Hello my bloggy friends:) I am still alive and well, just buried at the moment.......
I am having a tough time trying to find balance in my life. I look back on this past year and really don't know how I was able to keep up with my job, my family, friends, photography, and still have time to blog. Lately, I have not been able to fit everything into my day and I had to cut out some of my computer time:(
For most people the holidays are a very busy time of year, so I am sure you can relate to the anxiety that I am feeling at the moment. I hope to be back on the "regularly scheduled routine" as soon as the Thanksgiving Holiday is over. I am anxious to catch up with you all.
While we have been busy with a lot of the normal day to day stuff, we did have a birthday to celebrate last week......
Any guesses who might have turned three??
Yep......Miss Sarah.....or the princess as she now refers to herself.

She got a cinderella costume for her birthday.....complete with glass slippers that light up when she walks.....or runs:) They are the cutest...... I secretly wish they came in my size.

Nick was nice enough to snap a picture of me with the bday girl after she opened some of her gifts.

We had a small family party that night. Sarah stayed in costume all day long.....and Grandma brought the birthday cake. Of course she played right into the the whole princess theme and Sarah was so excited when she saw it come through the front door.

A little anxious to get through the happy birhtday song so she could dig into the cake. BTW, not the best pictures, but I wanted to capture the moment:)

Ahhhh....cousin Aidan just couldn't wait to take a bite out of the cake:)

Sarah getting ready to dive in face first~

Since it was just a small family gathering and we had more than enough cake.....we let them have a little fun...LOL! We are a classy bunch, aren't we??

Oh well, the kids had a blast. They ate their cake and then ran around the house with balloons until the sugar high wore off.
I still cannot believe that she is three. It seems like yesterday that she was placed in our arms for the first time. She is growing up fast........and she is no longer a baby:(
Well, I need to get moving here....I am off to work and then I will be coming home to prepare for Thanksgiving. We are hosting, so I will be busy in the kitchen getting things ready. I hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
Be back soon......I PROMISE:)
Oh Lisa I so understand about being busy...You & I have talked about this and I totally marvel over all that you do and how WELL you do it! Just now that I love ya girlfriend and I so LOVE you blog ;)
I see that Miss Sarah had one amazing 3rd Bday! I too love those princess shoes (Francesca had a pair too)! And that cake...that cake is to die for! I want one too!
Here's wishing everyone in the F household a wonderful Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Birthday to Sarah. It looks like she had a wonderful birthday!
Ahhhh.... super sweet pictures!! It looks like Sarah had a BLAST in her princes dress ... I love the glass slippers. They don't look very comfy but sometimes a girl has to give up something for cute shoes :)) Nick took a great picture of you & Sarah ... the up & coming photographer in the house :) My fav is the big smile of Sarah & Aidan eating the birthday cake ... what great memories!!
The holidays always feel super busy & hectic ... I hope you have a GREAT Thanksgiving my friend!!
Love these pictures of Sarah in all her princess regalia!
The picture of you and Sarah is just FANTASTIC...way to go, NICK!
Grandma did a great job in the cake department. She can pick out our cakes anytime and I love that you let the kids go at it.
What a great way to celebrate this very special day.
Good to see you back here at Blog Central but I totally understand the lack of time thing. I have been suffering from the same.
All of us faithful readers are right here when you get back. I never miss an installment!
You have been missed!!! I actually wondered if blogger wasn't updating, so i checked your blog - nope, not that!! (lol!)
LOVE the princess theme. I have a girl here too that thinks she is a princess (Sarah MEANS princess!) Mya's English name at new Day was Sarah. I guess if the shoe fits..
As long as that shoe is a glass slipper that lights up when you walk ;)
Happy Birthday Princess!!!
What a fun birthday celebration! Your princess looks divine -- fancy gowns and sparkly shoes suit her! :)
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Happy Birthday to one of the prettiest princesses I've ever seen! Welcome to 3 Sarah! It is loads of fun!
Happy Birthday to Sarah! I loved the princess phase at our house with all three of my girls. One year for Christmas they got a whole box of princess dress up clothes. They thought they were in heaven. Happy Thanksgiving!
What a beautiful little princess.
Wishing you and your family a very a very happy and blessed Thanksgiving..
So happy to see you back to blogging Lisa, but totally understand the lack of time for it...LOVE the pic of you and Sarah, great job Nick!
Sarah is the perfect princess, and I love her shoes....3 is a magical age IMO.
Happy Thanksgiving, have fun preparing all those yummy dishes. :)
It looks like Sarah had a beautiful family birthday celebration. In my opinion, those are the BEST!
I can totally empathize with you about how hard it is to juggle everything we need to/want to do. I go in and out of phases where I can get it all done and I can get nothing done! it is so tough to balance everything.
I hope you have a peaceful Thanksgiving surrounded by the love of your family.
Oh, what a pretty princess! I think I'll attack my next birthday cake just like they did, that looks like fun. :)
I hope you can relax and enjoy your holiday with your beautiful family. Just think, next year, you'll have one more little one at the table!!! :)
Happy Belated birthday to Sarah! I totally understand about being too busy to blog - I don't even remember how I did it so consistently last year!
I LOVE that you let the little ones dive into the cake! So cute and so much fun! I might have to buy my kids big cakes for the family party on their next birthdays just so they can do that! :)
Have a great thanksgiving!
Happy Birthday to Sarah!
Happy Birthday to Miss Sarah!
I thought your title...another baby had arrived! haha. Happy Birthday CIndy rella!! Lisa, I was amazed, for some dumb reason, Bailey wants that costume for her bday too. What is it with that this year!?! She wants the matching doll (didn't know they had barbie) and shoes too. They are all so much alike. You are the best mom letting them lick cake and run! I am tying her to a chair! haha
Yayyy!!! I love Sarah's birthday pics! She is such a pretty princess. I know she loved her special day so much. LOVE the pic of you and Sarah!!! You need to frame that one for sure!
Love that you let the kiddos have fun with the cake. Making memories is what it is all about.
Happy Thanksgiving my sweet friend!
Happy birthday Princess Sarah!! And Happy Thanksgiving Eve to you Lisa. Have a wonderful holiday.
What a perfect Cinderella Sarah makes. (Cinderella was Dahlia's fav since always.) And Happy Birthday to your sweet little 3 year old! Love your cake pics. It's like we're right there.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Lisa!
Happy Birthday to Miss Princess! Love that tiara!!! I am right there with you on the time for computers and blogging. I only opened my laptop last night in time to look through email, then it was off to bed. Sigh! Hard to balance real life and our own personal time too. :( Happy Thanksgiving to your family. We are off to the beach to celebrate!
Happy Birthday to Sarah!! Looks like she had a fantastic birthday, and everything a princess could wish for.
Hang in there, it's a busy time for us all...Please remember we are always here for you!!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. We are actually in your State for the week celebrating my FAVORITE holiday.
It looks like Sarah enjoyed every second of her birthday party! I love the glass slippers! The cake pictures are a hoot!
Hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving!
I'm having internet problems, so all I could see was your title...I was dying! Huge goosebumps...tears starting to form in my eyes...I won't mention why, I'll just wish the beautiful princess a very very happy 3rd birthday!
Looks like Sarah had a great Birthday..
love the photos..
Have a Happy Thanksgiving..
Happy Birthday Princess! Ok, seriously...where have her beautiful eyes been hiding?! GORGEOUS!
Happy Thanksgiving friend! I know everything will be fabulous if you are hosting! I love Sarah's shoes and crown-where did you find them? I love the pictures and the kids digging into the cake!
Looks like a very happy birthday!!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Oh Man...when I saw the title of this post I thought it was for 3 kids :-( BUT celebrating a 3rd birthday with kid #2 is just as good :-)
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Birthday to Miss.Sarah! Looks like fun! :)
Love the outfit! Looks like a fabulous time was had by all ~ that's what birthdays are all about!
Enjoy your Thanksgiving filled with family and love.
I can tell by the pictures it was a very fun and frilly birthday celebration just perfect for a princess. Have a great Thanksgiving!
Happy Birthday Sarah!!
You look gorgeous in your costume :)
Happy Birthday to your sweet girl!
sandy toe
Happy Birthday Sarah! she is so cute in her princess dress! Glad you all had a great day! I also love that you let the kids just dig in on the cake! I bet they loved that!
Hope your Turkey day was great!
Happy Birthday Princess Sarah!!! How absolutely adorable. I just LOVE the age of three... the best year ever. Enjoy every moment!!
I understand about the blogging / life thing. Lately I've just been feeling busy and uninspired. Not a good combo! haha!! I hope to get my groove back soon!! Must be the time of year!
lol...love the cake pictures with those two diving in face first! Too precious for words.
Happy late Birthday sweet princess!!!
Looks like Sarah had a blast on her birthday!!!!
I understand how busy you are...it is so hard to juggle everything!
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!
Hey Lisa girly!
I don't think I commented on your cute post when I read it???
Wanted to let you know I love the pics. The one of you and Sarah is darling! The queen and her princess! :)
I always am amazed that you have enough hours in the day~ Mommyhood, work, chef, cleaner, driver, blogger, photograher, butcher, baker and candlestick maker ;)... you blow my mind! Happy holidays sweetie. We'll catch up this week.
Happy Birthday, Sarah!! Looks like everyone had a great time celebrating!
I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!
ps. Thank you for your kind words/comment on my blog. They meant alot.
Oh Lisa, sorry we couldn't be with you and Sarah for her special day! Sure looks like you all had a great time! Just love these photos, especially the one of you and Sarah, no, wait, I think it's the one where Sarah has her face in the cake LOL.
I'm so amazed at how quickly she's growing up (even get a sense she's liking the camera too). I think I'm more amazed at how good you are at multi-tasking...boy I need some lessons (shhh don't tell my hubby, don't want to give him ideas, like maybe I should cook once in a blue moon).
well, back to catching up on things.
Hugs and kisses to Princess Sarah for me:))
Ivy and Kira
The blog looks beautiful decorated for Christmas :)
Happy birthday - a tad late - to Princess Sarah. Busy here, too. I may disappear quite a bit in the next few weeks... we shall have to see. Live life before blogging about it, friend. *hugs*
Happy birthday to sweet Sarah! Love the pics Lisa and I know what you mean about how hard it is to find time to keep up with everything. Hope you get some time to just relax and don't worry, we will still be here when you get back. :)
I'm totally catching up! Happy belated to Sarah and a great big hug! She looked like the bestest little princess and was totally adorable! I'm sure she enjoyed from the looks on her face!
Love the princess pictures. And I especially love the picture of you. You are so pretty. : ) Gorgeous!
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