As you all know, I posted last week that we were waiting to hear about the travel soccer tryouts. Nick really had his hopes up and honestly thought he would make the team.......low and behold, Sunday night, we got the call.....and it was not good news.
last year when we got the call, he was not with me, so I kept it to myself as long as I could, but had to tell him before he went to school on Monday.
How do you tell your child something that you know is going to break their heart? There is no easy way..... I was sick to my stomach at the thought of it and was searching for the words to let him down gently.
We had many conversations with him trying to prepare him for such news. I knew even though he said he could take the rejection, that he would be crushed if he was not chosen for the team.
I decided to get him out of the house to tell him. We went for a long walk down by a peaceful little creek that he loves to wade around in. When I first told him, he handled it pretty well, but then he started to get real quiet and he stopped talking and I knew the emotions were about to come pouring out....and they did.
We made our way through the tears, but I wanted something positive to come out of this experience. You know that saying about not putting all your eggs in one basket? Well, I explained to him that while he can continue to play soccer at an intramural level, he might want to consider doing something else that he enjoys. By the time we got home, he was searching the internet for summer art classes and possibly music lessons.
In the end, I know that this is all part of life and growing up, but it doesn't change the fact that he is still my baby that I want to protect and shield from the pain of rejection.

Tomorrow is his last day of school.....summer officially begins at 10am when the school doors fling open and the children come pouring out with big smiles on their faces. We are looking forward to a summer filled with fun and new beginnings. I always say, when something bad happens, somthing good always comes out of it!! We are in search of the good this summer:)
A special thanks to everyone who left me comments on the last post. Your stories and words meant so much to me. We are all human and no matter how hard we try, our eyes cannot be on them every second of every day.