I bet you all have been wondering where I have been. It is not like me to go this long without posting, but life has been a little more hectic these past few weeks and I don't expect things to let up until we get through the Month of April!! Once we are into May, life will slow back down and I am looking forward to it.....I need to recharge my batteries so to speak!!
Last week I was in Louisville on business and it was a great couple of days, but the highlight of my week was a bloggy get together planned and coordinated by Felicia!!
She is such a sweetheart. When I emailed her and told her that I was coming on business, she quickly gathered a group of bloggy friends and coordinated a dinner while I was in town!! We had such a great time!! Marla, Missy, Felicia, Becky, Virgina, and Leslie....what a pleasure to meet you all in person!! You are all as beautiful and sweet as you appear to be on your blogs......and your little cutie pies just made the night extra special. Honestly, I don't know who had more fun.....the little girls, or us big girls!! I was only saddened that Sarah could not be there to take part in all the fun. Hopefully you will all do as you said and roadtrip in my direction so she won't miss out on the next get together!!
We all went to dinner and then were outside the restaurant in true Mamarazzi fashion with our cameras chasing the girls as they blew bubbles and had a grand old time!! We definitely were getting some looks by passers by:)
Here are some of the pictures from the evening......
The group shot taken by a waitress from the restaurant.

Marla's daughter Adalyn.....She is just TOO CUTE and she rocked her polka dots and pink tutu like no other. She looked like quite the little fashionista!!
Last week I was in Louisville on business and it was a great couple of days, but the highlight of my week was a bloggy get together planned and coordinated by Felicia!!
She is such a sweetheart. When I emailed her and told her that I was coming on business, she quickly gathered a group of bloggy friends and coordinated a dinner while I was in town!! We had such a great time!! Marla, Missy, Felicia, Becky, Virgina, and Leslie....what a pleasure to meet you all in person!! You are all as beautiful and sweet as you appear to be on your blogs......and your little cutie pies just made the night extra special. Honestly, I don't know who had more fun.....the little girls, or us big girls!! I was only saddened that Sarah could not be there to take part in all the fun. Hopefully you will all do as you said and roadtrip in my direction so she won't miss out on the next get together!!
We all went to dinner and then were outside the restaurant in true Mamarazzi fashion with our cameras chasing the girls as they blew bubbles and had a grand old time!! We definitely were getting some looks by passers by:)
Here are some of the pictures from the evening......
The group shot taken by a waitress from the restaurant.

Marla's daughter Adalyn.....She is just TOO CUTE and she rocked her polka dots and pink tutu like no other. She looked like quite the little fashionista!!

Felicia's little one Ava. She is so tiny and so precious.....I could just eat her up!! She was queen of the bubble blower that night!!

Becky's daughters, Olivia and Sophia......look at that sisterly love....they were so adorable and obviously knew what to do when a camera was pointed in their direction:)

Leslie's daughter Lily, posing with little Ava. Lily is just the sweetest little girl filled with so much personality and she is absolutely adorable....she loved the camera and it loved her right back!!

Becky's daughters, Olivia and Sophia......look at that sisterly love....they were so adorable and obviously knew what to do when a camera was pointed in their direction:)

Leslie's daughter Lily, posing with little Ava. Lily is just the sweetest little girl filled with so much personality and she is absolutely adorable....she loved the camera and it loved her right back!!

Leslie's other daughter Ella, who was busy chasing bubbles. I loved this shot of her...I snapped just as she was about to pop a bubble!! Another precious little girl who knew how to earn her way straight to my heart!!
It was so much fun to stand back and watch all these little ones interact as we all gabbed the night away!!
I also need to make a special thanks to my girl MISSY. When she heard that I was going to be in Louisville, she jumped in her car and drove the two hours to join in on the fun. After the dinner came to an end and everyone had to go back home, she and I spent the rest of the evening laughing and talking like we were friends our entire lives. I am still sad that you are unable to make the trip to PA next weekend for the Photography workshop, but know that there will be other opportunites in the near future:) Thanks again for making my trip complete!!
Once Friday morning arrived, I jumped on my plane to head back home and was greeted by my family whom I REALLY missed!! I have spent the weekend playing catch up as we have another busy week ahead. My camera has been clicking nonstop since my arrival, I had a lot to make up for, it really has not gotten much use these last two weeks!!
Nick and I spent some quality time together volunteering at our local Autism walk Saturday morning and then Sarah and I had an afternoon outside.....it was almost 80 Degrees and BEAUTIFUL!! I think Spring has finally arrived!! I will definitely have lots to post about this week....stay tuned for pictures galore:)
Hope you all have had a wonderful weekend.....I plan to make my way around the blogosphere these next couple days....my blogger dashboard is filled to the brim!!
You are always having sooo much fun and meeting all these great ladies..
LOVE the photos..
Can't wait to see all the photos from this weekend...
Glad you have great weather..
I actually had to turn on the A/C.. it is going to be 90's all week long..
kids headed to waterpark today.. to catch some rays before our big trip...
Glad you are back..
It was so nice to meet you in person. You are just a doll. I wish your cute little sweetie could have made it too. Hopefully we can get a road trip heading your way and Missy's too. I need to hire you as teacher, your photos rock.
Wow...what a turnout! I'll be the President doesn't get that kinda crowd when he's in town.
What a special evening and all those cuties....only Sarah is missing. Can't you photoshop her in??!
You all look WONDERFUL...such beautiful ladies with such warm smiles...clearly FRIENDS!
Welcome back, Lisa.......you were missed!
What a great trip -- looks like it was loads of fun for all! Can't wait to see more photos! Have a good week -- hope it is a bit more relaxing for you!
It looks like you had a great time at the bloggy get together. The pictures you took are just adorable!
Hope things slow down soon. I always hate when things get too busy!
Looking forward to lots of pictures this week!
What fun pictures! All you "girls" look so pretty and up for a great time together!
sandy toe
My only regret is that it didn't last longer! You are my type of gal and I look forward to a long, fun friendship!
I love these sweet pics of the girls!!! You are one rockin' little photographer, sista!
Have a great week and get some much needed rest and enjoy your blog catch up :) We'll talk soon!
Love ya!
What fun! I wish I had known you were going to be in Louisville. I am only an hour and half away. I would have loved to have met you. Oh well, maybe next time!
Love love love your blog!!! Looooove the pictures!!!
You should swing by and check out http://bloggersconfess.blogspot.com/.
You'd be a great addition.
Bloggy meet-ups are the best. What a great shot of all you guys.
Welcome home! Nice to see you had time to have some fun on your trip:)
What a fun day! now you need to come to St. Louis for a bloogy date with me and Leslie! Hope you had a great Easter!
So glad to hear you had such a great time! And how lucky to meet up with everyone! Great photos!
Hi Lisa,
How fun that you could all get together. You are all such special women. You got some great shots of those gorgeous little girls!
I hope this week is a little less hectic for you.
Glad you had such a wonderful time.. though I'm wondering... did you crop yourself out of that picture? You looked beautiful in the photo I saw on Missy's blog!
Glad you are back :) Sounds like a super fun trip! Love the pictures.... I know the feeling about "busy", but for me maybe June???
What fun!!! Sounds like you all had a fabulous time together. Hopefully Sarah can join in the fun next time.
glad you had a fantastic week and also happy to hear you are home safe and sound!
PS. Package is on the way!
How fun is that!!
This girl wished she lived closer!!
Love the photos..
I've missed you and am so happy that you are back. How nice that you were able to meet up with some blogging buddies. Isn't it amazing how you can make such great friends, just by following each others blogs? So happy for you! Great pictures!!!
Hi Lisa,
Wow, sounds like such a wonderful evening. I'm so glad you got to meet more bloggy people in person, how nice! I so hope we can meet one day!
You sound about as busy as me these days! I too have a lot of catch up to play!
Oh ..... I wish I'd known you were coming to KY to visit. I know Leslie and Felicia and live just a hop, skip and jump away. LOVE your blog!!
So glad you all had such a great night! The pics are so good and it's been so sweet seeing the girls and their bubbles (on the other blogs too!)
Hope you are rested and can't wait to see your weeekend photos!
Sounds like a fabulous time meeting the other Moms in Louisville!
Glad you remembered to take your camera because the girls are all just too cute!
I am so glad you had such a great trip! I know you and Missy were dying to meet! How sweet of her to drive! And wow 80 degrees at your house? It's supposed to be a nice week here! I can't wait to get out!
What fun to see friends in person and enjoy an evening together. Love all the photos!
Looks and sounds like you had a great time Lisa! Love all the pictures. Meeting up with people on our journeys is so wonderful!
How fun you were able to meet all those bloggy friends!!! I am jealous! I hope they come your way so I crash the next bloggy party!!!
You are one great picture taker! I cant wait to get together again.
By the happy looks on each face I would say that you all had a marvelous time. It is so much fun to meet up with bloggy friends in the flesh!
Terrye in FL
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