Sunday was one of those lazy days around our house. You know the ones where you look at the clock and it is lunchtime and you are all still wandering around in your pj's. I live for those days, but we only get them once in a while.
Around 2pm, Pat went outside to do some yardwork. It was gorgeous...sunny with a cool breeze. It almost felt like fall. Sarah and I ventured up to her room and she said she wanted to get dressed, so I started for her closet and she said, "No Mommy, let me pick" I was in no mood to fight, so I said fine.....we are not going anywhere so pick what you want.
Doesn't she go in and pull out this black, kind of fancy, skirt. Everytime I look at it, I think of Madonna in the early days!! This skirt has been in her closet for almost a year.....Pat's Mom volunteers at a thrift store and got it thinking Sarah might be able to wear it around the holidays, but it didn't fit and it has been hanging there ever since.
As soon as she slipped it on, I could envision the rest of the outfit......so I grabbed her two shirts to create the layered look and asked her if she wanted to go into my closet to accessorize!!! She was all over that and made a mad dash for my room where we found the hat and the necklace!! Having a little girl to play dress up with is so much fun.....sometimes I wonder who likes it more....her or me:)

Almost forgot the most important accessory....she brought along an old cell phone that no longer works. We just bought Nick his first REAL cell phone, so Sarah wanted one too........this fake one is as close as she is going to get for a LONG TIME!!!

I caught her in this position looking down at the phone and when I asked her what she was doing, she said......."I am textin' Daddy"
Are we in trouble or what??
I guess there is no need for me to worry about how she will handle no longer being the baby of this family. It looks as though she would prefer to skip her 3rd Birthday and go straight to her 13th!!
OMW.....to die for...she is so cute....great pictures! ;)
Cute pictures! I love the fancy black skirt too!
That "I'm textin' Daddy" is a hoot! It does look like she would rather be 13, but I think you can definitely wait for that age!
Hope you have a great day!
The Tongginator has two fake cell phones, too! One is SO VERY OLD that many mistake it for a portable home phone. Heh. It's actually a cell phone from about 1993... and I used it until the teens in our small group revolted. That was in about 2002. LOL.
Love the skirt!
Tahlia likes "texting", too :-)
Little glimpse into the future for you, mom?
Oh you are in TROUBLE!
Amelia has that skirt in pink and black:) So many fun ways to wear them...of course she won't!
Amelia draws every picture of me with my cell phone in my hand...I really am not on it that much;)
GREAT shots!! She is just adorable!!
Enjoy your weekend, we are headed to 7 Springs in PA for some bike riding and relaxing for Labor Day weekend.
Wow!! The black skirt is pretty cute & was PERFECT for this shoot! I think Pat's Mom will be delighted to see Miss Sarah in it!
Lisa, you are such a survivor & the way that you have prepared for all your children is amazing. I cannot wait to see you bring home child #3 from China - there won't be any thing you won't be able to handle..
Gotta go, I have to "text Daddy" too :)
Sooo cute! Looks like you've got a real "material girl" on your hands!
WOW! I would have never guessed she was two by first glance at these pictures. What a doll and no wonder you follow her around with your camera all the time. She is so beautiful.
That's so cute that she chose those clothes for a day around home. She looks so glammorous, like a model.
And the ones with the cell phone - she's quite grown up! (Tell her if she's old enough for that, she can be helping with laundry and dishes...)
Beautiful pictures, Lisa!! Give Sarah a hug from us!! : )
In the word of one of my FAVS growing up...."Every picture tells a story, don't it" (Rod Stewart)
These in this set are no exception. Love the outfit but more, her expressions. She is somethin' else, that child!
What a smile she put on my face this morning!
What great pictures Lisa! Sarah is such a cutie..... I think you are going to be in trouble when she does turn 13 if she is already "texting" but at least she was texting daddy and not some boy!
Have a great day!
Ummm, cutest pictures EVER....on the planet. Not kidding!
LOL!! I see Sarah's future in these shots! Head down, texting, cute clothes....
These pictures are just TOO cute... I love her little outfit & yes, you are in trouble if she already knows about textin'. Beautiful processing!
So very cute -- great photos! She must be getting her good taste and sense of style from you! Adorable hat! Texting Daddy -- how sweet is that!
Too cute! Perhaps she can give me a few lesson in texting : )
Oh...you are SO in trouble my friend!!!(so am I with Grace-yikes!)
I think this might be my favorite post and pics you've ever put up...the last one is my absolute FAV!!!!!! love. :)
hugs to you...
OMG - that is just way too cute! Yes, I mus agree...you guys are going to have your hands full!
Call me when you get a chance...
I must say your daughter is so adorable! She really looks much older than almost 3. I agree they're so much fun!
Thank you for your kind words of advice on photography. I can't believe you have only been using your DSRL for over a year. You truly have a gift and I'm so glad you post your photos. They are inspirational to us novices out there.
I love the funky sweet look! She has great taste already!
She is so stinking cute. That skirt is fabulous and is so perfect with her new Chuck's. :)
She is just too cute..don't you just want to keep them little forever!!
Textin daddy!!!! Hee. That just kills me. Love it. (Love the pics too -- freakin gorgeous)
Oh, I can relate. (Before Dahlia could barely talk she would flip open her little pink cinderella cellphone and say "hello bye-bye" and flip it shut - a million times!)
Funny, Sarah really is an old soul. I keep reading that she's not 3 yet and everytime I do a double-take. She's such a little lady.
Love your pictures, as always. Are you really there with that backdrop or are you editing? (I'm just nosey like that.)
Love that your posting even more. I was afraid when you got your promotion and with getting busy for the new addition - you'd back off. So glad you are finding the time.
There are no words, your pictres are amazing! She is adorable and I LOVE the oufit. The textin Daddy line is precious! She sounds exactly like Alyssa who is 4 going on 14 :)! Hope you are having a great week!
Those are too cute! They really are amazing pictures. Together you put together such a sophisticated little outfit!
Your pictures continue to amaze me!
One girl is fun but two and you'll be in trouble very soon. LOL!
I had a similar situation with Emily. She is 3 1/2 and has been telling everyone for weeks(know and unknown)that after she is this many (holds 3 fingers), I will be these many, and hold 5 fingers on her hand! Yes, she is skipping 4! and her b-day is not till January. And she will have a princess party with a princess cake and all! Oh, the joys of been 3 1/2 going on 5!
I love her expression on the photo holding her new "toy"!
She looks so grown up in these pictures! So beautiful! But I do think you have a little trouble on your hands with Miss S. Heh, textin' Daddy - priceless!
GORGEOUS! She's just adorable in that outfit. And so trendy :)
Oh how cute:)) Her expressions are just priceless, but her eclectic couture is better than Madonna! Cute Cute CUTE!
Yes, I can imagine her textin Daddy! She probably already knows how to.
Thanks for the smile Lisa!
She's something else, give her a big hug and smooch from us.
Freak out~ that outfit is awesome and SO 80's!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!! And the phone!?!?!? girlfriend, could she be any cuter?
Toooo CUTE..
Have a great week..
Oh My how cute!!!!! I can not wait to have a little girl around again to dress up with! Sarah is too cute textin daddy!! That's funny! I think you're right, she wont have a problem giving up the baby of the family seat.
These pictures are too cute. I think you have a little teenager on your hands!
Adorable she is and she wears it ever so well :)!
This is a hysterical post!! She DOES look so mature... and adorable!! Love the cell. Just another reason why she and Em would get along so well :)
I have to admit, I probably like dress up more than Em. She wants to be Yoda for Halloween. Ugh.
The Madonna Skirt is totally RAD and the outfit is BOSS as well-- sound like the 80's to you? Great pics and great outfit. I love when things unexpectedly come together like that.
Christy :)
Okay.. the girls got Style!!! She is so cute! And Yes, i thought Madonna too! She needs some black lacy gloves!!! LOL!
Great Pics for the scrapbook mom!!
OMG!!! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these pics! She is sooo flipping cute and the outfit with the accessories is to die for!!! Your use of light rocks in these. WOWZA!
I wasn't able to look last night, as I was on FB and guess what I did??? Fell asleep :) 7pm! Yeah baby, I am one PARTY animal :)
Love ya!
Beautiful pics! She is such a big girl now!
I love that she was "Textin' Daddy" too cute!
Oh Lisa...she is just so sweet. What beautiful pictures!
Yes, yes, yes, You are in trouble. LOL
Just too cute!
"Textin Daddy" - *snort*
That is hilarious. Watch out girl - you are in for a long ride!
She looks so old Lisa... how much she has grown this summer. And. She is sooooo well dressed. She rocks every outfit.
Oh I love these photos!!!! Especially the last one!
She is just too cute and that outfit is adorable!!
Love the outfit!! Especially the chucks...I must order Maggie a pair.
Thanks for your picture advice and I need to get on that.
I so enjoyed our chat the other day. Looking forward to getting to meet one day soon~
I do not recall the last time I walked around in my PJ's... they are the fun days :)
Too Cute!!!
Wow! You are in for it dear... I can't believe Sarah is whole year younger than Marvel Girl. She, on the other hand, would prefer to curl up on our laps and never leave her protective zone again. ;)
Oh my gosh I LOVE LOVE LOVE this. This is exactly why I need a little girl! Dress up is to die for : )
Kaish has been wanting a cell phone too and I just don't know how I feel about it. Most of his friends do have one. It just seems SO grown up though. Maybe for Christmas : )
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