Yesterday, after Sarah woke up and had breakfast, I told her I was going to go upstairs and get her an outfit so we could get her dressed. When I walked back into the family room with outfit in hand, she said...."No Mommy....I don't wanna wear that.....It is not Booootiful"
I had a cute little jean skirt and a plain pink tee in my hands and she refused to put it on. Up until this point, she has never given her opinion as to what she wants to when she said this, I could not help but just came out of nowhere.
I had a cute little jean skirt and a plain pink tee in my hands and she refused to put it on. Up until this point, she has never given her opinion as to what she wants to when she said this, I could not help but just came out of nowhere.
I am not sure what exactly she thinks is beautiful outfit.....but I am guessing if it is floral, flowy, silky, or ruffly she will wear it!! I thought we had a little more time before this kind of thing set in.......but I guess not!! One can only imagine what the next couple of years might bring.......I see many clothing debates in our future!!
Last Friday I took these pictures of Sarah at a new spot and when I got her dressed, there were no complaints......this one got the Sarah Seal of Approval!!

I am still in a bit of disbelief over her comment about beautiful may not be able to tell from her pictures, but she likes to get dirty and play rough and let me tell you, she is one tough cookie when she falls or gets hurt. She gets right back up like nothing happened and keeps going.
On any given day you will find her toting around her brother's football and soccerball. She is always looking for someone to kick or throw with!! As you can see in the picture above she also enjoys throwing rocks.....she may look all sweet, cute and girly, but underneath those "bootiful clothes" she is a little tomboy!!
Last Friday I took these pictures of Sarah at a new spot and when I got her dressed, there were no complaints......this one got the Sarah Seal of Approval!!

I am still in a bit of disbelief over her comment about beautiful may not be able to tell from her pictures, but she likes to get dirty and play rough and let me tell you, she is one tough cookie when she falls or gets hurt. She gets right back up like nothing happened and keeps going.
On any given day you will find her toting around her brother's football and soccerball. She is always looking for someone to kick or throw with!! As you can see in the picture above she also enjoys throwing rocks.....she may look all sweet, cute and girly, but underneath those "bootiful clothes" she is a little tomboy!!
Those are such beautiful pictures, Lisa! The setting with her dress and her expression just go perfectly together!
LOVE her little outfit..
you have sooo many cute MJ outfits.
Have a great weekend..
Well...I can only tell you...keep the faith sista...keep the faith.
Lia is extremely opinionated about her clothing. She is usually happy with the MJ stuff...but she even got funny about one of the tops I got her. The good news is that she has gotten a little more reasonable about it than she was a year it will get wrose...and then better...
Lovely pictures!!!!
Oh yes - it starteth (or maybe I should say, welcome to the rest of your life.)My girl too is tough as nails but such a girlie girlie when is comes to what she wants to wear. The more frills the better.
Your pictures are beautiful!
Lucky you! I WISH at least one of my girls wanted to be girly. Linhsey let's me dress her now but is beginning to protest some.
but a very cute, "tom boy"!
She is just too "boootiful"! : ) Love the pictures!
Sarah looks BOOOOTIFUl in these pics. Love the outfit!
I have to laugh because Amelia has had an opinion since the day should could talk!
Last time I put her in her Matilda Jane jumper she said, "Mom this isn't pretty." See, there is too much brown and not enough pink in it. Although it is absolutely the cutest thing I've ever seen on her!
By the way, she ONLY wants to wear dresses and sparkly shoes - but is a SLOB and comes home a mess EVERY day.
Ahhhh yes, it begins. Good luck with that! :)
She does look Boootiful, though!!
I think Sarah and Kamree have secretly been talking! I get -- "I don't like that, Mommy" every time I pick out Kamree's clothes. She could drive me crazy in the morning! So glad to see that Sarah approves of MJ though!
These pictures are just adorable!
I am getting some pushback lately on the clothes front, too! Of course, Lily doesn't always want bootiful - sometimes she wants jeans and a t-shirt.
The MJ outfit is so cute. I'm wishing I had gotten more at my trunk party.
Your pictures, as usual, are gorgeous!
Have a good weekend!
Beautiful photos!
And, I'm sorry to say, having BTDT, this is JUST the beginning of the "bootiful clothes" thing! lol! Honest to goodness, this started as soon as Kiara could POINT! lol! It goes on everyday at my house, & tonight it was all about the "perfect" jammies...sigh...Kiara is 4...I am so dreading the teen years! lol!
When Maddy was that age, she decided to ONLY wear dresses! She didn't wear shorts one whole summer -- only dresses! Sarah has very good taste! Love that outfit!
Have a fun weekend girlie! :)
You have a fashion queen in the making...
This set of photos is my favorite! I think.....LOL!! They just keep getting better and better! If it makes you feel any better we are hitting that opinionated stage too. But I have two drama queens that gang up on me! ;)
Hello your daughter is really cute! I love her dress to and the pictures that you do are so great!
By the way, I'm a new visitor and I'm loving your blog!
What boootiful pictures!!! Love the MJ outfit on her too!
How funny is she! I can hear her little voice echoing "boootiful" too.
I am sure you had something adorable for her to wear, perhaps it's just another stage of the "assertive two's".
Kira was in my make up bag today and pulled out my lipstick and fortunately I was able to grab it and then she puckered her lip for me to put it on her. I'm telling you, these girls are taking it all in.
Sarah probably heard her Daddy call her Mommy "Boootiful", how else would she know LOL.
Looking forward to seeing you soon!!!
Have a great day my friend.
The more I hear about Sarah, the more I think Mia and her are lost sisters from some strange Asian/ white universe. I swear they are exactly the same. Mia is totally a tomboy and loves to get dirty and play rough but just recently has had all kinds of opinions on what she wears. Not only on her body but in her hair. It is like she has to have total control of everything (not like her mom--right?). Too funny. I think our girls are cut from the same mold.
Great pics
I will be honest I would never think by the pictures she is a toughy at all!!! Get the girl some jean overalls and a hat :)!
Have a great weekend!
sandy toe
Oh.. Girl... it is "ON" now! lol!! That's how it begins.. out of nowhere.. they have there own little opinion's of "what" they want to wear! lol! I go through this debate EVERY Sunday.. or when we go out somewhere. During the week..(while at home) she wears whatever she wants.
I have learned that if I give McKenna a choice (like 2 different outfits) there's not so much Fuss!
LITTLE GIRLS! Everybody needs one...
Gorgeous photos! And the Tongginator totally went through a year of playing in the mud, but she had to look her best while doing so. Good luck, Momma!
First off those are bootiful pictures. My Madi is like that. She can look girly but oh my! She is in 1st grade but hangs with all the 3rd grade boys around our neighborhood including her 3rd grade brother...and guess who runs the whole show. When they all play ball they get mad because Madi usually shows them up at any and all games. She will even sit with her dad and watch a whole ball game whether it's football, baseball or basketball.
Yes get ready because that pickiness only gets worse.
I love that huge flower in Sarah's hair.
Hehe, she's such a cutie! My Jaden is like that too, she loves to be dressed up all cute but at the same time will be out in the yard digging for worms. :)
Have a great weekend, my friend!
Oh man oh man...give me plenty of warning tips now so I am ready to deal with my Miss Priss being picky, too! ;)
Sarah is so beautiful. What fantastic photos these are!
I just ordered C some new clips for her hair. Excited to get them!
Sarahs sure are super sweet!
Happy weekend ahead with your sweetie pies!
xo Les
Oh Lisa I think she is just "BOOOOTIFUL" herself. I love your pctures....always.
Love, Kristy
These images are just spectacular! My favorite is the one of her bending down even though we can't see her bootiful face...its jus they whole feeling of that photo.
I love her MJ outfits!!!
Well she just wants to be bootiful like her Momma....
Love the pics, you sure can capture a moment.
How could you possibly choose which one to frame?! ")
I was hoping to see that special bootiful outfit she did not want to change out of ;)
~Have a wonderful weekend!
Lisa, she is boootiful! Could she get any more photogenic? You're going to have so much success in your new venture. Kudos to you my friend! These are lovely!
Just gorgeous pics Lisa! or should I say bootiful! That's too funny! I remember being like that with Caitie and I thanked god for the day school started with uniforms! She still has her say in what she will and won't wear and Maddie is starting to catch on fast!
Too funny! That girl has got good taste! :)
Briana is starting to get an opinion about clothes too now. Unfortunately, I cannot let her wear pink!
Gorgeous pics once again!
Are you using light room to edit these?? The editing looks great... I love it!!
What amazing photography! You are so talented and sure to have a great future !! I love Matilda Jane clothing!!! Happy Almost Summer!!! :)
Oh boy, Maggie still wears whatever I give her and I am waiting for the day when this happens here as well. I am going to call you next week~
At least she's got a great sense of style :) Ava too wants to pick out her clothes..the funny thing is she has the same MJ top but doesn't want to wear it.
Beautiful photos!!!!
I love adorable kid comments and this is one of the best, glad you 'recorded' this one and shared it with us. There is no doubt that the outfit she is wearing is BOOTIFUL!!!
Did you participate in the online Matilda Jane art fair this weekend? What craziness it was, but lovely pieces as usual! It continues through tomorrow, and they are 'replenishing' the inventory each day...still some cute items to be had! :o)
Stunning photos!! No wonder she loves to get dressed up!! She's so cute!! :)
Well... Em is becoming the other way around now... She wants to wear plain jeans and tshirts and THAT is killing me!!
Nothing like a girl in a pretty dress with a great soccer foot!
She is such a beautiful girl, and now she knows she wants bootiful clothes to match! I have been so absent lately...I can't believe how much has been going on with you! First of all, congratulations on "Visions!" That is wonderful!!! I think its so fantastic that you are going for it! And secondly, I can understand how frustrated you must feel about the waiting game for adoption. You are such a wonderful mom, I just know there's a little person out there just meant to join your family. I am sure that isn't too comforting to hear when you are waiting, though, right? Hang in there!
I love that flower in her hair. How beautiful! She is such a doll! I love these pictures. They are Bootiful!
Welcome to the world of determined girls! I have one and dressing is always a battle. Most days I let it be and she often looks a bit odd but hey, she's happy!
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