We had a bit of a warm up today, a whopping 38 Degreess, so we layered up and stepped outside to get some fresh air. The flu hit me hard this past week and I was down for about 36 hours, but finally starting to feel myself again, so I figured the fresh air would do us some good!!
Sarah has been climbing the walls so I let her run around for a bit while I snapped away.....I think we got the whole gamut of faces from serious to silly......we had some tears too, she fell in the snow and got her hands all wet, which she hated!! I cleaned her up and then she wanted to wear her gloves.....you will notice that she does not put her thumbs where they belong....it looks so funny.....I try to fix them and she gets so angry, so I let it go.....I would think it would be uncomfotable, but she doesn't seem to mind.....

More birthday fun this weekend....Nick wanted to go to the Crayola Factory, so we are headed there tomorrow morning and meeting another Birthday girl and her family....we are so excited!! The first thing on our list of things to create will be the label for our new bottle of MONSTER GO AWAY SPRAY.....A special thanks to TONGGU MOMMA for passing on her brilliant idea!! We will let you know if that special concoction....keeps the cookie monster and all his friends far far away!!
Hope you all have a great weekend!!
:) I hope it works for y'all. Sweet Sarah needs to feel in control of those scary monsters. If the water mister doesn't work, try a flashlight or something. Anything that gives control back to her really should help.
LOVE the photos..
Looks like a great day...
Glad to hear you are feeling better...
Have FUN tomorrow..
I know you will... I think the Monster spray will work well.
What a great photographer you are! I guess having a beautiful subject helps!
It looks like the fresh air is just what the doctor ordered! I hope you are feeling better soon!
Cute pictures of Sarah! I hope you have a great weekend!
So glad you're feeling better now! Phew, when Momma is down the house just doesn't run quite as well, does it?
Looks like you girls had fun in the fresh air today! Caroline won't keep her thumbs in place in gloves either. It's funny to see!
Great photos, as always.
Happy Friday! Have fun tomorrow!
Hugs, Les
Ewww....yuck to the flu!!! Gald you are feeling better!!! I love the photos of Sarah...especially the thumbless gloves...that's outside the box I tell you!!!
We also enjoyed an after school jaunt to the park....but one grumpy gal convinced me to go without the camera in my hands...and so I did...the better to push you with my dear....
Have a great trip tomorrow...looking forward to the photo recap!!!
Great photos -- she's such a cutie! M still doesn't like to wear mittens or gloves!
Glad to hear that you're feeling better. Have a fun weekend!
The monster spray sounds like a good plan. I like the idea of a flash light too.
You do such a great job with pictures! You should share your knowledge of how you make them so amazing looking on your blog. I'd love to have a piece of that cake. Also, let me know when the chocolate fondue party is....
Lisa, OMGosh! These pics are so beautiful! I've been so busy lately that I haven't even held my beloved camera much less taken any pics! They are gorgeous.
So sorry you've been sick! Get well, girlie! You are comin' to the ATL!!!
Love ya~
Wow Lisa your photos are getting so good! I love the one of Lisa in the post below too. The gloves story is fab! Amy is obsessed with gloves and will only wear the ones with all the fingers and she then takes ages fighting to get all the fingers int he right place - I need the patience of a saint!! Love Jules
Monster spray....clever!
Beautiful pics once again. You never dissapoint us!
Have fun at the Crayola Factory!
Love the photos...you're a real trooper, flu and all. Crayola factory....oh, I'm offically throwing in the towel on 2009 Mother of the Year knowing you're out there! :)
Love all the images. That hat is too too cute. I hope you and the kids have a great time at the Crayola factory and let me know if that Monster-go-away label/spray works. I may have to whip up a concoction of it for my household :)
wasn't that warm weather nice today. But, back to the cold tonight up here.
Love your pictures. Can't wait to see pictures of Crayola!
I hope the Monster Spray works better for you than me - but it doesn't hurt to try ANYTHING! Mine was just too smart - figured the monsters moved to another room;)
Love that hat - and I guess we know now why they make those mittens with no place for a thumb:)
I have an award for you over on my blog, come get it.
Have an awesome weekend.
She is JUST Beautiful! Wonderful photos!
Hope you are all healthy!
We finally got back up in the 70's today... brrrr..rr..
Alyzabeth's Mommy - She's 28 Months old now!
These are really beautiful...she has such a sweet face.
Sorry you had the flu but thankful you are better.
Beautiful pictures! I SO wish that I could fit into (and borrow) Sarah's clothes. ;) She is always so yummy!
And are you going to the Crayola Factory that Jon and Kate Plus Eight went to? It looked like a very fun place to visit.
Have fun with your crew this weekend!
God Bless,
So what's the monster spray for? Is she having nightmares? My Sophia has been having night terrors and for over a week now she went from sleeping every night for 11 hours, to no naps, and not much sleep unless she's in our bed or in the guest room. Seriously she won't go in her room at all. We are finally getting her to play in there during the day with us. She is horrified of it. I hope she'll get over it soon. If she were old enough, I'd try the monster spray. I'm trying to post a link on my blog where you can read our adoption story. I'll let you know when it works?!? Don't know but it's giving me problems tonight. Enjoy your weekend.
What a genius...monster spray. I hope it works!
The crayola factory how fun...take pics!!!
Hope you are all the way better.
Your children are adorable!
and those PANTS are adorable!!!!! Miss Sarah looks precious against a beautiful backdrop of snow!! Your pics amaze me once again!
She has the sweetest expressions! You always capture them so well!
Have a great time at the Crayola factory. Faith and I read an article about it not too long ago. It had photos and she was fascinated with the giant blue crayon!
Take lots of photos for us!
I was catching up with your post below about Sarah. Faith has always had to sleep with some light at night. She is 5 and still does. I have a night light for her and if I forget to turn it on she will wake up screaming that she can not see. She can not stand the dark. With the exception of that, she has always slept wonderful so I just always make sure and have the light on for her. Maybe one day she'll outgrow it.
Keep us posted!
The pictures of Sarah are so sweet! :) I am so sorry to hear you were sick with the flu, but thankful you are feeling better now. And what a cute idea~ the "Monster Go Away Spray"...even the name is catchy! :)
I hope you have a beautiful weekend! :)
Your snow pictures are so beautiful. Your kids always look so natural and relaxed in the photos.
Sorry to hear you were sick! It's no fun when Mom is sick--I'm sure your kids are happy to have you back!
Sorry to hear you were sick! Hope you're feeling better now. 38 degrees!!! I'm so jealous, we can't seem to get out of single digits. Cute pics of Sarah. Magnolia does the same with her thumbs but I don't even try to get them in there, her fingers and hands are so small! :)
Have a great weekend.
Sounds like you have a fun weekend ahead. I've always wanted to go to the Crayola Factory ~ can't wait to see the pictures!
Glad you're feeling better. I've had that bug this year and it really knocks you for a loop.
Have a great weekend,
My Jennifer went through the scary monster stage, I gave her a shake flashlight and a spray bottle with scary monster repellent(small amont of water), she felt in charge of the situation and before we knew it she told us they had left and she scared them away forever!
Love the pictures!
Gorgeous photos!!!!!
Oh what beautiful pics!! The Crayola factory sounds like lots of fun! Looking foward to seeing pics of that.
Your pictures are always AMAZING!! And she is adorable!
Beautiful pictures of Sarah! I hope you had fun this morning at the Crayola factory. I'm sure you caught some great pics.
I thought TMs idea was perfect!
Hey!! One of my best friends lives near the Crayola Factory! We took the kids last summer... and I'll be heading there over spring break to say hello. My parents still live in PA too - middle of the state :)
Those pics are fantastic!! Inspires me to read that darn photography manual!! HAHA!!
BTW- I'm so glad you are feeling better!! Nothing worse than the flu!!
you are such an artist with the camera! Beautiful Sarah in the snow!
Yay for some warm weather! : )
I LOVE that last picture, Lisa!!
I am glad you are feeling better!!!
Those photos are absolutley beautiful. You look like such a super mom. Your children are beautiful as well. I am glad that I found your blog from Shell in your pocket. Glad I did.
Hi! I just popped over from Mrs Sandy Toes and I'm so glad I did! Your children are beautiful, and well, your photos are amazing! It's so funny seeing snow when I'm sweltering 'Down Under'... Does Rudy get cold paws?!!
I loved how you responded to the questions asked on Sandy Shoes blog. I concur with everything you wrote. Blogging is amazing in how it connects hearts and minds... I don't think I would like to be without it now...
Hope you're having a wonderful day.
Hi Lisa :)
I've been blog hoppin and finding new blogs to read and came across you..You have a beautiful family...your blog looks great!
I plan on adding myself as a follower when I can(sometimes blogger has issues and it doesn't have the "follow this blog" option displayed....so when it does I will be sure to add myself...
I look forward to getting to know you and your family...your photos are amazing!
Added my comment and Wa La the follow this blog magically appeared...lol
I am following now :)
Love the pictures of Sarah!
Finally catching up in the land of blog. Sorry to hear you were sick. The flu stinks!
Happy Birthday to Nick! We missed you this weekend, but looks like you had a great time!
I have no idea there was a crayola factory! What fun, the photos are wonderful and never too many:))
Stay warm, it's about to get colder!
Good Lord those are some GREAT pics!!!!!
Too cute! Hope the spray works!
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