I came down the steps this morning to find that Sarah had rearranged the Nutcrackers that were in our living room. Pat had taken her in there to let her play with them while I was getting ready...one of the Nutcrackers is musical and it is her absolute favorite. Anyhow, I guess she did not like the way I had them displayed........this is how I found them........

She had them perfectly arranged from tallest to smallest in a diagonal line. Is it possible that at a young age of two, she is already picking up my OCD tendencies???
I had to call Pat back into the room and make sure that he had no hand in this.....he has some obsessive tendencies of his own, so I thought he had helped....he said no....she did this all on her own, I think you are rubbing off on her!!!

As soon as she saw me grab the camera, she came back to make sure I wasn't messing with perfection!!

In other news, we had Sarah's 2 year old check up at the pediatrician's office this morning. So these smiles that you see quickly turned into this look when she found out where we were headed......
Sarah is getting really good at the pouty face...and she knows when and how to use it!!
All went well...it was really our first doctor visit that she wasn't screaming from the moment we walked in the room...you see, the doctor is the other "Scary Man" in Sarah's eyes!!
It has been a while since we had a well visit and I was anxious to see how much she has grown....Sarah measured 35 inches tall and 24.5 pounds...still a little peanut. Thank goodness she only needed one vaccination so the tears were kept to a minimum!!

We returned home with a sticker in hand and a sore arm, but that didn't seem to stop her....it was right back to arranging and rearranging.....LOL!!
All went well...it was really our first doctor visit that she wasn't screaming from the moment we walked in the room...you see, the doctor is the other "Scary Man" in Sarah's eyes!!
It has been a while since we had a well visit and I was anxious to see how much she has grown....Sarah measured 35 inches tall and 24.5 pounds...still a little peanut. Thank goodness she only needed one vaccination so the tears were kept to a minimum!!

We returned home with a sticker in hand and a sore arm, but that didn't seem to stop her....it was right back to arranging and rearranging.....LOL!!
If I could teach her how to organize a closet, I would be set!!!
Oh, a girl after my own heart. How precious. I have a little peanut too. Ava will be 3 in April and almost weighs 23 lbs.
First of all, Sarah looks so adorable in her dress and hat!!! Too cute!!!
Second of all, she is one smart cookie to organize those nutcrackers like she did! I'm impressed! : )
Third of all, bless her heart...doctors can sometimes be "scary"! I'm glad to hear that she only needed one shot!
Your house and tree both loos sooo beautiful!!!
Oops, I just got acrylic nails put on and I'm having a hard time typing...I meant to say your house and tree both looK sooo beautiful! : )
Gorgeous pics as always.
Love her lining up tendencies :)
My 3 year old (3 years 2 months) just weighed in at 27 lbs... But she is getting long so she doesn't feel like my baby to hold any more :(
Love it..
I hope my OCD doesn't rub off on Isabella to much.. just a little ...lol..
Sorry I haven't been around..
Been busy..
Have 3 or 4 post behind..
Hugs girly.
Have a Great Weekend.
WAIT: I almost forgot.. that is the cutest little dress that Sarah has on...LOVE IT..
Oh she is just so darling. Lucy is 34 in and weighs 25lbs...little too. So you probably buy some 18-24mo clothes too :)
Can she come teach my kids how to play with the nutcrackers without STEALING their beards?!?! :)
Glad she had a good checkup, she is a precious little peanut!
I love the pic of Sarah sitting on the floor and laughing...so cute. It made me smile.
So happy the 2 yr. checkup is over now and she only had 1 shot. Will's 3 yr. checkup is next week and I'm interested in seeing how much he weighs and his height. He feels like he's gained about 5 lbs! LOL
You home is beautiful and so Christmas-y. You may have a little interior designer on your hands with Miss Sarah. :)
Bless her heart! I just love that! I'm an organizer to a fault! She is beautiful...pouty look and all! So glad it went well today :)
Oh my gosh, your little OCD girl! I love that she came in to make sure you didn't mess up her organization...she's a girl after my own heart!
Somehow, I think it won't be too long before you have her in that closet ;) So cute. Love her little dress.
What a bright girl to arrange those nutties by height!! Love her sweater dress and hat -- that girl has some cute clothes! Glad to hear the doc visit went so well.
Have a great Friday!
Too funny....she looks darling in her dress and hat....my kids do the same things here....my nutcrackers are up high....lol...hope she feeling ok after her shots...
Hi Lisa,
I'm glad to hear her well visit went well. She might see Mia at OCD Anonymous. :-)
BTW, what a cute little outfit!
From one type A to another...I so get it Sarah!
Maggie goes for a shot tomorrow...wish us luck!
Great pics...your home looks inviting and warm~
Did she have to climb up to get them?? I somehow imagined there would be more of them.
Forget those nutcrackers..those boots???!!!!! Goodness that girl knows how to dress!
-sandy toes
Oh how funny is that?
Bryce did and still does sometimes, the same thing!
They do learn some things from their Mommas, don't they?
Yea for Sarah having a good drs visit! So glad all is well and only one shot. Phew! Remind me~ after 2 they are home free for a few years other than the annual flu shot/mist, right?!? I'm hoping so!
Happy almost TGIF day hun!
Hugs, Les
It's nice when they are small and such simple things will keep them occupied!
Your house and tree are very beautiful!
That is hilarious and very organized thinking if you ask me!
Love to see the world through a two year old's eyes...and were they facing the tree too. I would have died if I saw Magnolia do that! Glad her well visit was good, she's a little peanut like M!
Great checkup. Love the nutcrackers and Sarah looks adorable in her sweater dress.
Oh so cute.
These pictures are too cute! Little Sarah is a doll too. I'm sure hoping she sleepgs good tonight after the shot.
Take care!!!
Oh, Sarah is a girl after my own heart, as I am OCD big time!!! I love how she lined them up from smallest to tallest...maybe she'll be an engineer or an interior designer : )
Her outfit is darling!!! Love it!
LOL I think I'm a little OCD too! LOL Sarah is one smart little girl. I'm sorry she had to put on her pouty face for the doctor. Addison hates going to the doctor too. Heck, so do I LOL
Oh Lordy.... I swear she is the best dressed girl online!
Love that you let her play with the Nutcrackers! What a little smarty pants. Amelia used to do stuff like that all the time, now she just dumps toys out...hopefully a little OCD sticks.
Glad to hear your little peanut is doing so well! It's fun to see what they choose to play with and how they organize things.
The nutcrackers don't look very tall in the first pic but in the last one it's easy to see it's almost as tall as your baby girl is!
My oldest son says he suffers from CDO. It's like OCD only the letters are in alphabetical order, as they should be. LOL!:)
And if Sarah moves on from lining up nutcrackers to organizing closets....call me.;) I have some things she could line up here in Crazyville.;)
Merry Christmas!
God Bless,
ROFL!! Are we sure Sarah and Briana aren't the same kid? Briana is OCD too - just like me! I think the Nutcrackers look MUCH better now. ;)
So glad the doctor checkup went so well!
I love her little outfit!
Eeekkk! I hate shots! Bless her little heart! Glad she's over it now and back to organizing!! lol!
Good luck with the closet thing! lol!
Have a great weekend!
Sarah looks so adorable! My son likes to organize things, and he taught Linhsey how to organize her Halloween candy this year..sure enough she was a PRO at it!
BTW, Linhsey is 2 and doesn't have nearly as much hair as Sarah. I'm jealous!
This is so funny. Mark used to do the exact same thing especially with food out of the refrigerator or the cupboard. I would find rows of it throughout my house.
Yep -- I am certain you are rubbing right off on her! That picture is just a hoot!
I can't believe Sarah and Kamree are almost the exact same size! They are little peanuts!
I miss our nightly chats! Have a great weekend!
oh precious girl : )
no def no OCD tendancies, only an eye for perfect order ; )
so cute
She would sure do well in a Montessori school!!! :-)
So cute...and very smart of littl Sarah...now the fact that she wouldn't let you touch them after the fact...well best of luck!!! :-)
Happy Friday!!!
Of course I meant littlE Sarah...obviously I did not attend a Montessori school....my mind works faster than my fingers do!!!
Sarah looks so beautiful in all the pictures. Even with the pout.
Glad her well visit went WELL!
Love the nutcrackers!
How fun that she is playing with the nutcrackers...bet she will collect them when she is a mom.
I LOVE that dress!!!
She is darling! I love the outfit :)
I love the way she arranged the nutcrackers too!
Hope you had a wonderful weekend.
Oh Lisa...way too cute! We have a set of nutcrackers too that the girls love to play with!
SHe is an absolue angel!
And if you can teach her to organize a closet please send her my way...:-)
What a cutie!! Sounds just like me! Liam used to do that a lot when he was younger... organize, orgazize, organize.
Em is just the destroyer. :)
So glad the doctor appointment went well and he wasn't so scary :)
Oh so funny! I have total OCD tendencies and Lucy is just the same? I always wonder if she just gets it from watching me? Oh well - I laughed about your closet comment! Sarah looks cute as always. GLad the doctor visit wasn't too scary!
Ah she looks relieved! She's adorable arranging those Nutcracker fellows. Hey, my little one does a little arranging all the time. It must be a 2 year old need to be organized! I may learn something from her for a change!
Kira's a peanut as well, only 32inches and 23 lbs and I so try to get in all the right nutrients but now she's at the picky phase! Well, I just let her graze through out the day for calorie consumption (like I do)LOL.
Talk to you soon,
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