I Will Wear Mine!

After seeing her cousin Aidan wearing his wings, she agreed to wear hers:) It took some convincing, but she did wear them. We told her that no one would give her any candy without them. As soon as she heard that, they went on and stayed on:)

After we convinced the princess that she needed her wings, we tried to convince "Woody" it was time to Trick or Treat.........but he was not having it. He wanted to stay at home where it was warm and cozy, so Buzz and Princess Sarah brought back some extra goodies for him.

Aidan and Sarah standing in the neighbors yard. Sarah was a little shocked to see a big black spider hanging from the tree directly above her head. You can barely see it in the photo, it is just under the "V" in my watermark. I have to admit, it was kind of freaky looking. Aidan didn't look to thrilled with it either.

We had a little change in plans. I thought my other nephew, who is Nick's age, was going to be at my sisters house to come along with us, but he was not and I felt bad making Nick come along with the little ones. He went with a good friend instead and had a fantastic night. Before his evening started, he did let me get one picture of him:)
He is at such a tough age for a costume.....it is either kiddy city or adult costumes. He said that we wanted to go as a rocker dude and we found the tattoo shirt at T@rget with the fake leather vest and "do rag" He also stuck a bandana in his back pocket. I think this might be the last year for him........he is getting ready to age out of the system if you know what I mean:)

One close up shot of my little pink princess!! I was kind of bummed.....we put glitter in her hair....A LOT OF GLITTER..... and you can't even see it. Of course it took me washing her hair three times to get it out and I am still finding it throughout the house.....but no evidence of it here:(

Had to put this funny one in.....She is infatuated with the fairy wand and her little furry purse complete with lipgloss! She has been walking around all weekend saying "Abracadabra Alakazam" We have all been turned into everything from a frog to a ham:)
Hope you all had a Happy Halloween!!
I cannot believe it is Novemeber already. Have you started your Christmas shopping yet??
The kids look GREAT!
Looks like your family had a wonderful Halloween! We had fun too (except for the hot weather). :) Christmas shopping... haven't even begun thinking about it. I saw the gigantic ad from Toys*Us in the Sunday paper and exhaled a big sigh...
Beautiful, what a fun Halloween!!!
So cute! LOL @ turning y'all into hams, that made me chuckle.
No way have I started shopping yet, but my kids have their lists done so I guess I can get going any time.
Have a great week, I'm so excited we finally get to meet soon!! :)
Love the shots of the littles enjoying the day together (and their little frightened faces with the spider above).
Nick looks soooooooooo grown up. That child is so incredibly handsome. It just goes by too quickly, doesn't it?
Looking forward to our lunch on Thursday.
I think you did a whole lot better with the Halloween photography than I did. Nick looks fantastic (LOVE the shirt!) and that close up of your pink princess is darling. I bet you could find a glitter texture that you could overlay in her hair if you wanted that look.
Chloe couldn't keep her eyes straight and didn't want me to take her picture. The one picture I got of her with her sister, I had to Photoshop her eyes straight. I'll post them tonight after work.
Sometimes things just don't go as we plan. You did great!
Looks like fun was had by all!! Yes, I have started my Christmas shopping!!!
The kids look FABULOUS!!! Great costumes! So glad you "convinced" Sarah to "wing it" (sorry, couldn't resist that one!)
Ahhh! November!!! I might take a little trip to T0y$ r U$ this week.
YAY!!! Try to make it in to NYC on 12/12 for the PW tour!! That would be great!!
Lots of fun!! And I just keep loving that outfit! Nicks too ;) Christmas shopping...not yet, but at least I don't have too many to buy for and they all have lists!! Much easier that way.
Precious little Trick or Treaters! So glad Sarah wore her wings, as they are too cute not to! I love that she is putting spells on you. Next time I talk to you, I expect to hear a frog in your throat :)
Nick looked GREAT! I can't wait to share his pic with Paige :)
Just ordered my first Christmas gift online last night :)
These are fabulous!
We've "aged out of the system" as you so eloquently call it, so it's interesting to see other people's pics.
I love the way little Woody's face is all crumpled as he cries- don't you sometimes wish you could do that and people would bring you sweets?
These are great pictures Lisa! Poor little "Woody" was not in the mood for any trick-or-treating. I don't blame him for wanting to stay in were it's warm :) Looks like you guys had a great time!
AWESOME pictres!!! Love them all and I totally agree with the costume thing with Nick and My Ethans age. They are inbetween and there is nothing much to get them. Ethan just went as a hockey player-- boaring but it was fine.
Great pictures!!1
Very cute, Lisa! I do not blame "Woody" for wanting to stay warm inside. lol!
Tell Nick that all of the big kids around here just go as they are and trick or treat. No need to dress in costume....they even use their back packs for their treat bags. lol! I have no problem with that....if they want to do all of that walking for candy....they deserve it. : )
Sarah looks so cute in pink!! I LOVE the second to last picture of her!!!
I love the last photo of Sarah. She is too cute! Nick look so grown up!
I can't believe it's November either. How can time go so fast yet so slow while we are waiting for the CCAA to get to our LID's???
I can tell the kids had a blast by your pics which are wonderful btw...I wouldn't want to be near that spider either...yikes!
Love Nick's Halloween costume, I understand about aging out of the system..at some point they just want to go out and get the candy...can't blame them! :)
And you already know the answer to the Christmas shopping question...lol...YES I have started. Need to get some ideas for dh, he's always the hardest for me to shop for.
They all looked great, Lisa! Even though I have zero photography skills I can totally relate to feeling frustrated when I can't capture a certain aspect of how Lindy looked. I have come to the realization that some things I just need to really hold in my memory (which seems to be fading in my advanced years). I hope you'll always remember the glitter...
Wow, very cool photos with all that black in the background, made their costumes really pop! Your pink princess is the prettiest pink princess! We also have a lot of wand tapping around here too!
Nick looked very cool. I was just saying to my husband that the only depressing thing about Halloween is when you're too old for it. I hated those years!
Have a great week, Lucy
P.S. YES, I've started my Xmas shopping!!!
Christmas shopping! Ha! That's funny!! :o)
I love your pictures. Sarah is so cute! Her costume is FANTASTIC!!!
Christmas shopping! HaHaHaHa!!! I'm still laughing on that one!
Sarah makes the perfect fairy princess and a candy bribe to keep those wings on is de rigeur. (btdt)
Goodness, your son has such a beautiful face. Hard to not notice with the costume.
I enjoyed your Halloween pictures but freaked a bit at the mention of Christmas. (Oh Help!)
All the costumes are so great! Sarah was soooo adorable! Love her tights - too cute!!!
Everyone looks great!! I love the little one's expressions! Hope it was all a ton of fun!
Those wings are beautiful - so is the fairy;)
My sister had the same issue with my nephew and a costume this year, he went as a Chicago Cub...he's only 10 and I can't believe he's already getting too old:(
So cute!! The kids look great and Nick is really rocking that look!
Hope you are snacking on lots of candy!
Sounds like everyone had a wonderful Halloween ~ both children look fabulous!
I'm trying to enjoy a little Thanksgiving before I jump with both feet into Christmas :)
I am sad Halloween is over :-(
Your kids always look so so cute but this picture of Nick is stunning.
I do love all those polkadots though.
Both Nick and Sarah had AWESOME costumes! They are so adorable. Nick looks like a little model in that picture!
Both kids look great in their costumes!
What amazing photos! Love the crisp beautiful ones at the top with the dark background. Oh to be a good photographer!!!! It's my fondest dream!
Looks like everyone had a great time!
Our Blog: Double Happiness!
Such cute shoes....pink!
Your son looks like he is 18 years old!
So handsome!
sandy toe
It looks like you had a great Halloween! Sarah looked sooo cute in her costume! I love the polkadot tights!
I hope you have a great week!
Adorable!!! Love the pictures : ) Nick's costume is adorable!!!!
Well now of course I started Christmas shopping you silly girl...you know me better then that LOL Heck I am already listening to Christmas music and I think I may put the tree's up next weekend...I love Christmas!!! Make sure that it doesn't snow next week ok...I don't want any white stuff when I come for a visit.
What a fun Halloween! Sarah looks beautiful in her pink Princess costume and I love her barrette :)!
I am glad Nick had a good time too!
Ah, Candy. The great motivator. haha!! I'll wear wings for some candy too!! :)
They look SO SO adorable. I really like Nick's costume. Really creative and cute!
Wonderful pictures... love the close up of Sarah.
We get a lot of "Bibbidy Bobbidy Boo!" around here! I love that she's turning you into a ham. Just priceless.
And I'm so glad you convinced her to wear the wings. Candy is a pretty good motivator.
Hi Lisa!
Your kids had the cutest costumes and they are adorable.
Jodee has talked about you to me also and said that I should stop by your blog. I am trying to figure out what I am doing.
Take care,
I have to confess that while I have seen your comments on other blogs I frequent, I had never stopped by :( until today....
Your photos are stunning, as is your family. Many blessings to you all as you await your 3rd miracle.
P.S. YES, I have begun the Christmas hustle :) but only just barely....*gulp*
Great pictures!!!! Wow, Nick sure is one handsome rocker dude! Sarah is too cute too! I love her little Abracadabra saying!
Yes...you know me...I started my Christmas shopping yesterday and am happy to say my cards are signed, stamped and sealed...ready to go!
Happy November! : ) Five years ago today we were on a plane to China to get Ellie, it will be your turn soon!
When I saw the name of this post I just KNEW what it was about!! haha. I have been thinking about you since bailey actually WANTED to wear her wings for halloween right when I said she didn't like them.
Gorgeous shots Lisa!!! So cute.
Your pink princess was adorable! I love the fairy wand story....just too cute.
Nick looked very grown up in his picture...and very handsome :) You are going to have girls lined up at your front door in a couple of years! How nice that he still "lets" you take some pictures of him!!
Take care~
I'd have been freaked out by that spider too! Your princess is beautiful...love that close up of her! And Nick, well he is as handsome as ever...even in rocker dude apparel. So glad she wore the wings!
What cute pics. We told Ava the same thing...if you keep your pirate hat on, you'll get candy ;)
Love the "winged" bribery! Those things work.....at least for now! The kids looked so cute and it sounds like they had fun!
Cute, cute!! Nick is such a handsome rocker dude, and Sarah is such a pretty princess fairy!
What great pictures of your adorable (and cool) trick or treaters:) Love the pink princess!!
Glad you guys had a fun night!
Sarah looks darling in her costume!
oh Lisa, the kids looked great! Hope you've been turned back into yourselves and the sugar rushes are dying down!
They are so cute Lisa! Total opposite ends of the spectrum, right : ) very sweet and clever!
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