were able to get to the pumpkin farm. I know you have been trying to get there!
The pictures are soooo pretty!! I am laughing at the Paparazzi...I often feel like that when I am out in public with my camera and snapping away. lol!
Those mums are GORGEOUS!! And that maze looks so cool!! Ours was kinda lame this year ;)
You're pictures are AMAZING! I love the black and whites with the color, wow, beautiful job (and beautiful family :))! So much fun! I can't wait to go!
Looks like a fun and beautiful weekend! I love your pictures...Have a GREAT week :)
Oh Lisa...what a great day!!! And Sarah, I love the face she made while enjoying that apple with the skin! I am sure you had the same weather we had and boy was it ever so beautiful! Here's to an amazing day at the pumpkin farm!!!!
What gorgeous pictures! Looks like you had a blast! I wish the leaves were changing here in GA - it doesn't happen really until late Oct/early Nov.
I am taking Bri to a pumpkin patch this Sat! I am so excited!
Don't worry about all the pictures you took. Just got back from Chattanooga - 378 pictures. I have a problem...
I LOVE this time of year! Looks like fun was had by all. Sarah looks so sweet and looks like she had fun.
No wonder you took so many pictures....The pumpkin patch and surrounding area are gorgeous, not to mention your yummy baby girl.
I have never seen such an incredible corn maze either...My boys would love that!
Have a great day!
God Bless,
Fabulous photos! I love the pumpkin patch and that is the coolest corn maze I have ever seen :)
We just went through a corn maze on Saturday, what a blast, we were so lost(never will I admit this to Superman)almost needed our GPS to navigate our way to the end.
What a great day you had, the pics are great. :)
Oh how fun!!! It looked like you guys had a blast! I'm glad you had such a gret day!
LOVED all your photos...especially the one of your little Sarah in black and white holding the gourd which you choose to keep in color. Absolutely beautiful!!!
These pictures are great!! I love all the flowers, and I so wish we lived somewhere that grew apples!!! My boys would love that. I can't wait to go to our corn maize, I'm just hoping the weather cools off a little bit!!
I'm glad you were finally able to make it to the pumpkin patch. What a great place to spend the day...that corn maze is amazing.
Sarah's stripes are really cute!
Really beautiful photos. What an awesome place. I love the pic of the rows of mums and all the pics of the kids are so cute!
Yea! The good weather dances worked out! I'm so glad you guys got to hit the pumpkin patch and a bonus was you got some AWESOME pictures! I love each and every one of them and can't wait to see more! What wonderful, fun, happy memories!!! Happy Fall hun! Les
How cool to find a blogger so close to home. One thing for sure, if I lived closer I'd be borrowing your hairdresser.
I'm thinking of going short and love that style... just how much work is it???
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm glad you did 'cuz it lead me to yours! What great photos from the pumpkin patch. I know what you mean, I can get carried away with the pictures too... especially of fall scenery.
Great pictures- looks like a perfect day at the pumpkin patch. We can't wait to go! Sarah looks like she had a ball!
BEAUTIFUL!!! I'm so glad to hear you finally got to go. I know you had been looking forward to it. You have an adorable little pumpkin picker. I love your use of spot color, and those mums are gorgeous!
Gorgeous!!! Love the pictures and - they are each one magnificent for lots of reasons. We did the pumpkin patch on Sunday and though I didn't get quite as many as you did;), I did get some really cute ones, I haven't even uploaded them yet - bad blogger mommy:)
Thank you for sharing your beautiful girl with us!
gorgeous glorious images!
Lisa....I just ran across your blog recently.....you are such an inspiration! These photos of your visit to the pumpkin patch are adorable.....and the field of mums is amazing!
These are truly beautiful photographs! The sun came out here today and the leaves look gorgeous. I desparately wanted my camera so I completely understand. It's very beautiful this time of year and it looks like you took adavantage of it on this day! Sarah looks so cute in her dress with her little pumpkin!
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