On Sunday, we had Kira and Ivy up for a playdate. It was a gorgeous day to be outdoors, it was warm with a really nice breeze......so unusual for this time of year. Anyway, the girls had such a great time running around together....and when I turned my back for one second, Sarah snuck the into my bag and took the skittles. She quickly grabbed her partner in crime so they could eat them under the tree. Sarah is on to me and knows that I keep a stash hidden in my camera bag for those who need a little bribery to cooperate:) The teddy bears they were playing with minutes before hit the dirt as soon as the skittles came out.....
While the girls were in complete sugar shock, Nick and Eddie, another duo to be reckoned with, had some fun of their own.......They played some ball and did some rock climbing, and even allowed us a couple minutes to have their pictures taken:)

I am juggling my job this week and some special activities for the boys.....we have a great day trip planned for Thursday. They have been talking about it since Saturday and are really excited about where we are going. Look for my next post......it will surely be filled with photos from our excursion:)
Hope you all have a great week!!
enjoy Lisa.
these pictures are absolutely stunning. You subjects are even better!
It looks like you had a fun play date! Cute pictures of the kids!
I love your new blog look too! Have a great day!
What sweet children! Can't wait to read about your excursion..have a blast!
sandy toe
What sweet little faces and handsome young men you have running around this summer. Can't wait to hear what Thursday brings.
We are heading for the beach today ~ without the down comforters! : )
Great pics, Lisa! I understand that crazy busy feeling!!
That's funny about Sarah and the skittles! Sounds like Ella...she has a radar when it comes to sweets. : )
Love your new blog look!!!
Have a great week!
Your new header is so beautiful! Hope your having a great week sweetie.
I love your new blog design!! Great job.... & I just noticed designed by you!! Way to go :)
I love your pictures & pp. I need those Tuesday night sessions back.
Great pictures!! Have fun Thursday!!!!
Great photos. I am going to have to start bribing my nephew. I was worn out trying to wrangle him in his sailor suit the other day and try to get a picture. i have total appreciation for people who take pictures of children for a living. Have a great week!
Great pictures! Eddie has grown SO much since the last time we saw him:)
Really like the new blog design - such contemplative faces in the header:)
ADORABLE!!!!!!!!! I love your blog too! You are just way too talented my friend! : )
I love play dates and the pics are just amazing as always. The blog looks beautiful and try your hardest to slow down. Remember, this is supposed to be summer-- the slower time. I keep saying the same thing to myself with no avail. I am goiing crazy busy as well-- too much going on. Try to relax.
Christy :)
precious precious images!!
Beautiful photos. I know just how you feel about keeping up with all of the summer activities. I always feel like I'm 2 hours behind.
LOL @ the poor teddies hitting the dirt! Great shots though, of all of them!
Have fun Thursday and great job on your new bloggy look, I love it!!
These are great Lisa! I LOVE the one of Nick...oh.my.word!!! I got your message today, but was at the pool having a "school meeting" with one of my teacher friends...ha! No planning is ever done by a pool on a beautiful day:)
I'll be around tomorrow, can you chat for a bit?
Loving your new blog!!!
BEAUTIFUL photos.. love the new look...
Sounds like you are busy and having fun..
Have a great week..
A skittles bandit, huh? LOL! She is one smart cookie!
Love all the beautiful pics!
What great photos Lisa! Sounds like you are having a fun summer!
These are great....the girls are just adorable with their beads and skittles under the tree. Great memories they are building together.
Have fun on your day trip!
Can't wait to see more pictures of your adventures! Enjoy the time with everyone around!
I hear you! Busy here too :) Looks like a fun playdate! Looking forward to hearing about your trip!
I know!! It is so hard to keep up with blogging in the summer. So many things going on.... this week has actually been boring for us and I've loved it! haha!!
Stunning photos of all the children! Just adorable.
I so know what you mean about being BUSY - I am right there with ya! Love the photos and the blog makeover! Call me when you get a chance!
Watch out - eventually she may graduate from Skittles to some higher sugar content. Heh.
Today is Thursday so I am sure you are off on your special excursion! Have a great time Lisa! I can't wait to see more gorgeous photos! :)
Great Photos!!! I hope our lives slow down a little after next week too!!! Miss following you!
Your photos are blowing me away. Each time they just get better and better!!!
Have a wonderful week my sweet friend!!!
These pictures are wayyyyy too cute! Love the first one!
The pictures of S and K are so cute! Where did you get the beads? Love them! Hope ya'll have a great weekend!
Jen :)
Oh, what wonderful photos of such sweet little ones. Sounds like a lovely day indeed.
Glad that Eddy is with you guys having fun again this summer, he's growing up too! Those little ones can be quite sneaky! Great pics!
I too am still around, just so busy with summer here!
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