It is now almost routine that my Sunday posts include food or a recipe of some sort......well this week is no different, but my choice has a very special I ask that you hang in there with me on this one....
My grandfather, on my father's side, who happens to be my last living grandparent, always requested this meal if he knew he was coming to my Mom and Dad's house for dinner. My Mom has the Italian heritage and that is where all the great recipes have been handed down generation after generation, so for my grandfather, her cooking was such a treat.
He is 92 years old and outlived my Nana who passed away 8 years ago. They were one of the cutest couples you could imagine. Just to give you a visual, they walked their neighborhood hand in hand each day for exercise and in their younger years, they rode a tandem Poppop would be in the front, with my Nana in the back. Everyone in the neighborhood knew them.....they even wore coordinating sweatsuits on most occasions!! They were married for 60 years when my Nana died and were as sick in love as the were the day they met. We didn't think my Poppop, that's what we call him, would be able to live without her, but he has proved us all VERY wrong. He stayed in his house for a little while before the decision was made to move him to an Senior/Assisted Living type of environment. It was the best thing for him as he was surrounded by many people, some old friends, some new. He enjoyed all the activities and special celebrations, but he always told my Mom, that their food was never as good as hers.....especially her homemade spaghetti sauce with meatballs.
Whenever my parents had the chance to bring Poppop home for a meal, he always had a special was for my Mom's Spaghetti with meatballs or sausage. On most days my poppop ate very little, but he always amazed us with how much he would eat when you put a plate of my Mom's spaghetti in front of him.
This weekend, I would do anything to watch my Poppop eat a big plate of my Mom's spaghetti.......
He has started slipping away, and about 10 days ago, hospice was called in. I have been over to see him a couple times this week.....he still looked like my Poppop and although very thin and weak, he recognized me and was still verbal.
Yesterday my Mom called and said that as they were walking out the door to go see him, they got a call to get there wouldn't be long. I quickly jumped in the car and headed over myself......
I walked into his room and was not prepared for what I a few short days he has withered away.....He is sitting at the pearly gates of heaven, just waiting for entry.
My Poppop has been a fighter his entire life and this is no different....he is holding on and fighting to the bitter end. My parents have been at his side day and night, and my sister and I went over for a good part of the day on Saturday. As we sat with him, we all told him it was okay and he needed to let go and finally be at peace. Eventually, my parents told my sister and I that we should head home as this could go on for awhile.
I got home and realized I need to do all the typical weekend things like grocery shop. So I started going through the pantry to see what we needed and what I could make for dinner. {I know you are thinking, how can you eat at a time like this?.....well, I can eat anytime, especially when nervous or anxious} It took me about 2 minutes and I instantly knew what I was going to cook.....
Spaghetti and Meatballs......

I know I promised this recipe to a couple of you and I will post it later this week.
Poppop, this one is for you.....I wish you were sitting at our table and enjoying this the way you always did. Unfortunately, that is not possible....but I promise, yours will be waiting on the other side of those pearly gates.
It is rare that I ask for prayers, but this is one time I am going to......
Please keep my grandfather and my family in your has been so difficult to just sit there helplessly and watch him go but there is nothing that we can do but pray that God welcomes him with open arms. In our hearts, we all know he will be in a much better place.
My grandfather, on my father's side, who happens to be my last living grandparent, always requested this meal if he knew he was coming to my Mom and Dad's house for dinner. My Mom has the Italian heritage and that is where all the great recipes have been handed down generation after generation, so for my grandfather, her cooking was such a treat.
He is 92 years old and outlived my Nana who passed away 8 years ago. They were one of the cutest couples you could imagine. Just to give you a visual, they walked their neighborhood hand in hand each day for exercise and in their younger years, they rode a tandem Poppop would be in the front, with my Nana in the back. Everyone in the neighborhood knew them.....they even wore coordinating sweatsuits on most occasions!! They were married for 60 years when my Nana died and were as sick in love as the were the day they met. We didn't think my Poppop, that's what we call him, would be able to live without her, but he has proved us all VERY wrong. He stayed in his house for a little while before the decision was made to move him to an Senior/Assisted Living type of environment. It was the best thing for him as he was surrounded by many people, some old friends, some new. He enjoyed all the activities and special celebrations, but he always told my Mom, that their food was never as good as hers.....especially her homemade spaghetti sauce with meatballs.
Whenever my parents had the chance to bring Poppop home for a meal, he always had a special was for my Mom's Spaghetti with meatballs or sausage. On most days my poppop ate very little, but he always amazed us with how much he would eat when you put a plate of my Mom's spaghetti in front of him.
This weekend, I would do anything to watch my Poppop eat a big plate of my Mom's spaghetti.......
He has started slipping away, and about 10 days ago, hospice was called in. I have been over to see him a couple times this week.....he still looked like my Poppop and although very thin and weak, he recognized me and was still verbal.
Yesterday my Mom called and said that as they were walking out the door to go see him, they got a call to get there wouldn't be long. I quickly jumped in the car and headed over myself......
I walked into his room and was not prepared for what I a few short days he has withered away.....He is sitting at the pearly gates of heaven, just waiting for entry.
My Poppop has been a fighter his entire life and this is no different....he is holding on and fighting to the bitter end. My parents have been at his side day and night, and my sister and I went over for a good part of the day on Saturday. As we sat with him, we all told him it was okay and he needed to let go and finally be at peace. Eventually, my parents told my sister and I that we should head home as this could go on for awhile.
I got home and realized I need to do all the typical weekend things like grocery shop. So I started going through the pantry to see what we needed and what I could make for dinner. {I know you are thinking, how can you eat at a time like this?.....well, I can eat anytime, especially when nervous or anxious} It took me about 2 minutes and I instantly knew what I was going to cook.....
Spaghetti and Meatballs......

I know I promised this recipe to a couple of you and I will post it later this week.
Poppop, this one is for you.....I wish you were sitting at our table and enjoying this the way you always did. Unfortunately, that is not possible....but I promise, yours will be waiting on the other side of those pearly gates.
It is rare that I ask for prayers, but this is one time I am going to......
Please keep my grandfather and my family in your has been so difficult to just sit there helplessly and watch him go but there is nothing that we can do but pray that God welcomes him with open arms. In our hearts, we all know he will be in a much better place.
How touching....our prayers are with you.
Oh Lisa, I'm totally in tears. What a precious post for your Poppop. Our family just had a similar experience with my grandmother and I know how much you all are hurting right now. I pray his passing is peaceful and for comfort for all of you.
What a beautiful, loving post.
It is difficult waiting for the end. I hope you have peace while you are waiting with your family. Thinking of all of you at this difficult time ♥
If I lived closer I would send food ;)
I'm so sorry to hear what your family is going through. It's hard to say goodbye.
It was sweet that you made the spaghetti and meatballs with him in mind today. I'm sure he'd love that you thought of him like that.
My mother-in-law came over from Italy when she was an adolescent. I learned to make her meatballs before she died and they are still my favorite meatballs. Even her siblings don't make meatballs like hers. It's been 15 years since I sat down at her table for one of her typical italian meals and I miss that experience still!
I am sooo sorry..
I sooo know how it feels to be in your position..
I am sitting here crying for you and for all of us who have lost our Wonderful Grandparents..
Love ya girly..
Oh Lisa,
He would be so proud of this story you told about him! What a sweet man to have in your life!
This is a time filled with hurt and I am praying for your comfort and your families and for Poppop's peace.
Sadly, I know all too well what you're going through and my heart aches for you...
Love, hugs and prayers, Les
What a sweet relationship your grandparents had. I recently lost my grandfather and I totally understand. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Big Hugs :)
So sorry for all that your family is going through. Sending prayers from SC.
We're having spagetti & meatballs today as well (before I even read this post).
Lisa, this is such a beautiful post! I am praying that your Poppop finds peace and all your family too!!!
It is very difficult to wait. My prayers are with you.
What a touching post...I am in tears!
Thinking of you and your family throughout this difficult time.
Lisa, I am crying and praying with you! What a sweet post and tribute to your darling Poppop.
I believe he will be at peace and happy, because his forever love is waiting for him:))
How wonderful of you to continue to keep tradition and memories alive, something I am sure your grandparents would be proud of.
Thoughts, prayers and hugs to you during this difficutl time.
Sending huge hugs and good thoughts for your whole family.
Lisa, I just said a prayer for your Poppop and that God would give him such grace in his last days. I am sorry you have to go through is just no fun sometimes, huh?
Enjoy every bite of that yummy spaghetti and meatballs in honor of your grandfather!
Praying for your family and your dear Poppop. What a wonderful Grandpa you have. I know he will be at peace knowing how loved he is and knowing that your Grandma will be there waiting for him. I pray that you all find comfort at this time.
Oh my dear friend. I know exactly what you are going through and I am so sorry. I hope that he passes very peacefully.
Oh Lisa -- he sounds like such a wonderful Grandfather! Your family is my prayers. Take care this week!
He sounds like a wonderful part of your life! Sweet post! I'll keep your family in my thoughts this week!
I am in tears for your family. Your Poppop holding on now is a tribute to the love he has for all of you. May he go peacefully...prayers are with you all.
Hoping your Poppop finds his peace soon. Thinking of you and your family.
I am so sorry you have had such a difficult weekend. It is never easy letting go. I will keep all of you in my thoughts and prayers this week.
Your spaghetti looks fabulous!
I am so sorry you are facing this. But, what a fantastic tribute. You love him dearly I can tell.
And spaghetti and meatballs is good comfort food but especially because of the history.
Will keep you top of mind. Sending extra hugs your way and lots of prayers.
Oh, Lisa. Big hugs sweetie. What a hearfelt description of your Poppop! He obviously means a great deal to you and your family. I will be thinking of you this week.
Knowing that he will soon be home with your Nana must be reassuring.
Hugs- and what a wonderful meal to fix for tonight's dinner in honor of him! It looks fabulous.
Our prayers are with you and your family!!
I am in tears. I was very close to my grandfather and miss him terribly. I am sure that he sits with children in Heaven telling his famous stories! Prayers are with you!
Oh Lisa - I have tears in my eyes. You and your Poppop are in my prayers. I am so sorry. (((Hugs)))
Oh sweetie! I had no idea you were going through all of this. Please know that I am here if and when you need me. Bless Poppop's heart. He is in my prayers, as is your family. I strongly believe that Heaven is a place where we will all be happy, healthy and reunited with those that meant the world to us. He's soon to be with his sweet love.
This is so sweet and touching..I am praying for you and may your goodbye and memories be "sweet".
sandy toe
Besides the title of 'A Special Request' you should add tear jerker. On a good thought I like to think of a reunion of the two love birds (your Nana and Poppop) meeting and being together again up in heaven.
I am lucky too to still have grandparents and so does my husband. I am glad my kids have at least meet them here on earth.
I will pray that things go as peacefully as possible.
I will be praying for your Poppop and for your family. {{{{hug}}}} This post made me cry so hard...Mu Grandfather (Italian) ate pasta until the end...I loved cooking for him and it was such a compliment when he told me that what ever I was made tasted just like my Me Ma's (his wife).
Lisa if you need me you know how to reach me {{{{hug}}}} I am always here for you.
What a beautiful post about your grandfather. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Know that he will be reunited with your grandma and they will be sharing alot of spaghetti dinners together. I pray for much peace for your grandpa.
Huge tears.... How sweet your Poppop and grandmother must have been. Prayers that he will find his peace in the arms of his beloved of 60 yrs. What a lovely tribute making his favorite meal.
Sounds like a special man.
Holding you all in my prayers.
Keep smilin!
Oh Lisa - your post brought tears to my eyes. Your poppop sounds like such a treasure.
You and your family are in my thoughts.
Thinking of you at this time... hugs to ya... I don't blame your poppop for loving those meatballs and sauce... they look delicious...
Beautiful post.
Saying a prayer for your Poppop and your family.
Blessings and peace on you and yours.
I am so sorry to hear about your grandfather. He sounds like an amazing man. You, your family, and your Popop will be in my prayers.
What a beautiful, heartfelt tribute to your PopPop...sounds like they certainly were soul prayers are with you & your family...Hugs!!
You and your family are in my thoughts and Prayers.
Lisa, Saying goodbye and watching someone you love so much leave is the hardest thing we all have to go through. My heart is with you now. I'm praying.
Please take care of yourself. With big hugs,
So sorry to hear about your Grandpa! Prayers always!
Sending a prayer that your Poppop is at peace.
So sorry to hear that you and your family are going through this difficult time.
Beautiful post.
Oh Lisa, I'm so sorry about your Poppop. We'll be praying for all of you right now and that he will be peaceful as you wait.
Oh Lisa, this was such a beautiful post in honor of your Poppop. He sounds like such a special man, one that has had a life abundant in love - both giving and receiving. My prayers are with you and your family.
I'm so sorry that you are losing your Poppop, but I'm glad you have the blessing of your precious memories with him. What a sweet and gracious tribute you have written to him, it made me smile. It also has inspired me to love my husband deeper today, and aspire to love him more each day.
Terrye in FL
What sweet a sweet post ~ you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I understand what you are going through and this process is so painful ~ he will soon find peace and you will have ever lasting memories of your wonderful Poppop.
Thinking of you ~
You are in my thoughts and prayers. I can only imagine what a beautiful reunion your Poppop and Nana will have at those pearly gates!
Oh, Lisa... I have tears in my eyes. What a beautiful tribute to him, even as he is slipping from this life to the next. Our prayers are with your family!
Oh Lisa, this post brought tears to my eyes! I am so sorry that you and your family are going through this. Of course, I will be praying for all of you, especially for your "Poppop" to have a peaceful journey to heaven! This was a beautiful post and your special dinner looked very yummy!
I hope that everyone is finally feeling better. Try to take of yourself and get rest if you can!
Thinking of you!
I'm so sorry to read this. You and your family are all in my thoughts and prayers.
Ps. My word verification for this comment is redroses.
Oh Lisa, how touching...
Thinking of you and your family and your poppop.
What a very touching story Lisa. Through these trying times, our prayers are with you and your family. Letting go is the hardest thing but keep in mind that your Poppop has lived a long and fulfilled life and will once again be with his soulmate. Hugs!
I'm so sorry to hear about your poppop! I am saying prayers as I type.
This is the first time a plate of spaghetti and meatballs has made me cry. Your grandparents sounded perfect! I will surely be thinking of you and your family.
Oh I am so sorry. He sounds like a special man.I will certainly pray for you all
P.s.--- that looks delicious.
Oh Father in Heaven...please show mercy on this sweet man. He has lived such a precious life and now wishes to join his bride. I pray for peace for him and his family. I pray for you to wrap your arms around all of them and comfort them and let them know that their Father is in control. I pray for the loudest of trumpets and I pray that soon he will see your Son's face and take His hand and join you in Heaven. Please have mercy on them Father. Thank you for loving all of us so much. Amen
Oh Lisa...I know from our talk last week that your Grandfather wasn't doing well. You & your family are in our thoughts and prayers during this time. Please, if you need to talk, give me a call...
BTW...your grandfather would be proud of the meal you cooked! Like I said before...I am so coming to your house for supper lol!
Love You & HUGS....
Beautiful post....and I will keep you all in my prayers....and I look forward to the seeing the receipe that Poppop enjoyed so much....
What a beautiful post about your Grandparents and your Pop pop. It is so difficult at the end. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
My favorite dinner is Spagetti and meatballs too.
All of you are in our prayers Lisa. May the days ahead be filled with wonderful memories of your Poppop and Nana and all the good times you've shared.
What a fitting tribute to your Poppop, Lisa. May your sweet words and memories of him carry you through the difficult moments that you and your family are experiencing now. I am praying for all of you and wishing Poppop peace.
Here's hoping that every time you make that wonderful dish you are warmed by the sight of your grandfather enjoying it and love you will always have for him.
Big giant hugs to you
Lisa. Your Poppop sounds like an amazing man. As I read the story and gave way to pools of tears that made it hard to read your post, I sit yearning to pray for your family and for Poppop just as he is at this moment and for him as he is welcomed into the pearly gates. I pray for your family and all of your hearts and just peace and precious memories even in the midst that bring big smiles.
Oh, my sweet friend. I saw that you had said to hang in there with you...and my class was so loud the other day that I told myself I would come back to your post so I could really read it well. I'm just now at a point where I can do that and oh Lisa, I'm so sorry. I will pray for you. I will trust God to show grace and mercy and peace for all of you. My Papaw is very sick right now too. He keeps telling everybody that he is trying to hang on long enough to see Joel. Please know that I'm praying and I love ya.
Hugs and prayers right now. He sounds like a wonderful man and that he passed on many things to his family and community. :(
Lisa I'm thinking of you {{{hug}}
This post is beautiful. I am sorry your heart is filled with sadness. I pray and trust our Lord will see you through. Again, this was a beautifully touching post.
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