I really think between the picture and the title, I don't need any words.......but you all know me, I always have to say something.........
This past week has been really hectic.....I have been up to my eyeballs with work and end of the school year obligations and really have not had time for much of anything else. I am way behind on blogs....my google reader is about to bust it is so full!! Just wanted to let you all know, I am still here, just a litte behind.
I was hoping with the start of a new work week, I would be able to get caught up, but it looks as though I will be tending to a sick child.......Nick has come down with a fever and a sore throat......we are heading to the doctor's office tomorrow!!
Hope you all had a great weekend....... I will be by to check in on you all soon!!
Sorry to hear that Nick is sick...
Hope he feels better soon..
Have a great week..
I will take a drink.. I will need a few of those after Thursday..
Hope Nick feels better soon! My husband woke up with a sore throat this morning...LOVE the picture, I could really use one of those this week! It's been really trying with a teenage exchange student!
Have a great week!
Hope Nick feels better soon...poor guy!!! I have had one of those "months"...ugh!
sandy toe
I love the picture of your after dinner drink last night!
Sorry to hear that Nick is sick. I can totally relate -- work is a complete zoo and someone is always sick at our house too. When it rains, it pours!
I hope Nick gets some good drugs from the doctor tomorrow! Hang in there!
I feel your pain! I have had a crazy week too...Hope Nick is better soon, and that you have a great week!
Lisa ~ I hope Nick feels better soon. And you definitely need to "mark all as read." No guilt, just do it!
Sorry to hear that Nick is not feeling well...hope he feels better very soon!!
When I saw that photo & the title of your post, I thought, "ahhh...I'm in good company!" Yes, it's been a WEEK for us too!! But...tomorrow is another day & the start of a brand new week...hope it's much better for ALL of us !!
Hang in there, my friend!!
Hope Nick is feeling better soon...
I know what you mean by one of those weeks... errr
Hi Lisa!
Sorry you have had a hectic week...I hope this week is a little quieter for you.
I also hope Nick feels better soon!!
take care! : )
Oh, I hope Nick feels better soon! And that you catch up my friend! This week will be better soon!
I hope Nick gets well soon and the rest of you don't get sick.
Slow down and enjoy your week!
Gorgeous picture!! Sorry it's indicative of a bad week though. Sending good thoughts and big hugs.
Poor Nick.......looks like you have a long week ahead!
What a stunning image of that Cosmo...tell me, did it taste as good as it looks?
I'll be by soon for one so get those limes ready!
oh, i know those weeks! Wish I could enjoy a drink like that one!
I do hope Nick feels better soon!!!!
Sorry to hear that Nick is sick. Hope he's feeling better soon and hope you can get some rest.
Hang in there and hugs to you my friend :)
Bummer that Nick is sick! I've been dealing with a sick boy myself! Let us know what the doctor says.
I totally get you about having one of those weeks...when it rains it pours! I had one of those last week too! Uhg!! Cheers to a better week for both of us! : )
Oh no -- sorry to hear that Nick is not feeling well!! Hope he feels better soon and that you get a little break!
Take care.
Sorry that Nick is sick. Hope he is on the mend soon! May the week ahead not be toooo crazy for you.
Sorry to hear he's sick! Hope he gets better soon!
Don't worry about me.. I'll still be here. ;)
Hope your week gets better.
Oh no. I hope Nick is well soon and can kick whatever bug he's gotten. Poor guy. Just when the weather perks up, too. So not fair!
I've had one of those weeks, too. Heck, one of those months! Floating around blogland it seems like lots of ladies are feeling your pain. Maybe it's something in the stars?!?
Hang in there cutie. We'll chat when life slows down!
xo, L
p.s. I love what you did with the photo on this post. How NEAT!
I LOVE your picture!! Great shot! Are those textures from photoshop?? You have a great eye!
Sure hope Nick gets better super fast!
Oh no! I hate to hear that Nick is sick. I hope he feels better soon.
Hang in there girl!
Hope Nick is feeling much better and hope this is a much better week for ya!! :)
What a great picture!
AWESOME picture. Love the texture.
So sorry Nick is sick, hope he's feeling better today. Y'all take care and have a good week!
Thanks for stopping by (Wow - with your week, you still took the time to say something sweet about my picture.)
Hope things are better.
PS. I LOVE your photo of the wine glass and fruit - looks like a old painting - just gorgeous.
Wanda (At Last...)
Poor girl! You deserve a big old drink and a rest! Curl up on the couch with Nick and we'll see you when he's better! :)
Oh no! I hope Nick is feeling better soon! I have been thinking of you and your family all week : ). You are in my prayers!
Sorry for the hustle and bustle that's filling your life! Hope Nick is up and around soon.
Terrye in FL
Take care of your little man! I so hope he starts to feel better soon.
You better take care of yourself too. Hectic is an understatement for the week you had.
Oh what a beautifully composed photo here too. It's one of my fav's.
It's only 830am and it looks yummy!
Hope Nick is feeling better!! Here is to a slower week!!
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