We had a little something running through the house this past week that left me down for the count. A pounding headache, fever, and nausea......not fun. What was the old saying..."an apple a day keeps the doctor away" I am not buying that one......cause you know we had our fill of apples around here:)
Since I was feeling a little under the weather, We pretty much cleared the calendar this weekend and stayed put. Nick was at his Dad's which worked out well for him....he was able to avoid the germs. I didn't want to miss his soccer game though, so I did go to the game to catch him in action. They had a tough game....they were down so many kids due to illness, that they all had to play the entire game with no breaks. They were short one player, so the other team agreed to take a player off the field to make things fair. Wouldn't you know it.....Nick's team won the game. It is the first win they have had all year....last spring included. I was so glad that I didn't miss it.....the boys were really excited! Of course, I left the camera at home.....that is rarity.
Since I was already up and out and feeling a little better, I was getting the itch to do a little fall decorating.....yeah, this is the other fever I was talking about:) I stopped by the local greenhouse to buy a couple of things for the front porch. We will go to the pumpkin patch in the next week or two so the kids can pick out pumpkins to carve, but I always go to this particular greenhouse to buy their "Cotton Candy{white}Pumpkins"....they are my absolute FAVORITE....and if you don't get them early, you are usually out of luck. As you can see in the picture, I added a little black and white polkadot grosgrain ribbon to pretty up the pumpkins and my urns{There is an identical urn on the other side of the porch}.

Someone had her own ideas for the "baby pumpkins"....that is what she calls them.

She snatched the little pumpkins and gourds and ran out back on the deck to play with them......she lined them up over and over again. Something she does with everything...remeber THIS POST.

Soon she discoverd the "baby pumpkins" made good balls.....they rolled easily:)

"Roll it back to me Mommy"

Needless to say....these "baby pumpkins" never made it to the front porch. She carried them around with her all weekend. Saturday night she wanted to take them to bed with her. We made a deal and she agreed to leave them on her nightstand........but when she woke up Sunday morning, I found her sitting in bed holding them. She is so excited for Halloween......I can only imagine Christmas this year!!
I must say that this time of year is the best. Even though we don't see a change in the weather until well into November, the start of fall brings a sense of rejuvenation for me. Great pictures!
Wonderful pictures (how many times can we say you have a photographer's gift). She is so adorable!
Hope all your health(s) is back to normal!
Alyzabeth's Mommy
Oh... MY GOODNESS.. Lisa?.. I love it!!! I Always love when you share your home decor ideas!!!!
And, I love Sarah's outfit! CUTE CUTE CUTE!! Who made it?
Don't you love decorating for Fall?... it's the best season. Love the urn, the ribbon adds the perfect touch.
And the pics of Sarah are adorable, it's funny because when we were at the pumpkin farm Grace picked out 'baby pumpkins for herself too. She sometimes keeps them on her bed with her stuffed animals...too cute!
Have a great Monday and week!
Love the decorations! Sorry you were sick...I succumbed too, after taking care of Lia and spouting off at every chance that I have a strong immune system due to working in schools all these years...fate must have been listening!
You need to get Sarah enrolled in a Montessori program...I think she would be a good fit with her penchant for ordering....
Have a good week!
I love the white pumpkins ~ they too are my favorite! Sadly, I haven't found any in our area yet ~ I hope it's not because of all the rain we had this spring and summer.
Hope you are all feeling better!
As usual, the pictures are beautiful! I love the fall decorations.
Your front porch turned out fabulous! I love all of it!
So glad to hear you are feeling better too!
Hope you have a great week!
what a cutie...sleeping with her pumpkins!
love what you've done at your entry...looks like somethign straight out of a magazine!
Wow -- you did a great job sprucing up for fall even though you've been sick! How do you do it>! Sarah is such a cutie -- Maddy loves to carry stuff around too.
Hope you have a good week and feel back to 110%
Love the white pumpkins! Hope you are feeling better. : )
Sounds like you will not have them on the porch.. Maybe in Sarah's room...lol.
Love the photos..
Have a great week..
I love the planter... or should I say what is IN the planter. Sorry you were sick and I hope everyone is on the mend now.
I love the blk and white ribbon addition to a lovely fall arrangement. And gorgeous pics of Sarah at play with all the goodies. Yes, can't wait to see your Christmas fun!
Sorry you were sick - really not fun. Maybe your immune system will have gotten a boost and you can avoid some germs for awhile.
PS. Thanks for the offer of help Re: Flickr. You're a sweetie.
I love your front porch! I managed to get out my Halloween stuff this week before leaving. Jackson was so excited about helping! I am sad to see summer end though. Love the black and white ribbons. Once it is cool enough to put out real pumpkins, I may steal your idea!!!
As always, Sarah is such a cutie! Love the photos!
Such a sweet story and post! I love your decorations. They are just lovely. The ribbon trim is a great idea.
The photos are fantastic! I cannot wait to see what you come up with for Christmas.
I hope you're all feeling better.
Isn't it so funny that the way they want it, is they way we leave it...Taya did that this summer with all my flowers, she came running in so excited and wanted me to see, here she had put all my flower pots in one spot and was oh so proud and told me to take a picture!! Of course they are still there:)
I love fall. I can't wait to get settled so I can take Jazmyn to the pumpkin patch. I totally love the ribbon on the pumpkins! I'll have to do that!
Pics are beautiful! I got a new Canon 50D for an early birthday gift just before we went to China but I was to scaired to take it until I know more about it, I haven't had a chance to get into the box yet!!! Should be fun!
LOVE the front porch display...your photos have got me itching to get out and shop for my own front porch! (though the overcast skies and heavy winds today leave something to be desired!) It's so much fun to add those personal touches with each passing season/holiday!
Beautiful photos, as usual!! Congrats on your son's first game win...how exciting!!
Hope you are up and feeling better... Have a blessed week! <><
I love the urn and the black and white ribbon...too cute. Cute pics!
OMG, these are absolutely gorgeous! I freaking love the black and white ribbon, I may just steal that idea!!
Tell Nick congrats on the game, the girls weren't so successful in their attempts, and they had all their players. :)
Glad you're feeling better!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE those decorations!! The grosgrain ribbon is such a fantastic idea... I'm copying you. I'm planning on decorating next weekend and I just love that idea.
Great Job, Nick!! We got creamed last weekend in soccer. We had our game at 8am and the kids are used to 10 so they were all half asleep!! haha!! It was sad.
Love the pictures of Sarah... she is such a doll.
Glad you are all feeling a bit better. I seemed to have a caught a cold this weekend too... although I'm not sure if it is allergies or a cold. Just feel lousy. Tis the season.
Glad your feeling better! Looks like your having fun getting ready for the fall weather that seems to be coming quick. Beautiful pictures... I need to call you soon! I still haven't figured out CS4 :)
Take care! Robin
Your porch is divine! You should be an interior designer, make that exterior too! Very posh for Halloween...will be there to trick and treat!
Love the photos of Sarah here. She's having so much fun with those baby pumpkins...very pretty and processed perfectly to say the least.
Glad your feeling a bit better Lisa.
Have a safe and feel good week. I'll talk to you soon.
Your front porch looks great!! I have waited because my summer flowers have continued to look good, but I think they are on their last days. Now that I've waited, I think winter is headed our way. Brrrrrr!!!! Anyway, LOVE what you did to your front porch.
Cute, cute pictures of Sarah and her pumpkin bowling. :)
So glad you're feeling better. Your porch looks wonderful! Love the grosgrain ribbon on your pumpkins, super cute! We're starting to get the fall/halloween itch too around here. Magnolia certainly makes it more fun. Like Sarah, she loves playing with the small pumpkins. Funny what they get attached to. Last week it was a superball that had it's chair at our dinner table. :)
Oh how I love fall!!! The photos are adorable, cannot wait to see more this season.
Your decorations are beautiful. I love the great pictures of Sarah!
I love your planter and the decor! Polka dots are my fav. We are redoing Paige's room in them :) Glad you are feeling better and YAY for Nick's big win!!! LOVE the pics of sweet Sarah! She's such a doll baby!
Glad your feeling better! Love the fall decorations - I need to get going on mine. We had our first cool weather today so it got me in the mood! Sarah looks so cute in all of the pictures. I think she and Lucy would have lots of fun with those baby pumpkins!
Hope you have a great week!
Sarah has such a darling smile!
Living in San Diego, we have pretty much 72° year round. Love how I can visit your blog and always get a sense of the seasons from your photos and decorations.
Girlfriend you have such style. I love Autumn~ it is by far my favorite time of the year, and your post beautifully show why! B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L!!!!
glad your feeling better.
Your decorating is beautiful, love how your urn turned out! Fall is my favorite decorating season, love the rich colors!
me too...I love white pumpkins. I just made Madi a Halloween t-shirt that has a white pumpkin. You front porch is ready to the fall-idays!
I have also just made a few of these pillow case shirts and love them with jeans like Sarah is sporting. I love the long lenth with jeans/pants.
Aww...she loves her little pumpkins.
Your photos are so good I want to reach out and touch them :-)
Sarah is such a cutie!
Love jules
Great photos!!!
Sorry you all were feeling yucky, but I'm glad you're all on the mend! Decorating looks great! I love the black and white polka dots.
That shirt is just too cute!!!
sandy toe
p.s. Where did you get it???
Your porch is beautiful! Who would have thought a touch of ribbon would really make something POP! Love it! Glad your feeling better.
Love it! I did the same thing before we left for Thailand because I just knew I'd be dead tired afterwards! I adore Fall and your mum looks beautiful!
These pics are gorgeous! Hope everyone is on the mend and you are having a great week!
And thanks for all of your encouraging comments while we were in Thailand. You're the best!
Love ya!
there is something about Baby pumpkins....our patch ended with lots of them as we had little rain....i'm happy though, i think they are so cute.
love the wood, and the texture. Sarah always beauiful
Beautiful arrangement! I understand your love of a certain pumpkin...my favorite is called a fairytale pumpkin. It looks like what I imagine Cinderella would ride in.
Glad you are feeling better! Love your porch. The white pumpkins are fabulous!!!!!
Love the pictures of Sarah! Her outfit is adorable!
Love these pics!! I'm home sick today but doubt I'll be decorating. We still have easter egg pics hanging up! :)
Looks so cute. I love Fall decorating!!!! The white pumpkins are my favorite too and they are all over my house right now. The ribbons are such a nice touch.
And that cake from the previous post looks delish. I am going to make a carmel apple cake this week for a brunch...I love baked apple recipes.
darling pictures as always....love the urns....they are fabulous...
absolutely gorgeous photos!! BEAUTIFUL subject!!
the white pumpkins with the simple ribbon are elegant and fun!!
I think these are some of your BEST pictures of Sarah!! Her little personality is really shining in these! That top is darling...I feel like I say that in every comment :) Hope you are feeling better. I love decorating for fall too - autumnal colors are my faves! Could she be any cuter taking her baby pumpkins to bed??? Emily was always like that, she took everything to bed!
Have a great weekend! I will email you back...been SO busy. Took on third grade for the fall, by the time I get home, I have grades, the girls and just plain stuff to do! Sorry. Hoping we can make it to come visit :)
Well, I can't believe I haven't posted yet? Cause I have seen these pictures & read this post at least twice!! I keep thinking about the black urns and painting mine. But I only have (1) pair and I still want to use them at Christmas for my trees and in the spring/summer for flowers too. Do you use the black ones all year? I really like the black for fall - just wasn't sure?? Whatcha think?
Your arrangement is BEAUTIFUL and has inspired me (baby steps, here!)
Hope you are having a happy & healthy weekend!
Oh, and Mya has been carting around a baby pumpkin for over a week. I am sure it will be mush soon!
When we went to the pumpkin patch last year that is what Lottie called them also....we made it out of there pretty cheap only buying baby pumpkins. Super cute pictures of your baby girl!
I have always loved your picts! Am I imagining it? Are do they just get more and more amazing?
Love your fall decorating! It is truly my favorite season....just don't like what follows!!
MY GOODNESS.. Lisa?.. I love it!!! I Always love when you share your home decor ideas!!!!
Work From Home
Great fall look! Love Sarah's smile too!
I love your baby pumpkins and I LOVE her shirt. She is so adorable and totally makes me want a little girl. Sooner rather than later : )
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