I am starting to wonder if Spring is ever going to get here........Doesn't it seem like winter has gone on forever this year?? I am so sick of looking out the window and seeing such lifeless things.....like brown grass and trees that have no color and no leaves. We are all feeling a tad couped up around here and are longing for the days of spring and summer so we can enjoy the outdoors.
It has been a really busy week and I feel like I have been juggling a lot. As far as the kids go, things have been uneventful, but my job on the otherhand has been VERY eventful and a little bit exciting!!
Even in this economically challenged time, the company I work for is continuing to grow. My job duties have changed slightly in the past 9 months and I have taken on some new projects and roles. Since I am only one person, something will eventually have to give....so on Monday my boss told me that he wanted me to find an assistant or a support person to handle some of my work load! I was thrilled with this news....and needless to say I want to try to find someone ASAP!! Next week will be my 6 year anniversary with this company and I could not have asked for a better gift!! I already put together the job description and had it put out to the proper channels. Yesterday it went live and within 24 hours, I have had 29 applicants send me their resumes. I plan to start the interview process next week so I can get someone up and running pretty quickly.
As if the "support person" was not enough, remember back in December when my boss surprised Pat and I with the gift of a vacation to the Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas? Well, the time is almost here and we leave two weeks from Sunday!!!
So, Even though I look out the window and see things looking brown and dreary and I am feeling overwhelmed with all my responsibilities......it is looking like SUNSHINY DAYS ARE SRAIGHT AHEAD!!!

These photos really have nothing to do with my post, but I wanted to include them because she is my sunshine everyday!!
Hope you all have a great weekend.....be back on Sunday night....same time, same place:)
Awesome, I hope you find the right person ASAP! And I was wondering when that trip was, I'm sure you can't wait. I've heard great things about Atlantis, Derek loved it.
Love the pics of your sunshiny girl, as always. :)
Great news about the assistant. And do you think you might be able to smuggle me in your suitcase for your trip? ;)
Sounds like fun to find someone to lighten your load....I think I could use one of those around the house!!!
Two weeks until paradise...now THERE'S something to look forward to!!!
What a fun week you've had!
That is so great about getting an assistant Lisa. I'm sure it will make your job a bit easier and that is always good!
Beautiful pics as always of your little beauty!
Now could we just get a personal assistant at home!!! Wouldn't that be great!!
Love the pictures.
I love this post. The song Sunshiny Day just came into my head. I am with you and hoping Spring is ahead :)
Two weeks..how wonderful! Enjoy a touch of paradise and the warm sun on your skin!
~Sandy toe
SOunds like LIFE Is treating you well.
You lucky girl.. going to Bahama's..
Have a great weekend..
I want to be your assistant!!! Pick me, pick me : ) Wouldn't we have a blast?
I am so happy to hear that your hard work has paid off and you are getting some much deserved help!
As for the Bahamas...you go and be a Bahama Mama and enjoy every single minute of it!!! Have a fruity drink for me.
Hopefully we can chat one night before you go!
Love the pics of Sarah! She is, indeed, pure sunshine!
Lots of love!
Getting caught up on your blog...I do love it.
Sarah looks so hopeful looking out the window for Spring. Hopefully it won't hide much longer. We are spoiled here in AZ with all our sunshine. : )
I love how you captured her eyes in the last two photos.
Sue : )
Yeah for you!! I remember what a relief I felt when I was first told I could hire one. I am so glad that you will be getting some assistance!! And 29 candidates in less than 24 hours - I hope you get some great ones to choose from!!
I was wondering about your trip. You are going to have such a great time!
And seriously girl, what are you doing to get Sarah's eyes so perfect? Are you using a reflector? Just natural light by the window? I can't wait until May for my PFP workshop!!
I lvoe the first picture of Sarah looking out the window.
Have a great weekend. Enjoy the warm, sunny weather! I'm jealous- we're just going to Ohio for the weekend!
OMG You are SO lucky - my company is in a state of hiring freezes. My workload just tripled because someone got promoted and of course they aren't replacing him. I'd rather be busy than bored anyday - but I'm feeling slightly overwhelmed!
I hope you find someone wonderful to work with. It shouldn't be hard to find someone amazingly qualified in this market - the hard part will be fitting the personality - I can't imagine you working with anyone dull:)
Have a great weekend!
I am so glad to hear the economy is good where you are working! As always I love your picts!
Oh Lisa- it is wonderful that your employer treats you so well and recognizes how hard you work and dedicated you are! You deserve it. And nice to be able to now have someone to help you take a little bit off of your plate and get some assistance.
These photos of Sarah are gorgeous. The light shining through the window really reflects beautifully in Sarah's hair. She is so precious. Sunshine everyday and every season!
Have a great weekend.
Your boss rocks! It is so nice that he recognizes your hard work and also rewards you with such great trips! He needs to be cloned!
I can't believe your trip is just two weeks away. It will be here before you know it! It's about time for you to dust off your silver strappy heels!
Hope you have a great weekend!
Lisa, that first picture is just a-b-s-o-l-u-t-e-l-y BEAUTIFUL!!!! The lighting, the look on her face, the composition. It needs to be on a calendar or entered in a show or something. I think it's my favorite yet!
That's great that you get to hire an asst. Not only for you, but because there are people really needing the work.
Your trip will be a great get-away from the winter dreariness!
These pictures are so good. You'll have to get a window shot for all seasons.
Wow hiring an assistant! How exciting! I hope you find the perfect soon, soon, soon!
And the upcoming trip! I'm so excited for you! Ya'll are going to have so much fun!
Hey!! Tagged you if you are interested... see my blog :)
Awesome pics as always!!
I've been having the same thoughts lately. Winter has drug on forever. I'm so so so ready for spring.
You're going to have such a great time on your trip. Jeallll-ous!!
Good luck on your asst search.
Good news about some help for you at work! Even better news, about the trip ahead... I am jealous, please send us back sun :)
I love the pictures of Miss Sarah!
Hope you have a great weekend and STAY WELL!
You lucky girl!! An assistant AND the Bahamas????
LOVE the pics of sweet Sarah!! She looks like she is feeling better & definitely ready to go outside & play in the sunshine!
Yay! That is great news...so happy to know some businesses are thriving and you actually get to HIRE someone! 29 applicants in this economny, you better believe it...you're going to get the pick of the litter! Congrats!!!
Oh and I just can't wait to hear about your trip to the Bahamas...I will live vicariously through you until we get spring which isn't until June where we're from! :)
Have a great weekend!
I'm so excited for you, you're going to have such an amazing time! Great pics, her hair is getting so long!
Wow, now this is a special time! A new assistant just in time for you to head to the Bahama's, that sounds like my kind of job. Congratulations, your boss obviously appreciates all you do for them and it's so nice not to be taken for granted.
Fantastic news for you.
Yes, and I would love to go on that trip that your boss so kindly bestowed on you!
Hope this bug is rearing its ugly head on your family.
Have a nice weekend Lisa.
PS. Your photos are stunning. You talented thing you!
Hope you find you relief/help soon.
You are going to LOVE LOVE LOVE Nassau! We want to go again!!! I think it's fun going somewhere like the Bahamas in the blah of winter. It's the perect medicine!
An assistant! What exciting news!!!! And I am still super jealous of your upcoming vacation. :)
Wish I lived closer -- would LOVE to be your assistant!! :)
Great photos! We are so ready for spring and warm weather too -- though snow is coming tonight! Ugh!
Have a fun weekend!
It's nice to hear good job news in today's economy! It sounds like you work for a fabulous company.
I'm so excited for your trip, you're going to have so much fun.
Love the pictures of Sarah, so sweet!
Oh a trip...how exciting! And how wonderful about your job. It was kind of strange to read something positive about the "workplace" this morning. God is good.
I tell ya...she is just so beautiful and I too am so tired of winter. Although, it was 88 degrees here and sunshiny yesterday but today it will only be 50....gottta love Texas!
Oh! What Great news that you'll be getting some help!
&.. I can not wait to see your FAB pics of the up and coming trip!
And, yes.. Sara is a Ray of Sunshine!! :)
Happy Weekend!
What great news and here's to life in the sun - away from life itself - even if it is only for a week lol! Lucky bee-auch! Love the photos of Sarah...she truly is a ray of sunshine on these dull days!
Congrats to you, my friend! It's so nice to be appreciated! And these photos of Sarah are gorgeous. I'm so hoping to soak up some time with Debbie before our trip...or maybe you can hop on Delta and give me some lessons! ha!
Happy Friday! Hope your weekend is fantastic!
Only two weeks before the trip? Have a great time, pack some strong sunscreen, and enjoy!
Check out Practical Paradise Island homepage for some information and pictures about Atlantis.
I'm so happy that your boss wants you to have a helper. Wow that will be wonderful for you! Good luck with the interview process. I hope that it's quick, easy and painless for you to find a right hand person! :)
And the trip is looming...that is AWESOME! I bet you are just tickled pink to bust out of winter and into warm for a vacay!
Happy TGIF day to you hun~ Les
Congrats on you getting an assistant,hope you find the perfect applicant.
I wish Spring would hurry up, I miss the green grass and flowers.
We are having some rain today(???) and a flash freeze tonight(-18)tonight, Old Man Winter is back with a vengeance, arrr..
Take me, take me!!!!!!!
Actually the weather is AWESOME today and one teacher reported some DAFFODILS outside!!!!!!
Of course, it is still cold. AND we had a fire drill. Brrrrrrr! No coat + outside = too cold.
That is so awesome that your business is growing. AND you are leaving on that great trip soon. Take me please? The teacher bonuses around here just don't compare to yours. ;)
Hey can I qualify LOL? That's terrific you'll be getting some help. I need that now, and some aromatherapy!
You will Love LOVE Atlantis. We honymooned there and it's so relaxing!
Have fun.
Congrats on the assistant! It's good to hear some positive news about someone's job!
What was Sarah watching so intently in the top pic? You captured her perfectly....but then again you always do!!
i love these window shots.
is that an adorable matilda jane dress?--how i wish they weren't too little for caroline.
Sunshine ahead for you!! You are going to have a wonderful vacation! And that is great news about the assistant position...that sounds like it will make life so much easier for you! I have missed YOU too my friend! I hope you have a great weekend!
Great news about getting a assistant. How exciting that your trip is almost here. The pictures of Sarah are beautiful!!!
I am so tired of winter.
Oh My Goodnesss...Precious!
I can see why she is your sunshine!!! That face could light up a room! So sweet!
Love, LOVE, love the natural light Lisa.
High five!
you are so lucky.... that is great news
I feel the same ... when will the sun shine, the birds sing, and the green grass grow again? We are in for yet another storm on Sunday.
Good luck on your search. I'm sure the right person is out there just waiting for you two to meet.
What fun to be going away somewhere warm in only a matter of days!
Have a great weekend,
Goodness, I have so much to catch up on with you and your fam. Congrats on getting an assitant and I can't wait to see pics from your trip :)
Congrats on getting yourself some help at work, you deserve it! I wanted to share this post from Dreams of a County Girls blog, here's the link. It's about her 'eldest twirps' adoption story...so touching. :) Have a great weekend.
You must be so excited about your trip to Atlantis. What fun! I know what yu mean about the cold, we are in upstate NY and I am so tired of snow.
That's great news about you getting an assistant. I am sure that will help make your job a lot easier.
Your photos are absolutely gorgeous and what beautiful children you have.:)
Hurray for good bosses! I am so glad that you will be getting someone to help you out with your work load! And wow, a trip to the Bahamas! Please be sure to take tons of pictures! :) Have a wonderful night! :)
Congrats on getting an assistant! So very cool. Your boss sounds just wonderful!
Spring is on the way....
That sounds like great news! I am sure you will choose an efficient assistant. I need one too;) Sned me your castoffs.
Your trip sounds divine too. Life is sounding pretty good over there.
Oh, I looked at the photo at the top before i started to read and I said to myself "look at the wonder in her eyes" and then you started your post by saying "I wonder" -cool ")
Have a wonderful trip!!!!!!!!
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