Hi!! Do you remember me?
I was afraid after being gone so long, you would all forget me! I know it was only two weeks, but it sure felt like it was a lot longer.
There is so much going on around here, I almost don't know where to begin. I guess I should start where I left off in my last post. As some of you probably guessed, I did get a promotion at work, which means more responsiblity.....a lot more responsibility and a lot more of my time! So much so, that I have seriously considered shutting down "The Long Road To China"
When I started the blog last year, I never realized how much I would enjoy it and how much time I would spend here. I have gone back and forth in my mind and after much thought, I decided to keep going......It would be too hard to close up shop and walk away. Besides.....we are only about 3/4 of the way down "the long road".....the best part is yet to come and I want you all with me....every step of the way:)
All that being said, the blog has been suffering this summer....I have not done a great job about keeping up with everything going on in our lives and I have been really bad about making my away around to visit my fellow bloggy friends. In all honesty, I have been very sidetracked with other avenues like Photography, F!ickr, and once in a great while....F@cebook. So, in effort to keep "The Long Road to China" going......I am giving up everything except for blogging.
I have always had that "all or nothing" type of personality.....so I am jumping back into the bloggy world with both feet.
Check back soon!
All that being said, the blog has been suffering this summer....I have not done a great job about keeping up with everything going on in our lives and I have been really bad about making my away around to visit my fellow bloggy friends. In all honesty, I have been very sidetracked with other avenues like Photography, F!ickr, and once in a great while....F@cebook. So, in effort to keep "The Long Road to China" going......I am giving up everything except for blogging.
I have always had that "all or nothing" type of personality.....so I am jumping back into the bloggy world with both feet.
Check back soon!
I have a couple posts already set up for this week...a recipe, a post about one of the biggest perks of my new promotion, and of course.....some major cuteness:) And while I was busy pumping out all these posts, I figured I mine as well spruce up the blog with a new makeover too!! Nothing like a fresh new start!!
Hope you all have a wonderful week!!
Hope you all have a wonderful week!!
1. CONGRATULATIONS!! What great news, so happy for you!
2. Blog looks gorgeous (as usual) but very happy you will be camping out a camp blog and letting us know how you are :)
3. Cuteness? But, of course! Can't wait to catch up on the cuteness.
So nice to stop and catch up, a bit.
Have a great week!
Congrats on your promotion!
Here whenever you have time to post but no pressure. Mommyhood and job trump blogging. :o)
Glad to see you back... always enjoy reading about your family. Congrats on your promotion! Look forward to reading more in the future!
Whooo hooo! I am so glad you decided to return to the madness. I struggle with having enough time for everything too. However, I have decided to make blogging a high priority since it is essentially our family's main scrapbook!
Congrats on your promotion! You deserve it!
Hope you have a great week!
You are just too cute for words girl! lol ;)
So nice to have you back! Congrats on the promotion. I hope you've found a little time to enjoy summer.
Great post my friend and so happy to see you back here! I missed you...
Congrats on the promotion -- well deserved I'm sure!! You've been missed in blogland and am so happy to hear you're not giving up. Just post when you can and don't feel guilty about it. You have a dedicated following of friends who will always be here for you. Have a great day! Love the new look too! :)
Yay! You are back! Now I'm thinking about taking a blog break. :( Bummer!!!
What a wonderful decision you've made :) lol! I love the blog more than anything else because it truly is a "scrapbook" of your family and it is the one thing you can actually get printed (blurb.com) into a book for record keeping! Plus, yours is always fabulous - welcome back!!
(I think all of us have considering dumping out coveted creative outlets, because they are time consuming - but in the end - sigh - we are still here!)
Can't wait to hear about your promotion!
CONGRATULATIONS on your promotion! I am glad you decided to keep the blog going so we can follow you all the way to China.. :)
Hope you are having a great summer!
Girl...you had me scared there for a moment, about closing things down....lol. So glad your not, and we can see what you and your lovely family are doing, since your so far away. You would be surely missed by so many people, if you went away.
I love your new blog look. You do such a fabulous job!!!
Also, congrats on your new promotion, and I hope it brings you back this way all the time.
Us, Ky. girls love you.
P.S. Congrats on your promotion!!!
YAY!!! Your back! Missed you and your beautiful photos. Can't wait to see what all you have to say in your upcoming post. Congrats on your promotion - that is fantastic!!!
Welcome back! Of course, we did not forget about ya!
Congrats on the promotion....wonderful news and well deserved, I am sure!!!
Are you still going to be doing photography?
Give Miss Sarah a hug from me and the girls!!
Oh, and love your new blog look...I would sure love to know how to do that....just need some time to figure it out and I don't have too much of that
to spare : )
Glad to hear you're sticking it out with us... LOL!
Glad to hear you are staying in the blogging world.. I would miss you soooo much..and not seeing cuteness and all the great recipes you have to offer and just YOU..
Can't wait for the next posts..
Love ya..
Well, now.......good thing you said you were continuing the blog because JR was about to call the paramedics for me!
The blog looks FANTASTIC, really!
Can't wait to catch up on all the goings on.
Oh, and by the way....don't you know we'd wait for WHENEVER for a new post. You can't get rid of us so easily!
LOVE the new blog look!!!
Welcome back - and seriously - you don't have to check in and comment on EVERY blog EVERY day. Balance girlfriend:)
THe blog looks great Lisa! Glad you'll still be blogging, but understand when life takes over. Take care of yourself and enjoy all this is around you!!
Yay, you're back!!! You already know I love this new look and I can't wait to see the rest of this week's posts, especially the one about the new...errrrrrr....perk. :)
Tell Sarah her new shoes ROCK!
YOU CAN NOT SHUT YOUR BLOG DOWN - I would miss you way too much! I LOVE LOVE LOVE reading your updates and seeing your beautiful photos! Plus - what would you do once school starts again lol! And when you get your referral...!
No - I am putting my say in..."No Shut Down!" lol!
First of all, welcome back to blog world. When I first started our blog I had no idea how time consuming it could be.
Congrats on the new job, can't wait to hear about the perks.
Looking forward to more cuteness as well.
So glad you're back! I've been bad to update but not check in on people lately. But when I saw you had posted, I just had to pop in. Hope you are doing well.
We still have no travel dates. Hoping in another week or so we will know. Life is busy!
My reactions to your post:
CONGRATUALTIONS on your promotion!!
Oh NO!! You're shutting down?!?!
Oh HOORAY!!! You're staying with us!!
Yes!! More cuteness! ;)
SO glad you're jumping back in!! Have a great week!!
So happy for your work news!
I feel you on the blog neglect...I have you beat by way more than 2 weeks off, sadly! ;)
Love and lots of hugs to you and your cutie pies and a happy hello to Pat as well!
xo Les
Glad you are back and are staying. I am still wanting you to post that meatball recipe!
I missed you! So glad you are back, love the new look!
Welcome back! I look forward to hear about what's going on.
Congratulations on your promotion!
Your blog looks great. I wish I knew how to redesign my own blog! :)
PS - how did Nick like Ridemakerz?
Congratulations on your promotion! I am sure it is very well deserved! It is hard to keep up with everything.... I have also been awful the past few months with keeping up with everyone's blogs. In the summer, I just have more draws on my time (3 of them to be exact). I know they are only little once and it is so hard to balance it all.Anyway, welcome back and I look forward to your new posts. I adore the new look...one of my faves.
Welcome Back and congratulations on your promotion! Can't wait to hear about it and to see some cuteness!!!
Friend, I am so glad you're back! When you commented I wanted to head over to see if there was anything new over here! YEA! Congrats on your new promotion! Can't wait to see what you have lined up. I'm way behind too and trying to get the motivation to catch up before Hudson arrives! :) Only 3 weeks left!
Congratulations!!! So great to hear about your promotion!! And also great to hear that you are continuing to blog. You would be greatly missed if you decided to hang it up now.
Love the new look! Great job!!
Congrats on the Promo, can't wait to hear about it. Welcome back, you were missed.
I've missed you!! Welcome back!
I love her little pink converse shoes... I have some JUST LIKE'EM!!!!! lol!!!
HI Lisa,
Well just had to stop by since I haven't seen you for so long.
I love the new look, it makes me smile! You're so silly changing your blog every month:))
The SUV rocks, can't wait to see you driving it! And you know you're one deserving "working girl". I am so happy for you on the promo!
I'll talk to you soon.
Don't worry about the pressure, but can I say, we do understand. Do it for fun and for documenting your family lives for the kids. Your blog seems like a joy, I hope it is to you.
Alyzabeth's Mommy for Almost Eleven Months!
Congratulations on the job promotion!! It does sound like things are starting to fall into place for your new arrival that will be coming soon.
I had wondered where you've been... hadn't seen you on flickr. I totally understand having to give something up. It is kinda crazy when I list everything that I'm checking on... flickr, facebook, blog, home email, work email... ugh. What did we do before computers :)
Take care - R
congrats friend!!
so glad to see we might get a little more of ya...only in your spare time of course
hugs to you
So glad you're not leaving any time soon! So glad we've met and so feeling guilty about slacking off all summer too. So glad you've inspired me out of my break from blogging funk! Welcome back and congrats on the new job!
Congrats on your promotion! Good for you. I totally understand about blogging. I have considered closing my blog. But I really don't want to do it. It is my journal for Katie. I feel so bad about only posting once or twice a month. I feel bad about reading blogs only once or twice a month. But, I realized that it is ok. Life is busy. I enjoy your blog so much. I am glad you are staying put!
Talk soon!
Congratulations on your promotion!
My 3 yr old was walking by when I pulled this post up. She is completely entralled by the pink shoes. Literally, she does not want me to scroll down the page! :)
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