It has been a whirlwind of a week around here.....lots of cousin fun!! Eddie and Nick had a great time together and of course Sarah was trying to keep up with them every step of the way. As I said last week, both Pat and I were juggling our jobs and some fun activities for the kids. We got in a game or two of mini golf, some trips to the park, and out for ice cream a couple of nights, but Thursday I took the day off from work because we had planned on taking them to
Hershey Park.
Most kids would be thrilled at the thought to go to such a place, but Nick was far from thrilled.......he is not a thrill seeker and actually gets quite intimidated by rollercoasters and very large rides. He was visibly upset at the thought of going, so we had to come up with another idea.
Last weekend, I saw that another
bloggy friend took her kids to a place called
RIDEMAKERZ. I showed the boys the website and they were jumping up and down with joy saying "Let's Go There"
After investigating, the closest store was in Baltimore, and I figured it was worth the 2.5 hour drive if it was somthing that they both really wanted to that is what we did.

Upon walking in the door, we viewed this wall of many car choices!! The concept behind this store is along the lines of build a be@r, but you are building race cars instead.
The kids eyes lit up as if it was Christmas morning when we walked through the doors. The options were endless.....
Once you pick the car body, you choose if you want to make it a remote control car or just a regular model and then if you want to make it a monster version. They all chose to do remote control, but no one did monster. After that it was time to pick the wheels and the rims and the horn type.....yes they had 5 options of different horns!!! After all the big choices were made, they moved to the workstations for the real fun to begin!!!!

They were shown how to assemble the wheels and the rims using the power tools hanging from the ceiling. They even were timed like they were a pit can tell they were into it......
The little girl between Nick and Eddie is my friends daughter. She went mini golfing with us the night before and when she found out where we were going, she wanted to come along!! She is such a cute little girl......she is a total tomboy and loved hanging with Nick and Eddie. You should see her throw a blows me away:)

After the wheels were all on, it was time to pick some more accessories to bling it out. This part of the process was the most overwhelming......there were TONS of options and different little things to add to the cars. All at an additional price...of course:)

After the cars were completed, it was time for license and registration. They moved the kids to their own computer station where they named their cars and filled out all the "owner" information. Once complete, it was printed out and the license was put on the car and the title and registration went in the box with the remote and a screwdriver in the shape of a key!!

Do those look like happy faces or what?? They could not wait to get home and test drive them!! The car ride home seemed like an eternity....they asked "how much longer" about 10 times. The minute I pulled up to the house, they jumped out, ran in the garage, took their cars out of their boxes and started their engines!!
It was really worth it.......about 20 minutes later, they had drawn a town out of chalk on the driveway and were driving their cars all around "town". They even made a ramp with some leftover wood we had stored in the basement. They played outside all night. They couldn't wait for it to get dark because the cars even come with working headlights, so they can see where they are going!!
Check out the website for a location near you.....they even do birthday parties!!