You may remember, as the last school year came to an end, Nick found out that he did not make the travel soccer team. Since it was the second year in a row that he didn't make it, he was beyond dissappointed. He told us that he was not sure he wanted to play soccer at all this year.
I didn't want to push the issue with him, because I didn't want to force him to do something he didn't want to do, but I was secretly hoping in time, he would change his mind.
In August, we got a call from the coach that Nick played for last year. He wanted to know if Nick was going to play intramurals this year. Nick didn't even hesitate for one second and said, "When is the first practice?" He agreed to play again for the Fall and Spring Seasons.
So every Wednesday and Saturday he takes the field........and when he is out there, he puts his heart and soul into the game. He may not be what people consider "all star" material, but he will always be a star in my eyes.
He has come so far and improved so much over the past two years. Win or lose, he always stays positive and gives 100%. He is a team player in every sense of the word. I have watched my shy little guy, become a more confident and outgoing player, and it definitely makes this Mom...... VERY PROUD!!!
Great pictures!
sandy toe
That is awesome. You SHOULD be proud! :-)
That is AWESOME!!! You go boy! I love his determination!!!
Do you guys have a Fellowship of Christian Athletes up there? They offer GREAT soccer camps in the summer.
Love it!! The weather looks perfect for soccer and Nick DOES look so serious! I am glad that he is so dedicated!!
Hooray for Nick! I am sooo glad that he decided to play again this season and without neat is that?!
Great pictures, Lisa!!!
He looks so determined and like he is enjoying the game! So happy that he decided to give it a go again. Having fun in the moment and that is the most important part.
Love these photos of your soccer star!
Great photos! He looks like an awesome soccer player!
Way to go Nick!
Good for him!!! With fans like you, there is no way he will not succeed.
Keep smilin!
Oooooh, these are great shots Lisa!!! Looks like a star to me! :)
I love action shots and can not wait until my girls get involved in sports(I guess I hope they do) These are great shots...what lens were you using?
These are awesome Lisa!!! Love soccer and love action shots! Yay Nick...I know your family is very proud of you!
Great photos! You ALWAYS blow me away....seriously you are a GREAT photographer!!
Nick looks like a natural born soccer player to me!
Looks to me like he is having a "ball"
What a handsome guy you have there, Lisa. And such skills! You can tell he loves the game...
I could take pics of my Liam picking the Daisies :) haha!! He's come a long way, but oh... it's funny.
Great pictures!!
Wow, good for him. Of course you're bursting with pride. What a great character he has.
Your pics are so clear I could scream. don't give lessons or tutorials? I'll pay!!
Hope your week is great!
love the action photos :)
i always have a hard time deleting photos or trashing them.
i'm sure at a soccer game i could take a ton and then i'd KEEP them all!! :)
I am happy for you guys that he is playing! It's so fun to watch kids play. Cool POWER should frame it for his room!
It's priceless that he plays for "St. Thomas". That's our own hometown.
Do you live in "St.Thomas?", somewhere, USA?
Handsome little athlete! I love the look of sheer determination in his face!!!
He sure looks like a star to me. :)
His attitude is what will carry him far in life! Top professional athletes? Not too many achieve that level of play. But a good attitude on and off the field? Will help him be successful no matter WHAT he does.
Soccer at your house and football here! His team is lucky to have such a great sport!
Great action shots of your handsome athlete! You must be sooo proud of him! He is truly a team player!
And you SHOULD be proud!! Great pics of your great little guy.
Wow, you should be proud! You've taught Nick to work hard, give it all he's got, and not to give up. He's such a handsome boy, these are great photos of him!
Yes you should be proud!! What a handsome guy and look at him in action!! : )
You should be very proud... he does look focused. I love the action shot of him kicking the ball. Sounds like he has a great attitude & that will carry him very far in life!
Great job! Robin
You should be proud...what a son! I love the look of determination on his face, he is really concentrating!!
Hope you are having a better week~
You and I are both very proud mamas this week! Nick looks amazing out there!! He will move forward I'm sure.
Look at Nick! Some days he looks so grown up (like these photos) and some days he's just a boy.
What an incredible gift we have been given to watch our children grow and blossom.
I am dying to see Nick and WonderBoy together...they remind me so much of one another.
Talk to you tomorrow....
(oh, and LOVE the colors in these images....fantastic!)
You should be proud!!! It's so great when they find something they love to do and give it 100%! Great pictures, he is so handsome! : )
Oh Lisa....these are great action shots of can see the determination in every shot....way to go Nick...and way to go Mom with rockin' that camera! ;)
I remember when he didn't make that heart hurt for him because disappointment is so hurtful at that age. It appears he has such a passion for soccer and I am thankful he is getting to play.
I love the action shot of him kicking the ball. Sounds like he has a great attitude & that will carry him very far in life!
Work From Home
And what a great time he's having... you can tell from the pics! Love them! High fives to Nick!
The fall blog layout is great, too. You do awesome work my friend!
xo Les
I remember when you wrote that posting. So cool he is still playing. You should be proud of you both - GREAT photos Lisa!!
Love Jules
Lisa...WOW! These photos of Nick are awesome!
The world is his oyster :)! Go, Nick!
He looks like a very determined player. Harry LOVES soccer too! We never even try for the travel teams mostly because it would be too challenging logistically with 3 kids. I think that fact they they are active, playing team sports and having fun is all that matters. Honestly...I think those traveling team kids get burnt out!
I LOVE your new blog layout!! You are going to have to share your secrets :) Hope you doing O.K. I'll try & call you later.
I would be so proud as well! Love the kicking photo. My son is doing soccer this fall as well. He isn't that great, but he sure is having fun. :)
LOVE this post! Beautiful photos friend and he looks like he's kicking some major tail out there! LOVE it!
Hope you are having a great week!
What a great post! I'm so glad he decided to play again, he's got a great fan base at home! He's looking so much older this year!
He does look determined. He is a star in my eyes too : )
What an awesome young man he is! Talented, sweet and determined. I just love your little guy!
Great action shots BTW!
Hugs to Nick for a great game!
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