It is only a couple days past Halloween, and as I drive down the streets of our town I notice front porches everywhere still dawning their Jack O Lanterns and fall arrangements.
So why is it that I have the irresistable urge to......... down to the basement, bring out those red and green storage boxes, and start spreading Christmas cheer all through the house!
I know, I is not even Thanksgiving, but I get this way every year. Once Halloween comes and goes I am so ready to toss the pumpkins and gourds and starting bringing out the Christmas wreaths and holly.
Typically we decorate the day after Thanksgiving, last year we did it the week before because of the huge Birthday celebration we had for Sarah at our home.
This year we have a very busy November.......I am flying into Memphis, TN on business in less than two weeks only to return the day before Sarah's 2nd Birthday! Then we will be headed to Cape Cod to spend the Thanksgiving Holiday with Pat's side of the family! I am not sure when I am going to have a chance to decorate....and I hate waiting until December.
Is it too early to start decorating the house???
I am not sure I can contain myself much longer....I am trying to hold out, but I might cave this weekend.....the only thing we have going on is the "Holiday Bazaar" which is hosted by Nick's school......and it is over the looks like Santa's workshop. If I make it through that and don't run right home to decorate, it will be a miracle!
So why is it that I have the irresistable urge to......... down to the basement, bring out those red and green storage boxes, and start spreading Christmas cheer all through the house!
I know, I is not even Thanksgiving, but I get this way every year. Once Halloween comes and goes I am so ready to toss the pumpkins and gourds and starting bringing out the Christmas wreaths and holly.
Typically we decorate the day after Thanksgiving, last year we did it the week before because of the huge Birthday celebration we had for Sarah at our home.
This year we have a very busy November.......I am flying into Memphis, TN on business in less than two weeks only to return the day before Sarah's 2nd Birthday! Then we will be headed to Cape Cod to spend the Thanksgiving Holiday with Pat's side of the family! I am not sure when I am going to have a chance to decorate....and I hate waiting until December.
Is it too early to start decorating the house???
I am not sure I can contain myself much longer....I am trying to hold out, but I might cave this weekend.....the only thing we have going on is the "Holiday Bazaar" which is hosted by Nick's school......and it is over the looks like Santa's workshop. If I make it through that and don't run right home to decorate, it will be a miracle!
I know you are all are going to tell me I am nuts.......
When do you start decorating for Christmas?
When do you start decorating for Christmas?
Now, If I could only get this enthusiastic about Christmas shopping.....
That will have to be a post topic for another day!
Just because I cannot do a post without a picture....or two
Here is a little Christmas cheer from last year.

We could not get Sarah to cooperate and were trying to give her something to hold to keep her seated in her chair. We never used this picture, but I loved the expression on her face. I cannot believe how little she looks. It is amazing how much they change in a year.
I was not crazy about the backgrounds on either of these pictures and opted to use the photos with the all white background, but again, I loved the look on both of their faces.
Awwwwww! Cute! I hold out until the day after Thanksgiving.
Well... you already decorated your blog for Christmas. Won't that help stave off the urge for a month? No?
We decorate on our anniversary every year. We married in early December. We put up the tree and lights (plus all of the other muttering/ complaining/ whining jobs) a few days earlier, but we put the ornaments on the tree and other fun stuff on our anniversary.
I think you can start the decorating inside any day now! Lights are going up in my neighborhood, but just because the weather is warm and it sure beats doing that when it's freezing! Get those boxes out!!
Love the pics! Your kids are gorgeous.
We always get a real tree so we wait until the second Sat in Dec to cut it and then we decorate it on the Sun. I put everything else up Dec 1 and leave it up until Jan 1. The tree will get thrown out before that if it's really dry.
I have no desire to put it up now!!
I have started shopping though!
Just look at how much the kids have grown!
As for Christmas, I have to wait until the first week of December to decorate. I simply cannot do it any sooner. They also come down one or two days after Christmas is over. That's just me.
Love the new blog look!
I don't think it is too early...the stores have their Christmas merchandise and music up and going! I am more of a last minute gal. : )
The Christmas pics from last year are great!!!
Have you gone to the Portrait Innovations at the Promenades? I am going to try them soon... own personal favorite hldiat is I love to decorate for that...hoping I can find my box of decorations!
But I am also playing Christmas music...and with your schedule, I say go for it!!!
LOVE the pictures.. Sarah is sooo little..
Now for decorating..
I usually do it the weekend after Thanksgiving.. only because DH likes a real tree.. but I might have to put up decorations before the tree this year..As for shopping.. well.. this year is light.. seems like the older the kids get the easier it is.. they have everything and giftcards and stuff is the way to go..
Have a Great Week.
Let me just tell you~Christmas begins on November 1st!! Halloween ends and Christmas begins!!!! So don't feel bad, give in to that urge! I don't know about you, but just about every room in our home is decorated and the outside is as well. It is a lot of work to make our home beautiful at Christmas and it's worth enjoying for more than 3 or 4 weeks! Also, we celebrate Jesus' birth! So it's worth the extra few weeks too! We usually decorate around the 2nd week of, get to it! You'll feel better!
I say bring it on! Schedule or no schedule, some years we just feel the spirit sooner than others -- bring on the merriment - I think we all need some merriment, at least I do.
Just one must show us the results:)
Happy decorating - hey, it is only one month and three weeks away (GULP!)
I usually wait until right after Thanksgiving to start decorating. We buy a real tree, so we usually get it Thanksgiving weekend.
The pictures are beautiful!
I will tell you, I saw my first Christmas commercial on TV tonight and I got all giddy! :)
Oh, I am SO with you!!! I typically decorate for Christmas mid-November, but it all changed when we started hosting our family's Thanksgiving three years ago. My relatives complained about having Christmas trees up during Thanksgiving dinner, so for the past two years I have held off until the weekend after and it drives me crazy!! I say go for it!
I'd say...bring on the Christmas decorations!! Such a wonderful time of year and I'm ready to decorate too but need to wait until some home renos are done.
Looking forward to seeing your beautiful decorations!
You are sooo funny! I think given your schedule in November, you should start decorating immediately and be sure to post pictures along the way!
We usually decorate the day after Thanksgiving too and I can't do it until it gets alot colder here. It was 80 degrees yesterday! Therefore, I can't get out the snowmen quite yet or they might melt!
Go get those red and green tubs and get busy!
I wait until the weekend after Thanksgiving, but I say, "Go for it!"
I'll tell ya what. I'll do all of your Christmas shopping for you if you put up and take down my decorations for me.
I HATE decorating, much less having to re-do it for the holidays. I used to live in a 1932 Cape Cod with all sorts of nooks and cranny's - I hated decorating, but did it because I had an ENORMOUS front window and all the neighbors could enjoy. Now we're in a boring townhouse and Amelia and I are the only ones who see it. We do a tiny tree and some kid friendly decorations, that's it!
I will say I think you can get by decorating with anything that isn't santa as soon as the first snow after Halloween falls.
We wait until the day after Thanksgiving.
My husband has Christmas music on the answering machine already.
I guess for him it's not to early.
When I was a kid we would decorate after the town parade at Christmas...usually mid to end of November.
I need to decorate early this year. We get so busy and if I don't do it early then it doesn't get done until the first or second weekend in Dec. I am going to try to do it Thanksgiving weekend this year.
It's not to early to start inside. There is a radio station around here playing Christmas music.
Love the pictures of Nick and Sarah from last year.
I feel the same way! Then again, I'm like that with every holiday. I put my Halloween decorations up inside in September! I did wait until the last day in September to put them up outside though. I may put my Christmas decorations up inside the weekend before Thanksgiving just because we're going to be out of town Thanksgiving weekend, but I will probably wait to put the outside decorations up until after Thanksgiving. I say you should put them up whenever you want! Maybe it will put your neighbors in the holiday spirit and they will follow suit. :)
I'm right there with you! I went into Hobby Lobby yesterday and drooled over all the Christmas goodies. I'm planning to have everything up and running the week before Thanksgiving. Happy decorating!!
Yes, it is TOO early!!!! There is a house in our neighborhood that has their tree up already. I think they're crazy!! THe only reason I'm so opposed is because it reminds me how much I still have to do:)
You're right, they do change so much in a year.
I know, I know...same boat here! With Jason's crazy traveling this season we might be putting Cmas up sooner rather than later, too. I wonder which of us can hold out longer?!? ;) If you're ever coming to StL for a trip you have to let me and Belinda know, o.k.? Fun, fun, fun! Hugs, Les
Your Nick is the best smiler. He always looks so handsome and happy :) I am sooooo ready for Christmas!!
I can honestly say that I am not in a mood for christmas this year... I was hoping to have my daughter by this christmas.. oh well... I guess all good things come to those who wait...
I keep seeing you on TM's blog and finally decided to come visit! You've got a great blog over here!
It is so hot where we live, I am wondering if I'm going to get the Christmas decorating bug anytime soon at all! For some reason glistening faces just put a damper on the festivities! Hopefully by Thanksgiving it will cool down!
Ok ~ Can you keep a secret? :o)
I have been a closet Christmas music junkie for a little over two weeks now! Every time I'm alone Christmas Carols on playing. :o) This past weekend I was looking for something in our sideboard and a HUGE desire to pull out our Christmas dishes came over me ~ I held strong, though.
I am ready to decorate for Christmas, trying to hold strong. I personally think one month is not long enough to enjoy the lights, music, and tinsel. That's my humble opinion. :o)
'Ohhh Holy Niiiight....
I MUST go remove my Jack-o-lantern from my porch!!
I say DECORATE!!!!!!
That way you can enjoy it for a LONG time!!!
We don't decorate until the first weekend in December. BUT, you can start any time!!! It always is a cheery time so have fun!
Mommy to Alyzabeth for Seven Weeks
LID 01/27/06
First of all your blog header is AMAZING! Did you do it?
Second of all, I have the itch as well. I just packed all the fall stuff away last night. I usually start decorating a little after the "November Craft Fair" that is held in our area every Rememberance Day weekend.....Or as Jac used to say "Novemberance Day" lol
I remember her first Christmas, I decorated November 1st! Might as well enjoy it as long as we can, the winter is long!
I know!! I love decorating for Christmas too!
Go ahead and decorate. Your secret is safe with us. ;) Sometimes, I start on Thanksgiving night. I just can't help myself. But, I've also been known to have everything down by Christmas night as well. I love Christmas, but when it's done, it's done.
On a funny note, we have some neighbors who recently moved here from another country. I don't know if they confused their holidays, but on Halloween night, they had a lit angel and reindeer in their front yard, along with a couple of pumpkins. LOL. We had a hoot over that one. So see, everyone is doing it! Hee Hee. :)
Go ahead and decorate! If that's what you feel like doing-why wait?
When I drove to work this morning I noticed one building decorated for Christmas already.
Happy decorating!
Sarah does look so little! She has grown so much in the past year and now she's going to be 2! When is her bday?
Christmas decorations have already started over our way, but then again our thanksgiving is in October so no biggy. It's better to get it done before the snow but somehow I always end up doing it on a freezing cold day anyways! I did buy the cutest gingerbread house at Hallmark on the weekend though!
Love the new blog header, have been away for a while, so now only catching up on my bloggy friends.
Love the photos of Sarah last Christmas, boy do they change alot in one year hey?
We will be in China this Christmas.
Love Jules
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE The holidays!!
I love your new design on the blog! So pretty and Christmas-y! And I know how you feel about holding out...I am sitting here listening to Christmas music right now and hoping I can hold out! It helps that it is still very warm out and not at all winter weather yet. As for your suspicion that I was having twins....PHEW, I am NOT! That would not be my idea of fun at all! :) One is more than enough! Have a great day Lisa!
oh Lisa, i would be up there with you, but my mind holds me back!!!
i so so so love Christmas.
I can't wait to start....mind youit will be quite a change this year!
Go ahead and start decorating!! I have started to unpack all of mine. In fact, our neighbors just did the outside of their house and their yard this week. We normally do it a little early while the weather is still nice. We live in Ohio so it is alot easier to decorate outside BEFORE the snow comes!!!! I just started following your blog, and I really enjoy it. Your children are beautiful!
You are NOT NUTS! I love to decorate for Christmas and do my best to wait for the weekend after Thanksgiving but sometimes the tree is up before that and the wreath on the door too :)
Left you something on my blog...check it out.
(This is going to be a long comment!!!) are most definitely my soul sister...because...guess what we are doing this weekend????? Oh yes..our Christmas trees (all 3!!!) are being put up...the banisters and mantles are being decorated...the windows will all hold a big wreath....and one huge one above the garage doors....and....of course the big spot lights on the house..oh and various other decor throughout the hosue...I put it everywhere!!!
Oh yes....we always decorate this early! parents are in Fla vacationing for two weeks....and last weekend...I went over and decorated their house both inside and out...(My Uncle and his son were so sweet to jump right in and help me all day!!!!) We were having so much fun!!! My parents have a BIG Holly tree in their back yard....and Daddy puts over 1000 red lights on it each my uncle and cousin put all those lights on there.....oh it looks fabulous!!!
We have all the garland in the windows with the bows and little white lights...and little white lights on all their bushes with big red fluffy bows too...and their tree is fully decorated in their living room....and their mantle is adorned with fir garland and pretty poinsettias and little white lights...and big fluffy gold bows! Oh.....I just LOVE Christmas!!!!
so... I say GO FOR IT!!! Oh and by the way...hop on over and visit'll love my music and also love what Chelsi built this surely will put you right int he Christmas spirit!!! and I must have been thinking alike!!!
Hugs, sweet friend!!!
Cute blog ~ I love your flair!
This year I am trying very hard to slow down and enjoy each holiday. I usually go from a blow out Halloween, right into Christmas. I saved a few new decorating ideas for Thanksgiving this year on purpose. I'm hoping this will hold my attention. However, the day after the decorating begins ~ possibly the night of if I'm not too tired :)
What sweet pix!!!! I love them!
I'm Jewish, so I have "Christmas Decoration Envy"! If it were up to me,I'd go for it ASAP!!!!! Looking forward to your newest Xmas pics.
Doreen in Montreal single mom to Faith-Jiangxi & Mia-Sichuan
Bring out the decorations!!!!! If it makes you happy then do it!!! I am bringing them out as soon as these contractors get the heck out of my house which I hope is Monday!!!!! Then the tree's go up....Just do it!!!!
Oh and I still need a Christmas card idea so if anyone has one stop by the Nuthouse and leave me a comment.
I love the blog changes! Very festive. As for the holidays...I saw some neighbors putting up their outside lights today, so you do what your heart desires girl. Life is short.
I actually packed all of my Halloween stuff up yesterday. I agree it is begining to look a lot like Christmas in many places ....
We usually decorate the day after Thanksgiving...However who knows, this year???? :)
GO FOR IT!!!! With all yu got going on you won't be home enough to 'get tired' of it.
The picture of your beautiful chrildren is WONDERFUL~
Hugs girlfriend!
They are so little.. Ya I hear ya on the backgrounds Eddie and Elise had the same one at Portrait inovations but you cant beat there prices
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