I just wanted to pop in to let you all know I am going to be taking a little bloggy break for the next week or so. My job has been demanding a lot more of my time and attention, so I really need to focus. It also looks as though I am going to be jumping on a plane to Louisville, KY again in the next couple of days, so I have a LOT to do around here before I go.
There are some really exciting things going on surrounding my career and when I come back I will tell you all about it. The last week has been almost like a dream, and I keep thinking I am going to wake up and reality is going to hit. I can't help but feel that everything is starting to line up for the upcoming adoption.
In addition to my real job, I have been a little busy with the camera as well. I did two photoshoots over the past two days. Some of you might recognize "L" if you visit THIS blog. Isn't she absolutely adorable? She is just the sweetest little thing....just like her Mommy:)

I also photographed her cousin "T". Her beauty is just mesmerizing........the girl definitely has a future as a model. I have lots of pictures to prove it:)

Alright, just wanted to let you know, I did not drop off the face of the earth. Still here, just {tu tu} much going on right now:)
One last thing...... I had a few people leave comments about the asian inspired dress that Sarah was wearing in previous post "I feel like jumping for joy". It was a gift from a lovely bloggy friend, but I contacted her and she happily forwarded me the link to the boutique. Click HERE to see her shop.
Have a great week......I will try to check in real soon. Miss you all:)
These pictures are just adorable!
You do have a full plate right now so enjoy your time away!
Hope you have a great week!
Wow, absolutely fabulous photos!
Wow, Lisa....sounds like some exciting things going on over there...I am happy for you!!!!! Can't wait to hear more!
Take good care and enjoy your week!
What gorgeous models! And I can't wait to hear your work news... safe travels on your trip.
Very pretty picture!
Where is your son in your header??? Look at you making all these blog designs...you are really good!
sandy toe
Sounds crazy yet wonderful. Can not wait to hear your news!
Keep smilin!
Hi Lisa, can't wait to hear what your news is! Have fun in Louisville! I hear it's beautiful...haven't been since I was a kid. But my BFF lived there and loved it.
These pics are beautiful! You're so talented!
Well, safe travels my friend! Maybe when your bloggy break is over, I will have some travel news myself!
Love and hugs~
Gorgeous pictures!
These are so gorgeous girl, you know I love them! Congrats on all that is going on, I am so excited for you!
Take care and we'll talk soon!
Sounds like you have a ton going on....some exciting things too....I can't wait to hear all about it!
Your pictures are amazing! Enjoy your time off.
WOW Lisa - those photos truly blew me away...There are so very F-A-B!!!! OK going to try and call you this afternoon once the girls go down. We are headed to the beach this weekend leaving on Thursday so if you need me, try my cell phone. I too have some great news to share that will be happening in Sept/Oct. Talk to you later...and take all the time you need. Love you
The photos are great! Can't wait to hear your news. Hope you find a free moment to take a deep breath!
Love these pics!!! I am so happy for all of your accomplishments! I can't think of anyone more deserving! Hope we can work out Louisville...finger's crossed :)
Can't wait to hear about your work news. What did your boss give you the company instead of a trip this year? (jk)
Your photos get more beautiful every day...You have such a gift for capturing people. I'm glad you're able to share it.
your photos are gorgeous!! that is so exciting that your job is going so well and you are doing photoshoots too! congrats!
Gorgeous photos! You are one busy Mama, aren't you! Take it easy and don't do too much. You will be missed in blogland! :)
OMG...your coming back. I hope you plan on seeing some bloggy friends while in town. I know I've not been commenting much, but have been around. I have had some major surgery, but hopefully will be healed enough to come say hi while your in town. I missed Missy visit, but my hubby came and met her..lol.
So when are you coming???
Gorgeous photos!!! So glad to hear things are going well!! Can't wait to hear the details! Have a safe, great trip!
Im in the same boat with work and have had to take a break as well. Your pics are amazing! Have a good break.
I'm so behind on catching up on blogs. Congrats on the job promotion and your photography. B-utiful images. Please let me know if you're coming and I'll coordinate a dinner :)
I will miss you during your time away, but I so understand.
Once again you photos are just stunning!
Great photos.. sounds like things are going AMAZING for you..
Have a great couple weeks..
Gorgeous images as usual!
So excited for you about all the wonderful new changes. I am really happy that you are so happy with the new arrangements.
Can't wait to see you!
fantastic. Have a good week.
Those are tu tu cute photos! Glad the photo taking is going for you tu tu.
ok busy girl....glad all is well.
we'll 'see you soon'
It was good talking to you the other day. Thanks for the help : )
Talk to you soon!!! {{{hug}}}
Every time I see your photos, they get better and better! I love these...of course I understand the need for a blog break. I am still catching up and trying to break back into the routine. Good Luck with work!
I love looking at your photos! A work of art! I thought that was your "real job" until Jodee told me differently. Sounds like some great stuff happening!
Hey Lisa...I haven't been around much either! But it is so good to hear that things are going good for you....everything is lining up! That is so awesome! Your photos are better than ever, I'm glad you are having fun!! :D Talk to you soon!!
These pictures are incredible!!!! Really really incredible and beautiful!!! Have a good break!
Love and blessings, Kristy
Great pics! I'm so excited for you getting to do some photo shoots! They're awesome and I know the clients are in love with all you showcased!
Happy job good news, too!
Love and hugs, Les
Wow these are amazing. Come to England and take photos of us too, please!! ;-)
Love Jules
Lisa! Stunning photos. I can't wait to hear about your new adventures with work and the upcoming adoption. Enjoy your break... don't work too hard!! :)
And get some sleep!! Your advice has been helping.
Lisa, Beautiful Photos of a couple of beautiful little girls...Have a great week...
Gina Murray
Oh Lisa, COngrats ---it sounds like some good news for you! These pics are gorgeous!!!!
Hi Lisa! Your photos are amazing as usual! Sounds like there may be changes coming your way - I have to admit that I wonder how in the world you do all that you do. You must be a terrific multi-tasker!
Thanks for commenting on my blog. I am as slow-as-molasses, but determined to hang in here!
Hi Lisa...
I adore your pics, wish I lived closer,would love to spend an afternoon just learning all you could teach me. You have such a wonderful eye, a true talent behind the lens..
Hi Lisa,
I totally hear you and feel the same, summer has just been crazy and I'm so super busy at work now too! Can't wait to hear about your exciting new changes. Gorgeous pics! Hang in there!
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