We started on the international adoption path over 4 years ago, just shortly after Pat and I were married. Life was good with very few worries. We lived in a small, yet quaint and cozy, home. We knew we would outgrow it quickly but figured when we returned home from China, we would start to think about upgrading to a larger, more accommodating home for us, Nick and our “China Baby”.
Very quickly, we realized The Wait was going to be much longer than we anticipated so we re-evaluated our plans. At the time, both Pat and I were doing very well financially with our respective jobs, so we started our house hunt and decided to build our home.
Two months before we moved in, we received an amazing and unexpected gift...... Sarah!! We never dreamed of completing a domestic adoption, but she was meant to be ours and even though we were scared to death.....we put our decision in the hands of the Man Upstairs and prayed that it would all work out. Every single day we are reminded by her smile how incredibly fortunate we are to have Sarah in our lives.
Even with the gift of Sarah, never once did we consider abandoning our China adoption. Quite the opposite really....... at the time we were concerned that we would jeopardize our place in line or the ability to complete our international adoption. We discussed things with our agency and they told us that with the wait times increasing, chances were we would be fine....as long as there was at least a year in between Sarah and the new "China Baby" we would be okay.
So here we are…4 years later. FOUR YEARS LATER and still no word from China. We continue to wait and wait and wait.
Unfortunately, a lot has changed for us financially since we started this process. It’s no secret that the economy has taken a terrible turn....it has hit us pretty hard these last two years. Pat’s career is in the financial services industry which was directly affected by the downturn and we have dramatically changed our lifestyle to accommodate these changes.
Gone are the days of going out for fancy dinners, shopping outside our budget or just spending money generously and spontaneously.
It has been a difficult transition and we have made sacrifices. We have had to forgo invitations to spend expensive nights on the town with friends, regular nail appointments and I even changed hair salons in effort to save a little money {and you all know how I am about my HAIR!} Bottom line.......... no more frivolous spending period.
Over the past several months I’ve been invited to home shows like Matilda Jane, Silpada, etc. I’ve been asked to join in on online/virtual baby showers for those traveling to China and been asked to assist in donating money for others to bring their precious children home from China and other countries.
I haven’t been able to participate and although it breaks my heart because I am a truly a giving person by nature, I need to keep my focus on my family and our own financial situation.
Of course, our Nick and Sarah never go without, but if there’s a way to cut corners and save a little extra we’re doing it. I do LOVE nice things, but sometimes the nice things come with a hefty price tag and although I do miss having the freedom to spend, I realize that tightening our belts is a real necessity now.
I have been lucky this past year with my own job. The long hours on the road and hard work I’ve put in earned me a raise and a company vehicle....which have both helped tremendously, but we still need to be smart about our spending with our long awaited adoption just around the corner.
Pat and I had a heart to heart recently as our Home Study Paperwork came up for renewal. We know that the key to get us through this time is to focus on our family, which is more important than any material thing in this world. We intend to complete this adoption.......but to do that we are going to continue to make hard financial decisions. We’ve come way too far to watch our dreams fall apart and we are both committed to do whatever it takes to make our dream a reality.
Over the past few months I have been approached by several people interested in photography asking me if I would be interested in teaching Adobe Photoshop and/or Lightroom. I have to say that the wheels started turning.
I realize that what started out as a photography hobby has turned into a real passion for me. While I don't claim to be a pro or know absolutely EVERYTHING about Photoshop or Lightroom, I can most certainly teach what I do know.....which is basic photo enhancement and editing with a few fun creative things thrown in for good measure....like textures or how to design a blog header.
Though I already have a pretty tight schedule and my job takes me on the road much of the work week..... I have decided that I can certainly work a schedule in the evenings or weekend to offer some small online/interactive and one-on-one classes as an additional avenue to earn money to prepare for China.
I’m still working out the small details. For those that are interested in a web based class, please let me know via comment or email. My email is attached to my profile.
Classes will be $75 for 2 hours of instruction.
Classes will be limited to 4 people per class.
I will also be offering private 2 hour one-on-one instruction for $125.
We all face challenges and road blocks in our lives, but the way we choose to handle them is what defines us. I refuse to let anything get in the way or block "The Long Road" we have been traveling these last 4 years........ we will make it the distance and reach the end of our road.........in China.
We all face challenges and road blocks in our lives, but the way we choose to handle them is what defines us. I refuse to let anything get in the way or block "The Long Road" we have been traveling these last 4 years........ we will make it the distance and reach the end of our road.........in China.
Well....my sweet Lisa....you know I'm am there! Sign me up. Lightroom (and Elements 8 if you can swing it). And I'd love to have some instruction on blog headers and design.
Yah...I'm so glad you are doing this. One - 'cause you're sharing your amazing talent and two - that you are making this long road to China more real and concrete.
E-mail me any details about your first session - and count me in!
Brava, Lisa! It's about time you take the plunge and start teaching some of your amazing techniques.
I can completely relate to changing the way you spend. As you know, I too, work in the financial services industry and the changes have come fast and furious these past two years.
We, too, have seriously curtailed our spending out of necessity and know first hand how difficult it can be to not spontaneously spend or participate in things we would have in the past.
I know that this road has been a long one for you and your family but soon your wait will be over and your baby girl will be in your arms.
I think the classes are a wonderful idea to help pave the way to China.
I'm so excited for you in your new venture! I can't wait to hear more about it.
Congratulations! You ROCK!
Lisa, I just love your honesty. That is one of many things I can always count on with you. My husband and I were having a similar conversation tonight, as my personal spending habits have had to change significantly since deciding to leave my great-paying job in September and replace it with my [very] small business. Altering my ways has not been easy. (And my husband would probably say I haven't too much. lol)
You and Pat obviously have your priorities straight. You are on the home stretch of this long road of waiting and all of the sacrifices will be well worth it the moment your girl is placed in your arms. Oh, how I can't wait to witness that moment!!!
I think it's great you are giving Lightroom & Photoshop workshops. I know you will do so well. You are very talented with both!
Sending a big hug your way and saying a prayer that you hear some good news from China SOON!!!!
p.s. I almost forgot to mention how much I LOVE your b/w image. That is the perfect shot of Nick & Sarah. Such a special moment captured between them. LOVE IT!!
What a perfect picture for such a heartfelt post. The turmoil this economy is in is truly devastating for so many. I too was in the financial services industry and lost my job about 1 1/2 years ago. I am still struggling to find work. I devoted at least 6 months trying to reduce bills and such. We had started our second adoption and put it on hold as I just felt we would never be able to afford it. But we have put all of our faith in the Lord above and have taken the plunge and are moving forward. I just couldn't imagine my daughter not having a sister to grow up with. So I have to find a way. Anyway, God Bless your beautiful family. I pray that your long road to China will take you to your destination very soon.
Many Blessings,
Oh Lisa, what a lovely photo.
I can't even imagine the wait, but I can say whatever it is, you will forget about the length when you see your baby for the first time.
You are certainly blessed with the two angels you have now, but I'm glad you have not given up on your child from afar :)
I'm excited for you and your new business venture. I'm sure it'll be successful!
You know I am truly interested!! Just need to get dh to put photoshop on my computer. Or I will use his computer!! But I need this course!
I am continuing to pray that your little one is sent to you soon. I can't imagine how hard this wait has been for you and your family. We -too- have been focusing more on family this last year and less on the material things. It is a blessing.
Thanks for offering to teach us your skills!! I'm very excited!!
Love your pictures, I know what you mean the economy has changed everything as we used to know. I hope all your dreams come true with getting your baby from China. I think you are super talented with photography and wish you luck with this adventure. Take care xo
Beautiful capture today. I think that it's wonderful that you can use your talent to teach others. You have definitely perked my interest but I need a little time to be able to fit it into my budget. There are lots of things about photoshop that I don't know as I am self taught. I am going to write down a list and hopefully maybe be able to get you to give me a hand!
I love this picture and it's perfect for your blog header!
Hoping and praying you get your referral soon. She will be sooooo worth the long wait!
Don't even get me started on the economy. It sucks!
Happy Hump Day!
I so feel for you Lisa...I truly do (as you know my dear friend). Seeing how we are right there with you once again in the adoption journey ~ I know exactly what it means to buckle down. Even though we too finally moved into our dream home and have that fancy SUV, we found ourselves changing many of the small things (only going out to eat once a week, not shopping just to shop, meal planning when cooking, sale shopping...well you get the idea)to help us get where we want togo & be! As for me, I started my jewelry studio and it has helped. I DO BELIEVE you are heading the the right direction with your passion (and let's all face it you are an excellent photographer and you are very passionate about it)! SO HATS OFF TO YOU MY FRIEND!!!!
Maybe ~ if you are still offering the classes this coming fall ~ you just might see me signing up!
Love you & I wish you truly the BEST in this amazing new adventure!
Hang in there my dear friend...
Lisa! I am so excited for you and your new venture. I would love, love, love for you to send me your information : ) I think learning from you would be a marvelous thing : )
I love your sweet children and your happy outlook on life. You are a blessing.
Praying for your baby.
Thank you for sharing your story with us. I never knew how hard adopting was until I found your site. I pray your journey will come to an end soon.
I linked up again today :-)
Love the photo ~ you seriously have an amazing talent!
I've been meaning to thank you for hosting this weekly event. It's been most enjoyable!
Good for you ~ your outlook is so positive and that's what will see you through these bumps in the road. Sometimes I think it's good to cut back. It forces us to realize what is really important in life.
Love that you're offering classes. I'll be in touch!
You go little mama!!! I just love your determination to do what is necessary for your fam!!! You are amazing, my friend, and your china baby will be soooo worth it all!
I would love to learn how to make a blog header, so when that comes up, for sure let me know!
Love ya, girl, and I am sooo proud of you!
Oh Lisa - you know I think about you all the time when it comes to the adoption wait. Sounds like you are doing all the right things when it comes to tightening your belt, even if it is difficult at times. I'm definitely interested in your web class!!!
Love the beautiful pic.
Hugs my friend...
I am inspired by both your photography, thank you for hosting Black and White Wednesdays and your world. Thank you for sharing your life. As I read today's blog I feel you are an inspiration to many of us - I hope that you truly know you are a wonderful human.
Written from the heart, and I also know this was a difficult one for you to write. This post made me teary because I know personally how this has been difficult for you and also because I can relate to first hand with our own struggles with our 2 adoptions. The hard times in our lives don't ever define us, they make us stronger and better people. They also make us realize what is important in our lives. Family. I know it seems trite and you've heard it many, many times but the wait and this journey will be worth it, when your little girl is in your arms.
Love you sweet friend, you'll be a HUGE success. I can guarantee that!
My oh my, it HAS been a long road for you. I truly cannot imagine your wait. What an amazing gift this will be when you and your little one are finally connected! You are such an inspiration and I love that you are offering these classes, I really don't know how you do it all! I would LOVE to be in one of your classes. We are about to make a life adjustment so I'm not sure if I can swing this right now but I'd like to be on your list for the near future!!!
I would love to get in on a class. I'm just a beginner so If you have and digital beginners class...I'm so in on it. I was actually just looking at an online class by Jessica Sprague but since I'm always checking out your pictures I would love to take a class from you!
As many said already, we are on the same boat as you financially. I've had to cut a lot of corners too. We actually started our adoption process with a dossier to China but turned to Guatemala because of the long wait. Our attention was only to adopt one child but as it turned out...we have TWO Guatemalan blessings! It may take us a decade to pay the debt off but it was oh so worth it!
Darn economy! I SO miss the good times too, but think of all the valuable lessons we've learned. Good for you, I've always wanted to get Photoshop. Your photos are A-mazing always. Good luck w/ the adoption...you two have some serious patience. 4 years...wowzers. As for our Haiti adoption, I have to wait a few week before moving forward...Dr's orders. :( (nothing too major).
Lisa, you always put so much time and thought into each of your posts. I absolutely love reading what you write. You have a gift.
Thank you for sharing so much with us. I have also cut way back. We really started last year about this time when it looked very much like we'd be traveling. We were able to save a lot to help with the adoption, but there are always so many extra expenses, and we are still paying the credit cards for all of that travel. 3 trips to Russia in 4 months is A LOT!!!
Anyway, I love this photo. And you already know that I want to sign up for your classes.
Thanks so much!!! Surely it cannot be much longer now!
Your are doing the right thing...no material thing is worth more than your family...
In the end...it is so worth it.
People ALWAYS inquire how we can have 5 kids..with kids being so expensive and all..but I always say the best things in life are free...with LOVE being at the top.
I like nice things..and I want my kids to have nice things..but they are ONLY secondary...and we certainly are never bitter if we can not have them..
The Lord always provide...Keep on your path:)..it will lead you to such a special place..
What an inspiration you are Lisa --for all you do and your wonderful attitude.
I would love to take a class from you, so put me on your list too! Beautiful photo!
What a heartfelt post you have written. I'm so excited for you starting out on this new adventure. Once I finally purchase PS I will be adding my name to your waiting list!
So many others have stated the long wait disappears once your child is in your arms. I can attest to this too. I truly can't even remember waiting over 3 yrs for our little boy now that he's home. Your wait will quickly come to an end and the next chapter in your life will begin.
Hats off to you and your new business. I personally can't wait to be able to put all your knowledge into my work and see what amazing things I'll be able to do.
I love that image of your kids!!
Would love to do a photo class with you but we are saving for China too! It will have to wait awhile but at least I know who to turn to when Im ready!! :-)
What a beautiful photo. I love how your daughter is looking up at big brother. It's just precious, and really perfect.
Thanks for sharing your Long Road with us. We are blessed to be a small part of your journey Lisa!
Have a GREAT day! :)
I truly appreciate the honesty of your post. I will admit that at times blogging has actually made me feel worse about our financial situation (which is secure) because I've seen so much abundance in all areas and wondered why we couldn't have the same. I think that is a common things for women to struggle with. I can stand back and say that is Satan trying to make me doubt God's blessings and not acknowledge them or be thankful.
I know we are richly blessed but we definitely live a very modest life of DELAYED or unrealized gratification. It always seems like we're faced with questions like, "Do you want another baby OR new (insert MANY, MANY things such as carpet, a car from this decade, a fridge that matches your kitchen, etc., etc.) This adoption from Taiwan is going to be a good $10-15K (or more) than our adoption from China and we're on one income now. At the end of the day, I wouldn't have it any other way and feel like I've learned a lot by putting my many "needs" and wants aside for things that matter--my family.
I commend you for recognizing the adjustments that need to be made and am certain that because of the joyful person you are that you won't miss some of the things you were used to and you'll have just as many happy memories in the end! (You may have eyebrows growing together and rough feet but you'll be happy.) Also, have continued faith that God will bless you. As you've already learned, He is a God of surprises!
It is so ironic that you've posted about this because I was JUST going to ask you a few days ago if you've ever considered instruction.
I wish you all the best. It already seems you'll have a wait list. Once I can afford a copy of PS and/or Lightroom, count me in, friend.
In addition to your photography skills you are an excellent writer. I am so excited for your new venture and may have to consider a class in the future. I still can't believe that this is a fairly recent hobby for you, you take amazing pictures and the one today is one of my favorites!
Hi Lisa,
First, the photo you shared is stunning; it captures the very essence of its title and really the challenges your family, like so many others, are facing.....it highlights the ultimate reason for each & every penny earned, saved and every sacrifice made!
I would love to take your class, but like you might have to look for some creative ways to fund it first! So I won't be first in line, but if there is way.....well, you know! :)
Thank you for sharing your path at this time and please know you are not alone in this ~ we have cut back too in both big and small ways; and along the way found new joys in all the many little things!
Take much care and thanks for letting me play along this week!
Your picture is LOVELY! I love how your daughter is looking up at her big brother! So perfectly balanced too.
It's a huge blessing that you have this talent, and that you can turn it into an income! If I was closer I would be the first to sign up!!
Love the picture, Lisa!
Good luck with your new PS classes!
You never cease to amaze me. Seriously. Your story hits home with me about your wait and your adoption while waiting...sigh...
Will you be offering help on CS4?
Gorgeous picture! I love it. I sure wish I had lightroom and photoshop to join in. Maybe someday!
What a heartfelt post. Your children are so blessed to have you and Pat as parents. We pray that brighter days are ahead for our country and our economy.
I would love to learn some of your tips. You can sign me up! Hopefully, you have equal measure patience to match your talent though. I may not be your quickest student :)
What a beautiful post and picture. God has a way of working things out and I am sure he will not disappoint with your family.
This is a beautiful picture! Love the warm tones & it will look amazing on your photo wall.
What a heart felt post & I totally understand! We have also had to take a long hard look at our spending and we are only bringing home our first baby :)
I am SO happy that you are going to offer online classes because you have a wealth of photo editing skills & knowledge. You are going to have great success with this ... I just know it!! I will be sending people your direction!
You are an awesome lady and super friend! I am so very lucky to have found you :)
Lisa, I have started following your blog through my friends Grace, Gail and Colleen. They will attest to the fact that I, like you have had to face financial adveristy over the past couple of years due to the closing of our family business and subsequent illness of my husband. I can so relate and I am still in the trenches right alongside you.
I have taken on a second job to help out and I am pursuing my hobby of photography to hopefully also supplement our income when I can get to a level of work that I can be proud of.
I would love to take your class and I hope that I hear from you soon so we can get the ball rolling!
Mama to 3, 2 from China
What a heartfelt post my friend. I can not imagine the wait you have endured. I can't wait to see your little girl from China with you -- believe me she will be worth the wait!
Love that you are offering classes! As we have talked about it I would definitely like to learn some more PS. You are going to be fantastic my friend!
You go girl!! Good for you!! I'm sure your classes will be a hit!
Lisa I just love your honesty, you are such a special person.
I can't wait for your wait to be over. What a lucky little girl or boy (you never know : ) )!!! It will all be worth it in the end, I just know it.
Lisa~ Thank you so much for sharing your heart with us! I am a firm believer in "God never shuts one door without opening another." Sometimes the "worldy life" is hard. It's hard to see your friends in new clothes, in a new car, in your dream house. It's hard to try and see our path through God's eyes, God's path for us.
I love the photo you chose for this post. I love that God is helping you to grow through struggles. {then I know I'm not alone! ;) }
Your kids make themselves special. Not cute Matilda Jane clothes. And WHEN you get your new little one it will be a blessing no matter what he/she is dressed in. {But know you aren't alone in your thinking!}
I wish you all the best in your photoshop classes!!
Oh Lisa....I am proud of you...I know first hand how hard this year has been for you {{{}}} Happy that you FINALLY took the plunge and you know you have my FULL support...you are going to rock the PS workshops sista!!!
You go Angel!!!!! You GO!!!!!
What a great way to share your love for photography, and earn something toward bringing your baby home! I will be praying that this helps you come a few steps closer to your goal :)
First time here. Beautiful photo, honest revelations about your life. Thanks for sharing your talents with us. Come on by for a visit. We blog and vlog. Love making new friends. Holly:)
You have such a way with words, and think what you're doing is a fabulous idea. I found out about losing my job the day we returned home from China and so I know all too well about belt tightening and forgoing invitations.
thankfully I'm back to work now but financially we're not quite back to where we need to be.
Thanks for sharing from your heart!
I'd love to do it too! Probably the private lesson though as I don't play well with others. Just kidding!
Seriously, I would love to have two hours of your time to learn a bunch about lightroom2 and photoshop. I have CS4 and most of the youtube tutorials are for Elements.
Our Blog: Double Happiness!
Hi Lisa,
I am a reader but not a commentor on your blog! I love your honesty and applaud your willingness to share.
This road to China is not easy. We leave in 10 days and are up to our ears in debt. Praying that we will scrap enough money together for the trip.
I would love to take a class from you and learn all about photoshop. First I would need to purchase the program and install it.
We have an auction blog that I am trying to use to raise money for our trip. I have all of my daughters beautiful clothes that were EGU and in excellent condition to sell. We are coming home with a son!!
Please come and take a look!
This photo is so beautiful! You are very talented! What a great idea for you!! I wish you ALL the best!! I have a feeling you will be very successful with this venture!
Thanks for sharing your story with us! You all are in our prayers that ALL of your dreams will be fulfilled! I, for one, cannot wait to see your new family photo of 5!
Hugs, my friend, you truly ROCK!
Bless your heart for being honest! With our country's economy, I think every household has had to tighten the belt a little bit. When making a purchase, I say to myself "Is this something we really need or is it something that we want?".
I love that picture. And your story is amazing, I look forward to see how it pans out, no matter the time it takes.
Oh, where to start?!
First, that image is absolutely gorgeous!! I love it. Absolutely love it.
Second, what a wait you have had! This post brought tears to my eyes... in part because I understand so well some of the pain you are going through and also because today we are celebrating our first "referral-versary" (also the reason I am not playing this week) so I'm a little more emotional than normal. ;-)
Third, what an exciting venture you are taking on!! I wish you all the best with it and can't wait to hear more! You go!!
WOW Lisa,
Thanks so much for your open honesty. Knowing others go through financial issues makes us all not feel alone. I really appreciate your honesty and we have all had to do the cut back thing. We have moved to no credit, sold off our RV and big toys and have short sold our income properties. We are singularly focused on our family right now as well and are trying to bring everything back into focus. We lived outside of our means for so long and I am so thankful this economy has shocked us back into reality-- it is actually a blessing for us. While it is not easy, it tightens us up a bit and focuses on what matters.
Thanks for opening this topic up-- I appreciate it!!
Christy :)
You're going to rock at Photoshop classes girl, what a great idea!!! You'll be helping others and people can help you out in return. It's a perfect exchange!
I sure can't wait until you can change the title of this blog to "We made it to the end of the long road!" :) Hugs, my friend!
clearly, i love your picture for today! :)
i love your idea to teach class and admire your ability and determination to look at the big picture and focus on what is important for you, your husband, your kids and your sweet baby waiting for you in China.
What a wonderful picture and post! I thank you for doing this b & w challenge - best wishes on your roads of travel!
Mine's up! :)
Beautiful post sweet girl.....honest and from your heart. You will do wonderful with the classes....your photography is wonderful and you have so much to share.
We have all had to make adjustments with the current economy.....but we do what we have to do for our family! ;) I know it has been a hard year for you, but you and Pat will come out on top and stronger for it!
Love you....and you kill em' with your classes girl! ;)
Mine's up -- finally! xoxo
What fabulous idea Lisa. I know you will do a wonderful job teaching those classes and i hear you on the money saving stuff.
Hopfully not too much longer until your newest blessing is home.
And now I feel like a total schmuck for the email I just sent you. I wish I had read today first. You are beautiful, lady.
you are so sweet. I wish you all the luck in the work with this venture.
A wonderful photo and touching post. This has been a test on your patience, I see. They say all good things come to those who wait... I pray that this is true and that the road ahead is far shorter than the one you've already traveled. Blessings!
Ohhhh how this post touches my heart. I think so many of us can relate with what you are going through. You have been on such a "long road" and I am so excited and feel so privileged to watch as this road will hopefully be coming to an end soon and your next journey will begin with your new daughter.
Although we have always had to live on a pretty tight budget (being a military family) I can so relate to those days during our adoption process. We had to be quite creative with meals as we were on a budget down to our grocery shopping bill. I think in many ways the economy has forced us to realize what is really important.
You have touched so many people with your photography and what an awesome idea to share your talent. I am so excited for you!! I don't know how you do it all!!!:)
I am new to all this but I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to learn....you could add me to a class or even a one on one session. I will have to get lightroo first so just get in touch with me and we can figure it out,
Natalie thenanny7@HOTMAIL.COM
Dear Lisa,
So many of us are in your same situation. I just know that everything is going to work out just fine. I think it is wonderful that you are willing to share your talents. Your photography is stunning.
I wanted to check in and see if your hairbows arrived and if they are exactly the way that you wanted them to be. Please let me know. I will send new ones if anything is wrong or if they are not on the side that you intended.
Have a wonderful Thursday :)
Oh! This "down turn" in the economy! It has truly been so very, very hard. But don't you think it has helped put priorities in order.....Stuff is just stuff. You lose it. It breaks. It loses it's value. BUT Families can last forever! and a strong family can get you through all these tough time.
I am so happy to have read you are not giving up on baby number three....It will happen! I just know it! "Good things come to those that are persistent and work hard towards their goals." My father would always tell us that.
Congratulations on your new carrier! I think that is a brilliant idea.....I think you are going to be amazing! When things pick up for us I will try to join you. I am way head of you baby in this down turn thing!
As I keep telling my husband...."We are not going to be down forever: This too shall pass and WE will be stronger then ever." ((Our marriage, our children and last but least our business))
My husband and I are self employed and own a Construction Company. Let me tell you.......We could talk! about rough times "in the economy" I guess we should pack a lunch since we can't go out eat!:)
Beautiful picture...I love how this game gets all the bloggers together to just talk...It such a nice thing. I think you are going to be very successful in your new business!
xoxo, lisa
Thanks for sharing, Lisa!
Your LONG road will lead to your baby girl and all will be right with the world!
Your children are beautiful and I can feel how much you appreciate them through your pictures and words.
Best of luck in your new teaching adventure and congratulations! I'd love to learn how to design beautiful blog headers!
What a loooooooooooong road. We did not go the China route because it would have been about 4 years for us (neither of us were 30 when we started the adoption process). I can't even imagine how frustrating it must be. :( :(
Good luck with this great new business!
Hi Lisa -
Well I am trying to get caught up with all things right now. Must say I am happy that I got caught up with you and your adorable family:) Oh the wait - the long, long wait. I know how hard it is and there is nothing to say to make it go by any quicker. What I do know for sure is that sweet girl that you are waiting for is not going to know what hit her when she finds out who her Mom is! Lucky, lucky girl I say!! Oh and her Dad and brother and sister - so lucky!!!! She will be part of an amazing family! Hang in there friend and know there is someone thinking about you and praying that your referral comes soon!
I would LOVE to take a class with you. Once I get all of my belongings back(computer, programs,etc.) I will take you up on it! I wish you nothing but the best!
You are doing great! All of your priorities are in order! The best of luck to you!!!
Sign me up for webinars; sounds awesome!!!
Thank you so much for this beautiful post. I am praying for you and your family! I would be interested in your class, maybe sometime in the future. I will e-mail you soon. Much love and thank you so much for Black and White Wednesday!
Lisa, thanks you for this lovely, honest post.I'm doing much the same as you to ride out the downturn- clippping a bit here and a bit there, off the family budget. We WILL survive it, and we'll be the better for it.
I can't take your classes at the moment, because work is too hectic and music must take any available time. But, come the summer, I may be able to, so I'll join the linky in that basis.
It's a brilliant idea, you're a star!
Hi girl! You and I have had these conversations, so no need to belabor it :) Thank you for your transparency and "from the heart" words Lisa, I feel blessed to call you friend (and I will be that much more blessed when I learn how to change out my blog header to something different!!!!)SO count me in. You know I don't have lightroom or Adobe, but someday when I do, well then I will be prepared! :) Like a boy scout, always prepared...simply love you girl and can't wait to see you holding a new beautiful addition to your already gorgeous family when your littlest cherub comes home.
Just read your post and what sweet heartfelt sentiments you write.
Well you must know that I so support you in this new venture. What a great way to stay focused for the future despite our economy. This April will mark 30 years that I have been a licensed nurse, yet 28 yrs of that experience means nothing today and I can't get a job in today's market. In fact they're laying nurses off.
All I would like is to be able to put my daughter in pre-school with other children and if it means I have to work at Burger King, so be it!
I think you'll have an immense following and wish you the best. HANG IN THERE, CHINA WILL BE KNOCKING AT YOUR DOOR SOON!
Great photo of the kids. BTW I can sure use a little help in PS. I suck!
Wow - what a fabulous idea to raise some funds for China!! I know exactly what it feels like to have waited in your heart and just not "know" when your call is going to come. Well, now you DO know that it's coming soon! And I can't wait to see the face of your long awaited little girl!
Good Luck, girl!
I know this has been on your mind and heart for a long time and I think it is great that you shared it. I know a lot of people adopting from China are in the same situations and this post will give them hope and creativity I am sure.
I was just thinking the other day of calling you and asking you if I could hire you to teach me a few things (I have misplaced your number though:) You have a gift, a real talent that God has given you and He wants you to use it to help others and that is what you are doing!!!
I look forward to seeing the blessing this new chapter brings you and others. You seem so professional and so organized and talented that I have NO doubts, you will succeed.
I wish you the very best!!!
What a response Lisa! I love this picture!
Wonderful pictures and a lovely "Brother" poem... Thank you so much for putting on this Challenge - I just love it!
I just love the way you write. I know you aren't the only one who needs to cut back. And you are lucky you realize you need to and are doing it so it doesn't ruin things down that road. Plus it does make me really think about what is important. Look how much fun you have with your camera...we all need to find things other than spending money that we enjoying doing everyday. I am not good at writing...I can never say what I want to or the way I want to.
Good luck with the classes...that is a super idea!!! Look how much fun you are bring others with you B&W Wed....now that is something to be proud of!
i would love to converse and take a dabble at it...what i know now has been self taught, last classes i had was in 2006!!!!
let me know
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