When a certain someone found out that Mommy and Daddy were headed somewhere where they could "play in the sand" she was a little disappointed that she would be missing out on all the beach fun. Look at that little face.......
We felt bad and wanted to spend some quality time with her this weekend before we left{Nick is already with his Dad} Going to the beach was what she wanted to do, but being that it is March and we live in the Northeast, we had to settle for the next best thing........

A visit to the park that has a gigantic sand pit!!! That frown was turned upside down in an instant:) She played in the sand for a long time.....and enjoyed every minute of it.

After the sand pit, we cruised the park and on our way out, we found a Big Bell that had a long chain so the little ones could ring it. This was the very last photo I took and my favorite......I love the way the light is shining down on her and the pure look of joy and wonder on her face.
We are certainly going to miss both Nick and Sarah while we are gone......but we are really looking forward to some quality time together. We are WAY overdue!!
Okay.....that is it for now, see you in Paradise!! We are packed and ready to go...The computer is coming along so I plan to post at least once or twice.
OH... one last thing.....this is the first year we are not throwing our big St. Patrick's Day bash, but we fully intend to celebrate.....Do you think they will have green beer in the Bahamas??
These might be some of my favorite pictures yet! I love the sad face and the happy face too! She is sooo cute!
Enjoy your time away! We can't wait to see "paradise" pictures! I am sure they will have green beer waiting for you!
Have a safe trip!
Have a terrific, wonderful time! Enjoy your special QT with Pat. As much as we just love being with our kids, it is so special to spend time alone with each other!
Have a wonderful time, take lots of pictures (like I even needed to mention that!! lol!!) and post a couple of times so that we can all be envious of the sun and sand!!!
Enjoy your trip! And yes, I'm sure there is green beer in the Bahamas. Who doesn't have green beer?
I've never seen a bad photo of Sarah. She is so photogenic!!! (must be the photographer's skill)
Have a great time in the sand!!!
safe travels Lisa!
LOVE the photos..
Looks like Sarah had a great day..
I am sure they have green beer and it will be cold and waiting just for YOU..
Have fun.. can't wait to see the beautiful photos..
I sooo wish I could sneak in your suitcase..
Safe travels..
Great pictures...what a sweetheart!
Soak up some sun for me please~
sandy toe
Oh, poor Sarah!
Those are great pictures!
Have a great time!
Have a great time! Love the sweet pictures, especially the first one!
IF they DO have green beer there...it's probably not the kind you're thinking and I wouldn't drink it! lol
That first picture is priceless. You couldn't fake that frown if your tried.
Great photos -- the colors are so beautiful as is your sweet Sarah!
Have fun -- I'm sure there will be green beer!! :)
Have a great time in the Bahamas!! If the weather is anything like we've been having on the west coast of FL you will have a fabulous, sunny time :o)
Love the photos of Sarah!
Have a wonderful time! And I'm sure there's green beer in paradise...LOL. Travel safely Lisa, looking forward to your pics from your time away.
Beautiful images too. :)
Have a wonderful time Lisa.... I hope you are packing your camera. ;) Can't wait to see what you shoot.
That first picture is my favorite of Sarah EVER!!
Have a fabulous time!!
Take some green food coloring along for the beer - just in case:)
Have a great time! Can't wait to see your paradise pictures...
I am sure you can find some green beer with ease in the Bahamas! ; )
have a safe trip,
These photos are gorgeous! My favorite of Sarah is the one in the sandbox!!! The colors are beautiful! I bought the Princess in training presets from pixelfairyprincess this weekend, but my photos still look washed out to me. I need to ask her about tweaking them to get that rich color!
I am soooo jealous about your trip. It will be so awesome for you to get away! I know Sarah will miss y'all, but it's very important to take trips just for you as well! Have fun!!!
ohhhhh, you lucky ducky!!!! You are going to have a wonderful time!
The first pic of Sarah broke my heart too! I caught myself making the same face while looking at it LOL.
Looks like it was short lived in the next couple of cute shots!
As for green beer in the Bahamas, I'm sure they'll accomidate you somehow ;O)
Have a blast!
Have a wonderful time! Have a few drinks for me!!!
These are adorable. You do such a great job at capturing her emotions.
Have a wonderful trip. I know it's hard to leave the kiddos and something we need to learn to do. I'm sure I have you beat on well over due...last time my husband and I got away on a trip with just the 2 of us our oldest was 9 months old. That was 13 years ago!! lol
Enjoy Enjoy!!!
I can tell how giddy you are in your post : ) I am giddy for you! Why yes, Bahamas will totally have green beer awaiting some fun loving people such as you and Pat! I can't wait to hear from you...if you get time : )
Love and hugs and have a safe trip. Loved these photos of Sarah...not sure if I left a comment on your flickr site, so wanted to tell you on your blog!
Love ya girly!
Awww... poor sad face. Glad to see her frown turned upside down!
Enjoy, enjoy your time in paradise!
Bet they do...have green. I sure don't blame Sarah for a face like that...I would not look so cute if it were me being left behind. At least you found her some sand.
Sweet baby!! What a face!! Glad she got to spend some quality time with you before the trip! She looks so happy...
And how happy are you two going to be in paradise, yes?? I'm frowning too... Can I come?? HAHA!!
Have a wonderful trip!! Can't wait to see pictures!
Beautiful photos of Sarah!!
Have a BLAST in the Bahamas!!!
I can't wait to hear all about your trip!
Have a wonderful trip Lisa...have a drink for me : )
Lisa you always take the most beautiful and amazing photo's. I love the colors in your photo's.... Hope you have fun on your time away!
I like the way you captured Sarah's feelings--from pouty to perky!
Have a magnificent time in the Bahamas! Happy St. Patrick's Day!
I bet they'll have green fruity girly drinks for you instead of green beer... maybe?!? ;) Either way~ have one for me chicadee!
I L.O.V.E. those pics. What a fun time the "sand play date" must have been! The last pic if my total fav though. I can still see the 'baby face' in it of Sarah and I love that sweetness captured!
Happy travels~ be safe~ can't wait to see your post from paradise!
Love and hugs, Les
HAVE FUN!!!!!! Be safe and take lots of pictures(we can live through you)....
I love those pictures of Sarah, she is so sweet!
I am sure that somewhere they will have green beer... have a great time (though you are most likely all ready there), I am off to Vegas in about an hour... so... time to play!!! Whooo hooo
Even sad and disappointed she is adorable! Have a wonderful time away ~ enjoy being warm and not wearing sweaters!:)
She is just too much! That first pic is just precious! Glad she got to have some fun in the sand anyways, beach or not.
Hope you have a great trip, I think you and Pat will have to give them some good irish cheer though and teach them a little thing or two! Did you pack a green cover up for tomorrow!!
I LOVE the color you got in these photos! And I'm glad you had a good day too! Have a great trip, I can't wait to see your photos when you get back! :D
Beautiful photos of Sarah!! But with a girl as adorable as she is, how can you miss? ;)
Will be thinking about you having all that fun in the sun!
Happy St. Patrick's Day too!
That first picture of her is priceless! You really captured her feelings in that one! So glad that you could take her to the next best thing and enjoy the sand pit at the park.
I'm so excited for your trip! You are going to have so much fun. I hope you find some green beer in the Bahama's! Yippee!! : )
I love the pictures! The sad one wins the prize...what a little drama queen you have.
The beer may not be green but imbibe enough and you might!
Have a wonderful time. I'll be thinking of you!
Oh my goodness I can imagine you're in the sun already soaking it up! Have a wonderful time, I can't wait to get your updates!!!
P.S. That photo of Sarah in the sandbox is unbelievable...the colors are incredibly vivid...great job!
Have a GREAT time...I am sure you will ind some green beer;)
Too cute! I hope you are enjoying a GREAT time at the beach - can't wait to see your pictures! Enjoy your time away and your time alone with your husband!!
Awwww tooo cute....boy seeing a sandbox brings back memories...I loved mine. cherry
I love these pics, the colors just pop and what a cute subject! Enjoy your time and have a great St. Patty's day in the bahamas :)
Enjoy the Bahamas, Bahama Mama! And have a drink (with a little umbrella in it) for me!
P.S.: I just came back from a conference in D.C. and I'm wondering why the conference couldn't have been in a place like the Bahamas or Hawaii instead.
Happy St. Patty's Day to ya Lisa.
I know your having a wonderful time.
Enjoy every minute of it!!!!
Dude, I'd be more than just pouting if I was being left behind from your paradise trip.
Oh wait.
I AM being left behind!!!!
Thank you my friend for the sweet comment about Joel! I thought as soon as I hit the send button that you were on vacation soaking up some much needed quality time with your hubs! I shoulda waited!
These pics are beautiful! We downloaded Lightroom...now if we can just figure it out!
Hope you are having a blast and taking a ton of photos!
Love ya~
Hope the party festivities are going great right now!!!
Oh I love this. I hope your time is peaceful and romantic and awesome with your sweetheart husband. I know it will make you better parents and well just good for a husband and wife to find this kind of time.
Glad you took her to the sand. You are a good Mamma to your kids.
I love that last picture, too, Lisa!!
I hope you are having a wonderful time..I am sure you are!!
I love the picture of Sarah in the sand box. The color is amazing!!!
And the sad face-so cute! I know ya'll are having so much fun! Can't wait to hear all about it!
Oh Lisa, these are such sweet sweet photos of Sara, love the color and whatever you did to this photo. But she's the center and so pretty and vibrant without ltrm!
I bet you're calling everyday:))
Oh what a sad little face...I'll bet that was really hard to leave behind. BUT I pray you guys have some wonderful quality time together and will be refreshed and renewed when you get home!
Poor little Sarah. What a sad little face she has in the 1st photo but I am glad to see the smile in the next photo.
Sofia has that exact same shirt...Children's Place right? So cute! :)
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