I couldn't decide what I wanted to post about first....food, photography, or the new perk I mentioned yesterday. Even though Food and Photography are two of my most favorite subjects, I am going to start with the new PERK.......because I am just WAY EXCITED over this.
Before I go on, let me preface this by saying......things like this just don't happen to me. I was really taken by surprise by all of it. I still feel the need to pinch myself daily, to make sure that I am not just dreaming......
I have worked at the same place for almost 7 years and was definitely starting to feel like it was about time to take things to the next level, but never thought that I would be walking into what I did a couple of Monday's ago.
The day started like any other Monday usually does, but when I saw my boss this particular day, he said "We need to talk about something before our meeting, can you come in for a chat" He seemed all serious and I thought it was going to be bad.....and then he said the dreaded words...."We need to discuss money" I felt like I was going to throw up.....I just could not handle a pay cut, but with all that is going on in today's job market, I guess I should have been thankful that he was not going to cut my job.
He must have seen the look of PANIC on my face and quickly assured me that what he was about to tell me was going to make me happy.....very HAPPY!!! He proceeded to layout my new job role, title, and compensation package. The frown was instantly turned upside down. I was thrilled with the news.....and at the same time a little intimidated by some of the extra time and responsibility this new role would take.......but then I kept thinking about the perks....a raise and A COMPANY CAR.....both of these items, so worth a little fear and intimidation:)
If all of this wasn't exciting enough, he let me choose the car I wanted as a company vehicle. So at the very moment he is giving me the big news he asked me what type of car I would want to drive.
Now how would you answer that? In my mind I am thinking...What is a reasonable response? So I started by mentioning a couple of the cars that he has already purchased for other executives. I figured I was safe in assuming that he would buy the same type of vehicle for me.
He said they were all fine choices, but also had some other recommendations because he wanted to make sure that whatever I drive will accomodate our growing family. His recommendations blew me off my chair....and by the time I walked {more like floated} out of his office, he had me set up at a couple car dealerships to go test drive.
Usually I DREAD car shopping with a capital D, but OH BOY.....it was so much fun when you don't have to be the one to do the negotiating....or make the monthly payments:) I just showed up and the sales reps already knew what to show me.
It didn't take me long to figure it out.....there was one that really stood out to me. It took about a week to locate exactly what I wanted......

Is he not the BEST BOSS EVER?????
I am having lots of fun driving this little baby....the kids like it too. They have been popping movies in the entertainment center every chance they get, even if we are just running to the corner store. Everytime I put Sarah in her carseat, she immediately says "Can I have my earmuffs" That is what she calls the headphones....LOL!!
My boss's delivery of this news could not have happened at a more perfect time. The car I was driving is at the end of it's lease, so in a few months, it will be BYE BYE car payment.....not to mention that if we were to buy a new vehicle, it would have been something much more modest{less expensive}than this luxury vehicle. All in all, the loss of a car payment and the expenses that go with a car each month will be a HUGE savings for us!!
Both Pat and I feel truly blessed by all of this and can't help but feel that everything is starting to line up for the addition of our China Baby!! The days, weeks, and months are passing by so quickly......and even though we have, at the very least, 7 or 8 more months of waiting, our time will be here before we know it and every extra penny saved is only going to help!
Before I go on, let me preface this by saying......things like this just don't happen to me. I was really taken by surprise by all of it. I still feel the need to pinch myself daily, to make sure that I am not just dreaming......
I have worked at the same place for almost 7 years and was definitely starting to feel like it was about time to take things to the next level, but never thought that I would be walking into what I did a couple of Monday's ago.
The day started like any other Monday usually does, but when I saw my boss this particular day, he said "We need to talk about something before our meeting, can you come in for a chat" He seemed all serious and I thought it was going to be bad.....and then he said the dreaded words...."We need to discuss money" I felt like I was going to throw up.....I just could not handle a pay cut, but with all that is going on in today's job market, I guess I should have been thankful that he was not going to cut my job.
He must have seen the look of PANIC on my face and quickly assured me that what he was about to tell me was going to make me happy.....very HAPPY!!! He proceeded to layout my new job role, title, and compensation package. The frown was instantly turned upside down. I was thrilled with the news.....and at the same time a little intimidated by some of the extra time and responsibility this new role would take.......but then I kept thinking about the perks....a raise and A COMPANY CAR.....both of these items, so worth a little fear and intimidation:)
If all of this wasn't exciting enough, he let me choose the car I wanted as a company vehicle. So at the very moment he is giving me the big news he asked me what type of car I would want to drive.
Now how would you answer that? In my mind I am thinking...What is a reasonable response? So I started by mentioning a couple of the cars that he has already purchased for other executives. I figured I was safe in assuming that he would buy the same type of vehicle for me.
He said they were all fine choices, but also had some other recommendations because he wanted to make sure that whatever I drive will accomodate our growing family. His recommendations blew me off my chair....and by the time I walked {more like floated} out of his office, he had me set up at a couple car dealerships to go test drive.
Usually I DREAD car shopping with a capital D, but OH BOY.....it was so much fun when you don't have to be the one to do the negotiating....or make the monthly payments:) I just showed up and the sales reps already knew what to show me.
It didn't take me long to figure it out.....there was one that really stood out to me. It took about a week to locate exactly what I wanted......

Is he not the BEST BOSS EVER?????
I am having lots of fun driving this little baby....the kids like it too. They have been popping movies in the entertainment center every chance they get, even if we are just running to the corner store. Everytime I put Sarah in her carseat, she immediately says "Can I have my earmuffs" That is what she calls the headphones....LOL!!
My boss's delivery of this news could not have happened at a more perfect time. The car I was driving is at the end of it's lease, so in a few months, it will be BYE BYE car payment.....not to mention that if we were to buy a new vehicle, it would have been something much more modest{less expensive}than this luxury vehicle. All in all, the loss of a car payment and the expenses that go with a car each month will be a HUGE savings for us!!
Both Pat and I feel truly blessed by all of this and can't help but feel that everything is starting to line up for the addition of our China Baby!! The days, weeks, and months are passing by so quickly......and even though we have, at the very least, 7 or 8 more months of waiting, our time will be here before we know it and every extra penny saved is only going to help!
What a lucky lady! Congrats on your new title and perks!
There is nothing better than a new car that comes with earmuffs!
Enjoy ~
Congrats on your promotion...now that is a fun car!
sandy toe
Congratulations! Enjoy...
Awesome! Congratulations! Jodee was telling me a little bit about it but that is amazing. Those types of this don't happen when you work for a non-profit :).
Have a great Wednesday!
Whoooo hoooo! I can't think of anyone more deserving! You work your tail off for him! I work for greedy attorneys so I don't see a Mercedes in my future anytime soon! Enjoy your new ride and your new promotion! I am soooo excited for you!
Wow, congrats on your new job and the wonderful perks that go along with it! God knows what we need, when we need it.
I will e mail you and call soon...unless I can't find your number! You may have to give it to me again~
What a great boss! I am so glad you found the car you wanted!! Now just tell your boss you need to make more business trips to Louisville ;-).....It was great seeing you last week.....
Congratulations!! What a beautiful new car, enjoy every minute!!
Enjoy the rest of your week, we are headed to the National Zoo in DC this weekend, I can't wait!
That's awesome. She's a beauty ;-)
Wow, Lisa!!!! I am so happy for you!! I would love to work for this guy...let me know if he needs any help....I will even wash windows. hee hee!
I know you already know this, but the way things are with the economy right now...this offer from him is truly amazing!! God is SO good!!
I have worked for the retail giant(WM) for the past 13 years and things are even starting to get ugly over there!
Anyway....very excited for you!!! And your China Baby is getting closer and closer!! : )
Congrats on your promotion and your new car! I must say you made an excellent choice. I drive the same exact car in the same color. ;) Have fun with it. I know that I do! You work so hard, you deserve it!!!!
Love this post Lisa...Congratulations my friend you certainly deserve it with all the hard work you do! Beautiful car and I know you are lovin' it!
Wow! Congratulations on your promotion and your new car. How exciting for you and your family.
Glad Nick enjoyed Ridemakerz - Ben (my older son) loved it so much and is determined to have his 8th birthday party (in October) there. I told he will have strict limit on invites and there will not be fancy add-ons!
I am so happy, proud and jealous of you all at the same time! Great job. What do you do? I hope you will still have plenty of time to keep making those gorgeous photos.
I drive a company car, but it's an 8 year old pick-up truck! Here's wishing you all the best.
Wahoo! That is one HOT ride, girl and you know, you TOTALLY deserve it! So proud for you!!!
Holy cow! That is awesome!
Congrats!! You are such a wonderful person and hard worker -- so nice that your boss appreciates all you do! Cool ride!
glad your blogging again - I don't always comment but love your blog. I have the same car - you will love it! It's a great ride. I even have the same color ;)
A blessing indeed! Congratulations!!
Congrats! I have no idea what you do though...lol. Does your boss read your blog? The car is great, but the best part was reading about the "earmuffs". Hehehehe. What a cutie!
Congratulations! I feel so happy for you ... and something tells me you deserve every single one of these perks!
Oh I just LOVE the new car! CONGRATS on a job ((always ~ you so deserve this)) well done :) Aren't those "JIM" bosses just the best!
Call me when you get back from the Cape! Have a great time & enjoy that AMAZING ride!!!!!!
Fantastically Fabulous! The savings of a company car is wonderful. We just moved to the other side of owning and making both car payments for the first time ever, it sucks.
Congrats again on the nice perk!
Hooray for you! So exciting - congratulations!
And your blog looks amazing! I am way too jealous... ready for you to redesign my own. :-)
WOO HOO! Very nice!!!
Congratulations! and what a nice/great boss you have!
WOW.. congratulations..
very nice..
Have a great week..
I know that jealousy is not good but I am SERIOUSLY jealous right now~ what a an amazing bonus!
Nice Perk!!! Congratulations on the promotion!!
Holy crap! That beats my little 1999 Chevy Lumina by a mile! Of course, I work for the city government.... LOL!
Enjoy your new ride. It's a beauty!
Good Gravy!! This is such wonderful news!!! Congrats!! LOVE your new wheels and I'm so excited for you.
AND WOW!!! Eight months isn't too long to wait, right?? That is so exciting... CAN'T WAIT to see your daughter.... oh the excitement!!
Weird... it wasn't working a moment ago.
Awesome my friend!!! Your boss rocks and so do you :)
Congratulations!! What a wonderful reward for your hard work!
Alyzabeth's Mommy for Almost Eleven Months!
You go girl!!!
Love the new look to the blog too. : )
Awesome! That just shows you how much your boss appreciates your hard work & dedication. Congratulations!
PS - My husband drives a work car. Not too attractive though. It's a hearse. (He's a funeral director!!!) Unfortunately, not really a family car!
So Lisa who is taking your old job - perhaps I need to put in my resume:)
Holy COW I would have been happy in a free Hyundai:)
Enjoy this wonderful opportunity:)
Hey Lisa,
That is wonderful news! congratulations on your promoation and the new Car! NICE!
Woooooooo hoooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!! Girl, I'm coming over to take a ride.
Seriously, you DO have the best boss ever. First, your wonderful vacation, now this?!? I'd be trying to bump into him about every chance I could get. LOL
Congratulations, Lisa!!
Well, now....I'd say that's about right for all the hard work that I know you've been putting in at work.
I've heard of 7 year itches but usually they don't turn out like THIS!
The car is beautiful. Drive it in good health, my friend!
You were already smokin' but wrapped up in this baby....well, You look MAHVELOUS!
I expect to see that baby tomorrow. The Tongginator may very well ask to test drive it, too. Heh.
Your new car looks like a fun ride!
I love your boss and have never met him ;)
Girl~ Caroline dropped that 'drinky yogurt' today and it splashed all over her, the wall, stairs...that's what I get for talking on the phone and not keeping an eagle eye on her! I'll touch base with you later gator!
Hugs, Les
WOW!!!!!! Congratulations!!!
And yes, 7 or 8 months will go quickly!!! I am so excited for you!!!!
HOLY COW... he rocks!! I LOVE your new car... what a sweet ride!! Congratulations :)
Congratulations Lisa!! I am so happy for you. It sounds like things are lining up just perfectly and that 7-8 months will breeze by with all of the excitement of your new position. I can tell that you work hard and it is so nice to see you rewarded for it! I used to have a mercedes SUV too and I loved it!
You deserve it! You are a rock star!
Keep smilin!
You rock, I'm sure your kiddos have already told you but it never hurts to hear it again, congrats!
Dang girl!!! That is a sweet ride! Congratulations on the promo and the perks!!
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I don't know how I missed this! SO EXCITING! What a blessing! I am happy for you!
Jen :)
No THAT is exciting! Very cool car!
OMG!!!!!! Now that is a great Monday!!!!! Congratulations!!
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fat chance of that happening to me... not even a skateboard... I thought for a minute he was going to want you to take photos and get you the ultimate camera :)
Congratulations! My neighbor has the same car and she loves it too!!! Good for you my friend! In today's economy it's nice to hear a "good" story every now and then.
Wow--7 or 8 months? Thats going to be here before you know it! How exciting!!!! : )
WOW! What awesome news for you! You are one blessed lady :) I miss you and hope you are doing well! It is so hard to keep up with the blogging! I am hoping to get better though :)
Oh Lisa, that's so amazing!! I would totally move out there if I could work for your awesome boss! You totally deserve it, doesn't every woman deserve the best! Love that Sarah calls them earmuffs, lol! Congrats!
CLEARLY I have the wrong job. ;)
WOW! Congratulations Lisa!
Good for you!!!
ummmm, what do you do?????? congrats
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