I know with a title like this, you are thinking we went to Grandma's house for a visit.........
NOPE..... Just a stroll through our favorite wooded park that happens to have a little river {more like a stream} running through it:)
We were all in some serious need of fresh air this weekend. The sun was out and the temperature finally went above freezing.....although you would never know that, because we are still surrounded by 2 feet of snow!!

I assumed that most of the park would still be snow covered, but they typically plow the walking path, so we brought the wagon along for a little entertainment.......and that it was. Can you tell??

Nick appeased me and stopped long enough for me to snap a quick pic....... he will do anything to avoid the camera these days and I hate it because Sarah is plastered all over the blog and I have very few photos of him, but I guess it comes with the age!

Sarah contemplating her next move. I Love this scarf....My Mom gave it to me and I know it was handmade by someone......just can't remember who. I think it really brings out her big baby blues:)

They quickly ditched the wagon when we reached the big bridge. Nick decided it would be more fun to throw snowballs into the river. If you look way down the path behind Nick, you will see a cluster of people...... it was actually a wedding party. This park is a big spot for wedding photographers and even the two feet of snow did not scare off this bride and groom. The entire wedding party wore big snowboots so they could climb through the snow in order to get the beautiful scenery in the background. I am not sure I would have braved it if I were the bride.....her dress did not fare well.

After watching "Nicky" throw a few snowballs, someone else wanted to join in. She is warming up her hands in anticipation and figuring out how she is going to clear the top of that railing.....

What's gonnna work...... TEAMWORK!!!
Had to throw that in there.....Sarah loves the Wonderpets:)
With a little help from "Nicky" she successfully launched her snowball into the water. She only threw one...... because she quickly realized that it was not too smart to be digging in the snow without gloves. The cold and wet hands were enough to end our little trek through the park. So we headed for the car to go home and warm up with some hot chocolate.
Unfortunately, the kids were the only ones that got to enjoy hot chocolate. I gave up all sweets for lent....... the first week is always the hardest and I have been going through major sugar withdrawals. I guess I didn't realize how much I rely on those sweet treats to get me through the day. Kind of reminds me of Elaine on Seinfeld with the 3pm cake fix!! Anyway.... to all my recipe lovin friends, you won't see anymore delectable desserts posted here until after Easter.
Have a great week!
Just a little note: I sent the first mass email out to all those that expressed an interest in online photo editing classes. If you inquired about classes and did not receive the information, please email me {My email is attached to my profile} It seems I had a little issue with my email being marked as spam. I want to make sure that everyone got their info!!
Great pics and great to get some fresh air! Our weather forecast isn't too great this week.....sigh...
Great pictures Lisa! I love the one of the two of them with Sarah holding the snowball!
I too am short on pictures of my boys. I am doing this project 365 adn so many pictures are of Lily. I feel like I'm being unfair, but she is around more and she lets me take pictures!
We escaped our cabin fever this weekend enjoying the sunshine and balmy 48 degrees ~ I'm ready for spring!
Love the photos of the children ~ the park is lovely.
Have a great week~
Love your pictures!!! It looks like they really had a good time together.
BTW, I tried to give up sweets too... lets say after four days I kind of slipped... I'm getting back on board today. That darn Italian Festival made me very weak... can't resist the fried dough! ;-)
we also had some lovely temperatures over the weekend. I think it is hint of what is to come.
The pictures of the kids are absolutely stunning. Your Nick is going to break a few hearts I am afraid.
Have a good week yourself.
I love seeing your photography, you are SO talented and it sure helps to have one handsome and one beautiful model. These pictures are great, I think my favorite is the one of Sarah pulling the red wagon.
Thanks for sharing.
Cute pictures! It looks like your walk was the perfect cure for cabin fever! Seriously, is spring ever going to arrive?! We are climbing the walls here!
Hope you have a great week!
I love the easy feel of this post and series of images. Your trademark softness is all over them! Beautiful, as always.
And what a beautiful setting. Loved the references to Elaine from Seinfeld and the Wonderpets song.)
Good luck with your sugar-fast. I've never done that but....ahem....I probably should.
Have a great week.
I so wish that WE had been able to get some fresh air too!! MY kids could REALLY use some outside time!
The pictures are beautiful and you are right, that scarf was MADE for Sarah!! I love the last picture of the 2 of your babies together! with the snowball!
We are doing a 3 day fast next weekend & I don't think I have really considered the implications of withdrawal from sugar/caffeine! It ought to be interesting! If I gave up sweets for the entire 6 weeks, I KNOW I'd lose 10 pounds - that makes up most of my diet!!
What beautiful children and the pictures are awesome as always!
Great photos..
Looks like the kids had a lot of fun..
As for Nick not wanting photos..
I have one of those.. he is NEVER on my blog...
Have a great week..
Hi Lisa, I almost forgot what snow looks like...:-) Jarod only saw once, 6 yrs ago in Austria...he would love playing in the snow and have an old fashioned snow ball fight. He is intrigued by snow boarding, but that's not going to happen in FL-he'll have to stick with surfing.
Any news about referrals? Do you think we'll get ours this year?
LID: 05/24/06
We spent the entire weekend indoors at Chinese New Years parties, where the girls performed. It was one hectic, crazy weekend, but so much fun! I am in serious need of some fresh air now, though. So glad to see you were able to get out and get some! The pics are great and the kids adorable. I can almost hear Sarah giggling as Nick pulls her in the red wagon. :)
Love ALL of these Lisa, you really captured the moments outside with your two. I can't say I have a favorite, maybe the one of Sarah by herself on the bridge looking at you and the first one. Beautiful softness to them all.
And I'm pretty envious that you could all get outside with your jackets open and no mittens or gloves on. ;)
Yes...what's gonna work...teamwork. What's gonna work...teamwork! there's an animal in trouble. Why does my brain play that song over and over again. It's one of Will's favorites to watch too.
Happy Monday!
I DREAM of taking such gorgeous photos! Oh my!
Maybe there is hope for my grandchildren someday! HA!
Love & Blessings from Hong Kong,
just beautiful pics, Lisa!! I LOVE the one of Sarah alone...4th. from the bottom...gorgeous!!
and yes...I think it is an age thing and maybe also a boy thing. You will see very few pictures of Ryan(16) on my blog. Many people probably do not realize I even have a son! Now, Chelsea(19) loves to have her pic taken.
"we're not too big and we're not too tough, but when we work together we get the job done". : )
happy Monday!
beautiful Lisa!!! Looks like your truly captured their fun day!!!! Wish it was snowing here and that we could get out...still pretty cold here and wet...is it almost spring?
Just gorgeous shots and the kids seem to be in the best mood ever!! Loved your comment Lisa, thanks you!!!
Read a little below and do you do over the phone light room lessons!!!lol
Those are great!!! I especially love the coloring of the first one. While the close up of Nick on the bridge and the last one are my favs too.. What a neat spot!! Perhaps not neat enough for wedding picture in a dress but perfect for two cute kids!
Looks like a perfect afternoon walk. The pictures are just beautiful Lisa. Have a wonderful week too!
What beautiful children you have!!!! I love the big brown bow in your little girls hair! oh, btw, I now have the theme song to Wonder Pets stuck in my head and it will probably be there for a week! Have a good monday!
Love the photos as always. It's nice to see Nick getting in on some - my sister has the same problem with her 11-year-old boy - although it's been a problem for years...lots of bribes to get Jordan in photos:)
My New Year's resolutions are no talking on the phone in the car and leaving work by 5:30. The talking on the phone has been hard, but I bet I've reduced it 95% it really eliminates a lot of time I have to talk, but also gives Amelia and I good time to visit and makes our trips MUCH safer:) Not doing so well at leaving work - but getting better.
Good luck with the sweets.
Ooooooh, these are so amazing. What a perfect location for a stroll with your camera and your gorgeous kids. Glad "Nicky" cooperated this time, it's nice to see his handsome face every now and again. Good luck with your sweets, you might want to avoid my recipe Monday post later today. :)
Have a great week, my friend!
Great photos! We're having spring fever too -- just really wish spring would show up!
Hope you have a great week!
I love your photos and I'm also beyond done with winter... can I just say that on record? DONE.
Also, if you'd like, I've given you a couple of awards on my blog :-)
Love that scarf on Sarah. So super cute. Awesome pictures.
We had a warm weekend finally! In the upper 50's and low 60's. I can feel spring around the corner.
best of luck with the classes - if anyone can do well - it is you. You are so talented.
Hey Lisa!! Great pictures ... I love them all!! Looks like you guys had a great time. We are getting cabin fever here as well. It is still so cold here ... I would love to go play outside without all the gear :)
Take care!
It is his age. He's a cute kid. I loved all the photos.
There is no way on this green earth I would have braved snow for my wedding.
Gotta love the wonder pets! hehe
Great photos Lisa. Your kids are just beautiful! I can so relate to you saying that Nick is kind of over having his picture taken right now. I am having the same challenge with my oldest, Gabe. Oh well, that's a boy for ya!
Oooh, and my Chloe loves Wonderpets too, so I knew the Teamwork song right away.
Lovely photos as always!
Great photos!
I hear you on the sweet thing. I gave up sweets for Lent also, and I think I crave them more now than before.
Beautiful photos! I'll have to seriously consider having you teach me some "photo things" once I prove to myself that I'm staying in blog-world!
I'm glad you've had such a great response!
These are beautiful. What a wonderful scene...snow and a bridge and your kiddos. Just beautiful. The last one is def my fave! You're awesome! And bless you, dear friend, no sweets? Whew. I'm more impressed with you than ever!
LOVE these pictures, I simply love Sarah in brown and blue! Goooooo wonderpets! Looks like a wonderful day...Nick looks more grown up everytime I see him (sorry, sniffle).
I did not get an email, girlie. But I am most interested! :)
Have a wonderful week!
These are beautiful pictures!! Makes me miss PA. Love the snow and cold weather.... although I'm sure you are ready for spring.
The kids look adorable... I can sympathize with not being able to get your son on the blog. Liam is the same way. Sometimes it's like I only have one child according to my blog!! lol.
This has me itching to get out of the house!! (Unfortunately, I have a sick boy and cold weather. Oh well.)
The processing on these photos literally has me swooning and drooling all at once. Love. Them.
Such beautiful pictures Lisa, such gorgeous kids! What a nice picturisque park!
The fantastic images of these two just had me smiling from ear to ear at work. They look like they really enjoyed one another AND made Mommy happy at the same time. I can't believe you actually got a shot of the two of them smiling TOGETHER!
Nick is so darned handsome he is growing in front of us...and Sarah, could those eyes be any bluer?
Gorgeous Kids...hang on...Spring will be here soon!
I love all the pics! They are beautiful!!
what beautiful pics of your kids. gorgeous. i say it everytime. all your photos always tell a story. thanks for sharing , love Ria
what a fun short trip to the park! Love the pics. Glad to hear the sun is showing its face there!! We are having a cold spell right now and it is -8 right now. Thanks to my nice warm house and gas fire as I surf the net! :-)
I love the photos, both of your kids take such great pictures. I can't wait until it warms up here I am ready for spring.
I would have loved to see that bride trekking through the snow.
oh my goodness! you have 2 of the most gorgeous kids.
What fun that outing looked :)
Thanks for sharing your family and your wonderful works of art with us. Almost every photo I think to myself-"that needs to be framed!"
Beautiful photos Lisa! I swear with ever snap shot you take...they just get better & better! I think before long you'll be seeing photography as your main career....(I truly do)
FYI ~ I got the necklace in last night is it is just beautiful! And I must say you are so right for Keith said I could have it now and not wait until the 14th lol! I am planning on wearing it today to Francesca's school open house. Oh I can't wait!!!
Looking forward to B&W Wednesday! Got my post & photo alreayd to go. Not as good as the other photos but it is a funny one...Can't wait!!!!
Hope you are having a great week!
YOur pics never cease to amaze me. You sure can catch the moment!
Your a strong woman I'm not sure I could cut sugar out of my diet! I think I became addicted in the womb!
I'd love to get in on this online photo editing class!
Oh Lisa you know I always love your photos and that I think your children are gorgeous, but for this post I just have to tell you that Nick is incredibly handsome and is really gonna be a heartbreaker!!!
Love amd blessings, Kristy
Oh Lisa,
As always, I love your pictures.
Boy oh boy, Nick is a handsome one...you are so going to have the girls hanging out at your house!!
I am just now getting a chance to comment about your post about your China adoption. What a beautiful heartfelt post. Believe me, I so know how you are feeling. Right when we started our adoption almost two years ago, I lost my job due to the economy, and as you know, we had to make the painful decision to put our file on hold last October, due to my husband's company/employer being in a harder financial position with a possibility of closing. Thankfully, things have slowly started to look up for them....we are so hopeful that we will be able to take our file off of hold in a few months. I wish you much happiness and peace as you continue on your adoption journey (and I look forward to hearing all about it! :) Somehow, things have a way of working out....although at times, it is so hard to believe.
You are in my thoughts,
I love these pictures Lisa! What a fun day! It is so good to get outside and out of the house during the winter, right? Such a rainy day! I am glad it wasn't snow though. I heard some is coming... So not excited about that!
Love the last pic w/ the snowball. I also love their clothes...the scarfs adorable. Great pics.
love your pics of the kids. gorgeous. looking forward to black and white wed tomorrow.
Lisa, these are such beautiful photos, you're so talented.
I love the wagon- we don't have stuff like that here.
Re Nick- it's the age allright, they prefer to be behind the camera than in front, but he's a fine boy.Next step is when they won't go on outings!
And that looks like a great park!
I am just going thru your posts and picking out pictures for your interview and having SO much fun at looking at how the kids have grown and changed : )
I am so glad to know you. You are a blessing!
Your pictures are amazing. It is fun to see how much you have learned!
Very nice post! I really like your blog.You’ve
done a good job. Keep going... :) Read It Also: "Turtle Hacked APK"
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