Since I decorated the blog for Christmas, I figured I would kick things off this week with a Christmasy post.....
Last weekend I took the kids out for what I thought would be our first attmept at the Chrismtas Card picture. Nick was not really in the mood and Sarah was pretty bushed from her bday party the night before, but I could not ignore that it was sunny and a very warm 55 Degrees. I told Nick that if we waited until Thanksgiving weekend, it would probably be freezing outside......better to do it on a warm day. Reluctantly, he agreed........
So here is a little preview. This was not what I envisioned for our Christmas Card......but sometimes you just need to be able to roll with it, so that is what I did:) I won't tell you which photos I used......or what the card looks like, that part will stay a surprise til later.

This last photo makes me laugh...... I almost deleted it as I went through trying to find a few keepers. I love Nick's expression and her pouty face....that bottom lip is hilarious!! This was near the end of the day....... I knew that Miss Sarah hit the wall and there was no turning back.
I jumped in the car thinking....We are going to need to reshoot this, cause I got NOTHING!!
Let's just say I was pleasantly surprised when I got home and downloaded.... As I said, the pics were not exactly what I wanted, but I think they are workable:)
Hope Everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving!! Ours was very nice.......we are still working our way through the leftovers:) One of the benefits of hosting.......you get all the leftovers!! I made a great Turkey Barbecue.......It is fantastic. I will share the recipe later this week. I am officially back to blogging:)
Have a great week!!
We also took Christmas pictures. We got some really funny ones since we were trying to have the whole family in ours! Glad you are back to blogging.
You're pictures look beautiful! I haven't attempted taking Christmas photos yet. I'm trying to think of a good backdrop... maybe the beach. Glad to hear you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
I am still soooo impressed that you got these pictures on the first time out! I love all of them! I especially love Sarah's adorable tights! I can't wait to get your card in the mail!
Hope you have a great week!
I love the second to last one - close up!!! And the second one cause you can see more of Sarah's adorable tights ;) I am thinking you did a great job, Momma - can't wait to see what you end up going with!
Love the blog makeover - welcome to the Christmas Season in blog world!
Welcome back! Of course, I think that your pics are great...I haven't even attempted mine yet...ugh!
Love the pic of them kissing!
I LOVE the close up and the one of them kissing. Too Cute. You take such beautiful pictures.
BTW, love the new blog look.
Love your new look and your photos are great! You are so talented! Hope you have a great week!
Love your new blogover!!! These pics are soooo good! I couldn't imagine any better. The last one is precious!!! Have a great week, friend!
Looks like you had a great photo shoot... Love the photos.. the last one makes me laugh. you should see the ones on my blog...LOL..
have a great week..
Welcome back to Blogland. We certainly missed you!
I just adore the one of them smiling with their cheeks together. It is just gorgeous!! They look so content and joyful.
I know what you mean about leaving, thinking you got nothing. As I was driving home from the mall "shoot" last Friday, I thought the same thing. Nada, bupkis - but was surprised to find a few cute ones. Not what I had envisioned but not bad. Of course - mine was just for fun. We have yet to do the official one. For that I'll have to sweat a bit. We'll see.
Lovely to see your kiddies again and to find you celebrating all the good stuff.
Wanda (At Last...)
Your pictures alway just blow me away!
If only I had so many to choose from! I can't get my two in proximity long enough without the bickering begining and me becoming a crazy woman behind the camera...part referee!
The last one of Sarah pouting just makes me laugh thinking of what you are going to be going through as that little beauty becomes a teenager...OR, maybe even sooner!
See you in a little while for lunch! Can't wait!
Love these - you did great! I especially love the close up! I have yet to find the time to take that xmas photo and now that I've spent some time learning photography this year, the stakes are high :) There will likely be snow in my shot! Thanks for sharing!
I love the second to last one. Really nice. : )
Love the B-day pic too with Cinderella! My how fast they grow.
I think these are great! I also took the pictures for our card and they did not turn out like I hoped, but it is what it is and I will work with them.
Can't wait to see your finished card and I think the blog looks great!
I'm glad we don't host. But I wish we had left overs to keep us going for a long time!
Love the pics. Especially the faces close together one! :)
Fabulous photos!! They are both so photogenic!
We got our photo done this weekend too! Totally unplanned, but that's usually how it goes around here! ;)
what a treat to realize you had some keepers!
they are truly photogenic...how could you not?
can't wait to see more
Glad to see you are back blogging. Your pictures turned out adorable. My four children went last week for a holiday photo and I got emailed two proofs this morning. The photo shoot went way better than I thought it would go with four in the photo.
Sweet! They are pro models!
I took some of Jazmyn and I had a basket of apples as a prop and before I knew it there were 5 apples on the floor around her all with bites out of them!
Welcome back! Glad you had a nice Thanksgiving Day!
Hey Girl! Looks like you card is going to be FAB-U-LOOS this year! Oh how I can't wait!!!!
Just got home today and trying to get caught up on everything...call em later this week if you get a chance ;) Love you...
Your children are just so cute!!! I love the stripe tights!
sandy toe
The photos are great. I can't wait to see which one you chose. Glad you had a great Thanksgiving and are still enjoying the leftovers!
Beautiful picture Lisa!! I love the close up ... Sarah has such a pretty smile!! I just mentioned Christmas card picture to Ray & got a pouty face ... I am going to make one last attempt this coming weekend if the weather cooperates. Can't wait to see which one you picked! Have a great week!!
Love that last shot - heh. I dub it "trials and smiles."
Your subjects are GORGEOUS and your eye is flawless.
Welcome back sweetie! I love the close up with their faces smooshed...adorable and you can see the love, even if they weren't 100% in the mood.
As always~ great shots, so fun to see what you come up with!
xo Les
Oh, I'd have a hard time picking...I love them all!!
Love them all!!! Love the new blog look too!!! Rock on...
Glad you're back friend! The pictures are great! I wish I could get one of Landree!
These are great!! And Sarah's pouty lip is too funny in the last one.
My Christmas card photo is not what I had hoped for either, but there was some pervy guy there when I was taking the photos and I rushed the girls off before I could get "the" shot. Oh well, we're all safe and I got a decent shot. I'm happy! :)
So beautiful Lisa! :)
They are absolutely perfect! Glad you got them on the first round! I REALLY need to do ours but am hoping we get an additional picture to put in the photo with us...we'll see. :)
If I haven't sai before the makeover is great! I love all of the photos, your kids are just so cute.
Thanks for all you help with the blog makeover. It is has been a long process and I am so glad to be done. To top it off I can't find where I saved my header so I will live with the lines for now.
Have a great week!
These are perfect Lisa!!!! Love them all! My favorite is the 2nd to the last close up....soooo sweet!!!
Too precious! I'm pretty sure a "take-two" won't be necessary!!! ;)
Love the Christmas blog make-over, too!!
Blessings and Hugs,
~ Tanya
A wonderful blog with even more wonderful photographs!
Love them all, the second last shot is fantastic!!
What beautiful pictures of your children. I love the MJ outfit on your daughter!!!
Those are great photo's! You are so talented! I'm glad you had a great Thanksgiving. It is fun hosting and then getting all the leftovers! I would love the recipe for your Turkey Barbecue, it sounds delicious.
My kiddo's are back in school, so I'm able to have more time on the computer! I've missed my bloggy friends! : )
Welcome back, Lisa.
Your pictures are fabulous, I too love the pouty lip, they don't do that forever! And Nick looks so Big Bro'
Good grief - if these are the outtakes, then the one you chose must be gorgeous!!!! These are amazing!
My cards are already in the mail. I know, I'm anal. ;)
These are awesome Lisa! These are the outtakes??? WOW! :)
I love them! I just used Amelia's 5-year photos on ours... no energy to do more and I loved them.
I do need to start including myself on the cards...or so I'm told:)
Great pictures, cant wait to see the cards!
Glad you had a great Thanksgiving, I'm looking forward to getting back to blogging after a long week.
Wonderful shots! Picture perfect, I must say. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas....every where I post comments...ha ha. I'm in such a happy mood and this is all because of the merry season! Can you believe it? We are only a few weeks away from celebrating the best holiday of the year. Yey!
I love all of these. It's harder when you get several good ones because then you have to choose. Fortunately (or unfortunately?)that doesn't happen very often to me! :)
I really love that large closeup - just above the pouty pic. Can't want to see your final Christmas card!
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Oh Lisa!! These are so cute! I LOVE the nose shot. Such love between siblings. Your children seem like the biggest sweethearts. And that pout at the end!! LOVE!!
Lisa, I think these are great, and as always, Sarah has on an adorable outfit. Glad you are back to blogging. Love your Christmas blog look. Maybe one day I'll figure out how to do that.
Just HAD to say hi as my first novel is An Irishwoman's Tale and, Lord willing, I will travel to China with #4, Reclaiming Lily.
LOVELY pictures and a wonderful blog!
Would love to have you over to transplanted Southern old lady's attempt at this newfangled blog stuff, www.pattilacy.com/blog.
Love your photo shoot, looks like you got some keepers for your Christmas card!!!
Thank you for your kind words on my blog, I really truly appreciate them. We are so hopeful that all will work out, saying lots of prayers. I just know that our baby girl is out there just waiting for us!
These are beautiful, Lisa! I wish I could say I was pleasantly surprised when I uploaded ours! ha! No such luck. Joel is a stinker and Syd has the attention span of a noodle. But hey, what are you gonna do?
Can't wait to see what the card looks like! And LOVE your new Christmasy blog look! You're getting so good at that!
Love ya~
Glad you're back, I've been in and out of blogland as well! You got great shots your first try this year! Glad you had a nice holiday!
They are adorable : ) can't wait to see the winner. So, I edited and made about 20 cards for my friends and family...and our own? I went right to CVS took a picture straight from the camera card and didn't edit a thing. Can you even believe it. I am not cool.
I got your card today and it is GORGEOUS! What is the finish? WOW!
Mine aren't done yet. Yes, I am spinning. It looks like Christmas blew up in my house. I don't even have all of my decorations out...just the tree and Amelia's books and toys. That may be it this year. Just not enough hours in the day and I do need some sleep:)
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