We were on the outer fringe of the big storm that came up the coast....... we still got about 9 inches, but nowhere near what some of our friends experienced South of Philadelphia. I am hearing some parts got a whopping 30 plus inches of snow......now that is a storm!!
I am so glad that we didn't get what they were actually forecasting for our area. Sarah could barely stand the couple inches that we did get. Don't let that smile on her face fool you, it was only momentary....more like it was only there until she got wet. She is not really a fan of the snow. She is defintely a summer girl who loves to be barefoot and run on the beach:) I can't really say that I blame her, because I would much rather be on beach than dealing with these freezing temps and wild winter storms.
She cannot stand it if one flake of snow touches her skin.......and refused the snow pants I tried to put on her. I tried to reason with her and explain that they would keep her warm and dry, but she was having no part of them so we opted for tights, thermals, and her jeans........and as expected, one jump into a snow pile and she was freaking out that snow was getting her wet!! That was all she wrote and we were back in the house minutes later taking off the layers of wet clothes trying to get her warm.
Nick and Pat were still outside playing in the snow and cleaning up the walkways....... so Sarah and I fired up the Mix Master to make something warm and sweet!!
If you remember last week's post included lemons..... I LOVE anything that has Lemon in it......and actually, I often will buy bulk lemons and limes to fill big apothecary jars and use them as decoration in the kitchen. They look so pretty and they smell good too:)
Since I had so many on hand, and really needed to start using some before they went bad, I tried out this new recipe...........

Lemon Yogurt Cake
Recipe Courtesy of The Barefoot Contessa
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
1 cup plain whole-milk yogurt
1 1/3 cups sugar, divided
3 extra-large eggs
2 teaspoons grated lemon zest (2 lemons)
1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1/3 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
For the glaze:
1 cup confectioners' sugar
2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Grease and flour an 8 1/2 by 4 1/4 by 2 1/2-inch loaf pan.
Sift together the flour, baking powder, and salt into 1 bowl. In another bowl, whisk together the yogurt, 1 cup sugar, the eggs, lemon zest, and vanilla. Slowly whisk the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients. With a rubber spatula, fold the vegetable oil into the batter, making sure it's all incorporated. Pour the batter into the prepared pan and bake for about 50 minutes, or until a cake tester placed in the center of the loaf comes out clean.
Meanwhile, cook the 1/3 cup lemon juice and remaining 1/3 cup sugar in a small pan until the sugar dissolves and the mixture is clear. Set aside.
When the cake is done, allow it to cool in the pan for 10 minutes. Carefully place on a baking rack over a sheet pan. While the cake is still warm, pour the lemon-sugar mixture over the cake and allow it to soak in. Cool.
For the glaze, combine the confectioners' sugar and lemon juice and pour over the cake.

OH MY WORD!!! This one is surely a winner..... it has the density of a pound cake, but it is super moist. The combination of the simple syrup{Sugar and lemon Juice}followed by the lemon glaze on top, put me over the edge!!! You can see how the top of the cake gets cracks in it.....the simple syrup and the glaze soak through into the cake!!! If you are a lemon lover, give this a try. You will not be disappointed.

While I realize that this photo is blurry and that Nick's face is all smushed because he is hugging his sister so tight, I had to post it. These two can bicker like the best of them, but when I see the moments like these, I realize behind all the bickering.......they really do love each other:) I actually might need to print this one so that I have a constant reminder.....bickering has been at an all time high the last few weeks.
Sarah and I have a deal when we bake. If she just assists and lets me make sure all the measurements are correct, then after the cake is in the oven baking, I will give her some "gredients"{as she calls them}to make a cake of her own. She never really makes a cake, but she sure loves to mix things up. It keeps her happy and our desserts come out tasting like they should!!
We were just finishing up in the kitchen when Nick came in from outside. He wanted to lick the beater until he realized what was in the bowl......he changed his mind rather quickly.
Hope everyone survived their weekend!!
It sounds like we might get another blast from old man winter this week.
When is Spring going to arrive?

If you are looking for some new recipes or have one you would like to share, stop by The Crazy Eight and join in the food fun!
I LOVE lemon as an ingredient. This looks delicious! My hubby is going to love this one too. Can't wait to give it a try.
So glad you didn't get blasted with the storm. Not trying to rub it in, but we are enjoying some cooler weather finally thanks to that storm. It always put a smile on this momma's face to see two siblings getting along. My two are slowly getting better at showing the love too.
Happy week to you...
I love, love, love the picture of the kids baking together -- especially in black and white! Carson and Kamree are both Cory's shadow in the kitchen. They love to bake!
This has been the longest winter of my life! Spring can't get here quick enough!
Hope you have a great week!
That bread looks and sound delish. I am going to have to try that one ;-)
Oh Lisa...We were one of those people that had over 30" of snow ~ it was/IS so crazy!
Love the Lemon Yogart Cake recipe! Yummo! It is one I am going to have to print out and try this coming weekend!
Hope all is well & call me when you get a chance! Love you....
Glad you didn't get the whopper of storms. Too funny I bought the ingredients to make that very same yummy dessert.
funny thing. We have not had that much snow up here in Toronto. Cold yes, but snow, no. I am afraid it might hit us in the spring. YIKES!
I love anything lemon and will try this recipe FOR SURE.
Happy Monday and the pictures of the kids are awesome. I love the black and white. It looks so natural.
Oh, I love the last pic of Nick and Sarah in the kitchen. It is one of my all time favorites. They are having f-u-n!!!
Cute pictures...we are excepting more snow tonight!
sandy toe
YUM! That cake sounds so good.
Like you, I am not a huge fan of snow - much more of a spring, summer, fall girl. However, if we EVER get snow this winter in Michigan, I have a feeling that Lily will be all over it!
Great pictures, as usual. I definitely need to try that cake sometime.
Have a good week!
That cake looks scrumptious. Mmmm. My thighs will not thank you for this recipe though. ;)
Well, I guess there is a difference between our girls now. ;) Bri is a total snow girl. I couldn't get her out of the pathetic inch we got a few weeks ago. But we don't get snow here often, so it is a novelty. If we got it more, Briana might get bored with it. Sarah looks stinkin' cute in the snow though!
Love the brother/sister pic. Warms my heart!
After coriander and ginger - lemon and lime are my all-time favorite flavors. Anything with lemon is a winner for me. This cake looks divine! I can't wait to try it and I have fresh lemons, nice and cool too. (Oh, btw way, the sesame balls on my post today are really lemony - you'll like those.)
Yes, Lisa - when is spring getting here? Not anytime soon, I'm afraid. Glad you didn't get the full dump - and hope that trend continues for you.
I love the capture of Sarah and Nick. Their joy is so evident - a good reminder if you have that framed somewhere.
Stay warm, my friend!
LOL @ the ONE pic of Sarah. It's a cute one though. And there you go, making me wish I was your neighbor so I could come grab a slice of that cake to go with my coffee this morning. I'll be printing this one to put in my new recipe notebook. Yummy!!! My mom loves lemon too, so I'll make it for her.
Have a great week!!!
Sarah is a smart girl for preferring the sun over the snow. ;) But the pic is still cute!
Neither flake nor flurry here...but I just heard we're on track for 12-18" on Wed...ugh...I'm with Sarah...give me the beach any old day! ;)
That cake looks YUMMY!!!! (Love the Barefoot Contessa's recipes!)
And the photo of Nick & Sarah? LOVE IT!!!!
Have a great week, my friend!
I am definitely going to print and make the lemon cake ... the girls will LOVE it!
Your pictures are beautiful, as always. I especially love the last one of brother and sister baking. It oozes love and joy!!
That photo of the two of them is so sweet! Thanks for the recipe, I love anything lemon.
Gin =)
Looks and sounds delicious! I love the picture and oh how I understand about the bickering. Yes, more snow on Wednesday for us.
Oh yum! That sounds and looks so delicious!
Snow, snow go away!
Hope you have a great week! This may be the week for the new baby! :) So Exciting!!!!
I used to work at a coffee shop and we made a lemon bread like this one. I had forgotten all about it. Thanks!!! It looks soo good. Love the picture of the kids too ;)
Well I'm a total lemon girl too Lisa. No surprise there I suppose, you and I have a lot in common. In fact I could give up chocolate but not lemons. I WILL be trying this recipe!
Happy you didn't get the monster storm, we are due for another big one tonight. ugh.
I love the picture of Nick and Sarah...it speaks volumes. :)
Have a great Monday and rest of your week, friend!
Thanks for the recipe! It's looks delicious!
Ohh! Lemon Yogurt Cake....Yummmy
I am with Sarah! Take be to the beach any day! I don't even want ice in my water in the winter time.
Good luck with the snow...I hope you stay warm.
AND the picture...I love it! I think it is perfect! smushed face and all!!
oh my goodness this recipe looks fabulous!!!!!!!!! Lisa I am drooling...yummy!!!
Thank you for posting this wonderful recipe...
Mmmm...this recipe sounds so yummy. Thanks for sharing. And I must say, I love, love, love the photo of your two cute kiddos with the mixer. That's priceless!!!
You are way too good! The recipe sounds delicious, I may have to try it! I love the pictures of Nick and Sarah baking together, it's priceless! Happy Monday!
I love to bake and that lemon bread looks so delicious. I can taste it already, but I don't have lemons.
I ADORE lemon flavored ANYTHING!!! Can't wait to try this one out! Yummy!!! And that pic of them is just what I needed today! Super duper sweet!
Great pics! We were supposed to get 8 -12", ended up with about 16". The recipe sounds delicious - if only I weren't afraid to zest :-) (Bizarre, I know, but sadly true...) I LOVE your idea of giving Sarah some of her own ingredients to bake with - may have to try that one! And I know what you mean about bickering - worst enemies one minute, best friends the next. Let's just hope they end up best friends...
Love your snow pics, Lisa.
We're getting about 30 flakes here tonight- literally, spread out over the whole country- so that's about one per county!
I too love lemon cakes, and thi sone looks so good I'm salivating. Will definitely try it.
I've a lovely recipe for lemon and almond cake, it uses whole lemons- leave a comment at mine if you want it.
Maybe you could put that photo of Nick and Sarah on your black and white wall?
That sounds absolutely delicious!! Yum.
And the photo of the kids baking?! Adorable!!
Beautiful shots Lisa!
You made me want to just mix lemon and icing sugar together and eat it like that! Yum! I'll have to write that one out for sure!
As for winter....ya I'm ready for spring too....and so is Miss Sugar! Winter is tooooo long to be cooped up!
You are amazing.. you can always find time to cook and bake sooo well.. I sooo wish I had the time...
Love the photo of the kids .. that is priceless..
have a great week..
Oh my goodness, I am headed off to the store tomorrow to get those ingredients. This lemon yogurt cake looks amazing!! Seriously yummy!!
What a cute picture of Nick & Sarah. You have two amazingly cute kids, Lisa! And bickering is just part of the sibling territory. **sigh** My girls get along so well, but they are, after all, three girls. Need I say more? Lord help me in the teen years. :)
I hope you are off to a great week!
p.s. I did respond over on my blog about your question, but yes, all three were speedlights. I wasn't sure if you would check back over there or not. Have a great week!
That picture of the kids would be so cute in a frame placed on top of a cookbook somewhere in your kitchen!
I LOVE LOVE lemon. Thanks for sharing this recipe. I also love pound cake...that's what I like for my birthday cake so this recipe should hit the spot.
I feel the same as you and Sarah. We missed the last storm but our delight is short lived. They are talking of a blizzard hitting us on Wednesday ~ ugh! I guess I better stock up on some lemons ;)
Such beautiful images Lisa and that cake you made looks soooooo good. I ♥ lemons too. I have been thinking about you guys and hoping you did not get too much snow and I am glad most of it missed you.
I do not miss the snow, and I am glad that I did miss that storm. Yikes! My middle daughter never really like the snow either.
Love the pictures and that bread looks delicious!
OMG!!! I LOVE the pic of Nick and Sarah! That is THE cutest thing ever :) I also really want a piece of your lemon cake...yummy!!!
Hope you aren't snowed in! Sarah's smile sure looks like she's enjoying the snow, but I don't blame her, I don't like to be wet either!
Love ya!
Oh good gravy!! Between you and Gail I might break this diet after all!! YUM.
And that picture!! OH goodness!! Love a brother and sister love. Wish I could capture that with Liam and Em... they are usually bickering. lol.
I would have never guessed that she was not a snow-bunny! LOL!
And that YUMMY Looking cake! OMGoodness!!!
I hear you about the bickering...we need moments like that in the photo :)
I just had to pop in and say that the weather prevented me from getting to the grocery store, so the girls and I are making your yummy ricotta cookies. Oh, those are scrumptious!! Your recipes rock!
Oooooo Yummy, Yummy!!!
I heart the picture of Nick and Sarah! And I can't believe it's snowing AGAIN tonight. I want summer!!!
Ditto! I love Lemons Lisa! I think they are so pretty. I can't get enough of them in the kitchen!
I love your pictures! Especially the one that you don't think turned out perfectly : ) I love her expression! I can just imagine her getting wet and not being happy at all!
I can't believe we are getting more snow tonight... I can't take it!
I love the picture of Sarah and Nick! It's too die for! Really! And I love the idea of letting her make her own cake afterward. I can't tell you how many times I have lost count with my helper.
Anything with lemon is a friend of mine! I'll have to give this recipe a whirl.
I see beach livin' in Miss Sarah's future.
What fun the kids are having. I love watching the two of them play or hug one another. Sweet, speaking of which, this cake is a winner for sure. Another recipe to put in my cookbook (what cookbook)LOL, I mean cakebook.
Well, miss you, know you're very busy. We're getting over a foot of snow again. Feel like I'm back in Colorado!
I must tell you that I LOVE LOVE LOVE that photo of Nick and Sarah! It is one of my all time faves. I know it is blurry but you know what it show so much LOVE and it is so spontaneous. The emotion is palpable.
And that cake looks so good. I like lemon ut not necessarily in sweets. However, this looks too good to pass up!!!
Ok...I go through blogs and images and see how photography becomes ones own. I want to tell you that this image of your son and daughter is just my most fav image. It captures everything wonderful.
Just love it. I hope all is well in your world.
Oh and I pray too that you will have a little girl to celebrate CNY with next year based on your latest blog post. I hope and pray that big for you!
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