Thanks to Mother Nature, I am in great shape for the holidays. This week panic had set in when I realized how much I had left to do, but luckily, Saturday's snowstorm kept us home where I could get so much accomplished.
I got all of my shopping done on Friday night. I still need to grab a few things for stocking stuffers, buy I can handle thatover the next few days:) Saturday we were suppose to go into Philly for my work Christmas party. Unfortunately they had the party, but we didn't want to risk getting stuck or worse......getting into an accident, so we stayed put and I called my boss to tell him we were not going to make it.
After Pat and I made the decision not to go to the party, I made a quick trip to the grocery store to stock up on all my baking items I needed.

When I got back home, there was a little helper patiently waiting for me and raring to go.

Starting to put a few ingredients in the mixer.....SO EXCITING!!!!

How fast does this thing go? Can I crank it up?

Look at it go!! Mommy, you better take over, the ingredients are flying out of the bowl.
She hung up her apron when the flour started flying, but was quick to come back into the kitchen when the cookies were coming out of the oven.

In total, we made 12 dozen Italian Cookies. This is my all time favorite cookie recipe and I make them every year for Christmas. I posted the recipe last year so click HERE to view it. They are really called Ricotta cookies, but whenever I say that people get a funny look on their face. I promise, they taste like a butter cookie. I usually put a vanilla or citrus glaze on top and of course some sprinkles for decoration:) If you are looking for a new cookie to try you might want to give these a whirl. They are super easy and taste delish!!
After we did finished the Italian Cookies, we made 6 dozen Oatmeal Chocolate Chip, and 3 dozen Peanut Butter Heath Bar Cookies. The Peanut Butter Heath Bars are to die for....OH MY WORD, I hope I don't eat them all before Christmas:) I accidentally threw away the recipe....it was on the back of the bag of heath bar pieces. When you go to your grocery store, you will find them in the baking aisle next to the chocolate chips....SORRY:( I tried to google it and couldn't find the exact recipe.
We definitely gave the Viking a workout yesterday.....I think we gave Sarah one too!! She slept in this morning and did not get out of bed until almost 11am. Since she was sleeping so soundly, I was able to lock myself in the spare bedroom and get EVERY SINGLE GIFT WRAPPED, labeled, and put away before she got out of bed!! My list is shrinking and it feels GREAT!!!
The first of our family is due to arrive Wednesday night and all I have left to do is grocery shop for our christmas meals and some light cleaning around the house.
We are in the homestretch my friends....only 4 more days:)
Sounds like you are doing great on your list..
Mine is sitting there...
I don't know why.. getting there slowly..
Love the photos..
Have a great Sunday..
What a precious helper you have there! Christmas baking is always so much fun. Sorry you had to miss your Christmas party, but glad you've gotten so much accomplished! Sarah's a doll as usual :) Hope you have a very Merry Christmas, my friend!
Oh those italian cookies DO look delicious!!
Sarah is quite the helper - sounds like mine - there for the "good stuff"!!
What are you doing with all the cookies???
Wish I was a recipient, cause they sound wonderful!
have a great week getting the rest of your preparations made!
Merry Christmas,
Lisa, you're super-organised!
I'm nothing like that, I think I have done my shopping, but no wrapping, and still some last-minute cards to post!
I will definitely try your cookies, they look delish and I love all things Italian.
And Sarah is sooooooo cute.
Sarah is so beautiful! I love my little helper too! (your pictures are always so gorgeous - much better than mine!)
Alyzabeth's Mommy
I borrowed the recipe for the ricotta cookies last year. They were such a huge hit I am making them again this year.
Last year my nephew asked me to make more because, "people were eating them too much". :o) I'm going to make a double batch this year so Tyler can take some home.
Love your pictures ~ as always!
Those cookies look divine! I made Italian Bow Cookies with my mom. They are very simple but time consuming. You make the dough and have to press it thin with a pasta machine. Once the dough has been flattened, you make a twist then deep fry for a few seconds. Take them out and let them drain on paper towels then sprinkle with powdered sugar. They are a family treat that have been passed on throughout many generations. If you're interested in the recipe, I would be more than happy to send it to you.
Hope you and your family made it safely through that terrible snow storm. I've been in contact with my family in NY, NJ and CT and all is well with them. I guess you will be having a White Christmas after all!
Lisa....so happy to hear the relief and weight lifted in your words. Enjoy all the fun stuff now.
Your little helper is adorable. Soon she'll be helping load and unload the dishwasher. Bonus!
I'm still puffing away here. Oven died on Saturday as I was beginning my baking. (Wha...?!) A new stove and fridge arrive tomorrow but I had to tear apart my kitchen. Fabulous timing! (But at least I'll have an oven - can't have Christmas without an oven, right?)
Enjoy your homestretch!
I may have to try those cookies, although whenever I make them, they disappear so very quickly...
Does Sarah always look so cute and ready for a photo shoot? She is simply adorable!
Merry Christmas Lisa...I hope to see you soon~
Your little helper is such a doll! One of mine is a great helper in the kitchen too. It's a challenge with both of them trying to do everything. I just love your pictures, but I was amazed at how much I love your cookie picture. It is so colorful and tempting!
Your header is fantastic too! You are so ready for the holidays!
Awesome photos! I had cookies on our list today too, but we did some crafts and playing in the snow instead. If we don't get baking done until after Christmas I'm fine with that...totally flexible. I decided to just go with the flow:) I did finish cleaning and laundry and shopping. Just need to wrap 7 more gifts; some of which are still wet - some of which haven't arrived yet.
I just have to write a conclusion for my last paper and then I have 3 weeks off from class!! I can't wait for Amelia to open her gifts. This may be the only year in her life when she gets everything she asked for:)
Oh...what wonderful pictures!
I just love her smile!
sandy toe
p.s. Merry Christmas to you and your sweet family!
Your little helper is awfully cute! Due to our storm of 22 inches, I was able to get many items checked off my list as well.
Enjoy the start to your week ~
Glad to hear you are knocking off your list..now time to enjoy the festivities!
It's so fun to bake and be in the kitchen with our girls...such great memories.
Have a wonderful week and Christmas!
Sue : )
I think you have one of the cutest little helpers around. :) I love to see Sarah smile!
Sounds like you got a lot accomplished! Good for you!
She is so stinkin' cute! Thanks for the cookie recipe...I'm trying it pronto. :)
Lisa, Her expressions in these pics are absolutely precious and LOVE the one of her totally cracking up!!! made me LOL!
Well I don't ever wish a giant snowstorm on anyone, but am happy you got caught up with Christmas. It will make it so much more enjoyable for you.
Grace and I are going to make those cookies this week, can't wait!
What an adorable helper and those cookies look YUM!!! Glad you had some time for catching up and enjoying some good baking.
Merry Christmas!!!!
You have been so productive in the last week! Sarah is as usual just adorable and looks like a great little helper!
Have a great week!
I love her expressions, they are just adorable. You an tell she really loves to help you in the kitchen. You were very busy baker's this week. Glad you are all set!
She's clearly loving every moment too. Can I help out next time too???
Looks like you have the perfect little helper! And a mighty cute one too!
Ahhhh! RICOTTA cookies!!! I'm going to try these this week!! Sound fabulous!
Sounds like you are doing a great job of whittling down your list! Glad you got your mojo back too! ;)
You go girl! I can't believe how much you got done in a short 48 hours! It would take me six months to bake all of those cookies!
We have one Christmas down and two more to go!
Have a great week!
Love the pictures...Sarah's expression LOL so cute!!!
We are making more Italian cookies tomorrow and fudge...we're going for round #2 LOL
My family arrives on Tuesday...I have Christmas Eve dinner planned out but still working on Christmas day.
I'm so glad you're getting everything done. Sarah looks like a doll in these pictures! I am busy getting caught up on my pictures and it feels great too! Whew! Merry Christmas friend!
Cutest helper ever!!! Way to go on getting so much accomplished. Who knew a snow storm could be so useful? :)
Have a great week, my friend!!!
Send those cookies my way, I haven't done my Christmas baking yet!!!!
Merry Christmas!!
I LOVED your Christmas card!!
Don't you just love thoose little helpers?! I have 2 of them! lol! Except.. when you have 2.. they tend to fight! lol! I have to plan it out WELL and give each one a "special" job! GIRLS! lol!
Those cookies look so yummy!! I might have to try those out this year.
And .. GOOD for you.. that you got your gifts wrapped and ready! YOU GO GIRL!!
Adorable photos of your helper! And your energy astounds me! Way to go on getting so much done. Who knew a snowstorm could be such good news! Have a wonderful Christmas!
yep, you definately gave the viking a workout!!
what a cutie pie, that miss sarah
Love these photos of Sarah! They are priceless! Boy...I can see you have been baking up a "storm" lol - get it "storm" as in snow storm lol! Anyway...I need to get mine done...hoping that on Wed/Thurs I can do it! I only make PB cookies, Choc Chip ones and GingerBread Man onces (might be doing the Potatoe Chip ones too). My family is really picky about what cookies they like and I am in no shape this year to eat the ones thye don't lol! Plus...I am trying something new...I am making homemade ice cream pies! I'll let you know how they turn out!
What adorable pictures!!! Love them!! She is too cute, and what wonderful memories!
Glad the list is shrinking...mine is too. Feels good!
Jackson is my little helper. He loves to help in the kitchen. I love Sarah's apron. It's adorable.
I said the same thing to my husband about the weekend. I felt like I really enjoyed the holidays just being stuck inside this weekend.
I am so glad that mother Nature gave you just what you needed. All of the cookies sound so yummy. Due to the boys allergies...we are not making any this year and boy so I mss them!
Sarah looks like she is having a ball helping Mommy make cookies. What a smile!! These look yummy. I think Wednesday will be our baking day here.
Glad you were able to get caught up on your Christmas "to do" list!
I gained 5 pounds just reading this post. I know those cookies and I wanted to pull one right off my monitor.
Sarah is the most adorable little helper ever....I love her apron and that face just says it all.
I can't believe you are almost done, baked everything fresh WHILE working full time (and I know how much you work!), keep up with your blog and your photography and still have time to entertain, wrap, label and otherwise put Martha Stewart to SHAME!
Huge Christmas Hugs to you, Babe...can't wait to see you here on Monday night for a little girl's slumber party!
Love days like that in the kitchen with a little helper! Hope you guys have a magical Christmas! Your card is beautiful!!!
The cookies look great, but I am having trouble getting past the 11am thing. Seriously? She slept until 11am? I'm speechless. And jealous : )
Hey girl - what about a recipe for your vanilla glaze? Is it the same as you linked only you just use vanilla? I am kitchen-challenged :)
Saw your blog on someone else's.. we've been home from China for 7 months now; switched to SN last year after the wait began to reallllly slow down. You are in my thoughts and prayers as you continue to wait.
Charlotte, NC
Girl, you are making me hungry! Those cookies look super yummy and I love the pictures of sweet little Sarah. She is so sweet.
Your little baking helper is too sweet for words : ) I am glad you have each other! I am sorry you missed your party! We stayed home last Saturday too and just relaxed. It felt sort of weird to be relaxing at such a hectic time! Hope your New Year is wonderful!
What an amazing smile and great memories. No wonder you got so much done with such a great little helper! Love the new look!
Could she be any cuter? I don't think so...that is a whole lotta cuteness goin' on there!
Love your blog and all your pics!
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