If you have been hanging around this blog for any period of time, it will come as no surprise that two of my biggest passions are cooking and photography!! I love them both and if I don't have a camera strapped around my neck taking pictures of my kids, I am standing at my stove trying out new recipes.....then grabbing my camera and taking pictures of the food....so I guess they are kind of working hand and hand.
So let's start with the cooking.....
I love spending time with family and friends and enjoy having people into our home so that I can cook for them. There is something so fulfilling about being able to put good food out on the table that my friends and family enjoy. I come from a long line of Italian women that love to cook and feed others, so I guess it was only a matter of time before I caught the bug. It really kicked into full gear after we moved into this house. I am taking my cooking up to the next level and have moved out of my comfort zone trying new things. I spend a lot of time in our kitchen....it is my favortie room in the house, and in my mind, it is the heart of our home!!
This morning I came down to my computer and found an email from DENISE, who asked if I could take some pictures of my kitchen and send them to her. They are in the beginning stages of re doing their kitchen and she has been trying to collect some ideas. Of course I was happy to do it{you know me, any excuse to use the camera}so I quickly snapped some pictures of my kitchen.
I have shared so many of my favortie recipes here on the blog and while doing so, you have all caught glimpses of my kitchen from time to time, so I thought instead of emailing them to her, it would be fun to post them here and let you all behind the scenes so to speak. Our kitchen may not be your taste or style, and I know there are many kitchens out there that are far more beautiful, but it works for us.......and keeps me in there doing what I love to do.

Now on to obsession number two.......Photography!!
Guess where I am heading this weekend???
Yes, this is the big Photography Workshop Weekend and I am so excited, I kind of feel like a kid waiting for Christmas morning to arrive....I have really been looking forward to this class and getting to meet THIS very lovely and talented lady in person.
I am flying out tomorrow and mixing a little business with pleasure. I have a client to meet up with Thursday afternoon and then all the excitiment begins.......while down there, I will also be meeting a few other bloggy friends and family members......that is a surprise.....you will just have to wait to see who I have the pleasure of meeting up with!!
Unfortunately, THIS wonderful friend won't be making the trip......We both were signed up for the workshop and have been talking about it for weeks. She is very sick and has doctor orders to stay in bed for at least the next seven days.....I am so crushed that she is not able to attend, and can't imagine how heart broken she is about it. If you have a minute, pop over to her blog and wish her well.....she could use some cheering up:) Missy, I will be thinking of you all weekend.....get better soon!!
Okay....I am off to pack and then I am out of here first thing tomorrow morning and probably won't be around until Monday or Tuesday....wish me luck.....and get ready, I am thinking I will have lots of pictures to post and stories to tell!!
A special thanks to Pat for sending me on my merry way while he holds down the fort here at home.....you are the best honey and I will miss you all:)