I decided to change the line up a little bit and break up all the "green and blue" with some photos from the pumpkin patch..... I will finish part two of our ND trip next week.
We had an absolute gorgeous day here......so I finished up work a little early and I took Sarah over to the pumpkin patch in search of the perfect pumpkin.

Sarah insisted on pulling the wagon the entire time. I suggested she get in and let me pull her, but that didn't go over too well. At one point, she told me to get in so she could pull me. Now that would have been a picture.......

Some pumpkins just waiting around for someone to pick them.

"Hey Mommy, this one is cute, but it is really tiny.....and kind of squished.....maybe I should put it back"

Still trying to manuever the big red wagon....on her own, with NO HELP FROM MOMMY.

A pretty line of pumpkins.

The field is the perfect place to break into some dance moves.

A big table of gourds.

My spunky girl running in the big open field!
We had hoped to go and pick pumpkins this weekend, but it looks like the weather is going to be bad.....and I was afraid if we didn't fit in a quick trip at the end of the day, we wouldn't make it there at all this year.
The pumpkins were the last thing on our list and now we officially ready for Halloween. Picking Sarah's costume proved to be interesting......at almost 3 years old she had her own ideas about what she wanted to wear.....and then she changed her mind, and changed it again.
We went to the store and she picked out the most adorable costume, but when we got home and pulled it out to show Daddy, she told me to take it back, it was not her costume. I didn't take it back, it is still hanging here in her closet. I am just crossing my fingers that she loves it when I pull it out next week. We'll see.......
Hope you all have a great weekend!!
Your little one is just adorable! She looks much older than almost three. Your pictures are amazing. I wish I could spend a few hours with you to learn just a small amount of what you know. Simply beautiful!
Awesome pics of your cute dumpling at the pumpkin patch!
I swear you can take a picture of a bag moving down the street and turn it into some amazing art. How in the world do you do it? I'm so wanting to practice more and more on my photography and every time I look at yours I just fall into love with each of your photos and editing skills. Spill the beans sister. tell me your secret. I will keep it hush hush, lol. What program and camera do you use. You pictures just blow me away!
This whole series is amazing Lisa and I love them all! Had to laugh about her dancing in the pumpkin patch...that's a 'Will' thing that he does too.
Looking forward to seeing Sarah in her costume next week...wow! just realized Halloween is coming up soon. Have a great weekend!
Great pictures! Sarah is just adorable, as usual!
Lily has changed her mind so many times about what to be for Halloween. I bought her one costume and we have some others around. Hopefully, she'll be happy with one of her chocies
You are right, the orange pop is pERFECT!! Amazing pictures at the pumpkin patch - I think Sarah got the perfect one :)
Darling......love the one where she decided to break out a few moves! ;)
Have a great weekend..... ;)
Your photos are gorgeous!! We are heaed to the pumpkin patch next week...I can't wait!! I LOVE fall!! BTW LOVE Sarah's sweater!! :D
Girl, you have some SERIOUS talent!!! These photos are stunning!
Hope Sarah wears that costume! I had to give Kiara the ol', "after Friday, no more changing your mind, it's your final decision" talk! lol!! It worked!!
Have a great weekend & stay dry...it sounds like it's gonna be a wet one around here!
Wonderful photos!
I love that sweater and can't seem to find one like it anywhere.
Love the precious pics of Sarah and the pumpkins! I would have loved to have seen her pulling mommy in the wagon, too :) She is such a doll! Oh, love the dance moves, too :) Great catching up today! Missed ya!
Love these! We had plans for this Sunday to pick pumpkins with my SIL in PA. We do it every year.
very cute!!! love her determination to pull the wagon herself!
This weather is making it very hard to get to the pumpkin patch, isn't it? Last week-end was a wash out and this week-end looks like it will be following suit. Sunday is a possibility....I have a baby shower, but looks like we will have to work around that. We have never missed the pumpkin patch going back to when my big kids were little.
okay...I will end my story. : )
Hope you are all well!!
The fall colors are just amazing! We have nothing like that here in California. Miss Sarah is just too cute pulling that wagon!
What beautiful photos of the pumpkin patch and your little pumpkin! Such a fun and pretty little girl, isn't she!
what great pumpkin shots!
& good luck on the costume issue too :)
i love the ND images....my first hubby is from indianna & took me to see 'fidler on the roof' at notre dame...i loved it there
Sarah's strong will is really coming out, isn't it? Would have loved seeing her pulling you in that wagon.
Your pictures are gorgeous as usual. I think you have enough fans now to....ummmm.....do a tutorial or....actually give courses. Do it - they'll come! When? Ya know....in your spare time!
Ahhhhhh total cuteness! Love those little jeans, so cute!!! That looks like a really cool pumpkin patch.
She did get the perfect one! Come on mom, get in the wagon!
What absolutely beautiful photos! I always think that mine are looking okay, and then I come over and see yours. Oh well!
Beautiful pictures, beautiful model! :) We are heading to the dairy farm this weekend - weather permitting.
Briana going to be Cinderella for Halloween. She has been set on it for months and has not wavered from it at all!
Beautiful pictures. I love visiting the pumpkin. I can't wait to see what her costume is!
Don't you just love the "I can do it" spunk! Good luck with the costume next week :)
Awesome photos as always. Does Sarah have the perfect outift for every occasion or what? TOO TOO CUTE!
She'll change her mind about her costume at least 20 times between now and Halloween.
LOVE the photos..
Sarah's little sweater is tooo cute..
Looks like she had a wonderful time..
What a fun day at the pumpkin patch! It looks like the weather was perfect! Of course, I am completely drooling since Kamree and I didn't get to go this year! Sarah looks sooo cute in her orange sweater too!
Hope you have a great weekend!
The pictures are beautiful Lisa as always...looks like everything fit Miss Sarah very well : ) I loved that sweet little sweater : ) Sarah looks precious as always...I love seeing her dance about!!!
What a great capture the dance moves photo is.
I love all of the fall colors it looks like an amazing trip to the pumpkin patch!
You know, given that you are not that much bigger than Sarah I don't doubt with her determination she could have pulled you AND some pumpkins in that wagon.
As usual, you are a STAR with that camera. These images are just amazing....perfection is more like it!
What a gorgeous memory of a beautiful day with your angel.
Absolutly beautiful pictures! Sara is amazingly cute!
Funny about the paci thing. Lets hope for the best.
Lisa, your photography is amazing and I LOVE the name of your business... perfect! Your daughter's pumpkin sweater is adorable, btw!! :)
LOVE Sarah's outfit for the pumpkin patch! She is so cute. I am hoping to take Emma this weekend! Hopefully the rain will move out in time!
Have a great weekend!
Love all the pictures Lisa. Sarah is getting very tall!! Would have loved to seen her pull you in the wagon!! Have a fun weekend!
love the pics, the colors pop!
Hope Sarah decides she like her costume next week, can't wait to see her all dressed up!
Have a great weekend Lisa...
Sarah's clothes are so adorable!
The pumpkin patch is a real patch, not how we pick out pumpkins!
She's so cute with her dance moves!
Great photos.... now tell me what you do with all the photos... how do you display them? Preserve them? I need help with photo overload in our house!
Alyzabeth's Mommy for One Year
Hey Lisa,
I'm sure you're glad the weekend is here:))
Love these photos, so fall like and so Sarah! She's so cute with that wagen and pulling it all herself too. I've not gotten to go to a pumpkin patch yet, maybe next week.
Glad your home and resting. Hope to talk to you soon.
Your work is so BEAUUUUTIIIFUL! As is your subject :).
Thanks for the nice comment at my place! I have a hard time getting around to visit and have been on an unintentional break!
BTW I love your blog!
I just love pumpkin patch pictures! Yours turned out great! I sure hope she wants to wear her costume! She is just way too cute! : )
Wow stunning!! Enjoy your halloween preparations!! Love Jules
Oh my...she just takes my breath away. I miss pumpkins!!!! What a great day!
Oh, I just LOVE these pictures from your Pumpkin Patch day : ) We were going to go this weekend as well. No such luck with the weather... maybe it will be nice today. I am crossing my fingers! And toes!
Sarah looks like she had a great time. Love your photos of the gourds.
Good luck with the costume...they are so particular at that age. ; )
I have probably said it before, but you take the most beautiful pictures!!! If I had to pick a favorite of this post, I really don't think I could!! Lisa you always have so many commenters ....how do you do that???
Have a blessed sunday.
Love and blessings, Kristy
My fav is that 2nd picture. Love it! We"re not going to make a pumpkin patch trip this year. :( Prof X can't get around in those pesky fields. Plus, there's all this darn rain.
Hope she remembers it IS her costume soon!
Lookes like it was the perfect pumpkin day!!
I just LOVE that cardigan, and it looks so good with the denim jeans.
Here we pick our pumpkin from a shop, which isn't nearly as much fun. Which reminds me, I haven't done that yet, gotta go!
Those are some beautiful pictures!!! I love how you caught that dance move...looks like a happy girl you have there.
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