Sunday night, as the kids constructed and decorated their Gingerbread houses, our kitchen reminded me of The Nutcracker's Act II "Land of the Sweets"
There was certainly enough confection and marzipan flying around.....and after consuming large quantities of candy and icing, Sarah looked like she was doing the dance of the sugar plum fairy.... Well, her version...maybe not as graceful, but she was fluttering around the kitchen on her tippy toes from complete sugar shock!!
There was certainly enough confection and marzipan flying around.....and after consuming large quantities of candy and icing, Sarah looked like she was doing the dance of the sugar plum fairy.... Well, her version...maybe not as graceful, but she was fluttering around the kitchen on her tippy toes from complete sugar shock!!
These may not be the prettiest pictures I have ever taken, but they certainly captured the fun that we had that night.

Nick totally blew me away.....he worked the pastry bag like no other!! I think he has learned a thing or two from Duff on Ace of of Nick's favorite Food Netw@rk shows!! He really did a fantastic job....this is the first year we did not have our GB house fall apart. They are both still standing today......they might be missing a few treats, but the structures are still secure:)

Nick did all the frame work while Sarah was taking her nap. She woke up just in time to decorate her very own house!! Although she was willing and ready to decorate, she would not let me brush her hair or pull it back.....hence the frumpy look!!

Daddy, you and Nick can take over....I don't want to build, I would rather supervise....more like have a snack while you two do the work.

Here are the finished products!! Nick and Pat did such a great job......they managed to cover a lot of ground considering they had "The Candy Expert" snatching up their supplies!!
I am happy to report that I am finally starting to crawl out from underneath all of the to do's and the stress is slowly slipping away.....I have the shopping and Christmas cards done, I just need to bake, finish wrapping, and do some cleaning before the big day.
As of today, I am basically done with work until January 5th. My boss is going away for the holiday and told me to take the rest of the year off! That in itself was such a gift......but it didn't stop there.......on top of giving me these last two weeks of paid time off, he presented me with another surprise.......details to follow....I am very excited to say the least!
Great job, kids! The houses look great!
Those pics totally captured the fun, and the houses turned out so cute.
I can't wait to hear about the surprise from your boss...can I work for you?
They look fabulous and yes, the eyes say it all. I love it!
The Gingerbread houses look great, Lisa! I love them. These pics are TOO cute. The one of Sarah eyeing Pat is hilarious. You guys better watch out when she hits the teen years : ) Nick is such a cutie...
Ok, you have to email me and tell me about your big surprise!! I can't wait!
Knowing your boss last gave you a trip to Vegas - I'm excited to know what he gave you!!!
Adorable houses:)
Beautiful pics, how much fun did you all have!
What a great boss...and I'm really curious about your surprise.
Have a great rest of your week!
Wow..the kids did a wonderful job!!! They are so cute and colorful with all the candy!!! I have never done a gingerbread house with my kids but it looks like so much fun..maybe next year!
-sandy toes
Looks like a good time was had by all!!
Congrats on the time off, can't wait to here what other surprise your boss had!!!
So cute, they did a really great job!! Enjoy your time off!!
Yeah for you!! What an awesome boss. I can't wait to hear your other big news.
The houses turned out great. And may I just say, Mia and Sarah definitely have something in common. Far more interested in the "decorations" than the decorating. ;-)
These pictures are sooo cute. I especially love the "eyes" picture! It looks like the kids had a great time, and this is definitely a fun family tradition!
I know what your surprise is and you are one lucky lady! Your boss rocks! My bosses could use some lessons from your boss!
The houses turned out BEAUTIFUL!!!! They look mighty yummy too. What a fun evening!
Yay to being off work until Jan!
LOVE the houses.. great job..
I am glad you are done..
I have to still shop.. haven't even started... christmas cards needs addressed and then I can send them.. and I really need to take down the decorations on the tree and get another one..this one is dying..
but I am working and not getting anything done..LOL..
Oh well. hugs...
What a fun time with your kids! The houses look great!
Congrats on such a wonderful gift from you boss! Wow! Enjoy!!!
Glad to hear you've begun to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Those houses look great!!!!
They look great and the kids had a great time, too!
You can't leave us hanging like that - what was the surprise from your boss?
Looks like a fun time! Your children are beautiful :o)
The gingerbread houses are darling! Great minds must think alike, because we did a gingerbread house Sunday night too.;)
Merry Christmas, Lisa!
God Bless,
Mmmmm! Those houses look delish!!
And I just LOVED the photos!! They totally capture the moment!!
Lucky you! Done with shopping!! I still have 2 birthdays before Christmas (husband & it's not as if I can fluff them off! lol!)
Those houses look great! What a super job you all did! Am so jealous that you are finished with everything. Feel like I am just getting started!! What a great boss -- don't you need some employees in Nebraska?? :)
Have a great week!
Forget the kids... I want the gingerbread house... hehehe...
I know I have been away for a while... life is crazy right now...
If I don't get to you later... have a great Xmas...
Take care
What a great boss you have! Enjoy the break and all the sweets along with NO stress!
These pics totally put to shame the pic I'm going to put up of my (oops! I mean "our") house!
I am so impressed that you actually did 2 g'bread houses!!! You just had to show the rest of us up didn't you?!? They are adorable.
Can't wait to hear your surprise. Enjoy your time off. That is awesome!!
First of all, Sarah could never look frumpy!! She is always a doll!!
I am so glad to see Nick still loving making the gingerbread houses, I am still looking forward to doing this with my boys when we get home!
Congrats on getting things done-- I wish I were in your shoes. The kids look so adorable and obviously love to decorate their houses. Kids just love that stuff-- we did cookies tonight. You must have a Naartjie around you as Mia has the same dress/ shirt. I love Naartjie!! Ever since she started preschool I have been putting her in Naartjie stuff becuase it is soooo cute and soooo comfy!
Great pics!
Christy :)
What fun! The memories will surely stand out in their heads for years to come! :)
I'm having a gingerbread decorating party soon and can't wait to see the kiddos having fun decorating too!
That's awesome you get the rest of the year off, enjoy it and I can't wait to see what the surprise is!
The houses are absolutely beautiful! Great job!
Hire me! Hire me! :)
I really love the cute pictures & captions!!! Your kitchen is so pretty! My kids love gingerbread houses too... especially for the snitching-candy part. Sarah's facial expressions CRACK ME UP. She has sassy to spare! :)
That is some very serious gingerbread house constructing I have to say.....
Love these pictures...and woo-hoo to the time off!!! Enjoy!! code is "aptop" that some kind of weird computer pig latin????
The houses look delicious!
Looks like you guys had fun decorating and snacking.
Congrats on having the rest of the year off!! Enjoy every minute of it (I'm sure you will!)
Love the pics of the construction, especially Sarah's eyes! How wonderful for you to have the rest of the year off. I am also starting to come out from under the stress so I can enjoy the holidays.
Are you close to the outlets in PA?
Wow, you have me intrigued with what else your boss gave you. Tell us soon! Either way, what a wonderful surprise to be off for the rest of the year. And I love the gingerbread houses! We did one over the weekend too...and once Nina saw Mama eating the decorations, it was all over! She and Sarah wouldn't have gotten very far together, that's for sure! :)
The "houses" look great!!! And you must tell us what your boss did...along with 2 weeks paid holiday time off! I tell you, your boss and Keith's boss most be related (how did we ever get so lucky!) your card today and I love LOVE love it! The photos are perfect! Can't wait to talk on Friday...are you guys getting the 9-12" of snow they are callling for here?
How smooth your kiddies are! Those are some fine gingerbread houses if I do say! Looks like my kinda night~at home, with my hubs and babies making memories!!!
Oh, my!! She looks just like Em... ready and willing to eat any candy in sight!! At least she made "art" with it first!
Your son is such a cutie too! He looks like he is really good with Sarah.
Look at those gingerbread houses!!! Those two are pro's!!! Sarah's face cracks me up in that one picture LOL
Oh my gosh Lisa~ the 'eyes' pic of Miss Sarah is so funny! How can you get anything done? I'd be giggling all day with her funny self fluttering about the house!
Nick was very intense and concentrating so hard! And it paid off~ what great houses!
Fun, fun, fun times!!!
Merry December hun~ Les
I love the houses. We bought a train this year........
Can't wait to hear your good news!
Enjoy your time off with that precious family of yours!
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