I am happy to report that at this late date of December 4th....our Christmas cards have finally been RUSH ordered and with any luck, they will be mailed and delivered before Christmas Eve!!
You have all witnessed me struggle and majorly obsess over putting together our cards this year!! In fact, I need to thank all of you who took the time to help me by leaving comments and emailing me your opinions. I especially want to thank one very special and talented lady who has a tremendous heart and has gone out of her way to help me....you know who you are(:D) Your time and assistance was so greatly appreciated....I can't wait to meet you in person....hopefully that will happen at the end of January!!
As you could well imagine, I took a couple hundred shots of the kids that were not usable and need to be deleted. Now that the quest for the perfect picture is over and I can breathe easy, I have had some time to go through and clean up the files. In doing so, I came across some photos that donned some pretty funny faces....take a look.....

You have all witnessed me struggle and majorly obsess over putting together our cards this year!! In fact, I need to thank all of you who took the time to help me by leaving comments and emailing me your opinions. I especially want to thank one very special and talented lady who has a tremendous heart and has gone out of her way to help me....you know who you are(:D) Your time and assistance was so greatly appreciated....I can't wait to meet you in person....hopefully that will happen at the end of January!!
As you could well imagine, I took a couple hundred shots of the kids that were not usable and need to be deleted. Now that the quest for the perfect picture is over and I can breathe easy, I have had some time to go through and clean up the files. In doing so, I came across some photos that donned some pretty funny faces....take a look.....

I actually love this picture and would have used it for the card, but I must have moved the camera because it came out very blurry!!
Hope you all had a couple of laughs at the expense of my children.....I know I sure did...those are some funny faces......makes me wonder what was going through their minds at the time!!
Hope you all had a couple of laughs at the expense of my children.....I know I sure did...those are some funny faces......makes me wonder what was going through their minds at the time!!
Have a great weekend......I will be back on Sunday!!
I love the last one and also the one where they are looking at eachother! I'm glad you finally got a great one, I'm sure it's beautiful! I finally got around to doing mine, but I'm still waiting on the proof before I place the big order! I'm running way behind this year too! Oh well. lol
Have a great weekend!!
Oh, I also meant to say what a BEAUTIFUL location, love the stone!!
Congratulations on the getting the pictures/xmas cards completed!! You are further than me!! I am trying not to stress to much about it. Love the pictures, especially the last one. Looks like they were having alot of fun!
Hey girly! Your two kiddos are so funny! I loved the faces that you got from these two...priceless : ) Thanks for sharing!
Gotta love those funny faces too! So sweet!! Hope you will be posting your Christmas card! Those two are too cute!
LOVE the pictures..
It is pretty amazing how many pictures we have to take to get the right one..
We will be doing our pictures this weekend..
See you Sunday..
Have FUN...
I love the last one! I misread your sentence explaining... I looked at the first four photos, then backtracked to reread. And I thought "whew!" because at first I believed I was supposed to pick one of these for the card. That's what I get for reading while exhausted! LOL.
Okay..I just love that last picture..I love it!!!
-sandy toes
They are so beautiful! Ones to cherish! Adorable!
Visit my blog for the cupcake carrier giveaway!
Merry Christmas!
Alyzabeth's Mommy
I am sure the photo you chose was fantastic! It would be funny to send out a few of the "bloopers." My cousin once sent out a photo of her little girl in the bathroom (she was being potty trained at the time) with the caption "Hap-pee Holidays!" I am crossing my fingers that that one stayed in the family!
Since I'm sure we aren't ALL on your Christmas card list, you'll have to make sure you scan it so we can all appreciate it. :)
Such cuties with our without funny faces.
Also hope you'll be posting your Christmas card. I love all your pics, some of these are priceless! Have a great weekend Lisa.
Oh my goodness! These bloopers are sooo funny! I especially love the first one and the one where Nick is blowing Sarah in the face.
I think you did a great job on these pictures and I can't wait to see your card!
So many great photos. Isn't it fun to see what the lens captures in a split second?
That last one is totally adorable!
LOVE these outtakes!! They are just so cute & that last one is just sooo precious!!
Hmmmm...I better get my cards done now! Yikes!
Thanks for stopping by too! :)
That pained look on Sarah's face in the 2nd one is how I envision you looking each time you finished an unsuccessful photo shoot:O)
I hope we'll get to see the finished product once you've mailed them out?
Two and four and my favorites! I love the look on Nick and Sarah's little faces as it remind me of two little one's I know :D
Ladybug hugs,
I love that first one! Those faces!
Definitely the bloopers make some of the best humour you can find.
Glad you finally got them pulled together.
I'd originally started my blog as a way to connect with relatives all be it I don't think a one stops by but my sister who lives in the same town as I.
You cannot miss with those gorgeous children!!!! I am sure your card will be beautiful.
I too love the last picture! Poor Sarah's red nose in some of the others :(
I cannot wait to see the final card! Do not worry, you are WAY ahead of me :) Have a great weekend!
LOVE the last one, but I thihnk the candid real moments are alos fun to have and keep!
Lisa your are sooooo funny! I actually love all your photos, the last is my favorite. I don't see the blurr, but maybe that's because of my usual state of mind lately LOL!
Great post as usual.
Snort! I love looking at the pictures that didn't make the cut! So cute!
You must have been exhausted after that shoot! LOL!
Love the outtakes. I have a few of them myself!
Enjoy your weekend!
I love that last one too! I love the belly laughs that children do. It always makes me laugh along with them.
You have beautiful babies!
Happy Holidays!
The last one is too cute! Well they all are too cute actually. Have a great day!
Oh I am so happy that you got your Chirstmas card finished! I can't wait to see how it turned out!
Those pictures, even with funny faces, were ADORABLE! You have a beautiful family
Have a great weekend my friend!
The last one is becautiful-- to obad it was blurry. Love them all-- even the funny ones. Thanks for letting us laugh a bit!
Christy :)
All the pictures turned out so cute. I love the one where their smiling and laughing at each other.
Love the out-takes! Sarah's personality just shines :)
How funny! I love the last one too...but this is the stuff of life. Outakes and mess ups and do-overs. Isn't God grand!?! And I'm so thankful that my girls let me start over or try again everyday! These pics make me think of grace actually. Thanks for sharing...
Hope your weekend is fabulous!
oh, and congrats on getting the card behind you! Jase said ours came FedEx today! Woohoo! Can't wait to get them out!
hugs to you~
oh, and congrats on getting the card behind you! Jase said ours came FedEx today! Woohoo! Can't wait to get them out!
hugs to you~
Oh Lisa...what great FUNNY photos! (I think those are my favorite...the funny ones!) Looking forward to next week ;) Give me a buzz over the weekend if you have some extra time lol!
I love those funny faces...
The last photo is beautiful..
Have a wonderful weekend!!
That last one is great! Too bad about the blurry photo!
Just adorable!!!!! I love the out takes..they are so cute and so "real". Thanks for sharing!!!!
Hi Lisa,
How funny. I like looking at the "outtakes", too. And I do think that last photo is just adorable.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
We don't have a good picture either, I'm going to try again this weekend.
Great photos. The last one is adorable. I'm waiting for my son Nick to return for Christmas break so we can take a quick picture then mass produce it for our card ~ I'm way behind this year! Where has the time gone?
Have a great weekend,
This is what I love about you and your blog, you always keep it so real. Love that you post your out takes... even though they are still adorable...esp. the last one.
I'm a little stressed because I have yet to take a photo let alone order the cards. It must happen tomorrow!!! :) Thanks for the inpsiration. Hope you have a great weekend!
Just love those pictures...all of them! Beautiful kids! I actually took our photo in the fall this yr, but don't have them sent out yet...yikes! I have the stamps, does that count???
Seriously Lisa, can these 2 cuties take a bad picture? I do love the last photo.
The last one is a real treasure!!! Blurry or not I would use it.
OH my friend, I have missed checking in on your blog (after all it is one of my favorites). I love seeing that all is well~ Your babies are as beautiful as ever!!!
By the way, will you be posting any Holiday recipes? I need to get my menu together!
BIG HUGS from a friend that has missed you MUCH!!!
Good for you! That is a definite accomplishment to get the Christmas card and etc. done and off in the mail! My husband is always so relieved to have this out of the way! (And I am so glad that he does this every year!) Those are still really cute pictures, even with the funny faces they made! We have so many of those...
I hope you have a wonderful weekend! :)
hee hee they are the cutest, did i miss the photo of your choice?
Have a great weekend
How fun! Thank you for sharing your "bloopers" photos..hehe.
All so cute- glad you got your cards I'm sure they are adorable. Hope ou are enjoying a nice
- Bridget
How cute!! I always find that the pictures that didn't make the cut are the ones I love years later... those lost expressions you forget they made at that age!
Too funny... I'm working on getting mine mailed too.. so behind this year.
those are awesome!!!
LOVE the "out-takes". Priceless funny faces. Isn't it amazing how many photos we take to get that one perfect shot???
Getting a perfect Christmas card picture is SO hard! Luckily I just have one little face to arrange : ). I have been praying for you and your adoption this week!
Those bloopers are so funny Lisa!
Your kiddos are so stinkin' adorable, even while making funny faces!!!
I just ordered our pics yesterday so she's expressing our digital negatives on Monday so hopefuly by next weekend I can have some sort of cards in my hot little hands!!!
Fingers crossed~ Hugs, Les
HILARIOUS!!!! Love outtakes! And congratulations on Christmas Card Success!!!! FINALLY!
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