Here is a little peak at Nick during our beach weekend getaway.......he loves to skimboard and almost every picture I have of him from that weekend, he is riding either his skimboard or boogie board. This pic is my fav because I love the look of determination on his face and the splash of water at his feet!!
We have really missed Nick.........He has been gone all week. While we were on the Cape for the fourth, we met up with my Aunt and Uncle. They took Nick back to Rhode Island for the week. He loves going and spending time with his cousin Eddie. Some of you might remember Eddie, he has made quite a few appearances here on the blog last summer and over the holidays when they came to visit.
Tomorrow I am heading to Conneticut to meet them and bring Nick and Eddie down here. Eddie is now going to spend a week with us!! We are trying to plan a couple of day trips with the kids and I am sure we will make a trip or two to the pool.
Sorry I have been a total blog slacker....I think it is the time of year. Too much to do and not enough hours in the day. Have a great weekend......I can't believe how quickly this week has gone. I hope that I will have some fun things to post next week:)
I love this picture of Nick! I especially love the splash of water!
I agree -- summer is soooo busy! Hope you have a great weekend!
Love the pic! I'm so glad Nick is getting time to spend with his best bud. Glad to see you post again! :)
What a great picture! I know how you feel about summer....you just enjoy your beautiful children and friends and family...that is what is important!
Very cool picture of Nick! Always fun with his cousin Eddie -- can't wait to hear all about it! Have a fun weekend!
Love this one Lisa...especially the expression on his face and the splash of water. I smiled when I first saw this, boys are so great!
Great shot! My Nick went skim boarding yesterday while I was in Newport. He said the water was great and the weather was much better than on the 4th! Too bad you're just passing through Connecticut, it would be wonderful to meet you.
Enjoy the boys and have a great weekend!
I read your post with Sweetie Pie on my lap and when I pointed to the picture of Nick and asked who it was she clearly said WonderBoy's name. She's no dummy...I thought the same when I saw Nick on his board.
We really need to get our baby boys together.
Safe trip up picking up the boys!
What a great shot!!! Glad you are enjoying your summer to the fullest!!!
Awesome shot, Lisa! I love the look on his face, too.
Have a great weekend!!
Awesome picture! Enjoy your week with the kiddos.
This picture is great!
Nick looks like a pro! Glad you get your son back, have a great weekend and week, I'm on vacation baby.:o)
Great photo..
Sounds like he had lots of fun..
have a great weekend..
Wow!! The blog looks great and all on your own--wow!! You are a multi talented woman!!! I love the pic of Nick on the skim board. My boys love to skim board as well and we just got back from the beach and the boys skim boarded a ton! Great pics and it was nice to catch up on what you guys are doing.
Christy :)
Lisa- Love, love, love this new blog design!! The colors are fab and the opening pics blow me away! You are doing a great job!
Sorry I didn't call this afternoon... the kids tricked me into staying at the pool too long! haha!! But I am going to try tomorrow to catch you. No worries if you are not around.. I know the weekends are crazy. I just appreciate your help!
Nick is such a cutie... love it.
I LOVE the new design. I am also trying to work on designing my own blog. I like change and would like to be able to change my blog design whenever I get a whim. I also love the pictures of Nick skim boarding. My kids spend their weekends at the lake tubing and boarding and anything else that is going to keep them in the water.
The blog looks great! I KNOW what you mean about busy!!! We are too!!
Love the new look, Lisa. The blog looks great.
I am super impressed that you are able to design your own blog...it looks awesome!
I remember last year when Nick and his cousin did the same thing, right? What great memories for those two boys!
Love the picture of Nick...he is growing up so fast! He is so handsome!
No worries on the blog slacking, I totally relate, this time of the year is a busy one! Take care! Lisa
Your blog looks wonderful and I love your white dress water photo. I am taking Sophia to Steffie's place next week for some white dress photos.
wow, Lisa, this photo is amazing.
Sorry I have been a slacker also.
I'm with you on the not enough hours in the day!!! It's summer and it's crazy here too! Love the pic on Nick...looks like so much fun!
I love the new look! Awesome that you did it all on your own :) Love the picture of Nick! Have a great weekend!
WOW I am so impressed! you did your own blog! I dont think I could do it! it looks great! love the header pictures of the kids!
Great new blog nad love the photos, especially the very gorgeous white dress ones.
I understand completely about summer madness and not enough time for the computer!!
Love Jules
Great Job on the blog design!!!!! It looks Wonderful Girl!
I love the picture of Nick too! I know you miss that sweet boy. Hope he's back home soon!
Great action shot of Nick~ he's a water lover, isn't he? He and Bryce would get along fabulously!
The blog looks great. I had no idea you had this cookin' girly! Way to go! You never cease to amaze me Lisa with all you can do!
Happy week ahead. We fly back to 'normal' life tomorrow so I'll be in touch.
xo Les
you are far from a blog slacker! It's summer! Glad Nick is on his way home to continue his time with his cousin. Enjoy the busy house and having your boy home! Your new look is beautiful! You've done a great job.
Love your new siggy line that you did today girl! Looks awesome! You are just an all around learning machine in 2009!
Hugs to the cutie patooties~ xo Les
I too am a blog slacker - posting and commenting! Wanted to tell you that I LOVE all of your pictures - I could leave a message on each post as I am just catching up - but they are great! And your blog looks great as well! Nick and Sarah are cute as ever. sounds like you are enjoying a fun and busy summer. Hope this message finds you all well!!!
~ Bridget
Love this picture of Nick. Great job on doing your blog makeover. I am impressed!!!!
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