....and a little fun in between!!!
It is pretty amazing what you can jam into a couple of days, when you set your mind to it!!
Sarah and I finished the baking and had a lot of fun in the process.....there was only one thing missing....Nick....but I talked to him this morning and he said that he and his Dad did some baking of their own!!
We ended up with 12 dozen cookies, and 2 loaves of pumpkin bread....Our pantry is officially stocked with goodies for our house guests over the holidays. Of course we did have to dig in and taste a couple for ourselves.....just to make sure they were okay.......
Sarah and I made three different kinds of cookies......

The first cookie(pictured on the left)is a White Chocolate Cherry Chunky.....this recipe I found online courtesy of my favorite southern chef....P@ula Deen. When I was in the grocery store I could not find the candied cherries the recipe called for, so I used dried cherries instead....I guess it worked, becasue they tasted really good!!
Those chocolate cookies in the middle are actually, Homemade Oreo Cookies....recipe compliments of one of my favortie bloggers.....she SHARED it on her blog last week....they looked so good, I needed to try them out myself. Trust me, if you make these, you will not be disappointed!!
The Italian cookies, I had made once before and posted the recipe.....if you missed it, click HERE. I just added a little food coloring to the icing to make it a little more festive!!
Unfortunately, or Fortunately....depending on how you look at it, Pat has been working like a dog....with Mortgage rates as low as they are right now, his phone is ringing off the hook....he actually had so many applications on Friday, that he pulled an all nighter and never went to bed. Saturday morning at 6am,I walked down the steps and found him still at his computer submitting online applications....he then, after not sleeping all night, had to spend the day visiting clients to pick up documents needed for all the files. He never went to bed until 8pm last night....36 HOURS STRAIGHT....I do not know how he did it!!
That being said, I have been doing all the cleaning, shopping, wrapping, and baking with Sarah in tow.......we really did accomplish a lot in two days, but the one thing that has been weighing heavily on my mind is the kitchen set that we bought for her. It was the first gift that we purchased and has been sitting in my garage in the unopened box. I have been asking Pat to put it together, and his answer is always......"Don't worry, we have time"
Do you all remember Sarah's stroller with the missing part the morning of her birthday? I did not want a repeat performance, nor did I want to be up on Christmas Eve putting this thing together. So this morning at 5am while my poor husband was trying to catch up on some much needed sleep....guess what I was doing.....
Putting together a kitchen set......

With a little elbow grease, the directions and a half pot of coffee...60 screws and bolts and those 28 pieces of wood became a kitchen! It took me about an hour and half....the last step was the worst...the hinges on the doors...I could have used an extra set of hands...but I manuevered and got the task completed without the assistance of Pat or Nick....this was definitely a first!!
After this little project, I was more than ready to hang up my toolbelt...the rest of the day was filled with wrapping, cleaning, and grocery shopping to get all those last minute items for our special meals. After all this, we still were able to squeeze in a little outdoor fun....here is our girl running around our backyard that has become a winter wonderland.....
Sorry for the abundance of photos... I was kind of excited to actually get outside and play around with the camera again...plus, I am not sure how much I will post between now and Christmas....maybe only one more, so I wanted to squeeze these photos into this post....these were straight out of the camera....no editing....that is a rarity for me. I am usually trying to cover up or cut something out.....being outside made a huge difference....the natural light seems to be much easier to work with...I have been having major issues with indoor lighting!!

I hope your weekend was as productive as ours!! We are officially DONE with everything.....now it is time to celebrate and enjoy!! Some of our family will be arriving on Tuesday afternoon......we are really looking forward to their arrival....Nick is especailly excited....he is counting the hours until Eddie walks through the door!!
Happy Holidays!!
It is pretty amazing what you can jam into a couple of days, when you set your mind to it!!
Sarah and I finished the baking and had a lot of fun in the process.....there was only one thing missing....Nick....but I talked to him this morning and he said that he and his Dad did some baking of their own!!
We ended up with 12 dozen cookies, and 2 loaves of pumpkin bread....Our pantry is officially stocked with goodies for our house guests over the holidays. Of course we did have to dig in and taste a couple for ourselves.....just to make sure they were okay.......
Sarah and I made three different kinds of cookies......

The first cookie(pictured on the left)is a White Chocolate Cherry Chunky.....this recipe I found online courtesy of my favorite southern chef....P@ula Deen. When I was in the grocery store I could not find the candied cherries the recipe called for, so I used dried cherries instead....I guess it worked, becasue they tasted really good!!
Those chocolate cookies in the middle are actually, Homemade Oreo Cookies....recipe compliments of one of my favortie bloggers.....she SHARED it on her blog last week....they looked so good, I needed to try them out myself. Trust me, if you make these, you will not be disappointed!!
The Italian cookies, I had made once before and posted the recipe.....if you missed it, click HERE. I just added a little food coloring to the icing to make it a little more festive!!
Unfortunately, or Fortunately....depending on how you look at it, Pat has been working like a dog....with Mortgage rates as low as they are right now, his phone is ringing off the hook....he actually had so many applications on Friday, that he pulled an all nighter and never went to bed. Saturday morning at 6am,I walked down the steps and found him still at his computer submitting online applications....he then, after not sleeping all night, had to spend the day visiting clients to pick up documents needed for all the files. He never went to bed until 8pm last night....36 HOURS STRAIGHT....I do not know how he did it!!
That being said, I have been doing all the cleaning, shopping, wrapping, and baking with Sarah in tow.......we really did accomplish a lot in two days, but the one thing that has been weighing heavily on my mind is the kitchen set that we bought for her. It was the first gift that we purchased and has been sitting in my garage in the unopened box. I have been asking Pat to put it together, and his answer is always......"Don't worry, we have time"
Do you all remember Sarah's stroller with the missing part the morning of her birthday? I did not want a repeat performance, nor did I want to be up on Christmas Eve putting this thing together. So this morning at 5am while my poor husband was trying to catch up on some much needed sleep....guess what I was doing.....
Putting together a kitchen set......

With a little elbow grease, the directions and a half pot of coffee...60 screws and bolts and those 28 pieces of wood became a kitchen! It took me about an hour and half....the last step was the worst...the hinges on the doors...I could have used an extra set of hands...but I manuevered and got the task completed without the assistance of Pat or Nick....this was definitely a first!!
After this little project, I was more than ready to hang up my toolbelt...the rest of the day was filled with wrapping, cleaning, and grocery shopping to get all those last minute items for our special meals. After all this, we still were able to squeeze in a little outdoor fun....here is our girl running around our backyard that has become a winter wonderland.....
Sorry for the abundance of photos... I was kind of excited to actually get outside and play around with the camera again...plus, I am not sure how much I will post between now and Christmas....maybe only one more, so I wanted to squeeze these photos into this post....these were straight out of the camera....no editing....that is a rarity for me. I am usually trying to cover up or cut something out.....being outside made a huge difference....the natural light seems to be much easier to work with...I have been having major issues with indoor lighting!!

I hope your weekend was as productive as ours!! We are officially DONE with everything.....now it is time to celebrate and enjoy!! Some of our family will be arriving on Tuesday afternoon......we are really looking forward to their arrival....Nick is especailly excited....he is counting the hours until Eddie walks through the door!!
Happy Holidays!!
WOW.. you have been busy... the cookies look YUMMY...
I will have to try baking these ....
Love the kitchen..... it is soooo cute..and GREAT job.. you go girly..
Can't wait to see her face...
And as for the snow pictures... LOVE THEM..
Have a Great Week..
Everything looks amazing! I love the cookies, the kitchen..pink!! the snow and baby girl and that you are done!! haha It is going to be wonderful! Can't wait to see your Christmas pics!! (Take lots!!)
Okay, you have just motivated me to get off the computer and get to work! Cute kitchen and delicious-looking cookies! I hope Pat catches up on his rest.
I wouldn't have recognized the italian cookies had you not of mentioned the food colouring. What a great idea.
I have yet to try them, but I have them bookmarked.
Wow Lisa!! You are amazing!! Do you drink a lot of coffee? How do you get so much accomplished??
The cookies look so yummy and the kitchen set!! Oh my -- it is beautiful!
Plus -- love your photos outdoors -- Sarah looks amazing!
Have a very Merry Christmas!
Wow..you have accomplished a lot. Isn't it a good feeling to get it all done? Now you can just enjoy your family, friends and have a fun Christmas. Love all the pics...your cookies, pink kitchen and Miss Sarah look wonderful.
Happy Holidays!
Holy cow! You did have a productive weekend! Way to go! I hope to get finished up tomorrow on my day off from work!
Sarah's kitchen is adorable! She is going to love it! The snow pictures are cute too!
Your a real Martha Stewart there girl!
I love the kitchen! How come they didn't have things that fun when we were kids?
As for the over abundance of pictures......NEVER NEVER apoligize for that! I love Sarah piccy's!!!
Merry Christmas!
The cookies look yummy!!! Sarah will love her kitchen. My girls play in their kitchen set 24/7 we finally got the last piece a few months ago (the laundry set).
Ken waits until Christmas Eve to put everything together. He gets the boys and they all put together the girls toys. It always makes me nervous(what if a piece is missing?) This year I bought them a market set from Land of Nod so they will be busy guys.
Love the pictures of beautiful Sarah in the snow : )
oh I forgot to say ....poor Pat : ( It's good that business is picking up but still...poor guy : ( I hope he gets some sleep.
Congrats on getting the pink kitchen all put together(I kinda like to put stuff together too). Isn't it great to have everything done...your cookies look spectacular and I'm sure they taste yummy. The pics of Sarah outside are adorable!
Enjoy your week and Merry Christmas!
Congratulations on being officially ready! Isn't that a wonderful feeling!
LOVE that kitchen.
Ahhh....yes...we were little elves around here today too. JIM decided to bake cookies...which turned into an all day event...but fun.
That looks like the kitchen I have for Lia! Sarah will love it and WTG on putting it together!!!
Yikes on that 36 hour work day and a half!!! We started a re-finance last week too. We have been watching the rates for a year...and finally got where we wanted. It all seemed time sensitive...more than I ever realized! What a crazy business!!
We signed a contract to have construction started on our family room the wek we are away...so now on top of the bazillion other things I have to do...I have to clear out all our stuff...and pick a hardwood for the floors. Christmas is a mere three days away right??? I may be pulling an all nighter here soon...
Good times...good times...
My husband would be so impressed! (he may want to hire lol!) As for the cookies...OMG...my mouth is watering just looking at them!
How resourceful you are!!! The cookies look yummy and the kitchen looks ready for a little cook!!!
Merry Christmas!!
HOLY CRAP!! I'm so impressed!! NO WAY I could ever assemble one of those things, my hubby barely gets them done. You are Wonder Woman Mom!!!
I hope y'all have a wonderful Christmas! Oh, and thanks for sharing the recipes for all those cookies, they all look delish!!
Love the pics of Sarah, but then, I always do. :)
Those cookies are amazing!!! Wow...do you deliver? I love that kitchen so very cute!!!
Of course, she is so sweet...she is dressed for success in her boots and coat! What a cutie!
-sandy toes
Wow! You were a busy elf!! LOVE the kitchen set and super impressed that you did that all by yourself. You definitely need to put in your application with Santa for over time.
And if you happen to need more guests over the holidays to polish off those yummy cookies... I'd be your gal! :)
Sarah is adorable in her little hat and rosy cheeks! Looks like she is really enjoying the holiday too!
You rock! There's no way I'd get up at 5am on a weekend. And to do manual labor on top of it. But you go girl! That kitchen set looked complicated but you conquered it.
PS. You always find the cutest clothes for Sarah. I swear I need to come shopping with you. Ah if only I lived closer. LOL! I love that coat! My favorite colors ...pink and green. And the little leg warmers. Reminds me of a few pairs I had back in the day.
Yummy!! I am so glad you tried the Homemade Oreos! Aren't they so hard to resist? My husband actually asked me NOT to make them again because he couldn't stop eating them! :)
Good thinking on getting the kitchen put together early. We actually have a kitchen for Nina, too, and you are making me think we need to get to work BEFORE Christmas Eve at 10pm!
Have a great week Lisa! And I hope your husband gets some more sleep too!
I am so impressed that you have done so much. We have not baked yet for the holidays. Maybe tomorrow or Tuesday??? Those cookies ALL look heavenly. I could almost taste them. The kitchen is adorable and you go girl---putting it together. I am so so impressed!
Merry Christmas!
Oh, how funny, Lisa!!! I also bought the girls a new kitchen set for Christmas and it has also been sitting downstairs in the box and I ALSO have been pestering Dave to put it together in case it had a missing or broken piece!!!!
He is actually down there now doing it and I went down to check...it looks quite complicated, so I give you LOTS of credit for doing yours by yourself. : )
Have a wonderful week!!
Not only do you take great photos, (love the photo of the cookies) cook and bake, but you can put furniture together!!!!
Thanks for the link to the oreo cookies. They look great!
Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas.
Hey Lisa...will you please pass the cookies, they look DELISH!
The kitchen is adorable...will you hop over to my blog and let me know where you got such a cute kitchen...I think Vivi Jo needs a kitchen like that! You did GOOD...I am totally impressed that you put it together!
Love love love the adorable pictures of your adorable snow bunny.
Hope you Christmas is FAB!
You are super woman!!! Congrats on being done!! We will finish all our baking and cleaning today. Can't wait!!
Sarah is so cute!!!
Merry Christmas,
Alyzabeth's Mommy of Three Months!
Forever Family Day 09/16/08
I am so glad I cannot reach through the screen and eat those cookies because they would be GONE! LOL!
That kitchen set looks so good. Yay you!
Love all the gorgeous pics!!!
(PS - LOVED your Christmas card!)
I love the little kitchen, I can imagine Sarah making tea and cookies for you, too cute!!
Your cookies look so decadent, we are making our dough today, baking Wednesday for Santa, can't wait!!!!
Yummy cookies!
Darling kitchen..Nice job, Mom!:)
And I could just smooch Sarah up in those snow pictures with her rosy cheeks. Sigh......
Merry Christmas to you and your sweet family!
God Bless,
P.S. If you have any of those cookies left...send them to P.O. Box Crazyville. I'm just saying.;)
Rock on! You can put the kitchen together and then bake up a storm!
Keep smilin!
Bless your heart my friend! You've been busy! And you go girl! I love a woman who can put stuff together! I've been known to do that myself! Can't always wait for the hubs to get it done! So kudos to you! LOVE that kitchen set!
And oh my! I'm drooling over your cookies! Thanks for sharing the recipes!
NEVER apologize for pics! I'm with you...I know we will be busy and blogging will be way down on the list. I have like 3 posts set to auto publish! ha!
Hope you have a blessed Christmas!
Kudos on the kitchen...girls with tools rock!
I am loving Sarah's coat and leg warers...too cute!
Sue : )
You can never have too many pictures! Those cookies look DELICIOUS!!!! Sarah is going to have a BLAST with that kitchen. Good for you that you are all ready and can now just relax! Merry Christmas my friend!!!
You are impressive girl! Between cooking and putting together a kitchen how do you have time to blog and leave such sweet comments on so many blogs? You are my hero...hee hee!
I am making the oreo cookies as we speak...they smell delicious cooking but I am going to be all about the icing that goes on the inside. Off to make that now~
Pics look great!! Cookies look great and you are done with everything-- congrats and holy cow do I wish I were in your shoes!! Good job-- now just sit back and relax!!
Christy :)
Wow, Lisa! Those cookies look fabulous!! After I leave this comment, I am popping over for the homemade O*reo recipe. We are having an all-girls afternoon tomorrow baking with my boss's wife who has three boys. :)
I love, love, love power tools. If I lived closer, I would have come over to help you in a heartbeat. You did an awesome job and Sarah is going to love it!
I wish you and your family a very, Merry Christmas!!!
Yummy!!! The cookies look delicious. You and Sarah have been busy, busy, huh?
I love your sweet pictures of Sarah playing in the snow. She always has the cutest expressions on her face.
We just got in for the day...give me an email and let me know when a good time to reach you would be.
I forgot to mention that I am SUPER IMPRESSED with your craftsman skills!!! Sarah's kitchenette is to die for! I hope you have your camera around to capture the look on her face when she sees this vision in pink! : )
Your cookies look fabulous!!! I love the kitchen...that is the one I wanted for Lucy but was on backorder everywhere...so I settled on another, my hubby will be trying to get that together sometime in the next couple of days...
Have a very Merry Christmas!!
First off I have to tell you that you did an excellent job on putting together the kitchen set! Dang I dont know if I would have attempted that one... you better pat yourself on the back for that one! and Sarah is so cute in the snow pictures! Her outfit is adorable!
Hope you have a great christmas! your card that you posted was beautiful!
I love ALL your pictures! So glad you had such a wonderful weekend! I am SUPER impressed with the kitchen :)
Great pics, yummy looking cookies and Sarah is going to love her pink kitchen!
Your cookies look soooo good! You're all set, now you can sit back, relax and enjoy the holidays.
Great job on putting together the kitchen, it's so cute and Sarah's going to love it! You'll be so glad it's done on xmas eve!
Have a wonderful holiday and I will look forward to your photos!
You had me at Paula Deen! She is my MOST favorite chef!
I HATE to build stuff...you go. We better start working on our stuff tonight!
Your Christmas pictures above are so cute.
Merry Christmas!
Those cookies look amazing. I hope you are sending some to me. ;)
And I am so jealous of the kitchen set. I'd love one of those for our kids!
The cookies looks fabulous! What a great kitchen. Wish I had one in pink!
Enjoy the arrival of your family.
Loved the cookies. Loved the photos. And absolutely giving you MAJOR kudos for the putting the kitchen together!
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