Sorry, I don't mean to bore anyone, but I wanted to do one more post to document our trip to Notre Dame last weekend. My previous post pretty much summed up Game Day, so this one is going to focus on the day we walked around campus. Well, some of us walked....as you can see, little miss thing, got a ride for a majority of the day.

Here is the library, also known as "touchdown Jesus" When you are in the stadium, you can see him overlooking one of the end zones, hence the name!!

Pat and the kids posing for a shot in front of the dome. Nick looks thrilled, doesn't he?? He loved being on campus, just hated to have to stop and pose for the camera!! I told him I needed at least one....and that is what I got.....ONE.

The tippy top of the Basilica. I took this shot from the stadium!

We were just about to go into the Basilica and I looked straight up and thought it would make a pretty cool photo!

It is a beautiful church.....probably right up there with St. Patrick's Cathedral.

As we made our way up past the alter, they had these pews on either side. I thought they were very different looking.....so intricate. I also loved the reflection of the window on the wood banister.
There were a couple of other things I wanted to take pictures of in there, but just as I snapped this one, Sarah yelled out REALLY LOUD....."Mommy, I want a snack" Needless to say, we left the church within minutes.......

Do you see this happy face?? She got her snack and was ready to head to the incredible bookstore! But not on her own two feet.......

Uncle Mike is smitten by Sarah.....and all she had to do was glance in his direction and he swept her up off her feet and carried her to our next destination.
Mike is Pat's twin brother. We don't get to see him all that often, but Sarah is really taken by him. He has a way with her that I just can't explain......
My husband always talks about the twin bond....and how it is almost like a sixth sense. They always know if the other one is in trouble or has something going on in their lives, even if they aren't around one another. Sarah is very much a Daddy's girl.....and I think she picks up part of that twin brotherly bond. She loves all of her Aunts and Uncles, but we both see her eyes light up when Uncle Mike enters the room!!
We did make it to the bookstore, but as you can imagine the day before the game it was PACKED....like sardines in a can!! I was really disappointed that I did not take my camera out because you are never going to guess who was in the bookstore?? RUDY.....the real deal!! That was pretty cool to see him....especially after watching that movie so many times.
After the bookstore, we all attended the pep rally which was wild. They had Joe Theism@nn as a guest speaker and a former football player Rocket Ishm@el......by the time these gentlemen exited the stage, the crowd was JUMPING!! They were really hyped!! It was such a great weekend for our family.......I am glad that we made the trip with the kids.....it was worth every second of the drive to see the look of awe in Nick's eyes! Hope we get to make it out again next year:)
Have a great week.. We had a test run of Sarah's costume this weekend......I will be posting pictures in a day or two.