Since we are leaving tonight and will not be able to do a post on Thanksgiving, I felt today was the perfect time to share some of the things I am most thankful for......

My sweet Sarah.....It was two years ago, the day before Thanksgiving that she was placed into our arms for the very first time. It was a Thanksgiving that we will never forget....our meal was nothing special, we didn't even cook a turkey because we were supposed to be up on the Cape, but it didn't matter. All that mattered was that we were together....our new family....a family of four. Pat, Nick, and I spent the entire day staring at a beautiful little baby....our baby. I spent most of that holiday with tears streaming down my cheeks, because I could not believe the gift we were given....we had so much to be thankful for. Thankful for our new little girl, and thankful for her Mother, who was brave enough to choose life. Not a Thaksgiving will go by that I don't count the blessing that she gave to us.
My loving, compassionate Nick. I am thankful for the young gentleman he has become. My shy little boy has come a long way since the days of clinging to my legs when I dropped him off at preschool. We have been through some tough times together and I am thankful that I had him to show me the importance of life. This little boy gave me hope when I didn't think there was any hope left. He gave me the will to live and fight the good fight. Each time I look at him, I think what could have been and am so thankful for the doctors I had while pregnant with him......I couldn't imagine a single day without this little guy. He brings us so much joy and it just melts my heart to see him with his little sister. I am thankful that he loves and respects Sarah and shares our excitement in the anticipation of our China Baby. He is the best big brother anyone could ask for.

My devoted husband, Pat. Without this man, I do not know where I would be. I am thankful that he walked into my life 6 years ago. From the day we met, I knew I would be with him forever. He took Nick and I under his wing immediately. Not only did he love me unconditionally, but he loved Nick and has always treated him as if he were his own son.....for that I will always be thankful. My life has miraculously changed for the better since he has been part of it. He is the most loving, genuine, kind, and caring person I know. Not only is he an incredible father that shares so much love with his kids, but an incredible husband, he puts his family before all and for that I am forever thankful. Many people go their entire life without truly finding their soulmate, I know I have found mine.
I feel fortunate to have such a good life and so much to be thankful for, an incredible family, wonderful friends, health, and happiness. Take time to count your blessings and give thanks this special holiday!
Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours!
We are heading North. I will be on a little break until Sunday....see you then:)

My sweet Sarah.....It was two years ago, the day before Thanksgiving that she was placed into our arms for the very first time. It was a Thanksgiving that we will never forget....our meal was nothing special, we didn't even cook a turkey because we were supposed to be up on the Cape, but it didn't matter. All that mattered was that we were together....our new family....a family of four. Pat, Nick, and I spent the entire day staring at a beautiful little baby....our baby. I spent most of that holiday with tears streaming down my cheeks, because I could not believe the gift we were given....we had so much to be thankful for. Thankful for our new little girl, and thankful for her Mother, who was brave enough to choose life. Not a Thaksgiving will go by that I don't count the blessing that she gave to us.

My devoted husband, Pat. Without this man, I do not know where I would be. I am thankful that he walked into my life 6 years ago. From the day we met, I knew I would be with him forever. He took Nick and I under his wing immediately. Not only did he love me unconditionally, but he loved Nick and has always treated him as if he were his own son.....for that I will always be thankful. My life has miraculously changed for the better since he has been part of it. He is the most loving, genuine, kind, and caring person I know. Not only is he an incredible father that shares so much love with his kids, but an incredible husband, he puts his family before all and for that I am forever thankful. Many people go their entire life without truly finding their soulmate, I know I have found mine.
I feel fortunate to have such a good life and so much to be thankful for, an incredible family, wonderful friends, health, and happiness. Take time to count your blessings and give thanks this special holiday!
Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours!
We are heading North. I will be on a little break until Sunday....see you then:)
What a beautiful post and wonderful tribute to your family. Happy Thanksgiving my friend. I am thankful that our red thread has intertwined. {{{hug}}} Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Kiss those beautiful babies for me.
What a heartfelt, lovely post!!! Safe journies and have a blessed Thanksgiving surrounded by your family!!
You are a blessed woman, indeed!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your sweet family!
God Bless,
That was a beautiful post, Lisa. I love that picture of your handsome man with your little girl, too! Sounds like he's not only handsome on the outside, but the inside, too.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Lisa -- what a beautiful post and tribute to your sweet family! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Enjoy your time!! Happy Thanksgiving!
Such a beautiful post Lisa. You do have so many wonderful blessings in your life, and those blessings I know are so grateful to have you as well.
Happy Thanksgiving and Safe travels my friend.
You have so much to be thankful for! I'm so happy for you! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! I can't wait to hear all about it.
What a beautiful post! We all are so blessed and it's so good to share with each other what we have been given in our families. I hope you enjoy your holiday and just soak up all of the good things this season has to offer. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Blessings to you my friend~
I have guests coming in less than an hour...I cannot have tears strolling down my face making lines on my foundation!
What a beautiful Thankful post!
-sandy toes
You are so very blessed Lisa and what beautiful words and pictures.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family!
I'm thankful that we've 'met' this way.
Take care,
So very much to be thankful for. I know so well exactly what you mean. Those that have walked that same road know how truly blessed we are.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family!!
What a beautiful post about your beautiful family....inside and out! You are very blessed! Have a safe trip to the Cape....and have a wonderful Thanksgiving surrounded by your family!
What a beautiful Thanksgiving tribute to your family. You are truly blessed! Have a wonderful and safe trip to Cape Cod.
Thank you for letting me know my YouTube wasn't working. I think I fixed the problem. All of this technology gives me gray hairs. ;)
HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!! Can't wait to see your pictures when you return.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! So much to be thankful for. Enjoy your trip.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your wonderful family!
Beautiful post and beautiful family!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!Enjoy your time at the Cape.
This was such a sweet post about your family! They are also blessed to have you! :)
I hope you have a very special and relaxing Thanksgiving away! :)
What a touching post you wrote about your family Lisa. You definitely have a lot to be thankful for this holiday!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Amazingly beautiful!
Simply beautiful! Hope you and your beautiful family have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Hugs from GA!
What a wonderful blog you have. Great pictures.
Beautiful, hearfelt post, Lisa!!!
You are truly blessed!
Have a wonderful Thansgiving, my friend!!
Happy Thanksgiving to you!! ;)
This was such a beautiful post. To know what you have been through... not just once, but twice... you could teach many of us a few things about counting your blessings. You have a beautiful family and I am so glad that you are surrounded by such love.
I hope you have a wonderful time up north. I look forward to seeing the pictures when you get back.
Ummm, yeah... that was beautiful. You have a beautiful family. Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
What a sweet Thanksgiving post for your fabulous hubby and adorable children. You are blessed beyond measure.
I am thankful for the e-friendship that we have developed this year!
Hope you have a fun and relaxing Thanksgiving with Pat's family!
Beautiful post Lisa. Have a wonderful holiday with your family.
I am going to make your whipped sweet potato, banana, and honey recipe tonight.
Very sweet words you wrote here today. A lot to be thankful for.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving..
Have a Great Time..
Love ya girly..
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
What a beautiful thankful post you wrote Lisa!
Tears are flowing here...
Happy Thanksgiving to you, too!
xo, Les
I'm wiping the tears away as I'm typing. Happy thanksgiving to you and your family Lisa, I'm so glad you have all that you have to be thankful for!
What a lovely family! Happy Thanksgiving!
Have a great Thanksgiving to you all... hugs
Your post is incredible. You guys are truly blessed. Have a Happy Thanksgiving and be safe.
This is such a sweet, sweet post. You are truly a blessed woman.
I happen to think Pat, Sarah and Nick are awfully blessed to have you, too.
Happy Thanksgiving my sweet friend!
Lovely post! Such sweet words, sweet family!
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Alyzabeth's Mommy
What an appreciative and thankful heart you have. Happy Thanksgiving.
Beautiful post.....Happy Thanksgiving sweet girl....
Holiday Hugs...
What blessings to celebrate! I hope you and your family enjoyed a relaxing and enjoyable holiday together ~ Happy Thanksgiving!
You have so much to be thankful for! And I am so happy for you because from reading your story...I know there were years that were really tough.
So sorry about the hiccup in your trip! I am wondering if you ever went?
Have a great weekend.
What a tribute to your man! Happy Thanksgiving, Lisa!
Nice post.
You are indeed blessed.
Lots to be thankful for.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
OH I just love your heart, Lisa!!! You are so precious! You are one beautiful Mommy with a beautiful family!!! Your life is full of God's richest blessings!! Thanks for sharing them with us!!! I always love my visits with you!!
Have a fabulous time away!!!
Hugs and Love to you!!!!
You do have much to be thankful do we all~
Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful...and those are just precious pictures of your family!!
Hey Lisa, have a fantastic holiday.
You have a beautiful family.
Love Jules
Hello! I just discovered your blog and I had to write to say your children are beautiful! Love the pictures...
Can't wait to read more!
Oh my goodness! This post was SO beautiful. I am glad I came over to see you today. I was praying for you and your family this morning before church! Many blessings to you this week!
So much to be thankful for, your photos are beautiful and speak volumes. Happy Thanksgiving.
Such a swwet post for such a sweet family! I hope you all enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving!!
So many blessings to be thankful for! What a precious family you have.
The story of Sarah's first Thanksgiving with your family woas beautiful! Thank you for sharing so much of your heart with us.
Happy belated Thanksgiving!
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